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[Support] binhex - qBittorrentVPN

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48 minutes ago, SudoPacman said:

I've also tried with debug on but that doesn't yield any clues.

that looks like a clean start from the small snippet of the log you have provided, have you changed lan network range?, created more vlan's?, reconfigured firewall etc?.

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17 minutes ago, binhex said:

that looks like a clean start from the small snippet of the log you have provided, have you changed lan network range?, created more vlan's?, reconfigured firewall etc?.


Yeah, I thought it looked clean too. No errors or anything. Strange.

Tried different browsers, machines, OSes. Rebooted.

Everything i can think of.


No, nothing has changed wrt to network or vlans. It's all been setup for months and months now!

It's on br0 and always has been. I've tried changing to bridge but see the same thing.


I wonder whether forcing a reinstall of the docker image is worth trying?

Is that just a case of removing it and adding it again?

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3 minutes ago, SudoPacman said:

Nope, no dice.

Tried changing the port back to the default 8080 and still no luck. I realised that 8080 is available on br0 after all, but not some others.


I'm out of ideas.

are you also setting the WEBU_PORT?, this needs to match, see this from the readme:-


Due to issues with CSRF and port mapping, should you require to alter the port for the webui you need to change both sides of the -p 8080 switch AND set the WEBUI_PORT variable to the new port.

For example, to set the port to 8090 you need to set -p 8090:8090 and -e WEBUI_PORT=8090


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Okay, thought I'd try your rtorrentvpn docker and same thing (just times out), which has led me to my opnsense firewall live view.

Looks like an update there may have done something since I can see it getting blocked by the "default deny rule".


Thanks for your help binhex, I really appreciate it (and love your dockers).

I'll report back, but sure it's something this end now.



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On 10/14/2021 at 4:35 AM, binhex said:

are you sure of this?, are you putting in the external ip and the port as shown in the supervisord.log?, you cannot enter in your isp's ip address as the port will not be shown as open.

Yes, I'm entering both the IP address and the port found in the supervisord.log file. I'm using PIA's CA Montreal server, but oddly enough, when I try to geolocate the IP address, it fails; normally, PIA servers show up as the correct region. Any thoughts as to why this might be? Attaching the latest supervisord.log file. Thanks!

supervisord - Copy.log

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Apologies if this has already ben covered in this thread!

But I just realized that I have 3 free OpenVPN connection to my remote server available

but is it possible to use OpenVPN? I know PIA is the recommended solution


Using any of your great dockers like:






Or would the only way to do this be a custum network using my pfsense and creating a tunnel? 

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Still pretty new to Unraid, tried to install and run this docker but it won't start. Here's what I did:


  • changed ports for webUI to 8585 because 8080 is crowded.
  • Set VPN_PROV to Custom since I'm not using PIA
  • Entered my USER ID and PASSWORD for the VPN in the correct fields (Container Variable: VPN_USER and Container Variable: VPN_PASS)
  • Changed value for Container Path: /data to the Share I'm using to store my downloads


Left all the rest to initial settings, Installed the docker, install went OK


Then I try to click it and run START but it won't run. I know I need to add my VPN's OpenVPN files lateron but normally the docker should already be able to run, no?


Any idea what could cause this? Sorry for being such a noob


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1 hour ago, Kyo28 said:

Then I try to click it and run START but it won't run. I know I need to add my VPN's OpenVPN files lateron but normally the docker should already be able to run, no?


Quote from the GitHub readme-


Please note this Docker image does not include the required OpenVPN configuration file and certificates. These will typically be downloaded from your VPN providers website (look for OpenVPN configuration files), and generally are zipped.

PIA users - The URL to download the OpenVPN configuration files and certs is:-


Once you have downloaded the zip (normally a zip as they contain multiple ovpn files) then extract it to /config/openvpn/ folder (if that folder doesn't exist then start and stop the docker container to force the creation of the folder).

If there are multiple ovpn files then please delete the ones you don't want to use (normally filename follows location of the endpoint) leaving just a single ovpn file and the certificates referenced in the ovpn file (certificates will normally have a crt and/or pem extension).



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Thanks a lot! Got everything set up and running now. Only thing is, DL speed is extremely slow (3kb/s) and upload is 0 kbs.

So I'm guessing somewhere, something isn't configured just right. I'll keep looking see if I can find what it is. But thanks again for helping me this far!

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1 minute ago, Kyo28 said:

Thanks a lot! Got everything set up and running now. Only thing is, DL speed is extremely slow (3kb/s) and upload is 0 kbs.

So I'm guessing somewhere, something isn't configured just right. I'll keep looking see if I can find what it is. But thanks again for helping me this far!

Are you sure that the VPN you’re using supports port forwarding?

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Silly me, the Throttle was still on, didn't notice it.

So DL goes fine now with speeds of over 1Mb/s, UL seems to go a bit slow. Maybe I should try a different OVPN file from my VPN provider (Nord VPN)? They have multiple servers for my country, both FTP and UDP. For now I'm using an FTP one.

Can I add multiple OVPN files and switch between them?

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27 minutes ago, Kyo28 said:

Silly me, the Throttle was still on, didn't notice it.

So DL goes fine now with speeds of over 1Mb/s, UL seems to go a bit slow. Maybe I should try a different OVPN file from my VPN provider (Nord VPN)? They have multiple servers for my country, both FTP and UDP. For now I'm using an FTP one.

Can I add multiple OVPN files and switch between them?

Q20: https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md

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1 hour ago, Kyo28 said:

Silly me, the Throttle was still on, didn't notice it.

So DL goes fine now with speeds of over 1Mb/s, UL seems to go a bit slow. Maybe I should try a different OVPN file from my VPN provider (Nord VPN)? They have multiple servers for my country, both FTP and UDP. For now I'm using an FTP one.

Can I add multiple OVPN files and switch between them?


In my setup, I've noticed,  the utp (torrent micro transfer protocol) protocol to slow things down remarkably, even with my firewall open to udp and tcp traffic, my vpn, and qbittorrent.


So what I've done is just make sure all three are hard-coded to only accept TCP connections and my traffic went from bottlenecking around 1-1.5 MB/sec to hitting 25+ MB/sec (200mbit+), torrent seeds depending.

Edited by mooky
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Hi, I was running delugevpn and now need to run qbittorrentvpn as well due to private tracker requirements. I know I need to change the WEB UI access port for qbittorent so following this documentation (https://github.com/binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn): 


Due to issues with CSRF and port mapping, should you require to alter the port for the webui you need to change both sides of the -p 8080 switch AND set the WEBUI_PORT variable to the new port.


I decided I needed to delete the "Host Port 3" and "Host Port 4" variables from the docker template since I can't edit the container port value and add new Port variables to map host 8070 to container 8070 (replace 8080) and map host 8119 to container

8119 (replace 8118 privoxy). I also updated the WEBUI_PORT from default of 8080 to 8070.


The container works as expected but the link in Unraid dashboard takes me still to X.X.X.X:8080 instead of 8070. Obviously I can manually change the address in my browser but I'm concerned I might be missing something important if that didn't update. Any thoughts? 



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On 10/28/2021 at 8:04 AM, scd780 said:

Obviously I can manually change the address in my browser but I'm concerned I might be missing something important if that didn't update. Any thoughts? 

you havent missed anything important, but if it bugs you i think you can change it, simply toggle to 'advanced view' in the edit screen and then change the 'WebUI', e.g. mine is set to port 2100:-



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Okay, I've scanned and searched this thread, as well as other places here and there, and I'm really beginning to feel dumb.

I'm just trying to setup this qBT docker with Mullvad, and I'm having extremely marginal success.

After much reading and piecing together of data, I have the docker installed and running. I can access the webUI via chrome (won't work with FF for some reason?), and I think I have things mostly configured the way they were when I was using the non-VPN version of qBT. By the way, that setup was working fine, and was as fast as my connection allowed, but obviously wasn't safe.

Now, however, when I add a torrent, it will parse and start, but it either downloads at a crawl (like in the bytes/sec range), or it'll error out or stall fairly quickly. I don't even know where to begin hunting down the issue. I found the video SIO made about deluge and VPN, but that one's rather old, and for different software, so I was having a hard time following it. Can anyone take pity on an unRAID newb and help me out here?

Edit: So I'm seeing that the likely issue is port forwarding, but I can't find anything that spells out how to actually do it with Mullvad. I have a port created from my Mullvad account, I just don't know what to do with the info. I've read the binhex FAQs, and it basically just says "if you don't have PIA, figure it out yourself". lol

Also, I'd really like to use Wireguard, if that's an option. I just couldn't find any info about how to set it up, so I figured I'd start with openVPN.

Edited by Elmojo
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14 hours ago, Elmojo said:

Now, however, when I add a torrent, it will parse and start, but it either downloads at a crawl (like in the bytes/sec range), or it'll error out or stall fairly quickly.

that is a symptom of incorrect location for incomplete and completed in qbittorrent, check that first and ensure its saving to the correct bind mount, e.g. /data


14 hours ago, Elmojo said:

So I'm seeing that the likely issue is port forwarding, but I can't find anything that spells out how to actually do it with Mullvad.

its actually really simply, you allocate a incoming port through the mullvad website, then you configure qbittorrent to use this port for incoming connections, thats it!. 


14 hours ago, Elmojo said:

Also, I'd really like to use Wireguard, if that's an option. I just couldn't find any info about how to set it up, so I figured I'd start with openVPN.

it is an option yes, you switch the vpn_client to wireguard, drop in the mullvad generated wireguard config file and thats it, again you need to configure qbittorrent for the port allocated to you via mullvad website.

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56 minutes ago, binhex said:

that is a symptom of incorrect location for incomplete and completed in qbittorrent, check that first and ensure its saving to the correct bind mount, e.g. /data   <-I'm sorry, but I don't know how to do that. Is that a setting in the container template, or from within the qBT webGUI?


its actually really simply, you allocate a incoming port through the mullvad website, then you configure qbittorrent to use this port for incoming connections, thats it!.  <-Again...how? :)  I have my port info from mullvad, but it's not a simple number, and qBT only seems to allow numerical input.


it is an option yes, you switch the vpn_client to wireguard, drop in the mullvad generated wireguard config file and thats it, again you need to configure qbittorrent for the port allocated to you via mullvad website.  <-Sweet, I'll give that a try, thanks!

EDIT: Okay.... I'm stuck. How do I get/create the private key for the WG config file? I'm seeing articles that mention using a CLI command to generate the key? Say what now?


Edited by Elmojo
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26 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

<-I'm sorry, but I don't know how to do that. Is that a setting in the container template, or from within the qBT webGUI?

qbittorrent web ui, options/downloads tab, define the 'Default Save Path:' to something like /data/completed and optionally tick and define 'Keep incomplete torrents in:' to something like /data/incomplete.


28 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

I have my port info from mullvad, but it's not a simple number, and qBT only seems to allow numerical input.

then that is not correct, go back to mullvad web ui and figure out how to get the incoming port defined, it must be a numeric, i cant guide you here i dont have a mullvad account.


32 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

Okay.... I'm stuck. How do I get/create the private key for the WG config file? I'm seeing articles that mention using a CLI command to generate the key? Say what now?

again sorry but i cant guide you (no mullvad account), you will need to read up and/or reach out to mullvad support and ask them how to generate the wireguard config file.

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9 minutes ago, binhex said:

qbittorrent web ui, options/downloads tab, define the 'Default Save Path:' to something like /data/completed and optionally tick and define 'Keep incomplete torrents in:' to something like /data/incomplete.


then that is not correct, go back to mullvad web ui and figure out how to get the incoming port defined, it must be a numeric, i cant guide you here i dont have a mullvad account.


again sorry but i cant guide you (no mullvad account), you will need to read up and/or reach out to mullvad support and ask them how to generate the wireguard config file.

Thanks man, I'm getting there!

I have the port forwarding worked out, with the help of a FAQ from mullvad. My port is assigned and tests as open. I've plugged it into qBT, so that part should be done.

As for the pathing thing, does it have to be /data/....?   When I was using the non-VPN qBT, I had everything going to a share called "downloads". All my downloader-type apps dump into subfolders of that share. Does this version not support that option?

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56 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

Thanks man, I'm getting there!

I have the port forwarding worked out, with the help of a FAQ from mullvad. My port is assigned and tests as open. I've plugged it into qBT, so that part should be done.

As for the pathing thing, does it have to be /data/....?   When I was using the non-VPN qBT, I had everything going to a share called "downloads". All my downloader-type apps dump into subfolders of that share. Does this version not support that option?


BTW, I think binhex used /data in his example because of the path mappings for the container setup. You can map whatever you'd like array wise to the /data path within the qbit container. For example: 




Then within qbit I put these settings: 




This makes the full path for completed torrents as seen from Unraid GUI or SMB share: /mnt/user/qBitTorrent_Downloads/Complete


You can map any share/path from your unraid array to the Host Path 2 variable in the first picture. So you can use your downloads share with the subfolders. I specifically mapped just the qBitTorrent_Downloads folder within my Downloads share instead of the whole thing because I didn't want qbit to be able to cause issues in my other download directories (very unlikely, but safer this way anyways so why not!). 

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Oh man, thanks so much! I finally understand how these mappings work, at least on the most basic level. I didn't have in my mind that it was working like an alias, where whatever the container was calling its "data" directory could physically be most anything you wanted, as long as you pointed to the right place. Your visual example cleared it right up!

Now I have it working properly, and the VPN is up and running as well. :D

The only things I have left on the 'to-do' list are to figure out how to migrate to Wireguard, and to make sure it successfully moves completed downloads to the right folder, since it wasn't doing that before. I'm hoping that sorting out these paths will have fixed that 2nd issue.

Thanks again to you both for the patient help. Every day, I learn how much a have no clue what I'm doing with this unRAID box, but I love learning it. ;)

My next project is to tackle setting up Adguard, but that's a different beast entirely.... lol

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