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[Support] binhex - qBittorrentVPN

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4 hours ago, binhex said:

i got around to testing this, created a custom bridge and then attached sonarr and qbittorrentvpn to it, i then plugged in the details in sonarr and could successfully connect to qbittorrent so im confident the issue is mis-configuration. please post screenshot of your sonarr config.

Here is sonarr's config:



And here is qbittorrent's connection config in Sonarr:



@binhex Thanks for your help!

(Note: The extra downloads path that I added is "after the fact" to test with transmission)

Edited by Jenardo
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6 hours ago, Jenardo said:

Here is sonarr's config:



And here is qbittorrent's connection config in Sonarr:



@binhex Thanks for your help!

(Note: The extra downloads path that I added is "after the fact" to test with transmission)

im assuming from the sonarr config screen (not unraid) that is the ip address you have assigned to qbittorrentvpn on the custom bridge right? if so this is the problem, you cannot talk directly from fixed ip to fixed ip, its a bridge network still so you need to specify the hosts ip address (as in unraid's ip). 


all a custom bridge allows you to do is define the INTERNAL network for the containers virtual adapter, its not a fixed ip on the hosts network.

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Hi guys,


turns out I got a little rusty when it comes to these containers. I've copied a couple of commands from my working Deluge container just so you know.

What's the 6881 port used for again? If it is the listening port for qbt, then should it be changed to the port that was forwarded on AirVPN?

There is an entry in the qBittoreent.conf that reads Connection\PortRangeMin=6881, so I wonder wheteher it is needed if I have to add the port range manually anyway.


Another issue is that the WebUI is showing /config/qBittorrent/downloads/ as the standard download path but I have mapped it to be /data on the container side.

I also copy and pasted the watch folder command from the Deluge container but it seems to have no effect as there is no folder specified on the WebUI. Entering one does have no effect.

How do I fix the folder situation?





docker run -d \
    --privileged=true \
    -p 6881:6881 \
    -p 6881:6881/udp \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 8119:8119 \
    --name=qbittorrentvpn --restart=always \
    -v /mnt/Datengrab/Downloads/Deluge/data:/data \
    -v /apps/docker/qbittorrent/config:/config \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
    -v /home/xxx/Downloads:/data/watch \
    -e VPN_ENABLED=yes \
    -e VPN_PROV=airvpn \
    -e VPN_REMOTE=nl.vpn.airdns.org \
    -e VPN_PORT=443 \
    -e VPN_PROTOCOL=udp \
    -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY=no \
    -e LAN_NETWORK= \
    -e NAME_SERVERS=,, \
    -e DEBUG=false \
    -e WEBUI_PORT=8080 \
    -e UMASK=000 \
    -e PUID=0 \
    -e PGID=0 \


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Hello, yesterday I found out a confict between ZeroTier and qBittorent, I can't access the webUI of the binhex-qbittorrent docker while I am connected to ZeroTier from outside my LAN (the connection just times out). I can access any other docker's webUI just fine with this configuration, but it doesn't work for qBittorrent (same unRaid ip, and port 8080). Could it be because the qBittorrent docker is running with the Privoxy instance activated? Although most of my other dockers are pointing to Privoxy via proxy config (Sonarr, Radarr...) and I don't have any problem accessing them.


Any idea of how could I fix this? Thanks!

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15 hours ago, Fraih said:

Hello, yesterday I found out a confict between ZeroTier and qBittorent, I can't access the webUI of the binhex-qbittorrent docker while I am connected to ZeroTier from outside my LAN (the connection just times out). I can access any other docker's webUI just fine with this configuration, but it doesn't work for qBittorrent (same unRaid ip, and port 8080). Could it be because the qBittorrent docker is running with the Privoxy instance activated? Although most of my other dockers are pointing to Privoxy via proxy config (Sonarr, Radarr...) and I don't have any problem accessing them.


Any idea of how could I fix this? Thanks!

I think this could be related to your source IP when connecting throught the VPN. Have you made sure your IP subnet when connecting through ZeroTier is listed in the allowed LAN_Networks?

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On 4/11/2019 at 4:50 AM, binhex said:

im assuming from the sonarr config screen (not unraid) that is the ip address you have assigned to qbittorrentvpn on the custom bridge right? if so this is the problem, you cannot talk directly from fixed ip to fixed ip, its a bridge network still so you need to specify the hosts ip address (as in unraid's ip). 


all a custom bridge allows you to do is define the INTERNAL network for the containers virtual adapter, its not a fixed ip on the hosts network.

@binhex Sorry for the delayed response. I just got around to looking at this.

Are you 100% sure that that's the case?

I have two points against your explanation:

1- I have a Maria DB in a container with a fixed IP. I connect other containers to it using its fixed IP.

2- I tested Sonarr with TransmissionVPN. I used the fixed IP of the TransmissionVPN container and it works. Something is different with how qbittorrentVPN and delugeVPN. I have no idea what it is though.

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2 hours ago, Jenardo said:

Are you 100% sure that that's the case?

yes, i tested this myself, for a custom bridge (not macvlan) this is the case.


2 hours ago, Jenardo said:

I have two points against your explanation:

1- I have a Maria DB in a container with a fixed IP. I connect other containers to it using its fixed IP.

2- I tested Sonarr with TransmissionVPN. I used the fixed IP of the TransmissionVPN container and it works. Something is different with how qbittorrentVPN and delugeVPN. I have no idea what it is though.

then you are either joining containers to a network or using macvlan, as this is not how custom bridge works. in either case both of these scenarios are not supported and will not work due to strict iptables. the only working solutions are default bridge or custom bridge.

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On 11/12/2018 at 3:04 PM, binhex said:

Yeah the secret sauce here is that not only do you need to change the host side port but you also have to change the container side port too to match. so this is a bit more tricky with the unraid web ui, as unraid rightly stops users doing this as you normally don't want to change the container port side but for this particular container we have to.


So in order to get around this you need to edit the container and then use the link down the bottom shown as "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device", select "config type" as "port" then put in the port number you want for both the "container port" and "host port" and then click "add".


So now you have added the additional port you can now remove the old port, as this will now clash on the host port if you have already altered it.


Remember - Make sure to set the  webui_port to the same value and then click on "apply" button to apply the changes.


Finally open up your favourite browser and point it at the http://<host ip address>:<port of your choice>

UPDATE: switched to deluge.

Is there a way to update the WebUI link to use the new port? Or I'm doing something wrong.




Edited by dbinott
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On 4/18/2019 at 1:58 PM, Fraih said:

Hello, yesterday I found out a confict between ZeroTier and qBittorent, I can't access the webUI of the binhex-qbittorrent docker while I am connected to ZeroTier from outside my LAN (the connection just times out). I can access any other docker's webUI just fine with this configuration, but it doesn't work for qBittorrent (same unRaid ip, and port 8080). Could it be because the qBittorrent docker is running with the Privoxy instance activated? Although most of my other dockers are pointing to Privoxy via proxy config (Sonarr, Radarr...) and I don't have any problem accessing them.


Any idea of how could I fix this? Thanks!


Okay I fixed it, I had everything correctly configured in ZeroTier, but I am using NordVPN and this provider doesn't allow port forwarding. In the qBittorrent docker I had the variable "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD = yes" and that was messing up everything, I turned it off and now I can access perfectly with ZeroTier from outside my LAN! :D

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Okay I fixed it, I had everything correctly configured in ZeroTier, but I am using NordVPN and this provider doesn't allow port forwarding. In the qBittorrent docker I had the variable "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD = yes" and that was messing up everything, I turned it off and now I can access perfectly with ZeroTier from outside my LAN! [emoji3]

I hate to say this but that is highly unlikely to be the cause of your issue, all that flag does is runs a small bit of code to grab an incoming port from PIAs API, that's it, and as you are not using pia it will do nothing and skip it.


Sent from my EML-L29 using Tapatalk




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10 hours ago, binhex said:

I hate to say this but that is highly unlikely to be the cause of your issue, all that flag does is runs a small bit of code to grab an incoming port from PIAs API, that's it, and as you are not using pia it will do nothing and skip it.


Sent from my EML-L29 using Tapatalk




Until yesterday I had never been able to reach qBittorrent GUI through ZeroTier. Maybe I did something else, but I will switch it back to "yes" later when I get home and I will try again to see if the problem comes back by only changing that...

Edited by Fraih
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


Due to limitations on my LAN, I need to run the following command after boot to get things to work

ifconfig tun0 mtu 1200

I'm not sure where to put this to make it permanent, I've tried adding it to /root/init.sh with no luck and I also tried building a new image from the container after setting it, but it gets reset after each reboot and hence it's not persistent. The image isn't built with systemd, so I can't use any of the normal solutions to this.



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How would I go about verifying that I am connected to my VPN? Based on some initial mistakes I made on setup and reading the documentation I understand that the webUI would be inaccessible if it was not connected, but I just wanted to know if there are other ways to verify.

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can someone help me.. i was in the security setting for synology somewhere, and it said the tun . file was not orignal or whatever, and i guess i let it delete the file. now my bittorrent and vpn not working, i turned vpn off to get my bittorent working but i want to get the vpn working, i dont think i can recover the file anymore unless someone knows how to restore it. 


this is the error i get 


Sun May 12 11:51:59 2019 ERROR: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19)


anyone help me be able to recover or make a new one?

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7 hours ago, d3funct said:

can someone help me.. i was in the security setting for synology somewhere, and it said the tun . file was not orignal or whatever, and i guess i let it delete the file. now my bittorrent and vpn not working, i turned vpn off to get my bittorent working but i want to get the vpn working, i dont think i can recover the file anymore unless someone knows how to restore it. 


this is the error i get 


Sun May 12 11:51:59 2019 ERROR: Cannot open TUN/TAP dev /dev/net/tun: No such device (errno=19)


anyone help me be able to recover or make a new one?


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On 5/8/2019 at 3:11 PM, trurl said:

Thank you for the solution.

I did find an alternative workaround, which I will leave here for posterity, even though it's not directly linked to the image:

You can edit the MTU settings directly in the .ovpn file saved in the config folder, by adding:

mssfix 1200

It was enough for me, to get things working perfectly.

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On 5/18/2019 at 4:29 AM, binhex said:

You are probably best just googling this to find the answer

Sent from my EML-L29 using Tapatalk

No i'm not I use QBittorrent in windows and the docker is missing rss news feeds that qbittorrent has. Without the news feeds the docker is of little use for me.

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No i'm not I use QBittorrent in windows and the docker is missing rss news feeds that qbittorrent has. Without the news feeds the docker is of little use for me.
The windows GUI app and the web UI interface are developed separately, if the web UI doesn't have RSS feed functionality then for now you need to look at another torrent client. Reason I mentioned googling it is that I have little experience with qbittorrent and you were getting no answers on this thread.

Sent from my EML-L29 using Tapatalk

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