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[Support] Djoss - Nginx Proxy Manager

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3 hours ago, bobo89 said:

I'd love to change my ports too, in order to be able to use split DNS instead of NAT reflection and send internal network requests to "https://nextcloud.mydomain.com", and have them go to the proper port 443, without leaving the network.

You can use my fork for now:


(which I will delete if/when this gets implemented by Djoss)


My fork is 100% the same code except that it listens on 80/443. Here is the diff if you are concerned: https://github.com/jlesage/docker-nginx-proxy-manager/compare/master...Mattie112:default-ports

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Hi all. I have an issue getting Zoneminder docker to work with Nginx. I have all

my other docker works flawlessly thank you for that. 
the only difference I see with Zoneminder is that it requires /zm after the port in order to work. For example works 

but won’t. When I set up the reverse proxy where can I tell it to add /zm to my subdomain.domain ? 


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On 2/12/2021 at 1:48 PM, Djoss said:

I'm not sure to understand the issue with NAT loopback.  It seems to be an easier solution since you don't need to override local DNS... ?

I would have thought it would be quicker to resolve locally than using a loopback?


I also like the idea that the DNS request isn't leaving my network for a local machine.


In the template there are options to change the ports which don't appear to work, was this functionality present previously?



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11 hours ago, joshkrz said:

I would have thought it would be quicker to resolve locally than using a loopback?


I also like the idea that the DNS request isn't leaving my network for a local machine.


In the template there are options to change the ports which don't appear to work, was this functionality present previously?



I have made a fork if you want to use 80/443:


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2 hours ago, Nuke said:

how to block by referrer? how to install ngx_http_map_module?


You can add "Custom Nginx Configuration" to a proxy host. If you need additional modules I would say fork the container and add them yourself. Not sure if additional modules can be added in an other way.


And for other Nginx config see: https://nginxproxymanager.com/advanced-config/#custom-nginx-configurations

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Hi all hoping someone might be able to help me out.    After much digging I haven't been able to find an answer as of yet.. 


I am looking at switching over from SWAG  to the Nginx Proxy manager.(NPM)   But am wondering is there is a way to configure Fail2Ban. (forgive me if this is a stupid idea-- But am I able to leave SWAG installed and running and just map over the error log files and proxy_host log from NPM? ?  if so which ones would I need to map to have the "nginx-http-auth, and nginx-badbots, nginx-botsearch, and nginx-deny"  running properly with the NPM. 


Secondly,  wondering if anyone can advise steps needed to setup GeoIP2 within NPM? 


   Reason for looking to switch is that I like the UI of Nginx Proxy manager.  I enjoy that it appears to be a very easy and intuitive interface for setup of future reverse proxy.   But want to have the backend security I was able to setup with Fail2ban and GEOIP2 within SWAG.  


additionally i like that within Nginx Proxy Manager.. I could setup easily an Custom  Origin Cloudflare Cert and key for Origin end to end security (which I haven't been able to figure out an easy way to do within SWAG.(so if someone knew how to do that that would possible work as well..  


Thanks in advance for support !!

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48 minutes ago, mattie112 said:

Can you share your config?

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# my.domain.de
# ------------------------------------------------------------

server {
  set $forward_scheme http;
  set $server         "";
  set $port           9981;

  listen 8080;
listen [::]:8080;

listen 4443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:4443;

  server_name my.domain.de;

  # Let's Encrypt SSL
  include conf.d/include/letsencrypt-acme-challenge.conf;
  include conf.d/include/ssl-ciphers.conf;
  ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-2/fullchain.pem;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/npm-2/privkey.pem;

  # Block Exploits
  include conf.d/include/block-exploits.conf;

  access_log /config/log/proxy_host-4.log proxy;

  location / {


    # Force SSL
    include conf.d/include/force-ssl.conf;

    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;

    # Proxy!
    include conf.d/include/proxy.conf;

  # Custom
  include /data/nginx/custom/server_proxy[.]conf;


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