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[Support] Josh5 - Unmanic - Library Optimiser

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19 minutes ago, Night_Fury said:

Well. Don't I feel stupid. Sorry folks 😂😔

You are welcome to post here about issues with the docker itself, as I'm not sure the author has any other web presence for support. However, you are kind of on your own getting it running and dealing with issues peculiar to your specific setup. Once you do get it running, I suggest reading through the entire thread to get an idea of how to use it and what it can and can't do.

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Just got this running – was pretty straight forward referencing the screenshots provided by @bom5EUl, thanks for those. What's everyone's strategy for running this? I have it fired up with 1 worker and it has my CPU slammed at 98%. Obviously it's not practical for me to run this all day so I was considering using Custom User Scripts to start/stop the container on a schedule. Any possible downsides to this method? Also, I have a Ryzen 2200G (4 cores) – should I be slammed this hard?


Update – ended up mucking with the CPU pinning features to give unmanic access to 2 cores, and Plex access to the other 2. Definitely helps but I think I'll still want this to run outside of peak usage for my server – basically just not during the evening.

Edited by tayshserve
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Just got this running – was pretty straight forward referencing the screenshots provided by [mention=6673]bom5EUl[/mention], thanks for those. What's everyone's strategy for running this? I have it fired up with 1 worker and it has my CPU slammed at 98%. Obviously it's not practical for me to run this all day so I was considering using Custom User Scripts to start/stop the container on a schedule. Any possible downsides to this method? Also, I have a Ryzen 2200G (4 cores) – should I be slammed this hard?
Update – ended up mucking with the CPU pinning features to give unmanic access to 2 cores, and Plex access to the other 2. Definitely helps but I think I'll still want this to run outside of peak usage for my server – basically just not during the evening.
I gave mine 3 cores and it's hyperthreading counter part and 10 workers and it slams all of them pretty hard non stop.

It's marvelous!!

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

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I'm getting errors with some of my video files. I haven't been able to pin down what exactly is causing the issue, since I can't gain any useful insight from the logs, but its fairly pervasive across my video collection (for a given TV show, maybe one third of episodes error out). I thought maybe it was a permissions issue, so I isolated a few files that were giving me errors and modified their permissions, but this didn't solve the issue. I thought maybe the files were corrupt or something, but I can successfully process them in say a Handbrake docker.


Here is an example error I get.


User uid: 99
User gid: 100

**** [base-ubuntu] (hosts_config) Updating hosts file ****
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
**** (permissions_config) Settings permissions ****
[cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[I 190610 09:27:48 web:2162] 200 GET /?ajax=pendingTasks&format=html ( 3.51ms
[I 190610 09:27:48 web:2162] 304 GET /?ajax=workersInfo ( 1.02ms
[I 190610 09:27:48 web:2162] 304 GET /?ajax=historicalTasks&format=html ( 28.46ms
[I 190610 09:27:50 web:2162] 200 GET /?ajax=pendingTasks&format=html ( 2.89ms
[I 190610 09:27:50 web:2162] 304 GET /?ajax=historicalTasks&format=html ( 27.36ms
[I 190610 09:27:50 web:2162] 200 GET /?ajax=workersInfo ( 0.58ms
2019-06-10T09:27:53:ERROR:Unmanic.Worker-1 - [FORMATTED] - Exception in processing job with Worker-1: - ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', "/library/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1.mkv", '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'info', '-strict', '-2', '-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-map', ' 0:1', '-map', '0:2', '-c:v', 'libx265', '-c:a:0', 'copy', '-c:a:1', 'aac', '-b:a:1', '256k', '-ac', '2', '-metadata:s:a:1', "title='Stereo'", '-c:s:1', 'copy', '-y', "/tmp/unmanic/file_conversion-1560173267.6531262/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1-1560173267.653139.mp4"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/lib/worker.py", line 134, in run
File "/app/lib/worker.py", line 119, in process_task_queue_item
self.current_task.success = self.process_item()
File "/app/lib/worker.py", line 103, in process_item
File "/app/lib/ffmpeg.py", line 509, in convert_file_and_fetch_progress
raise FFMPEGHandleConversionError(command)
lib.ffmpeg.FFMPEGHandleConversionError: ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', "/library/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1.mkv", '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'info', '-strict', '-2', '-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-map', ' 0:1', '-map', '0:2', '-c:v', 'libx265', '-c:a:0', 'copy', '-c:a:1', 'aac', '-b:a:1', '256k', '-ac', '2', '-metadata:s:a:1', "title='Stereo'", '-c:s:1', 'copy', '-y', "/tmp/unmanic/file_conversion-1560173267.6531262/America's Got Talent - S13E01 - Auditions 1-1560173267.653139.mp4"]


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15 hours ago, CHINCB said:

I am trying to install this docker and after finding in in common apps I get a completely empty docker page with none of the predefined variables, how can i get the correct docker to install?


The template hasn't been setup right, so you have to map the variables, paths and port yourself. The following (adjusted to your specific setup) should get you started



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If you have a cache device and "appdata" is set to "cache only" then it is preferred to use "/mnt/cache/appdata".

When no cache device is present then use "/mnt/user/appdata" instead.


"/mnt/disks" refers to "Unassigned Devices". Some users prefer to use UD to make a dedicated disk for Docker instead of the standard cache device.


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Just in general DON'T use /mnt/Cache or /mnt/Disks use /mnt/user or /mnt/user0 (ignores cache drive) saves any callossal fuckups with shares spread over disks and it's better practice.
What Boniel said. /mnt/disks is from UD, I'm using it to mount my TV share on my main Unraid box through NFS.

I've wavered back and forth between using /mnt/cache and /mnt/user for my appdata folder since I usually always have it set to cache only. But that one time I switched it to use the array and didn't clean up the references to /mnt/cache, oh man the headaches...
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After installing it I tested it with a couple of single files and it worked great, then looking to see what happened I turned it loose on my whole collection of series, after 8 hours for scanning it has yet to start and I believe it is due to the scanning process just taking incredibly long to complete. If I might suggest a feature it would be to limit the queue length, so that after for instance 100 files have been queued the scanning process is stopped. 

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I've bumped Unmanic to 0.0.1-beta5

This includes the following changes:

  • Modify some historical logging of useful stats
    • This sets us up to start adding extra info like eta during the conversion process as well as the stats mentioned below
  • Adds new "See All Records" screen 
    • Any suggestions for stats that you would like on this screen would be great
    • Note that due to the changes in logging, only newly converted items will show here. Old stuff wont due to missing statistics data. Sorry
  • Create backups of settings when saving (there were some cases where the settings were invalid but still saved). This corrupted our data and made it impossible to read. So now we test prior to committing changes.
  • FFMPEG was causing some errors on certain files.
    • If you have noted any conversion failures in the past, can you please re-test with this version to confirm if it is now resolved or not.
  • Log rotation
    • If you are debugging, you are spewing a crap ton of data to the logs. This update rotates the logs at midnight every day and keeps them for 7 days. Even if you are not debugging, this is much better.

The next milestone is to add extended functionality to the settings:

This will hopefully be the last major tidy up of core functionality. I think that once this milestone is complete we can safely pull this out of beta and look at things like HW decoding and improving on data that is displayed throughout the WebUI.

Edited by Josh.5
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12 hours ago, Josh.5 said:
  • FFMPEG was causing some errors on certain files.
    • If you have noted any conversion failures in the past, can you please re-test with this version to confirm if it is now resolved or not.

After the update, I am still getting the same ffmpeg convert error on certain files. Let me know if there are any debugging steps/logs I can provide that can help.



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Josh this is brilliant. I have been wait for this since it was mentioned by Spaceinvaderone in his handbrake video.


I am in the process of upgrade all my old videos to 1080p so wonder if there could be an option to process videos only of a selected quality, saves me having to process videos only to do it again once I have a 1080p version.


Keep it up, you are a star.



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After the update, I am still getting the same ffmpeg convert error on certain files. Let me know if there are any debugging steps/logs I can provide that can help.
I'll finish the next lot of changes before we look further at it again. These next upcoming changes again modify ffmpeg params.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk

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Still getting a conversion "error", video is playing very narrow in VLC, if I go and manually adjust the aspect ratio in the VLC video settings to 16:9 then the images fills the VLC window as expected.
Thanks for this app!
Oh thats a different one. I'll need to grab some sources off you to debug that if you don't mind.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6000 using Tapatalk

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