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[PLUGIN] Disk Location

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Everything I'm reading suggests that I should get a dropdown when I click on a custom colour control, which includes an option to reset the colour to its default. However, in Firefox on macOS, I just get the standard system colour picker.


The posts I read were from a while ago — has the behaviour changed since then? There no longer seems to be a way to reset a colour to default without resetting them all to default…

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3 hours ago, ElectricBadger said:

Everything I'm reading suggests that I should get a dropdown when I click on a custom colour control, which includes an option to reset the colour to its default. However, in Firefox on macOS, I just get the standard system colour picker.


The posts I read were from a while ago — has the behaviour changed since then? There no longer seems to be a way to reset a colour to default without resetting them all to default…

It reset if you choose the "empty" color, if it doesn't work it might be an FF issue - which in case I can't be bothered to fix. That if you have updated the plugin to recent versions.

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20 hours ago, olehj said:

It reset if you choose the "empty" color, if it doesn't work it might be an FF issue - which in case I can't be bothered to fix. That if you have updated the plugin to recent versions.


Yes, the plugin autoupdates, so it's current. Looks like Firefox doesn't support the `list` attribute for `input type='color'`, so not a lot you can do here. I'll use Vivaldi for when I need to edit colours. Thanks!

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Update 2022.04.22

  • Commit #177 - FEATURE: Added status indicator for ZFS drives. (*)


Update 2022.04.25

  • Commit #177b - BUG: Fixed an issue where the indicator for ZFS would fail.


Nobody asked for it, so here it is! Nothing else fixed or added.


* This only works if the drives in a pool are created by using disk/by-id, and not the sd[X] crap.

Edited by olehj
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  • 2 weeks later...

I may be daft, but is there a way to have a custom layout for disks.  


In my server I have a 5 3.5" hdd into 3 5.25" drive cage at the top. and then 8 hard drives stacked one on top of the other underneath that.  Like so -



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Would it be possible to do a layout like that or do I have to use the standard rows and columns


Edited by go69cars
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1 hour ago, go69cars said:

I may be daft, but is there a way to have a custom layout for disks.  


In my server I have a 5 3.5" hdd into 3 5.25" drive cage at the top. and then 8 hard drives stacked one on top of the other underneath that.  Like so -



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Would it be possible to do a layout like that or do I have to use the standard rows and columns



I suspect you could create two layouts. One horizontal and one vertical and assign the drives appropriately.




Edited by aglyons
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New plugin user here. Are you still looking for users to submit their storage server info from your Jan post? I have a HGST 4U60 I could provide that info for


Also none of my many SAS drives show up in scan or forced scan even though they show in the console smart stuff. However I'm on 6.10 RC5 so I'll just wait until it goes stable and you get a chance to update plugin per page 1

Edited by BlinkerFluid
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On 5/2/2022 at 6:26 PM, olehj said:

Update 2022.05.03

  • Commit #180 - BUG: Wrong numbering in the layout if using tray override - and please don't use tray override, just add another group. Count assignment still bugged if not using default, but won't affect assigned drives.




Curious, why don't use tray override? If we shouldn't use that, why is it there? What was its intended use case?


That setting was actually perfect. I have 12 external trays on the R510 chassis with two internal 2.5" bays. Creating a whole other layout for 2 drives seems overkill.


I didn't think this issue would really affect anything, I saw it more of a cosmetic concern.

Edited by aglyons
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7 minutes ago, aglyons said:


Curious, why don't use tray override? If we shouldn't use that, why is it there? What was its intended use case?


That setting was actually perfect. I have 12 external trays on the R510 chassis with two internal 2.5" bays. Creating a whole other layout for 2 drives seems overkill.


I didn't think this issue would really affect anything, I saw it more of a cosmetic concern.

Try the fix and see if it helped you.


The override was part of the initial release before the groups were even added to provide with some alternative. There's no overkill, speed limits, or excessive data involved creating multi-groups. Override has mainly stayed there for backwards compatibility really. - I do consider deleting it in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...
21 hours ago, wgstarks said:

Boot errors with unraid 6.10-



I posted these a while back but thought I should repost now that 6.10 stable is released.


brunnhilde-diagnostics-20220517-1851.zip 188.81 kB · 0 downloads


As far as I can see from the logs, Disk Location installs as it should. However, I see some weirdness with whatever this is: "Mercury Elite Pro Elite Pro"


Does not seem related with this plugin, and I can't recreate the problem. The S.M.A.R.T. data on that disk, or kontroller, or whatever it is, is likely causing the issue.


Sorry, nothing I can do.

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33 minutes ago, olehj said:


As far as I can see from the logs, Disk Location installs as it should. However, I see some weirdness with whatever this is: "Mercury Elite Pro Elite Pro"


Does not seem related with this plugin, and I can't recreate the problem. The S.M.A.R.T. data on that disk, or kontroller, or whatever it is, is likely causing the issue.


Sorry, nothing I can do.

Ok. I was informed that those lines of code were from the disk location plugin so I was just reporting the errors. Not an issue for me.

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On 5/21/2022 at 6:50 PM, BlinkerFluid said:

None of my Sas drives show up. Attached lsscci -ug output. I know you havn't updated the plugin  yet but just posting now that 6.10 is stable

I have looked at it a bit, didn't find anything obvious yet with the first function loop. But I don't really have so much time maintaining this plugin anymore, it happens in sudden cycles.


For the sake of it, can you post output of "lsscsi -u -b" as well (which is the actual output the plugin uses now)? Just wanna see if there's something different with that output with you SAS drives.


In worst case I might need your database file, which contains all data as serial numbers etc., but I'll ask for that later (private download) if I need and you approve it.


Else try this command on one disk you know works, and one that doesn't:

smartctl -x --json /dev/sg<id>

It's important that you use the "sg" assignment.

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24 minutes ago, BlinkerFluid said:

lsscsi -u -b output and lsscsi -g output attached along with smartctl output that was sent to txt files. SG29 is a sata drive that is working, SG30 is a SAS drive that is not

Had a quick look before I'm heading out getting drunk, don't understand why it doesn't work. Everything's in place for it to work, but hold on a couple of weeks and I'll have more thorough look when the 1) weather is shitty 2) I'm not drunk 3) have time to read my own code 4) remembering what I did with my code 5) hopefully find something useful 6) fix it: ETA: hopefully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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