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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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21 minutes ago, Bobulator said:

update to the newest version of the project zomboid server

Have you restarted the container yet?

The container checks for updates on every start/restart.


I had some reports that you have to wait for a few hours from some members on some machines that it actually pulls the update.

Don‘t know what causes this but I think it‘s related to Steam itself and nothing I can do about…


You can of course set the variable Valdidation to true and see if this helps, but please disable the validation after it pulled the update since this will always validate the game files on each start of the container and so the container start will take much longer than usual.

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11 hours ago, ich777 said:

Please see this post:


Thank you for replying. I have the -crossplay already in the Extra Game Parameters but it still does not connect. I can use steam both local and remote to connect but I tried two different Epic accounts and they can can see the server both local and remote but they wont connect to the game.

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2 hours ago, killam97 said:


In the Extra Game Params or in the Game Params? Above you've wrote you have it appended like:


I really can't help when it doesn't appear there since I don't even have the EPIC Game Client.


Maybe there has something changed since then and you have do do additional steps.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

In the Extra Game Params or in the Game Params? Above you've wrote you have it appended like:


I really can't help when it doesn't appear there since I don't even have the EPIC Game Client.


Maybe there has something changed since then and you have do do additional steps.

Sorry if it sounds confusing, i have tried every variation of adding the -crossplay command and nothing has worked. I currently have it as -crossplay in extra game parameters. Thank you for trying to help me, as far as I can tell everything says it just needs -crossplay added and it should work but it will not work for me. 


Edit. I just got it working however it only with on the local network. You need to add -PublicIPForEpic=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to the extra game parameters with the IP of the server itself and it should work. Adding the public IP instead of the local will not work or allow outside connections. 

Edited by killam97
I found the fix (kind of)
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9 hours ago, killam97 said:

You need to add -PublicIPForEpic=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to the extra game parameters with the IP of the server itself and it should work. Adding the public IP instead of the local will not work or allow outside connections. 

Have you yet tried to enter:


I’m a little confused… because this parameter says „publicip“ and you‘ve wrote that the public IP won‘t work?

So I think you have to enter the Public IP right?

If thats the case this is really odd since most people have a dynamic IP from their ISP and they have to basically change this entry every time their IP changes or am I wrong?

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Hallo Zusammen,


ich habe gerade einen CS:GO Server installiert.


Problem ist, das ich die Default Startupcommands (Rcon/Servername usw.) nicht ändern kann, bzw. der Server sie nicht lädt.


Es werden weder die Server.cfg noch die Autoexec geladen. Auch Änderungen in der gamemode_casual.cfg laden nicht.

Sind da irgenwo Defaultwerte in einer versteckten CFG vorhanden, die eventuell dmeine Werte überschreiben?


Früher war es so, das man lediglich die Server.cfg erstellen musste und dann ging das.


Laut Valve Wiki, soll das wohl auch noch gehen:




Ich bin bissl ratlos und wäre für einen Tipp dankbar.


LG Zero

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5 hours ago, zero_neverload said:

Hallo Zusammen,

Support here is limited to English only, if you want support in German please create a post on the German sub forums and mark me with @ich777.


5 hours ago, zero_neverload said:

Problem ist, das ich die Default Startupcommands (Rcon/Servername usw.) nicht ändern kann, bzw. der Server sie nicht lädt.

5 hours ago, zero_neverload said:

Früher war es so, das man lediglich die Server.cfg erstellen musste und dann ging das.

Where have you create the server.cfg file? It should be located in: .../csgo/cfg/server.cfg


Have you created a Sever token like mentioned in the description and did you append:

+sv_setsteamaccount YOURTOKEN



5 hours ago, zero_neverload said:

Sind da irgenwo Defaultwerte in einer versteckten CFG vorhanden, die eventuell dmeine Werte überschreiben?




Tested it now on my server and it works without a hitch:


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On 8/13/2022 at 1:13 AM, ich777 said:

Have you yet tried to enter:


I’m a little confused… because this parameter says „publicip“ and you‘ve wrote that the public IP won‘t work?

So I think you have to enter the Public IP right?

If thats the case this is really odd since most people have a dynamic IP from their ISP and they have to basically change this entry every time their IP changes or am I wrong?

It makes no sense to me either. My public IP does change but it lasts for several months so its not a huge deal to me to have to change it every once and a while but that does not matter since it does not work. I tried and that did nothing and actually made the problem worse and would not let me connect from within my network anymore and remote still did not work. I am out of ideas to get it to work from outside the network but its not too big of a concern for me if I dont get that working since my friend remotes into my gaming VM to play with me since he has a crap computer. If I figure out the issue I will post an update with my solution. Thank you for your help so far. 

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On 8/14/2022 at 7:39 PM, ich777 said:

Support here is limited to English only, if you want support in German please create a post on the German sub forums and mark me with @ich777.

Sorry, my fault. Next Time i will remeber.

On 8/14/2022 at 7:39 PM, ich777 said:


Where have you create the server.cfg file? It should be located in: .../csgo/cfg/server.cfg

yes, but in my Case in Console my Server.cfg is not listet?




In Unriad my Files not visible




I add my Server.cfg under Appdata Share, but i thing something is wrong here...


On 8/14/2022 at 7:39 PM, ich777 said:


Have you created a Sever token like mentioned in the description and did you append:

+sv_setsteamaccount YOURTOKEN


Yes i have 


Greetings Zero


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40 minutes ago, zero_neverload said:

yes, but in my Case in Console my Server.cfg is not listet?

This is from what I know normal since if SteamCMD would pull that file down then it would be deleted or better speaking overwritten every time a server update is pushed to CS:GO when the container updates the game.

This is just normal behavior and nothing I can do about since this is how SteamCMD works.


46 minutes ago, zero_neverload said:

I add my Server.cfg under Appdata Share, but i thing something is wrong here...



What are the contents from this file? This is what my file looks like:


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1 hour ago, Lesnoy40rt77 said:

Hi, I know thats a dumb question, but how do I configure Rust Dedicated Server (map size, seed, etc)? Wher I can find a config file or something?

You can append everything to the "Game parameters" in the Docker template, you can get all available parameters here: Click

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I just installed Valheim server on unraid, it fails to connect to the server if I select Valheim+ plugin. 

Do I also need to install something locally for it to be compatible?


Additionally I am getting this in the docker log:


[S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils003 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
UPDATE CHECK: ---Something went wrong, can't get latest version of Valheim, trying again in 60 minutes!---


Should this run in bridge or host mode?


Reason I ask is because I am having issues accessing this from the outside world, locally it works fine. Port forwarding is setup, so it shouldn't be a problem but you never know. 




Edited by exist2resist
Additional info
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6 hours ago, exist2resist said:

Do I also need to install something locally for it to be compatible?

If you are installing Valheim+ on the server then you need to also install it on all clients too.


6 hours ago, exist2resist said:

Additionally I am getting this in the docker log:

Is this a one time thing or does it work after 60mintues or dies the message repeat?

You have to keep in mind that this container uses the SteamAPI to check for updates and if the SteamAPI is currently not reachable or overloaded you get this error, but this error doesn‘t affect the function from the container.


6 hours ago, exist2resist said:

Should this run in bridge or host mode?

Ypu can run it in any mode you want but I would recommend to run it in bridge mode.


6 hours ago, exist2resist said:

I am having issues accessing this from the outside world

Have you yet tried it from another computer not within you LAN?


I can confirm that the container is indeed working because I‘ve set one up on a friends server.

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35 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Is this a one time thing or does it work after 60mintues or dies the message repeat?

You have to keep in mind that this container uses the SteamAPI to check for updates and if the SteamAPI is currently not reachable or overloaded you get this error, but this error doesn‘t affect the function from the container.


Have you yet tried it from another computer not within you LAN?



So it looks like the update check is working now.

UPDATE CHECK: ---Nothing to do, Valheim up-to-date---
UPDATE CHECK: ---Nothing to do, Valheim up-to-date---
UPDATE CHECK: ---Nothing to do, Valheim up-to-date---
UPDATE CHECK: ---Nothing to do, Valheim up-to-date---
UPDATE CHECK: ---Nothing to do, Valheim up-to-date---
UPDATE CHECK: ---Nothing to do, Valheim up-to-date---

So connectivity is good. 


Yes I tethered my Steam Deck to my cell phone and tried connecting to the server that way. 


I just tested it again and it's working now, I didn't do anything so not sure what it was, maybe ISP or something.


Edited by exist2resist
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