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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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4 hours ago, StephenCND said:

Doesn't loop. Smooth start and stop for that matter.

Please remove your steam credentials from the templete, they are only needed when they are visible to the user by default and are not hidden at the „Show more …“ section and are marked with the red asterisk *


Maybe that is the issue on your system.

Anyways if it is now running it should be visible in the Steam Server Browser, I think above you where talking about the in game list or am I wrong?

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I have removed my Steam credential (user name and password) from the docker's template in the "Show more settings" section .

You are correct, I was talking about the in game (server) list. It doesn't show up there (even after removing my Steam  User name and Password as mentioned above. I did access the Steam Server Browser, (didn't know that it existed) but my server isn't lisited there either.
Appart from the Docker Set-up and the server.cfg, is there another file or setting i needed to set up?

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2 hours ago, StephenCND said:

but my server isn't lisited there either.
Appart from the Docker Set-up and the server.cfg, is there another file or setting i needed to set up?

What have you done in there?

Click in Add Server at the Favorites tab, enter your server IP followed by the port like: and click Add.

After that click on Refresh and your server should be listed if it‘s running.


No, I just pulled a fresh copy from the CA App and left everything at default and as you can see from my log it is running just fine.

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8 minutes ago, OverripeDuck said:

Is there a way to have the Arma 3 server not immediately restart if the server itself is stopped? I have a python script to update mods that I would like to run without the server up.

Where does the script run? On Unraid itself? If yes, stop the container with:


(of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the container name - case sensitive!)


You should be able of course to use this from the Python script for example for Python3 implement this:

os.system('docker stop CONTAINERNAME')

(for this you have to of corse import os to your Python script)


To start the container again simply run:

docker start CONTAINERNAME



Hope that helps. :)

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11 hours ago, ich777 said:

What have you done in there?

Click in Add Server at the Favorites tab, enter your server IP followed by the port like: and click Add.

After that click on Refresh and your server should be listed if it‘s running.


No, I just pulled a fresh copy from the CA App and left everything at default and as you can see from my log it is running just fine.

 But that is an internal LAN IP... if I want to have someone join the server from the internet, that wouldn't work, right?
I did add my internal IP to the server list within "favorites" and that worked, but when I refresh, it did not populate within the larger servers list tab.
I was able to connect to it from my computer on the same lan, but again, will other computers outside my lan (internet) be able to connect if I only give them my LAN IP address and port?
I feel we are very close to getting this to work here.. :)

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1 hour ago, StephenCND said:

But that is an internal LAN IP... if I want to have someone join the server from the internet, that wouldn't work, right?

Have you forwarded the ports in your router too?


1 hour ago, StephenCND said:

I did add my internal IP to the server list within "favorites" and that worked

So it does work at least in your internal network...


1 hour ago, StephenCND said:

but when I refresh, it did not populate within the larger servers list tab.

Are you referring to the in game server list right?


1 hour ago, StephenCND said:

I only give them my LAN IP address and port?

No, this won't work...

Do you have other services which are running on your server that are reachable from your server?


1 hour ago, StephenCND said:

I feel we are very close to getting this to work here.. :)

Yes and no... :D


You first have to make sure that you can forward the ports and your ISP is not using a CG-NAT.

Then you have to forward the ports and you can then give your friends your public IP to connect, so to speak if you forward the ports it registers at the master server and the master server checks back if the server is reachable from the outside world, if not it would not be populated in the main in game server list if it is reachable from the outside world you should see it in the main in game server list.


I would recommend that you first look into Port forwarding itself @SpaceInvaderOne has also some good videos about it, but please note that these videos are mostly about SWAG (former LetsEncrypt) but it should be very much similar.

The important part is to look into how you forward ports on your router.

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10 hours ago, ich777 said:

Where does the script run? On Unraid itself? If yes, stop the container with:


(of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the container name - case sensitive!)


You should be able of course to use this from the Python script for example for Python3 implement this:

os.system('docker stop CONTAINERNAME')

(for this you have to of corse import os to your Python script)


To start the container again simply run:

docker start CONTAINERNAME



Hope that helps. :)

Unfortunately, no. I haven't been able to get steamcmd to work through the unraid console, so for now it needs to run in the docker. Maybe it would be better to get the server script to run my python script before it starts?

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2 hours ago, OverripeDuck said:

Unfortunately, no. I haven't been able to get steamcmd to work through the unraid console, so for now it needs to run in the docker. Maybe it would be better to get the server script to run my python script before it starts?

Can't you just update when the container is running and after that restart the container by killing the process with pid 1?

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Hi. I cant seem to get the official fjordur map to load on my server... under Map: I put fjordur and also FjordurOffical, both do not work. However when i do the first one i get line 72 error in launch script but when i do the 2nd one, I can see a server but its says in ark that the map is "ShooterEntry". any tips would be good. Like the actual map name i need to use.

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13 hours ago, GonjaT said:

Hi. I cant seem to get the official fjordur map to load on my server... under Map: I put fjordur and also FjordurOffical, both do not work. However when i do the first one i get line 72 error in launch script but when i do the 2nd one, I can see a server but its says in ark that the map is "ShooterEntry". any tips would be good. Like the actual map name i need to use.

I think you are referring to ARK...

If yes, a quick Google search brought up this for me: Click

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21 hours ago, ich777 said:

Have you forwarded the ports in your router too?


So it does work at least in your internal network...


Are you referring to the in game server list right?


No, this won't work...

Do you have other services which are running on your server that are reachable from your server?


Yes and no... :D


You first have to make sure that you can forward the ports and your ISP is not using a CG-NAT.

Then you have to forward the ports and you can then give your friends your public IP to connect, so to speak if you forward the ports it registers at the master server and the master server checks back if the server is reachable from the outside world, if not it would not be populated in the main in game server list if it is reachable from the outside world you should see it in the main in game server list.


I would recommend that you first look into Port forwarding itself @SpaceInvaderOne has also some good videos about it, but please note that these videos are mostly about SWAG (former LetsEncrypt) but it should be very much similar.

The important part is to look into how you forward ports on your router.


Ports have been forwarded. I put in my IPv4 and added the server from within the game server browser. The game server browser can see my server now (but not the Steam Game Browser, which is file). I think everything is up and running now. Thanks again for all your help ich777 . 

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Great docker ich777!

But i have a small problem that i cant figure out!
I need a lib in the csgo-docker.

rcon sm exts list
[12] <FAILED> file "dbi.mysql.ext.so": libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


root@0ed2ab61f094:/# ldd -d -r /serverdata/serverfiles/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/dbi.mysql.ext.so
        linux-gate.so.1 (0x2a9e2000)
        libm.so.6 => /lib32/libm.so.6 (0x2a5a3000)
        libz.so.1 => not found
        libpthread.so.0 => /lib32/libpthread.so.0 (0x2a581000)
        librt.so.1 => /lib32/librt.so.1 (0x2a576000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib32/libc.so.6 (0x2a38d000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x2a9e4000)

I can only find the 64bit lib, and that wont work. 


root@0ed2ab61f094:/# find / -name libz.so.1


Tried to apt-get the lib.

root@0ed2ab61f094:/# apt-get install lib32z1
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package lib32z1

Here is a thread about the problem.


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9 hours ago, capt.shitface said:

apt-get install lib32z1

Did you run:

apt-get update

in the first place?


This should give you this:


(sorry that this is in German but it should be similar in your case...)


By default I remove the package list before pushing the container to DockerHub and GHCR.


Please report back if this is working and solves your issue then I will add it to the container.

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17 hours ago, ich777 said:

Did you run:

apt-get update

in the first place?


This should give you this:


(sorry that this is in German but it should be similar in your case...)


By default I remove the package list before pushing the container to DockerHub and GHCR.


Please report back if this is working and solves your issue then I will add it to the container.

Im ashamed! Of course!
I blame it was late!

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

No worries... Happens to the best... :)


Updated the container and this library is now included. ;)


Well, i work as a system technician and it-infrastructure, i literally manage server, and many of them Linux.. I hope my colleges or boss don't finds this 😅

Anyway, thank you for great support and docker! 

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How do I run  "Isle of Siptah" server for Conan Exiles, is it even possible?

Found an answer for this... 




Also how do I add users as admins on the server, as just inserting the password doesn't work?

Still playing around with admin stuff.


Edit: Got it working, the admin pass is set in ./ConanSandbox/Config/DefaultServerSettings.ini the user does not know how to follow instructions, finally I asked if they were typing the password as seen, and they were able to take admin rights.

Edited by exist2resist
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8 hours ago, drwtrippy said:

Where can I change the Auto Restart Settings for the Valheim Docker? Thanks in advance.

This container has multiple Auto Start/Restart things in place:


The first one is for the container itself is if it crashes or you are somehow able to end the container it will automatically restart:



The second one is that the container automatically checks for updates and restarts itself if a update is found:



And finally the third is what @exist2resist already pointed out that the container itself is started when the Array is started, but you have to enable this by default for the first time because autostart is always off by default:


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