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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Great Valheim Docker, just running into a probably noob issue...


I have the docker installed, once running I can launch Valheim on my regular PC and join the server by putting in my IP:PORT info.

It see the password I set up and lets me in.  But is a fresh world..


I have a world file me and my friends have spent a lot of time on trying to load that data.  I'm not sure If I'm not copping it into the right place on the docker folder or if I need to change some setting in the docker its self?



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3 minutes ago, Yeven said:

It see the password I set up and lets me in.  But is a fresh world..

What is the name of the world?

Did you follow the third recommended post on top?


Where did you copy the world file? You can also post a zip with the world files in here and I will test if it works on my server.

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7 hours ago, Cyd said:

@PPurEEviLL This sounds to me like a directory permissions issue. the cluster function is nothing more than a shared directory. To test I would log into the console of one of the containers on Server2, navigate to the cluster directory and try to touch a new file. 

You were correct sir I fixed perms all is working correctly now. Was very strange as both machines had same user same password so I figured it would just see that and work but it did not. So thank you for sending me in the right direction.

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18 hours ago, ich777 said:

So then the screenshot from your template from a few posts back doesn't reflect your current settings I think...

Can you try to also try to put the GMod server into the port range 27015 - 27030 (these are usually the Steam ports).


May I also recommend to start over, delete the container, delete the folder for garrysmod which lives in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.


I changed the ports because I was troubleshooting / installing multiple of your valve game server containers to see if they were also working and didn't want anything to interfere is why I had to change the port. The port range was an oversight on my end sorry about that.


I just deleted the container, deleted the folder for garrysmod, and pulled a fresh copy from CA apps. Starting all over, changing nothing. The segment fault went away but still can't see or join the server within gmod.











Honestly I am struggling to wrap my head around why it's not working. I feel like it makes no sense? I am starting to think it's just something on my hardware or something I am not seeing.


Edited by Reziem
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9 hours ago, Reziem said:

Honestly I am struggling to wrap my head around why it's not working. I feel like it makes no sense? I am starting to think it's just something on my hardware or something I am not seeing.

Do you maybe have a drive lying around that you can put temporarily into the server and use it as a cache drive formatted with BTRFS and try if the path /mnt/cache/... makes any difference?

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Hi ich777,


may I aske you one more thing ?

I can open the console of your 7DtD Server and your CSMM-7DaystoDie.

But I can not Login. 

You mentioned the Login is Docker and adminDocker ? But do not work for me.

My Login looks like:

9223daxxxxxx login:


Maybe I changed something ? Do you have any idea where to look, or what is wrong ?



Edited by Uncle09
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1 hour ago, Uncle09 said:

Maybe I changed something ? Do you have any idea where to look, or what is wrong ?

You are talking about the console or am I wrong? If yes, this has nothing to do with the game itself.

Please log in as an admin from the in-game console with "adminDocker", you can't log in to the console from the container itself.

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10 hours ago, ich777 said:

Do you maybe have a drive lying around that you can put temporarily into the server and use it as a cache drive formatted with BTRFS and try if the path /mnt/cache/... makes any difference?


I had a spare 1TB, older Samsung SSD laying around. Deleted the gmod container and started over. The container seems to auto / default to /mnt/cache/appdata/garrysmod so I kept it at that and didn't change anything else.




Using a cache drive seems to make it work now :)

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1 hour ago, Reziem said:

Using a cache drive seems to make it work now :)

This is still weird but I think somebody else had a similar issue and that was also the way to solve it, I really can't tell why it's that complicated with GarrysMod or why a Cache drive is even needed.

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Hi all, struggling with getting Terraria server to load my existing world. It keeps spawning new worlds.


Steps I've taken:


1. Installed docker image

2. Setup TERRARIA_SRV_V as

3. Started Docker image, stopped it. Deleted world.wld

4. Copied over my existing world.wld from PC

5. Restarted server.

6. Connected using latest Steam Terraria client, but new world is generated and not my existing seed. Stopping docker container generates world.wld.bak file in addition to my existing world.wld file.


I've also tried renaming my world file to bog.wld and editing the name of the world in the serverconfig.txt file to match - no other parameters/paths were touched, just the physical filename.wld file. Upon reloading and connecting, it still generates a new world (and subsequently saves world.wld or world.wld.bak.


Have tried a fresh docker reload after blowing away the appdata/terraria folder, and adding bog.wld + updating serverconfig.txt to refer to after stopping the new docker installer. Same problem, world not loading.


Tearing my hair out, have I missed something? World was created in 2020, but as been saved multiple times obviously, and under latest PC client.




Edited by BOGLOAD
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Hi ich777,


last question 🙂


CSMM asks me to enter in the add a server window to fill in an authorization name and an authorization token, to set this with telnet command.


I know telnet, but I am not able to do this. I gues it must be done at the 7DtD Server.

But how ? Telnet, local XML, Docker console, Ingame Console ?


Thanks for the hint.


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1 hour ago, Uncle09 said:

Hi ich777,


last question 🙂


CSMM asks me to enter in the add a server window to fill in an authorization name and an authorization token, to set this with telnet command.


I know telnet, but I am not able to do this. I gues it must be done at the 7DtD Server.

But how ? Telnet, local XML, Docker console, Ingame Console ?


Thanks for the hint.


Had you joined my discord, like Ich advised & asked there, this would have all been resolved by now. I'm the one who asked Ich to make the container. Ich doesn't run a 7d server, csmm or plays 7d for that matter. My discord is dedicated to 7D admins. 

Edited by Spectral Force
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8 hours ago, BOGLOAD said:

Tearing my hair out, have I missed something? World was created in 2020, but as been saved multiple times obviously, and under latest PC client.

Can you please send me your world file (simply drop it in the text box) so that I can try it on my server?

Have you installed a cache drive? To what is your appdata Share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Have you changed anything else in the container template?

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Can you please send me your world file (simply drop it in the text box) so that I can try it on my server?

Have you installed a cache drive? To what is your appdata Share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Have you changed anything else in the container template?

Hi @ich777 - sure thing, file is attached.


Yes, a cache drive is installed (use it mainly as a downloading drive), called it 'CACHE' and it only holds my 'scratch' share. 


Created a separate cache pool called "Data" for my appdata share (running RAID1). The appdata share is set to Use Cache Pool: Only,  and Select cache pool: Data.


Nothing else is changed in the container template, just the version number of the server.


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2 hours ago, BOGLOAD said:

Nothing else is changed in the container template, just the version number of the server.

No issue over here, at least it seems like no issue (this is definitely not the default world😞



After the first server start I let the server create the default world and let the server fully start.

After that I stopped the container, put your world file in the "Worlds" folder and then changed two things in the serverconfig.txt:



Finally I started the server again and it loaded the world just fine.

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I have setup a the Factorio Server at home on my dedicated NAS system. UnRaid 6.10.3

The Server uses my Name and auth-token to make it available for public access.
I switched between ichs777 docker and the now maintainging "factoriotools" between and forth. (https://github.com/factoriotools/)

I left the standard ports 34197 UDP and 27015 TCP as is and both are forwarded in my router.

Also UPnP is activ on UnRaid and router if that makes a difference.

The server is set to publish to public and LAN, and can be seen from my and other machines on LAN and public.
All machines can connect via LAN/Local IP Address.
Nobody can connect via the "Browse public server" or via the public ip address.

I have read on the github and in this post, about some issues with some kind of internal proxy docker is using. There suggestion was to start the container with: --userland-proxy=false but that always corrupts the container and i have to reinstall it again.




+ FACTORIO_VOL=/factorio
+ mkdir -p /factorio
+ mkdir -p /factorio/saves
+ mkdir -p /factorio/config
+ mkdir -p /factorio/mods
+ mkdir -p /factorio/scenarios
+ mkdir -p /factorio/script-output
+ [[ ! -f /factorio/config/rconpw ]]
+ [[ ! -f /factorio/config/server-settings.json ]]
+ [[ ! -f /factorio/config/map-gen-settings.json ]]
+ [[ ! -f /factorio/config/map-settings.json ]]
++ find -L /factorio/saves -iname '*.tmp.zip' -mindepth 1
++ wc -l
+ [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
+ [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
++ id -u
+ [[ 0 = 0 ]]
+ usermod -o -u 845 factorio
+ groupmod -o -g 845 factorio
+ chown -R factorio:factorio /factorio
+ SU_EXEC='su-exec factorio'
+ sed -i '/write-data=/c\write-data=\/factorio/' /opt/factorio/config/config.ini
++ find -L /factorio/saves -iname '*.zip' -mindepth 1
++ wc -l
+ [[ false != true ]]
+ [[ 3 == 0 ]]
+ [[ false == true ]]
+ FLAGS=(--port "$PORT" --server-settings "$CONFIG/server-settings.json" --server-banlist "$CONFIG/server-banlist.json" --rcon-port "$RCON_PORT" --server-whitelist "$CONFIG/server-whitelist.json" --use-server-whitelist --server-adminlist "$CONFIG/server-adminlist.json" --rcon-password "$(cat "$CONFIG/rconpw")" --server-id /factorio/config/server-id.json)
++ cat /factorio/config/rconpw
+ '[' -n '' ']'
+ [[ true == true ]]
+ FLAGS+=(--start-server-load-latest)
+ exec su-exec factorio /opt/factorio/bin/x64/factorio --port 34197 --server-settings /factorio/config/server-settings.json --server-banlist /factorio/config/server-banlist.json --rcon-port 27015 --server-whitelist /factorio/config/server-whitelist.json --use-server-whitelist --server-adminlist /factorio/config/server-adminlist.json --rcon-password eabo8ohtahJoh3e --server-id /factorio/config/server-id.json --start-server-load-latest
usermod: no changes
   0.000 2022-10-26 14:01:27; Factorio 1.1.70 (build 60152, linux64, headless)
   0.000 Operating system: Linux
   0.000 Program arguments: "/opt/factorio/bin/x64/factorio" "--port" "34197" "--server-settings" "/factorio/config/server-settings.json" "--server-banlist" "/factorio/config/server-banlist.json" "--rcon-port" "27015" "--server-whitelist" "/factorio/config/server-whitelist.json" "--use-server-whitelist" "--server-adminlist" "/factorio/config/server-adminlist.json" "--rcon-password" <private> "--server-id" "/factorio/config/server-id.json" "--start-server-load-latest" 
   0.000 Config path: /opt/factorio/config/config.ini
   0.001 Read data path: /opt/factorio/data
   0.001 Write data path: /factorio [606395/8581970MB]
   0.001 Binaries path: /opt/factorio/bin
   0.012 System info: [CPU:         Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 8 cores, RAM: 11856 MB]
   0.012 Environment: DISPLAY=<unset> WAYLAND_DISPLAY=<unset> DESKTOP_SESSION=<unset> XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=<unset> XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=<unset> __GL_FSAA_MODE=<unset> __GL_LOG_MAX_ANISO=<unset> __GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=<unset> __GL_SORT_FBCONFIGS=<unset> __GL_YIELD=<unset>
   0.012 Running in headless mode
   0.019 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.054 Loading mod base 1.1.70 (data.lua)
   0.335 Loading mod base 1.1.70 (data-updates.lua)
   0.428 Checksum for core: 2752837659
   0.428 Checksum of base: 4211423066
   0.652 Prototype list checksum: 3034860339
   0.693 Info PlayerData.cpp:71: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1666792415
   0.693 Info PlayerData.cpp:78: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
   0.698 Factorio initialised
   0.701 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:29: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
   0.702 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
   0.702 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: updateTick(4294967295) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
   0.702 Loading map /factorio/saves/save.zip: 558010 bytes.
   0.759 Loading level.dat: 1023954 bytes.
   0.763 Info Scenario.cpp:199: Map version 1.1.70-1
   0.780 Loading script.dat: 1182 bytes.
   0.791 Checksum for script /factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 2881393120
   0.793 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (IP ADDR:({}))
   0.793 Hosting game at IP ADDR:({})
   0.794 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:795: updateTick(0) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
   0.794 Info UDPSocket.cpp:39: Opening socket for broadcast
   0.795 Error InterruptibleStdioStream.cpp:61: Got EOF on stdin; closing
   0.795 Info RemoteCommandProcessor.cpp:130: Starting RCON interface at IP ADDR:({})
   0.795 Info CommandLineMultiplayer.cpp:292: Maximum segment size = 100; minimum segment size = 25; maximum-segment-size peer count = 10; minimum-segment-size peer count = 20

I am really not sure if a container issue or a docker one to be honest.

As far as i can tell the port forwarding on my router is working correctly. I have no issues opening ports for UnRaids build in Wireguard VPN.

Edited by JohnSaft
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22 minutes ago, JohnSaft said:

I switched between ichs777 docker and the now maintainging "factoriotools" between and forth. (https://github.com/factoriotools/)

I've only made a template for Factorio it's also based on factoriotools/factorio:stable as you can see in the template:



24 minutes ago, JohnSaft said:

Nobody can connect via the "Browse public server" or via the public ip address.

24 minutes ago, JohnSaft said:

I am really not sure if a container issue or a docker one to be honest.

Please double check your port forwarding and also if you have forwarded UDP, also note, some ISPs blocking port forwarding for UDP ports in general but this is only just a guess.


Also please check your configuration file if the token is set correctly without any spaces in the front/end.

With which editor did you edit the file, it's not the first time that the editor messes up the config file.

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Hi - first, thank you so much for all these containers and all the support!


I'm running into a similar problem with my previously saved Valheim world not loading on the dedicated server. I've checked:


* -crossplay is turned on

* the files are in ./appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds_local

* the Docker World Name is the exact same name as the file

* I'm passing the name through "-world [world_name]"

* The files I copied over belong to "nobody/users"


I still end up getting a fresh world every time.


I'm running the Game pass version of the client. Is there some kind of compatibility issue? Is "world_local" not the right folder?

Edited by vanik
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39 minutes ago, vanik said:

* I'm passing the name through "-world [world_name]"

Why? There is a line in the template that does this.


39 minutes ago, vanik said:

I'm running the Game pass version of the client. Is there some kind of compatibility issue?

No there is no compatibility issue.


40 minutes ago, vanik said:

Is "world_local" not the right folder?

Yes, but please don't use the -world parameter use the line in which is defined in the template.


41 minutes ago, vanik said:

* The files I copied over belong to "nobody/users"

This is not imported the container should set the permissions on each start/restart from the container, how do you copy over the files.

Do you stop the container first and then replace the world?

Have you yet tried to rename your world files to the default files which are in the folder and replace it then?


I can tell for sure that Valheim is working with crossplay because I added this feature about 3 weeks ago.

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

Why? There is a line in the template that does this.


No there is no compatibility issue.


Yes, but please don't use the -world parameter use the line in which is defined in the template.


This is not imported the container should set the permissions on each start/restart from the container, how do you copy over the files.

Do you stop the container first and then replace the world?

Have you yet tried to rename your world files to the default files which are in the folder and replace it then?


I can tell for sure that Valheim is working with crossplay because I added this feature about 3 weeks ago.


"-world" was just a troubleshooting attempt to see if that made a difference. I'll remove it!


I copy the files over the network (via macOS Finder). I did stop the container and replace the world to no avail.


Hmmm... as far as renaming files to the default: I set the world name to (let's say) "Vanikserver" in the settings, I replaced "Vanikserver.db" and "Vanikserver.fwl", and then I deleted everything else in the "world_local" folder. 


Is there another default name that's used? 

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9 minutes ago, vanik said:

Hmmm... as far as renaming files to the default: I set the world name to (let's say) "Vanikserver" in the settings, I replaced "Vanikserver.db" and "Vanikserver.fwl", and then I deleted everything else in the "world_local" folder. 

Sorry I wasn't clear enough, try to rename your world to Dedicated.db/Dediacted.fwl and copy it via smb to your server, this should do the job just fine if you pull a fresh copy from the CA App.


BTW I also now tried it with a completely different world on my server (copied one from my computer to the server) and it works just fine.


9 minutes ago, vanik said:

Is there another default name that's used? 

No, Dedicated is the default name:


(please always use that variable in the template)

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15 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Sorry I wasn't clear enough, try to rename your world to Dedicated.db/Dediacted.fwl and copy it via smb to your server, this should do the job just fine if you pull a fresh copy from the CA App.


BTW I also now tried it with a completely different world on my server (copied one from my computer to the server) and it works just fine.


No, Dedicated is the default name:


(please always use that variable in the template)


No dice 🙁 

Grabbed a fresh copy from the CA app, only changed GAME_PARAMS (to add "-crossplay"), SRV_NAME, and SRV_PWD. Renamed Vanikserver.fwl using https://geekstrom.de/valheim/fwl/ to Dedicated.fwl (and just renamed Vanikserver.db to Dedicated.db using my OS),  copied both to "appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlds_local", deleted all the other files inside it...


Then started up the server again and still got a new world. I wonder if my save is getting corrupted somehow.

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