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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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15 minutes ago, ich777 said:

No, please remove the user from the template, Steam credentials are only needed when it explicitly mentioned!


Why? This will only cause trouble.


Please stop the container, remove everything that was created so far in the ark directory which is located in your appdata folder, remove the credentials from the template and then start the container.


Please note that the first startup will take very long and you may see nothing in the log for a few minutes.

I didn't know. Thank You!

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1 hour ago, Nodiaque said:

I was wondering if a new template could be created for dysterra?

This seems like a Windows only game to me, at least from the dedicated server side 1816360.

I also stopped creating game server for games that I don't own because giving support is a nightmare if something is broken.

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16 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Tried it now:



Should I look out for something:




EDIT: Forgot a screenshot tho prove that it is running on my server:




EDIT2: Here is also a screenshot from my folder after shutting down the server:


(looking good to me...)

Any ideas why mine creates flies with the same names when I start Valheim Docker but with a random seed? It does not overwrite my wanted files but creates new ones of the same name and runs on those. Can you .zip up your files (from the screen shot) and send it to me so I can try them?

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9 minutes ago, jsooter1 said:

Any ideas why mine creates flies with the same names when I start Valheim Docker but with a random seed? It does not overwrite my wanted files but creates new ones of the same name and runs on those. Can you .zip up your files (from the screen shot) and send it to me so I can try them?

Here are my docker settings


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32 minutes ago, jsooter1 said:

Any ideas why mine creates flies with the same names when I start Valheim Docker but with a random seed?

Are you really sure that your appdata share is set to use cache prefer? Is your cache named cache and not differently?


It seems like the data isn't found by your server because the path to the files is somehow wrong because it uses maybe /mnt/user/... instead of /mnt/cache/... to copy over the files or something like that. I can't imagine another thing...


32 minutes ago, jsooter1 said:

Can you .zip up your files (from the screen shot) and send it to me so I can try them?

I've deleted them already but will do the same again and zip them.

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19 minutes ago, jsooter1 said:

Any ideas why mine creates flies with the same names when I start Valheim Docker but with a random seed? It does not overwrite my wanted files but creates new ones of the same name and runs on those. Can you .zip up your files (from the screen shot) and send it to me so I can try them?


1. Valheim Docker stopped and files I sent you copied over



2. Start Valheim Docker.


3. Seed it should have loaded (khryss)



4. Seed it actually loaded (eqCUjmcgsd)



5. Correct file with seed I want.


5. .fwl file with wrong/random seed that it loads and appears after renaming correct/wanted files.


So weird.



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6 minutes ago, jsooter1 said:

1. Valheim Docker stopped and files I sent you copied over

And exactly there is your issue, why do you copy it to /mnt/user/...? It should go to /mnt/cache/...

Why are you copying it over with Krusader? SAMBA is much easier and SAMBA will put it in the right spot if you have set it to use cache only or prefer.


You've said earlier it is set to use cache prefer or am I wrong about that?


Anyways here is the zip:


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11 minutes ago, ich777 said:

And exactly there is your issue, why do you copy it to /mnt/user/...? It should go to /mnt/cache/...

Why are you copying it over with Krusader? SAMBA is much easier and SAMBA will put it in the right spot if you have set it to use cache only or prefer.


You've said earlier it is set to use cache prefer or am I wrong about that?


Anyways here is the zip:

worlds_local.zip 1010.69 kB · 0 downloads

Thank you! Made those changes and it all works! Bless you!

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14 hours ago, ich777 said:

Have you yet tried to set validation to 'true'?

Yes sir! Twice as a matter of fact. Looks like everything is good to go; but even after restarting + reinstalling the server version is mismatched with game version. Server version needs to be bumped to 21116 but I am unsure as to how lol :)

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On 12/8/2022 at 9:35 AM, Postman94 said:

I have a problem with my Unraid server, i am running a Valheim Dedicated server on it, and it has been working for over 6 months or so, and there have been a couple of disconnects (clients/players) from the valheim server.

Now it happens like once every hour.

I looked in the unraid log, and everytime we get disconnected i see that its "joining mDNS multicast group on interface" and theres something about a ipv6 address, i cant see what i can do to get rid of this problem. 

We can connect right after we disconnect.





Hope you have an idea of what to do :D

Thanks in advance


Did you get an answer on this because it's happening to me as well.  According to some dedicated "pay server" places it started happening after they instituted the "cross-platform play"—so Xbox etc can play with PC players.  There is some line in the .bat file of the server that they are deleting.  However, they don't say which .bat file it is to disable the cross-platform play, and it fixes the disconnect issue(s).

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I just installed the valhiem container with bepinex set to true. When I try to join, I get incompatible version. When I set bepinex to false, I'm able to join without issue.


I have bepinex installed in my client dir as well.


Any ideas on how to fix the incompatible version error with bepinex?

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21 hours ago, ich777 said:

Please delete the container, delete the directory for cs1.6 in your appdata folder and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.


I did nothing else in my test from above.

Tried a bunch of times. It would download some but would never complete. Or I was just too impatient? restarted idk how many times and let it run for 24 hours.

I ended up getting the server to run by just manually downloading the server and game files and placed in the cstrike1.6 and restarted it.


Up and running now. Not sure what I missed but thanks for the support!

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7 hours ago, Raiever said:

Yes sir! Twice as a matter of fact. Looks like everything is good to go; but even after restarting + reinstalling the server version is mismatched with game version. Server version needs to be bumped to 21116 but I am unsure as to how lol :)

Are you running the game on an experimental branch on your local machine? Please make sure that you don't, can you also post a screenshot from the template.


What does the log say when the container starts, maybe also post the log output.

Do you run any kind of AdBlocking or custom DNS software on your network which maybe prevent the communication?

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7 hours ago, CoZ said:

Did you get an answer on this because it's happening to me as well.

Yes, he did, the Update Check function from the template was broken and I've deprecated that no matter what you set in the template.

Is your container up to date?


7 hours ago, CoZ said:

There is some line in the .bat file of the server that they are deleting.  However, they don't say which .bat file it is to disable the cross-platform play, and it fixes the disconnect issue(s).

In my container cross-platform play isn't enabled by default and you have to enable it manually if you want to use that feature.

BTW the removal of some lines or parameters in a bat file won't do anything to the container since it doesn't use the bat file or any sh file that is shipped with the server.

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5 hours ago, mcap said:

Any ideas on how to fix the incompatible version error with bepinex?

Are you sure that the version which you are using on your local client is up to date?


This is a mod and I don't really support it, I've only built that in on request because it is one of the two most mods.

I can only assume that one of them isn't up to date, maybe it's also the one which is downloaded by my automatic download in the container.

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First I want to say thank you for all the great game server docker you have created.


I'm having trouble starting the Satisfactory server.

I put my save file here "satisfactory/FactoryGame/Saved/"


here is the config :image.thumb.png.8ac8669d4323b3d36416eed39afa3468.png


and here are the logs:


[2022.12.12-12.29.25:230][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/FactoryGame/Schematics/Story/Schematic_ObjectScanner_WAT1 requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/FactoryGame/Schematics/Story/Schematic_ObjectScanner_WAT1
[2022.12.12-12.29.25:230][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
[2022.12.12-12.29.25:230][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/FactoryGame/Prototype/WAT/Desc_WAT1
[2022.12.12-12.29.25:237][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Couldn't find file for package /Game/FactoryGame/Schematics/Story/Schematic_ObjectScanner_WAT2 requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/FactoryGame/Schematics/Story/Schematic_ObjectScanner_WAT2
[2022.12.12-12.29.25:237][  0]LogStreaming: Error: Found 1 dependent packages...
[2022.12.12-12.29.25:237][  0]LogStreaming: Error:   /Game/FactoryGame/Prototype/WAT/Desc_WAT2



[2022.12.12-12.15.28:303][  0]LogGenericPlatformMisc: Error: SetEnvironmentVar not implemented for this platform: SteamAppId = 526870
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:320][  0]LogSteamShared: Warning: Steam Dedicated Server API failed to initialize.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:320][  0]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Game Server API initialized 0
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:320][  0]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Failed to initialize Steam, this could be due to a Steam server and client running on the same machine. Try running with -NOSTEAM on the cmdline to disable.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:320][  0]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:320][  0]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize!
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:320][  0]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:324][  0]LogServer: Bound Server Query Socket to address ''
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:324][  0]LogServer: Bound Server Query Socket to address ''
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:326][  0]LogGame: MaxNumBackupsaves: 25
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:326][  0]LogInit: Display: Game Engine Initialized.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:326][  0]LogNetVersion: Set ProjectVersion to ++FactoryGame+rel-early-access-CL-211116. Version Checksum will be recalculated on next use.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:326][  0]LogConsoleResponse: Display: Can't switch to RHI thread mode when we are not running a multithreaded renderer.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:326][  0]LogConsoleResponse: Display: RHIThread is disabled.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:327][  0]LogInit: OnPostEngineInit has been broadcasted successfully.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:336][  0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game.
[2022.12.12-12.15.28:336][  0]LogNet: Browse: /Game/FactoryGame/Map/DedicatedserverEntry?Name=Player


And do i get the Session ID?

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28 minutes ago, eshchar said:

I'm having trouble starting the Satisfactory server.

Why, everything is looking good.


28 minutes ago, eshchar said:

And do i get the Session ID?

I don't think so since this is a dedicated server...


You can connect via the IP and there it should show the Session ID but please be aware that you have to forward the ports with the appropriate protocol as shown in the template.



What is the exact issue? How much RAM does the container consume when you let it run for about 2 minutes?

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30 minutes ago, ich777 said:

What is the exact issue

i don't see the ip of the game server in my network map on my router.

i did port forward to for all 3 ports.


31 minutes ago, ich777 said:

much RAM does the container consume when you let it run for about 2 minutes?

about 727MB


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7 minutes ago, eshchar said:

i don't see the ip of the game server in my network map on my router.

I don't understand what you mean exactly with that.


You did specify the IP in the template from what I can see from the screenshot from above...



For most routers you have to manually forward them.


7 minutes ago, eshchar said:

i did port forward to for all 3 ports.

Have you yet tried to connect from your local network to the server with the above specified IP? This should even work without exposing the ports in your router to the Internet.

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