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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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2 minutes ago, Tobîîas said:


It actually says `GAME_PARAMS` in the launch parameters field?

Use the gus.ini to set sever name, rcon enabled/rcon password, motd, etc.
Make sure everything else that needs to be a launch param is a launch param.


Should look something like this, minus any extra params you don't need.

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

It should look like this if you want 40 players for example:


I just wanted to try everything, that's why the game params ...

what do i have to write if i want to increase the exp, or do i have to write all changes in the game parameters?

 if i want to change something so ?XPMultiplier=5.000000



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thank you very much and happy chrismas

wie kann ich dann noch Mods installieren?


in the gameusersettings.ini
a new line under ServerSetting activemods=2996312197,761535755,609380111,895711211,821530042


in game.ini 






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12 minutes ago, Tobîîas said:

thank you very much and happy chrismas

Merry Christmas.


13 minutes ago, Tobîîas said:

wie kann ich dann noch Mods installieren?

Only English please.


13 minutes ago, Tobîîas said:



As you can see from the screenshot your are now locked out of your account and probably your IP is also banned for a few hours from Steam so you can't log in.


!!! Please never user your real Steam Credentials if they are not marked as required with the red asterisk in the template !!!


15 minutes ago, Tobîîas said:

in game.ini 

I can't help with that since modding is always up the the user, I think you should really take a look at the 2nd recommended post on top of this thread, it's for a ARK cluster but you will find, even not for a cluster, useful information and maybe also what you are searching for.

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Hello there ich777, can you please help me get out of this problem that i have with redM server?

when i start the server and i open the logs it gets stuck at the line: Authenticated with cfx.re Nucleus: link

and after some time i get server cannot be listed error even though i can connect localy but there is no txAdmin pannel openning

i am lost in the serach for a solution and it seems that nobody has this problem.

I will attach some screenshots to this post

Screenshot 2023-12-25 185442.png

Screenshot 2023-12-25 185516.png

Edited by bTprint
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14 hours ago, bTprint said:


Screenshot 2023-12-25 185516.png

It seems that the container can't communicate with the server or does run into some kind of timeout, do you maybe have any adblocking or Unifi network gear on your network?

Make sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet.


14 hours ago, bTprint said:

even though i can connect localy but there is no txAdmin pannel openning

Have you read the description here:



Delete text 'server.cfg' from that variable, then you have to create a port entry in the template at the bottom with "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" select "Port", at the host and container port you have to specify 40120 and as the protocol TCP.

After that you should be able to connect to the txAdmin through YOURSERVERIP:40120

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52 minutes ago, ich777 said:

It seems that the container can't communicate with the server or does run into some kind of timeout, do you maybe have any adblocking or Unifi network gear on your network?

Make sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet.



well i did made a custom network just for that, the server shows up in redm launcher as a listed server, i made some tunnels thru cloudflare to have also subdomains, but the error still shows up. my router has restrictions whatsoever i even made a portforwarding to these 3 ports but that's literaly unnecessary.  should  run some portforwarding on unraid???

btw that with txAdmin i was so dumb... i forgot to delete the server cfg after i made the port and start_vars...


Thank you for the reply and much thanks for your hard work

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6 hours ago, bTprint said:

well i did made a custom network just for that, the server shows up in redm launcher as a listed server, i made some tunnels thru cloudflare to have also subdomains

That sounds complicated for a game server, really complicated.

Just use the default bridge network and forward the ports in your router/firewall, that's usually enough for a game server.


6 hours ago, bTprint said:

my router has restrictions whatsoever i even made a portforwarding to these 3 ports but that's literaly unnecessary.  should  run some portforwarding on unraid???

I don't understand what you mean exactly...?

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i meant that my router doesn't have any restictions and i already forwarded the ports for the server.

i switched to the bridge mode in unraid but i still get the same problem.

The server is being listed but when someone wants to join it gets stuck at requesting server variables for a couple of seconds and then connection timesout. i am really lost with this... i even have a dns specially for this but i can access only the txAdmin pannel from outside.

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1 minute ago, bTprint said:

i even have a dns specially for this but i can access only the txAdmin pannel from outside.

What do you mean you have a special DNS for it? Do you set up a domain for the container?


You can't access txAdmin from you LAN? There must be something wrong with the network setup, I really don't know what to tell you here, I've set up a instance just for testing and it is working over here and I get no errors so far.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

What do you mean you have a special DNS for it? Do you set up a domain for the container?


You can't access txAdmin from you LAN? There must be something wrong with the network setup, I really don't know what to tell you here, I've set up a instance just for testing and it is working over here and I get no errors so far.

i can access txAdmin from lan and from outside there is no problem with txAdmin, i have a domain for my unraid server and i am using tunnels for every container that i use.

It has to be a network error somewhere.

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On 4/21/2019 at 11:45 PM, ich777 said:

Summary: Support Thread for ich777 Gameserver Dockers (CounterStrike: Source & ConterStrike: GO, TeamFortress 2, ArmA III,... - complete list in the second post)

Application: SteamCMD

DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/steamcmd


All dockers are easy to set up and are highly customizable, all dockers are tested with the standard configuration (port forwarding,...) if the are reachable and show up in the server list form the "outside".


The default password for the gameservers if enabled is: Docker

It there is a admin password the default password is: adminDocker


Please read the discription of each docker and the variables that you install (some dockers need special variables to run).


The Steam Username and Password is only needed in templates where the two fields are marked as requirde with the red *



Created a Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/dockersforunraid


If you like my work, please consider making a donation



de ceva timp imi bat capul cu servere , ca sa nu mai folosesc VM WIN pt server de cs1.6 / cs go 

dupa 2 ore de futut in cur docarul cu presupusul server  sa il iau in pula de linux apare intr-un fila

pe internet mergand sa te conectezi pe el . si facut tot dupa spusele autorului ca la carte si nu vroia motivul nu stiu , citind toate topicurile legat de acest doker surpriza nu pori sa il controlezi servarul merge ca prostul ce vrea el cum vrea el , instalex amxmodx toate versiunile si credetima o iei la padura dupa ce instalezi vezi ca nu mai merge servarul sa vezi de ce , si de ce , rezolvare partiala este sa editez docarul sai dau sa verifice  acel parametru cu " true " surpriza merge servarul te poti conecta pe el dar nu il poti controla iar te introrici de unde ai plecat .

Poate eu sunt batut in cap ROG FRUMOS AUTORUL SA FACA UN TUTORIAL PAS CU PAS PENTRU   CS 1.6 & CS GO  sa aibe si accces la server pentru a schimba harta etc etc  . Pana atunci imi cer scuze dar  GAME SERVER  de cand a aparut eu nu am reusit sal fac sa mearga ca un server care il tin pe VM DEDICAT DIN UNRAID 

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18 minutes ago, Corodeanu N said:


Sorry but you are using a lot of swear words I if my Google translate is correct and I'm not happy about that because we have forum rules here, they apply also if you are using a foreign language I would however prefer that you use Google translate and post the translation to English here, that would make my life (and maybe the life of other users here) easier because the main forum language is English...


However you should really take a look Meta Mod in combination with Source Mod since I use these to have a in game menu and change Maps, Bots, Player commands and so on.

You can also do that from the command line with RCON. :)


Sorry, I won't do a full tutorial because I only provide basic functionality, so to speak the game server itself (modding is always up to the user and I can't help with that because there are many games and even more mods for the games and I simply can't know every mod and how to even mod the game - I do for a few and try to help where I can ;) ).


However in terms of CS:GO it is a completely different story because if you would have searched for "CS:GO Unraid" on Google one of the first results is the blog post from over here. :D

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Please update the container itself (by clicking "force update" on the Docker page with Advanced View enabled) and it should work again. :)

one last little thing.
have you done any configuration on your side regarding passwords ?

because I have a password that is requested and I don't know how to remove it.

very strange because in the server.cfg there are no passwords 🤔



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I'm unable to connect to a Longvinter server. I believe I have forwarded the right ports. I even tried stopping all other containers to prevent conflicts. The server shows up in the browser. I get this message after a while when trying to connect.


The log window seems to show the server running so I'm not sure what I'm missing. I'm able to connect to random other servers, both official and unofficial. Let me know if there is anything else you need to help troubleshoot.


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7 hours ago, Logidroid said:

very strange because in the server.cfg there are no passwords 🤔

Are you sure that you look in the correct server.cfg, the container usually ships with a server.cfg that has the password "Docker" and "adminDocker" (also right in the first post of this thread) set by default.



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4 hours ago, rocklord2004 said:

I'm unable to connect to a Longvinter server.

I have now tested it and it is working flawlessly:



I have both tested to connect from inside my local network and from outside.


Have you yet tried to connect with the local IP from your server just for testing purposes? Maybe you have issues with Hairpin NAT.


3 hours ago, rocklord2004 said:

Almost all of these files are blank when opened. Only Engine, Game, Game.ini.default, and GameUserSettings have anything in them.

Nothing to worry about, this is the case for most dedicated game servers.

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Looks like I got too focused on the server browser and didn't even think about the direct connect option. I was able to connect locally and when using my phone as a hotspot so I could be off network. The server browser still errors out though. I'm curious if there is a setting somewhere not having it use the 27016 port or I'm just missing a conflict in my forwarding. I'd bet I'm overlooking a conflict. I appreciate your reply though since direct connect will work well enough for the few friends I'll be playing it with.

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1 hour ago, rocklord2004 said:

Looks like I got too focused on the server browser and didn't even think about the direct connect option. I was able to connect locally and when using my phone as a hotspot so I could be off network. The server browser still errors out though. I'm curious if there is a setting somewhere not having it use the 27016 port or I'm just missing a conflict in my forwarding. I'd bet I'm overlooking a conflict. I appreciate your reply though since direct connect will work well enough for the few friends I'll be playing it with.

So I've tried now many things and I'm happy to report that it is indeed working and only the specified port in the template is needed.

I've forwarded port 27016 UDP in my firewall, disconnected the network connection to my PC, set up a Hotspot on my mobile phone, connected my PC to it and I can connect to it via the hotspot. ;)




Strangely enough it is not working when I try to access the server from the server list when I'm on my LAN, so to speak when the game is listed with the suffix "(LAN)" right next to the server name <- seems like this is some kind of bug in the game since this was working when I initially create the container.

However if you are on the LAN you can connect through direct connection.



I've now deleted the server already but if you really want to I'll set up another instance that you can try to connect and you will see that it will indeed work.

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