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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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1 minute ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

Seems to still be happening for me on 7DtD. I removed the container and deleted the 7dtd appdata again, the re installed it, same symptoms. =( 

Restart the container once please and try again but i don't get any issue, btw did you install it from the CA App or did you just click Add Container?


I've tested it also and it works just fine if your UID and GID are the standard ones from Unraid.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Restart the container once please and try again but i don't get any issue, btw did you install it from the CA App or did you just click Add Container?


I've tested it also and it works just fine if your UID and GID are the standard ones from Unraid.

I'm installing from CA...

So the behaviour has changed slightly. I remove the container and delete the appdata folder, re-install the container from CA, whilst the container is downloading the server files, the appdata folder is accessible, then once the server has actually started initialising itself, that's when the appdata folder seems to lock itself.


I'm using UID - 99 and GID - 100, so just the defaults...

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9 minutes ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

I'm installing from CA...

So the behaviour has changed slightly. I remove the container and delete the appdata folder, re-install the container from CA, whilst the container is downloading the server files, the appdata folder is accessible, then once the server has actually started initialising itself, that's when the appdata folder seems to lock itself.


I'm using UID - 99 and GID - 100, so just the defaults...

I think you only mean the 7DtD folder in the appdata directory...


That it locks up is completely not intended, also nothing has changed when it downloads the files...


I also can't reproduce that i cannot acces the whole folder i think there might be a little permissions problem, all files accessable and editable.

I think it has something to do with your domain in active directory.


EDIT: I've now rebuilding the containers again please try again in a few minutes, now i've changed the permissions to 777

Edited by ich777
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On 11/7/2019 at 9:32 PM, bubo said:

1.  Under the original setup for the ARK Docker, all game files were stored in the serverdata path.  Something would trigger instances were the folder identified for the serverdata path would have it's permissions changed to a state where I could not even open the folder with my normal user role (both from the unRaid Terminal CMD, and also from where I had previously mapped to it from Windows Explorer).  When this occurred, I could issue a chmod 777 command in the unRaid Terminal CMD (I think I SU the command, but it's been awhile since I did it), and this would correct the problem until it was triggered again.

This should now be fixed after you updated and once restarted the container.

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

I think you only mean the 7DtD folder in the appdata directory...


That it locks up is completely not intended, also nothing has changed when it downloads the files...


I also can't reproduce that i cannot acces the whole folder i think there might be a little permissions problem, all files accessable and editable.

I think it has something to do with your domain in active directory.


EDIT: I've now rebuilding the containers again please try again in a few minutes, now i've changed the permissions to 777

Seems to be sorted! Thank you so so much! =D

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19 minutes ago, jchase222 said:

is there a special way to changer 7d2d ingame settings? Ive changed the serverconfig file multiple times then on startup it resets all setting back to initial install settings. 



Are the savegame variables right?

What files did you change, did you change any filename, did you delete something, what did you exactly change?


Short explenation main configuration file must be in the root of your 7dtd folder then the Serverconfig variable in the template must be the same as the configuration file in the root of the directory eg: 'serverconfig.xml' (without quotes).

The folders for the savegame and userdata cannot be changed manually.


For the ingame settings i can't help you eventually someone else has a solution who own's the game.

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Are the savegame variables right?

What files did you change, did you change any filename, did you delete something, what did you exactly change?


Short explenation main configuration file must be in the root of your 7dtd folder then the Serverconfig variable in the template must be the same as the configuration file in the root of the directory eg: 'serverconfig.xml' (without quotes).

The folders for the savegame and userdata cannot be changed manually.


For the ingame settings i can't help you eventually someone else has a solution who own's the game.

AppData ---> 7D2D ---> serverconfig.xml


That is the file that i changes settings in and i did not change the filename. I made the correct changes to mirror a server that I have running on a windows VM. That is the only place that i know of to change ingames settings. 


I stopped the docker made the changes to the serverconfig file. Then started it back up and poof all settings reverted back to when docker was originally installed.

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21 minutes ago, jchase222 said:

AppData ---> 7D2D ---> serverconfig.xml


That is the file that i changes settings in and i did not change the filename. I made the correct changes to mirror a server that I have running on a windows VM. That is the only place that i know of to change ingames settings. 


I stopped the docker made the changes to the serverconfig file. Then started it back up and poof all settings reverted back to when docker was originally installed.

Eventually @Spectral Force can help you out...

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1 hour ago, jchase222 said:

AppData ---> 7D2D ---> serverconfig.xml


That is the file that i changes settings in and i did not change the filename. I made the correct changes to mirror a server that I have running on a windows VM. That is the only place that i know of to change ingames settings. 


I stopped the docker made the changes to the serverconfig file. Then started it back up and poof all settings reverted back to when docker was originally installed.

If there was a version update- sometimes they will replace the config with a vanilla one.  I always just make a backup before restarting the docker and restore over the vanilla.  I do know that some options change on occasion when versions do, so you may have to recreate a new config based on the vanilla.  Definitely not a problem with the docker- we played our 28 day horde last night with my crew of 6 and they took down our entire base!  So much fun.

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20 hours ago, t33j4y said:

Will the Terraria server work for IOS clients as well? Anything special that needs to be done or observed? Or is it PC only?

From my research the developers had some issues with the linux and osx version *LINK*

Please contact me in a few months again and i will look into it again. ;)

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CSMM-7DTD got updated but now the web ui won't come up. I'm getting a unable to connect when trying to pull up the webui

Log files seem pretty normal

---Setting umask to 000---
---Starting MariaDB...---
---Starting Redis Server---
---Checking if CSMM is installed---
---CSMM found---
---Prepare Server---
---Configuring Redis---
Background saving started
---Checking for old logs---
---Configuring CSMM---
---Checking if Databse is present---
---Database found, injecting, please wait---
---Start Server---
debug: Please note: since `sails.config.session.cookie.secure` is set to `true`, the session cookie
debug: will _only_ be sent over TLS connections (i.e. secure https:// requests).
debug: Requests made via http:// will not include a session cookie!
debug: For more help:
debug: • https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?the-secure-flag
debug: • https://sailsjs.com/config/session#?do-i-need-an-ssl-certificate
debug: • https://sailsjs.com/config/sails-config-http#?properties
debug: • https://sailsjs.com/support
(node:228) [DEP0095] DeprecationWarning: timers.enroll() is deprecated. Please use setTimeout instead.
(node:228) [DEP0126] DeprecationWarning: timers.active() is deprecated. Please use timeout.refresh() instead.
(node:228) [DEP0096] DeprecationWarning: timers.unenroll() is deprecated. Please use clearTimeout instead.

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1 hour ago, HellraiserOSU said:

(node:228) [DEP0095] DeprecationWarning: timers.enroll() is deprecated. Please use setTimeout instead.

(node:228) [DEP0126] DeprecationWarning: timers.active() is deprecated. Please use timeout.refresh() instead.
(node:228) [DEP0096] DeprecationWarning: timers.unenroll() is deprecated. Please use clearTimeout instead.


Created a issue on github also nodejs changed something (backported a few functions), yesterday all my images where rebuilt because of minor fixes and since nodejs changed something and the developer of CSMM-7DtD not i can't get the docker to run.

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23 hours ago, HellraiserOSU said:

No rush, just checking to see if it's still on the docket.. Thanks!

Found eventually a solution for your problem if you are using the old database you must do this commands within the container in mysql *LINK*


If you are using a new instance of the container the error is also there but it's just a WARNING and not an error that doesn't start the container.

  • Thanks 1
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7 hours ago, ich777 said:

Found eventually a solution for your problem if you are using the old database you must do this commands within the container in mysql *LINK*


If you are using a new instance of the container the error is also there but it's just a WARNING and not an error that doesn't start the container.

Ah is there a way to do that update via the docker console? I'm not familiar with DBs inside a container. If it was MS SQl Server I could handle it :)

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14 hours ago, HellraiserOSU said:

Ah is there a way to do that update via the docker console? I'm not familiar with DBs inside a container. If it was MS SQl Server I could handle it :)

It is a MariaDB so it's basicaly the same as a MySQL Database ;)

In the Unraid Docker tab click on the CSMM icon and select Console in the console you can login with: 'mysql -u csmm -p' and then type the password: 'csmm7dtd' then you can enter the commands from the link and restart the container, it theoretically should work aigain :)


I will also edit the container that it will do it itself but not in the near future since my time is very limited right now...

Edited by ich777
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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

It is a MariaDB so it's basicaly the same as a MySQL Database ;)

In the Unraid Docker tab click on the CSMM icon and select Console in the console you can login with: 'mysql -u csmm -p' and then type the password: 'csmm7dtd' then you can enter the commands from the link and restart the container, it theoretically should work aigain :)


I will also edit the container that it will do it itself but not in the near future since my time is very limited right now...

Ah gotcha!

So I had to

use 7dtd;

select database();


then I ran the commands..

Then I rebooted the container..

then... Same issue.. won't load the UI :(


Thanks for showing me how to do it. I'm always up for learning new stuff.

I might just destroy data and start again. See if that works and just forget about the old database.

Edited by HellraiserOSU
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