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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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So, because of the Unraid version, the apps search actively filters results based on version, and the true named result is not even made visible in the app search? Wouldn't it make more sense to show the searched-for result, and then have the plugin entry specify what version is the minimum needed for it to run?


I run that version of Unraid, btw, for performance reasons, because with any later versions, the shfs process goes nuts, and runs and runs, eating up large CPU %. With this version or earlier, no problems.

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8 hours ago, nathanarizona said:

Cannot find Unassigned Devices plugin in Apps tab search. Is it under a different name?


It's under the settings tab and then User Utilities (bottom of that page)


14 hours ago, dlandon said:

This generally happens when a device is not recognized by Unraid as unassigned.  You can tell because the device designation is sda and not  'Dev X'.  Try clicking on the double arrows on the upper right hand part of the UD screen and see if that fixes it.  There is a bug in UD that may be causing this that is fixed in the next release.


Yes - I also noticed that it didn't show as Dev x (I assumed Dev 3) -

By "double arrow" do you mean the "Refresh Disks and Configuration" - I did that a couple of times yesterday. No luck. Not a biggy for no. I still know you to (u)mount it from the terminal if needed as long as UD understands it...


Also - what about the "Adding SMB share 'USB_DISC_4T'" line.. I do not recall that happened before.. I also see the disk on the network now and do not want that to happen and I'm not sure how to stop that.

Edited by sjoerd
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8 hours ago, nathanarizona said:

Wouldn't it make more sense to show the searched-for result, and then have the plugin entry specify what version is the minimum needed for it to run?


Not in my mind.  But, you can have the Apps tab show those results by enabling Show Incompatible Apps in it's settings.


You will also have to understand that no provisions are ever going to be made by CA in keeping the entire system running (appfeed etc) under that OS version (or more to the point, CA versions less than the current version, and you're stuck at that rather old version of CA now)

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3 hours ago, sjoerd said:

Yes - I also noticed that it didn't show as Dev x (I assumed Dev 3) -

This can also happen if the disk is removed before it is unmounted, and then re-inserted into the server.


3 hours ago, sjoerd said:

Also - what about the "Adding SMB share 'USB_DISC_4T'" line.. I do not recall that happened before.. I also see the disk on the network now and do not want that to happen and I'm not sure how to stop that.

Click on the edit settings (three gears icon) and turn off the 'Share' switch.

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15 hours ago, Squid said:


Not in my mind.  But, you can have the Apps tab show those results by enabling Show Incompatible Apps in it's settings.


You will also have to understand that no provisions are ever going to be made by CA in keeping the entire system running (appfeed etc) under that OS version (or more to the point, CA versions less than the current version, and you're stuck at that rather old version of CA now)

Thank you for that; I did not realize there was a switch in Settings of App search page for that. In 10 years of using Unraid, I've never needed that before. Once enabled, I was able to find it and get the minimum version answer from the found plug-in entry, exactly like I was talking about.

I would like to know where else I should have been able to find that minimum version info for the UD plugin; was not in the description on the first page of this thread, and was not in the developer Github entry as far as I could tell, either.


I get that not everything old can be supported forever, but is 3 years really that old for an OS version? Surely I'm not the only one that has stuck to an older version of Unraid for performance or compatibility reasons (actually I know I'm not; I see entries in this forum all the time where people roll back one or 2 versions from the current release version for just those reasons).


I do appreciate all the hard work you've put into Unraid, btw, Squid. No question it's way more user-friendly than it used to be, thanks, in no small part, to you.

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Hi, thank you very much for this plugin.


Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do?

I have two VMs. Both are used for gaming. It'd be really nice to have the games on the same drive for both VMs. The issue with adding it to both as a network drive (instead of passing it through to the VM(s)) is that Origin, Epic GL, and Uplay have huge issues with installing to network drives and really only accept native drives.

I'm currently passing through the game drive to one VM and am sharing it within Windows. This seems to at least work for Origin most of the time.



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I just had a problem that I was not able to mount or add a newly added 4TB WD Red to my array.

Under unassigned devices the 'mount' button was greyed out.

I still used the preclear container to preclear my drive but still could not do anything with it afterwards.


So I came across this post which solved my problem by manually deleting the 'non existing' partition and formating it with mkfs:



Still I don't understand what the actual problem was.

Does someone has an idea what was going on here?




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6 hours ago, nathanarizona said:

I get that not everything old can be supported forever, but is 3 years really that old for an OS version?

The problem here isn't supporting per se the older versions of the OS, but rather the time and effort involved in doing so while maintaining compatibility with the current versions.  In all my plugin's case, the minimum is really 6.7.0 (too new for you) across the board, and for the major plugins (CA, FCP) it's 6.9.0+


Decisions to drop compatibility aren't taken lightly, but its a big PITA to even support the Icon for the plugins under 6.6 and still support 6.7+ fully, and every new feature, display change etc all has to be tested down to whatever the plugin says is it's minimum, and there's major differences between how <6.7 and 6.7+ operate for communications, display engines etc.  Not to mention the support issues if something isn't working correctly.


6 hours ago, nathanarizona said:

I would like to know where else I should have been able to find that minimum version

Apps - Statistics will let you see everything there.

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2 hours ago, Marv said:

Still I don't understand what the actual problem was.

Does someone has an idea what was going on here?

After you preclear a drive, you need to delete the log by clicking on the red X on the preclear status line.  You can then format the drive.


The partition created by preclear is not a mountable partition because it does not have a file system.

  • Thanks 1
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@dlandon Getting this issue on my 6.9.2 system on 23a.


Feb 24 13:05:24 unraid emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sda
Feb 24 13:20:25 unraid emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sda
Feb 24 13:23:07 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222

Edited by SimonF
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1 minute ago, dlandon said:

Does it happen once i  a while or a lot?


Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:33:48 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:35:03 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:36:03 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:56:51 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 07:59:36 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 08:08:59 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 08:08:59 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 08:14:35 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 10:17:02 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 10:17:31 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 10:21:02 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 10:26:45 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 10:48:02 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 10:49:46 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 10:56:46 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 11:05:01 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 11:08:16 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 11:10:31 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 11:11:31 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 11:12:47 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 11:13:31 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 11:14:17 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 11:43:53 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222
Feb 24 12:39:08 unraid unassigned.devices: Waiting for udev lock file.
Feb 24 13:23:07 unraid unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: unlink(/tmp/unassigned.devices/udev.lock): No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 2222


This is my log since updating this morning.



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14 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Thanks for turning on the debug log.  It looks as if the lock file isn't getting written to the /tmp/ file system or is getting removed before the unlink().


I can stop the unlink() warning, but the file really should be there.  Let me do some more testing.


Can you post your diagnostics zip file so I can have a look?

Sure here you go. 




Edited by SimonF
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After updating to version 2022.02.24a, I no longer see my external hard drive from the 'Main' tab in UnRaid :

Before this version, I could see my external hard drive in the list of available hard drives with a 'MOUNT' button from this tab.


However, I see it in the list of hard drives from the 'Dashboard' tab but without a button to mount the hard drive:


Can you help me please?


Thx in advance.

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