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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Well, I tried mixing it up and just like you said I was able to get mixed upper/lowercase. Something like [Game SSD] worked fine. Tried GAME SSD, and also like you said, Windows dorked out and made it all lowercase. I'm not sure why the space wouldn't work for me before, but that was probably just user error on my part. Good find on those other links as well, making a bookmark in case I end up needing to make a share in all caps again sometime. Thanks for the help!

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Hi All,


I have just swapped over to UD from using SNAP, with an SSD that holds my Windows VM image and all my docker containers.


I read through the help and saw this,

Disks formatted with xfs or ext4 will be mounted with 'discard'.  This enables TRIM on SSD devices.

however my SSD is formatted with btrfs, which i have been lead to believe is better suited for my use case (please correct me if i am wrong).



My question is, will trim work with btrfs, or will i need to reformat the drive to xfs or ext4 if i want trim to run?


Thank you,






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I'm looking for a bit of help with using the scripts with this plugin.


Ideally what I want to be able to do is plug in a USB drive and have my Media folder backup to that drive, then when that drive is full I'll remove it and connect a new drive which it will then continue to use but not backup any of the files which were backed up on the previous drive.


I had the thought that I would use rsync and have a file containing the date of the last backup and then sync all files modified after that, but I'm well out of my comfort zone by this point! Perhaps there's a much better way of doing it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a hard time with this plugin lately. unRAID 6.1.9 and the latest version of the plugin.


If I set to share my external device, the share shows up but on a windows client I am asked for username/password and cannot log in. From the mac it says "cannot be found" and finder closes out.


Any help would be appreciated as this is a helpful feature.

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I'm having a hard time with this plugin lately. unRAID 6.1.9 and the latest version of the plugin.


If I set to share my external device, the share shows up but on a windows client I am asked for username/password and cannot log in. From the mac it says "cannot be found" and finder closes out.


Any help would be appreciated as this is a helpful feature.

What do you have under Settings - Unassigned Devices - SMB Security?
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I am migrating my unRAID server to a new chassis, with SATA backplanes as per this thread: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50806.new;topicseen#new

and basically will be rearranging my SATA connections. I currently have the Unassigned Devices Plugin managing one out of the array drive which I use for storage for MythTV KVM. The ISO for this VM is stored on this HDD, the VM itself runs from my cache drive, and MythTV stores it's recordings in a share /mnt/disks/mythtv .

My question is, during the process of changing around SATA connections, will this affect the drive being managed by Unassigned Devices in any way or does it like unRAID, identify devices by serial# and basically "just work" if this drive is plugged into another SATA port?



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I am using this plugin so that I can mount a smb video folder that is shared from another nas so that I can have Plex which is in a docker see it. I do not need to share this folder over through unraid to other pc's. Right now when I connect from another pc to my unraid ip I see the video folder. Is there any way to hide the share from showing on the network? Since I only need it for plex.

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My question is, during the process of changing around SATA connections, will this affect the drive being managed by Unassigned Devices in any way or does it like unRAID, identify devices by serial# and basically "just work" if this drive is plugged into another SATA port?


Should be OK, I recently connected one of my UD disks to a different controller and it was detected as usual.

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I am using this plugin so that I can mount a smb video folder that is shared from another nas so that I can have Plex which is in a docker see it. I do not need to share this folder over through unraid to other pc's. Right now when I connect from another pc to my unraid ip I see the video folder. Is there any way to hide the share from showing on the network? Since I only need it for plex.

From the first post in this thread:


In order to share any UD device, sharing needs to be enabled in the UD Settings and the switch turned on to share the particular device.
That tells you how to share a device. You should be able to figure out how to unshare it.
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Just as a response to anyone who may be wondering for the future, this plugin does indeed detect a drive swapped to another SATA port by serial number, and rearranging my SATA signal connections caused absolutely no issue with this plugin whatsoever. My system booted totally normally as if nothing was ever changed, albeit the sdX designation changed as with any boot that drives are added or subtracted. But absolutely no issues with case / chassis and SATA signal cable migration at all. The VM I had using this drive showed no change at all and everything went exactly as it should.

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I installed the plugin, plugged in my external and UNRAID recognizes the device:


Aug 19 00:08:58 Tower kernel: usb 7-2: new SuperSpeed USB device number 15 using xhci_hcd

Aug 19 00:08:58 Tower kernel: usb-storage 7-2:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected

Aug 19 00:08:58 Tower kernel: scsi host24: usb-storage 7-2:1.0


But both SNAP and Unassigned Devices do not show it listed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi All,


I have just swapped over to UD from using SNAP, with an SSD that holds my Windows VM image and all my docker containers.


I read through the help and saw this,

Disks formatted with xfs or ext4 will be mounted with 'discard'.  This enables TRIM on SSD devices.

however my SSD is formatted with btrfs, which i have been lead to believe is better suited for my use case (please correct me if i am wrong).



My question is, will trim work with btrfs, or will i need to reformat the drive to xfs or ext4 if i want trim to run?


Thank you,




Only xfs and ext4 drives are mounted with discard.  UD doesn't mount btrfs with discard as an option.

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I'm looking for a bit of help with using the scripts with this plugin.


Ideally what I want to be able to do is plug in a USB drive and have my Media folder backup to that drive, then when that drive is full I'll remove it and connect a new drive which it will then continue to use but not backup any of the files which were backed up on the previous drive.


I had the thought that I would use rsync and have a file containing the date of the last backup and then sync all files modified after that, but I'm well out of my comfort zone by this point! Perhaps there's a much better way of doing it?


It sounds as if you are trying to span disks.  UD currently cannot handle that, and I don't know how you could develop a script to do what you want.

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I'm having a hard time with this plugin lately. unRAID 6.1.9 and the latest version of the plugin.


If I set to share my external device, the share shows up but on a windows client I am asked for username/password and cannot log in. From the mac it says "cannot be found" and finder closes out.


Any help would be appreciated as this is a helpful feature.


When UD shares a device, permissions are set to the users defined in unRAID.  You will need to provide a user name and password to access the share.


This access is controlled in Settings->Unassigned Devices.  You grant access to the UD shares based on the user permissions set there.  The settings apply to all UD shares.

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How doed remote iso and remote shares work? Is iso presented to vm as a cdrom.?  Remote shares is that just basically a share on another nas/server?


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk


Iso files and remote shares are mounted locally on unRAID at /mnt/disks/... and are shared on SMB and NFS if set in Settings->Unassigned Devices.


An iso is only shared and VMs can browse the SMB share.  It is not presented as a cdrom to a VM.  You can mount an iso directly to a VM by editing the VM and adding the iso as a mount.


A remote share mounts the NAS/Server on unRAID at /mnt/disks/... and shares it via SMB or NFS if configured.

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I am using this plugin so that I can mount a smb video folder that is shared from another nas so that I can have Plex which is in a docker see it. I do not need to share this folder over through unraid to other pc's. Right now when I connect from another pc to my unraid ip I see the video folder. Is there any way to hide the share from showing on the network? Since I only need it for plex.


Set Enable SMB Security to "Yes Hidden" in Settings->Unassigned Devices.  All UD shares will be hidden.

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My question is, during the process of changing around SATA connections, will this affect the drive being managed by Unassigned Devices in any way or does it like unRAID, identify devices by serial# and basically "just work" if this drive is plugged into another SATA port?


Should be OK, I recently connected one of my UD disks to a different controller and it was detected as usual.


UD devices are detected by device serial number and moving to another disk controller/port will not affect the detection of the device.

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