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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Yep. It appears to be caused by the fact that the mounts aren't valid, hence the reason I'm trying to remove them. I've even tried removing and re-installing the plugin but the entries re appear. Are these stored in a file somewhere that I can manually edit?

Must be on the flash drive somewhere. Try looking in the folder for the Unassigned Devices plugin in config/plugins. Most of the files on flash are text and you can learn a lot by exploring them.
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I would like to use this plugin to manage my unassigned devices.  Currently my unassigned devices are mounted and shared via my go script.


If I install this plugin, will it automatically recognize my current mounted and shared unassigned devices?  Or should I remove the commands in the go script first, reboot, and then install this plugin to setup the unassigned devices with the same mount points and share names as in go script?


My windows VM is using the unassigned devices and so I need them to be setup exactly like how my go script is doing it.

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Hey folks,


I have a share from my Cable Box listed for mounting in Unassigned Devices but I want to remove it. The Cross icon  for removing is red and unresponsive. Any ideas?


Nov 07 17:51:23 Removing Remote SMB share '//'...
Nov 07 17:51:23 Device '//' script file not found. 'REMOVE' script not executed.
Nov 07 17:51:23 Unmounting Remote SMB Share '//'...
Nov 07 17:51:23 Unmounting '//'...
Nov 07 17:51:23 Successfully unmounted '//'
Nov 07 17:51:23 Removing SMB share file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/'
Nov 07 17:51:23 Removing SMB share definitions from '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
Nov 07 17:51:23 Reloading Samba configuration..
Nov 07 17:51:24 Successfully removed SMB share ''.
Nov 07 17:51:24 Share '//' unmount successfull.
Nov 07 17:51:31 Removing configuration '//'.
Nov 07 17:56:48 Remote SMB share '//\Root\media\usb' is not mounted and cannot be unmounted...
Nov 07 17:57:45 Remote SMB mount '//\Root\media\usb' is not set to auto mount and will not be mounted...


UD cannot handle the backslash in the name.  You'll have to manually edit the /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/samba_mount.cfg file and remove it manually.

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My windows VM is using the unassigned devices and so I need them to be setup exactly like how my go script is doing it.

What mount point are you currently attaching to? If it's not /mnt/disks/* then you won't be able to use UD.


They are currently mount to /mnt.  I have no /mnt/disks on my server.


I am also using the smb-extra.conf to share the mounted drives.


I would like to use UD, and so does UD require me to make a /mnt/disks and then mount my unassigned drives at that location?  Hopefully I can reconfigure the Windows VM to use the new mount points.



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My windows VM is using the unassigned devices and so I need them to be setup exactly like how my go script is doing it.

What mount point are you currently attaching to? If it's not /mnt/disks/* then you won't be able to use UD.


They are currently mount to /mnt.  I have no /mnt/disks on my server.


I am also using the smb-extra.conf to share the mounted drives.


I would like to use UD, and so does UD require me to make a /mnt/disks and then mount my unassigned drives at that location?  Hopefully I can reconfigure the Windows VM to use the new mount points.

UD itself makes /mnt/disks and then mounts unassigned devices there.
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I am currently using UD to add a second drive to my windows 10 VM


However; the drive (showing in unraid) is only increasing, not decreasing.


So for example when the drive (in unraid) shows full (even though in the windows 10 is only half full) my VM just constantly crashes.


How to I make the .img shrink and grow with the disk?



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I am currently using UD to add a second drive to my windows 10 VM


However; the drive (showing in unraid) is only increasing, not decreasing.


So for example when the drive (in unraid) shows full (even though in the windows 10 is only half full) my VM just constantly crashes.


How to I make the .img shrink and grow with the disk?



not quite sure what you are expecting?    You always need to allow the maximum specified space for a .img file.  It starts off sparsely populated, but as the VM writes to logical sectors from within the VM they start occupying real space within the .img file.  It is quite normal for it not be shrunk just because you have deleted files within the VM.  It will stop growing when the full space specified has been reached.
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But will the drive/vm still function.


Yesterday I had to destroy my image (and the only conclusion I can reach) was the drive hit capacity, then the VM would survive for about 30 seconds then die.


The second I removed the drive it would run for hours.

i would expect the VM to crash as effectively at the Windows level writes have started failing.  You should NEVER specify the size of the vdisk to be larger than the free space available for it to expand into or you are guaranteed to hit problems at some point.
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How do I create an SMB share from an unassigned device where no credential is required?


Can I control the SMB attributes like how I can do it in the smb-extra.conf file?


Basically it would be a public share.  I tried it not specifying a username or password, but I am getting prompted to enter a credential when I try accessing the share from a Windows 10 machine.


I need to be able to specify SMB attributes like:

browseable, guest ok, writeable, read only, etc...



I figured out that I still had to maintain my smb-extra.conf file external to UD.  I thought UD would allow me to define SMB shares, but it only defaults to the mount point name and basic SMB security.

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When I have the plugin installed and two SMB mounts the web gui for the "Main" screen takes ages (minutes)  to stop loading - you can't change tabs until it finished loading and the buttons on the Main screen also are prevented from working.


Only seems to be a problem if the device linked by SMB are switched off (a NAS, a FOXSAT-HDR - I don't want these devices switched on all the time they wake themselves up and switch off at certain times.). Problem "goes away" when I uninstall the plugin.


I don't now if this is a problem with how I was using the plugin or a problem with the plugin.  Other than this it seem to work quite well - but the lag on the Main screen was too frustrating.

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When I have the plugin installed and two SMB mounts the web gui for the "Main" screen takes ages (minutes)  to stop loading - you can't change tabs until it finished loading and the buttons on the Main screen also are prevented from working.


Only seems to be a problem if the device linked by SMB are switched off (a NAS, a FOXSAT-HDR - I don't want these devices switched on all the time they wake themselves up and switch off at certain times.). Problem "goes away" when I uninstall the plugin.


I don't now if this is a problem with how I was using the plugin or a problem with the plugin.  Other than this it seem to work quite well - but the lag on the Main screen was too frustrating.


Do you unmount those devices before you switch them off? If not then it's not surprising that UD hangs for a while.


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Do you unmount those devices before you switch them off? If not then it's not surprising that UD hangs for a while.


Is it surprising  ? Perhaps you could explain why instead of giving an unhelpful reply. 


I have two other Linux devices (Nas and the foxstat box that can do the same thing) and they don't slow down when a SMB connected device is turned off.  So to me it is surprising.


As a newbie to Unraid I find the whole forum a bit unfriendly in its attitude.


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As a newbie to Unraid I find the whole forum a bit unfriendly in its attitude.

Reviewing your post history I don't see where you got that impression, but sorry.


I think this forum is one of the best features of unRAID.


Never said it wasn't helpful. But when you've been messing  about with something  that's not behaving as it should- it a bit a disheartening  when you get unhelpful posts.

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Do you unmount those devices before you switch them off? If not then it's not surprising that UD hangs for a while.


Is it surprising  ? Perhaps you could explain why instead of giving an unhelpful reply. 


I'm sorry you found my reply unhelpful. I can't fix your problem but I thought I could give you the pointer you were asking for to fix it yourself. I can't give you an explanation because I didn't write the plugin but I assume it polls the mounted devices when the page is refreshed. Try unmounting your devices before switching them off.


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Apologies if this has been answered already.


Is it possible to prevent the UNRAID GUI from wakening a HDD from sleep when assigned using 'unassigned devices' plugin?


I have 2 4TB HDDs (sde and sdf) that I set to sleep after 2 minutes of no activity using hdparm -S $device

However, after they sleep and I refresh the UNRAID main page that shows the disks, both drives spin up. Is this normal?

Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening?


I tested this using hdparm -Y /dev/sde forcing the drive to sleep and then refreshing the UNRAID gui. This wakes up the drive also.


Anyone using a script to put their drives to sleep and works OK, please share it so I can see the script config. Thank you.

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Is AFP share support on the roadmap for Unassigned Devices?


What are the best methods/practices for using Time Machine via AFP on a non-array disk? I prefer to avoid using Time Machine via SMB.


Has anyone set up Time Machine within an array share and symlinked it to a non-array mounted drive controlled by Unassigned Devices?

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