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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. here in the Prometheus targets: The old GT 710 doesn't export a lot of metrics, but I've had other "good" cards that don't export 100% of metrics and return N/As, so I thought it was worth raising... but otherwise feel free to ignore
  2. Giving this a go as I needed to get familiar with Prometheus for work, and it looks really interesting! One thing I've come across so far with the NVIDIA-SMI exporter plugin is N/A values seem to trip it up (from a GT 710), not sure if this is something that can be worked around or not? strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "N/A": invalid syntax
  3. The other common culprit is the PCIE slot is disabled due to shared lanes being in use elsewhere. There is also the possibility there is some compatibility issue with the riser card and the 980 being a pcie 4.0 device, similar issues effect some people for GPUs.
  4. Looks like one slot is NVME M.2, the other is SATA M.2, based on the board layout it looks like the top is the SATA slot. Try moving the NVME to the other slot on the card. EDIT: can now see the markings that confirm this
  5. Had a similar issue, I fixed it this way... Run this command in the gitlab docker CLI (not unraid CLI): gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]" This will start the password reset process for root.
  6. @bonienl might be able to comment if this is something that can be remedied easily (or not) ?
  7. Users can change their forum email address under Account Settings
  8. Any Jackett users switched over yet ? Thinking about giving Prowlarr a go
  9. So while this is still an ongoing issue (still on 6.9.2), it seems to have settled down since I started using my VMs a lot recently (even once they are shutdown). Current usage with VM running: All I can think is that there is some hardware that isn't being initialised properly until the VM starts... kind of like what we see with GPUs. My theory is the 100% usage should return on next Unraid reboot, and then disappear again once I start a VM... I'll try and test this theory out in the next week.
  10. I looks like the update disconnected the discord link also
  11. Old post, but I just had to tackle this issue myself for a Win10 install, so I thought I'd document the process... Problem: You have expanded your vdisk, but now there is a recovery partition blocking the expansion of the main partition in Disk Management console, like pictured below Solution: In my case I could open up diskpart (elevated), and force the deletion, be very sure you have chose the correct partition! If completed successfully, you will now be abled to extend your disk in Disk Management. I'd expect at some point in the future that this recovery partition would be recreated. This link has some other useful methods if this method does not work https://superuser.com/questions/1023765/how-to-delete-the-recovery-partition-in-windows-10
  12. I voted no, you should use a separate pool or unassigned device (HDD is fine). I've run this config for many years, and have none of the issues many others that use primary-cache/array complain of.
  13. To do this, get the container ID for your docker docker container ls Then use this ID, for example ID: b88b6ee9cf09 docker inspect b88b6ee9cf09 MAC address will be listed right near the end of the output, and will start with 02:42:c0 Note if you change the IP assignment in docker, the mac will change. You can force a static mac in docker, but docker doesn't check if mac is unique, so use this as a last resort.
  14. The VM editor hides hardware no longer connected, but this is a PITA when you try and remove missing hardware from the config as you found out, the VM will fail to start if configured hardware is not available. You need to go into the XML view and remove that section yourself to clear it, save, then try adding the mouse after.
  15. You won't be able to reset the trial with a reinstall, but you can extend the trial if you need more time to decide.
  16. Still an outstanding issue with USB passthrough on Hyper-V, impacted some colleagues last week. They just went with VirtualBox. VMWare player is another option too.
  17. Could the feature request poll for 6.11 be moved to a forum where all members can comment, not just My Server users ?
  18. Time to vote for inclusion in 6.11
  19. Aesthetically it bothers me, but functionally it does what its meant to.
  20. Your choices are really [easy] run base jedec speeds (2666?) [advanced] loosen timings and drop speed to 2933 or lower (there may be XMP profiles you can use) [expensive] buy a known working kit I've been using a gskill kit (F4-3200C14Q-64GVK) which uses bdie, so is able to run higher speeds more easily (stable for +3 years) on the older, more finicky 1950x. I'm also using 4x 16GB modules, to avoid loading up the ram controller with 2 banks. Downside is the fast bdie kits are expensive.
  21. Since upgrading my workstation (carbon), Fusion360 has not wanted to start and freezes on start up, no amount of reinstalls and fixes has resolved the seemingly common issue, so this has stopped progress on custom drive mounting solution However, I was still able to upgrade a little, my 2TB WD blue which died after a long arduous history, was finally pulled out, replaced with another spare WD Red 4TB from my old array. So now the scratch pool is a 3 disk raid0 pool (12TB), which amusingly is the size of my first Unraid array I built ~5 years ago. I have also enjoyed mucking around with Chia, so I've expanded into a dedicated pool of 2x 18TB. A bonus was these particular shucks didn't have PWDIS, which makes life easier. with no power mods needed. If multi-pools were here I would have made it a seperate pool, I'll look to convert when that option becomes available. Those of you that paid attention will note I now have 16 drives in a 15 drive chassis... well one drive got shoved down the side where the gap for the IO panel and cables is haha This brings the server up to ~150TB across array, pools and UD. I plan to move towards 0.25PB, once the new drive mounting arrangement is sorted and in place.
  22. I understand the hack violates the EULA, but I'm curious about how Hyper-V can now support GPU-P which accomplishes the same thing (on both Nvidia and AMD) without creating issues with licensing. We might get lucky and similar changes get adopted in KVM. Another video from Jeff for context 😛
  23. Can I request we have separate logging for the Mover ? Currently there is a choice of: no mover logging filling the syslog with mover logs The latter makes it difficult to troubleshoot issues, with most users told to disable mover logging, while the former obscures data movements in the system, which is not ideal for a NAS OS.
  24. iSCSI plugin in Community Applications for Unraid version 6.9+
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