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[Plugin] Appdata.Backup

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It seems my plugin doesn't have access to write in this DIR?

Support ID: 62af874b-1d6a-4f98-8040-4532565b21cb


Any idea why? What am I supposed to do in this situation, it can't back anything up.


Can I also avoid any "Null mapping" errors too? I have them eg. with the VSCODE container.

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Every one of my back ups fail. I use setting stop all containers, backup then restart. The issue is mariadb app - the backup fails, and as a result, the entire backup fails (eventhough the backup of NO other apps during the process fails)


How can TAR creation fail???


How is this error solved?




Here is error message:

[27.03.2024 18:32:53][ℹ️][mariadb] Should NOT backup external volumes, sanitizing them...
[27.03.2024 18:32:53][ℹ️][mariadb] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb
[27.03.2024 18:32:53][ℹ️][mariadb] Backing up mariadb...
[27.03.2024 18:35:51][][mariadb] tar creation failed! Tar said: tar: /mnt/user/appdata/mariadb/databases/75813e901614.err: File shrank by 880862549 bytes; padding with zeros

Edited by tmor2
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On 3/28/2024 at 3:16 AM, KluthR said:

It seems that something is messing with the files. Some other „thing“ that would do that? Mover?


best way is to share your debug log.


Here is the debug log.


Also, I double checked, nothing else, not even Mover, nor any containers, nor any other processes are running during backup. The last successful backup was 2023-09. No changes/updates were made to UNRAID system since then (except Docker/plugin updates). I'm running UNRAID v6.12.9



Edited by tmor2
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27 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

You have tdarr and tdarr_node accessing the same folders, one changed a file while the other was being backed up. Put both into a group so they're both stopped together.

ah great, worked. thanks a lot

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I can't get my post-run script to run.

It's a simple rclone sync command in an sh file which uploads my appdata to onedrive.

My pre-run script runs fine which is in the same location with the same permissions.

When I execute the script from terminal it works as intended.


I can't figure it out

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3 hours ago, dingbat said:

I can't get my post-run script to run.

It's a simple rclone sync command in an sh file which uploads my appdata to onedrive.

My pre-run script runs fine which is in the same location with the same permissions.

When I execute the script from terminal it works as intended.


I can't figure it out


Okay, I managed to diagnose this issue.


If I have anything at all in global exclusions then appdata backup will completely ignore any extra files/folders and won't run my post-run script. Anyone else had this issue or am I going to have to put up with bloated backups?

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has anyone run into an issue where the settings simply will not save? I tried adding containers into groups, changing skip from "no" to "yes" and after hitting save, it changes back to the previous settings. I've cleared my cache, using different browser and devices with no luck. any ideas?

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@KluthR Whenever I try to change my source directories to my actual "internal appdata path" it changes back automatically to the absolute path regarded as "external" by the plugin (/mnt/disks/XXXXX/docker/appdata).

is it possible to somehow change whats regarded as being "internal" path?


All my appdata is regarded as external paths since I setup my server at a time when I had a weird bug with the appdata folder access rights, so I am using another path (/mnt/user/appdata/appdata). Stupid yes, but it was the only way I managed to solve it at the time.

I could use "external paths" but then it backs up stuff I don't want, like the external transcode directory for plex etc.

Otherwise I would need to migrate all my 38 containers back to the default appdata path 😅

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13 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

"Appdata source(s)" at the top, if something's within one of those set there it's internal.


Tried to set it several times, but it reverts to absolute path and then regards it as "external path", and as a result it skips it completely unless I explicit set it to backup external paths further down.

Right now it's only backing up the template settings.

Is it fetching these paths from the container settings even though I explicitly tells it to target these folders?


Screenshot 2024-04-06 122320.png

Edited by SolidFyre
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2 minutes ago, SolidFyre said:

Is it fetching these paths from the container settings

Yes paths are always taken from the container settings, then if that path is within one of the appdata sources it's considered internal

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8 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

Yes paths are always taken from the container settings, then if that path is within one of the appdata sources it's considered internal

Ah, alright. Guess I have to bite the bullet and migrate all my containers to the "correct" path then. uhh.... Thanks :)

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2 hours ago, kiwijunglist said:

Does the backup use rsync or similar to save space?

No, it makes backups that are always fully self-contained so you can revert to something older than latest and it'd be consistent.

Edited by Kilrah
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For months off and on I get this error; frankly I am tired of seeing it despite it means nothing. What is wrong here? I don't even leave MongoDB running anymore.

The error:

Event: Appdata Backup
Subject: [AppdataBackup] Error!
Description: Please check the backup log!
Importance: alert



Debug Log ID: c2b88e35-5351-4b46-8572-9a8dddda2430

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On 3/29/2024 at 9:20 PM, Kilrah said:

You have tdarr and tdarr_node accessing the same folders, one changed a file while the other was being backed up. Put both into a group so they're both stopped together.

How do you group containers together? I couldn’t find anything when searching this backup topic or Unraid generally.

I’m getting the “File change as we read it” for Plex media server. Which has writing interactions with tautulli and Ombi containers.


I have my backup type set to: Stop all containers, backup, start all.

Debug Log ID: 4879c939-ebf7-419d-98ed-b8a7942b0527

Edited by CafeNevosa
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On 4/16/2024 at 1:35 PM, KluthR said:

„Group“ field inside container specific settings.

To share for others, that took me 10 minutes before finding 😅. As I was looking inside the Unraid Docker container tab.


Instead of inside backup plugin itself and clicking on the container at bottom, naming the container group and clicking save confirm the group name.




Hopefully updating works without errors after backup. If I group everything appropriately.

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