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Upgrading unRAID from Version 5 to Version 6

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I am having hard time figuring out the license cost for upgrading from 5 to 6.


I currently have 2-key Pro license for version 5. How much would it be to get the Plus edition of v6 ? Do I pay full price $89 x 2 for two keys or is there some discount for upgrading from v5?



Your existing licence will still be valid.  No extra cost at all.
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You must now put the .key file in the /config folder and it must be the only .key file in there!  You, of course, have to use the Flash Drive that the .key file is registered with!

I'm hearing multiple conflicting opinions on whether the key file must be the only one. Pretty sure I saw somewhere in the V6 development that you could put all your owned keys in the config folder, and unraid would find and use the one that matched the current flash GUID. I haven't tried it, but it would be good to find out for sure.


What do you call them though?


Currently I have two files both called pro.key.  I actually keep backups on both USB files so I have on each disk

  • pro.key
  • Unraid1-Pro
  • Unraid2-Pro


and both my USB flash drives are labelled 1 & 2.  Plus keep a backup of each key in dropbox and on my array.


I thought that the key would only get recognised if it was called pro.key but prepared to be wrong on that one.

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You must now put the .key file in the /config folder and it must be the only .key file in there!  You, of course, have to use the Flash Drive that the .key file is registered with!

I'm hearing multiple conflicting opinions on whether the key file must be the only one. Pretty sure I saw somewhere in the V6 development that you could put all your owned keys in the config folder, and unraid would find and use the one that matched the current flash GUID. I haven't tried it, but it would be good to find out for sure.


What do you call them though?


Currently I have two files both called pro.key.  I actually keep backups on both USB files so I have on each disk

  • pro.key
  • Unraid1-Pro
  • Unraid2-Pro


and both my USB flash drives are labelled 1 & 2.  Plus keep a backup of each key in dropbox and on my array.


I thought that the key would only get recognised if it was called pro.key but prepared to be wrong on that one.

Somewhere along the line in the 6 beta series (probably around beta 7), the system was reorganized to allow multiple instances of .key files stored in your config folder.  It doesn't matter what they are called as long as their extension is .key  unRaid will go through them one by one looking for a match for your flashdrive.
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From ~beta 14


Feb 27 19:28:33 Server_A emhttp: wrong GUID: /boot/config/Pro (7).key (125F-C81A-0065-F5088500F479)
Feb 27 19:28:33 Server_A emhttp: Pro key detected, GUID: 0930-6544-71B3-CCA0392724BD FILE: /boot/config/Pro (4).key


It looks like as of v6 final however the system no longer logs failed GUIDs however.


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Somewhere along the line in the 6 beta series (probably around beta 7), the system was reorganized to allow multiple instances of .key files stored in your config folder.  It doesn't matter what they are called as long as their extension is .key  unRaid will go through them one by one looking for a match for your flashdrive.


Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.... Going to reboot and try it out now!




It works!!  Nice feature for those of us with multiple keys!  ;D

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Somewhere along the line in the 6 beta series (probably around beta 7), the system was reorganized to allow multiple instances of .key files stored in your config folder.  It doesn't matter what they are called as long as their extension is .key  unRaid will go through them one by one looking for a match for your flashdrive.


Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.... Going to reboot and try it out now!




It works!!  Nice feature for those of us with multiple keys!  ;D


Personally, the OCD in me doesn't want keys on a flash drive they're not associated with  :)

I just keep a folder on my PC called "UnRAID Keys", with subfolders named "GUID xxxxyyyyzzzztttt"  (i.e. the actual GUID) ... and store the relevant keys in each of the subfolders.  As with all of my documents, that folder is backed up in numerous places, so the odds of ever losing my keys are exceptionally low.  And each of my UnRAID flash drives has a small Dymo label on it with the GUID (in very small print).



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Somewhere along the line in the 6 beta series (probably around beta 7), the system was reorganized to allow multiple instances of .key files stored in your config folder.  It doesn't matter what they are called as long as their extension is .key  unRaid will go through them one by one looking for a match for your flashdrive.


Well I'll be a monkey's uncle.... Going to reboot and try it out now!




It works!!  Nice feature for those of us with multiple keys!  ;D


Personally, the OCD in me doesn't want keys on a flash drive they're not associated with  :)

I just keep a folder on my PC called "UnRAID Keys", with subfolders named "GUID xxxxyyyyzzzztttt"  (i.e. the actual GUID) ... and store the relevant keys in each of the subfolders.  As with all of my documents, that folder is backed up in numerous places, so the odds of ever losing my keys are exceptionally low.  And each of my UnRAID flash drives has a small Dymo label on it with the GUID (in very small print).


The way I see it, the more places I have that key stored the less chance I've got of deleting it.

Plus it also means I can copy one USB directly to the other as a backup, without worrying about the key.


I also have my flash drive labelled with a dymo label, but just unR1 & unR2 as that's all I could fit on...

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Plus it also means I can copy one USB directly to the other as a backup, without worrying about the key.

Bingo. That was the main reason to make the change, IIRC.


It's not a bad idea, actually.    It lets every flash drive be a backup for the keys on the others.  I still like having a more organized backup that's specific to individual flash drives, but I can certainly understand the attraction of this approach.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a quick question.  I'm currently using Version 5.0.5, and I am using Plex Plugin + cache drive.  I want to start completely fresh and re-do Plex after updating to UnRaid 6.  My question is, what do I do with the Plex folders in the cache drive?  Do I just delete these?

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I've got a quick question.  I'm currently using Version 5.0.5, and I am using Plex Plugin + cache drive.  I want to start completely fresh and re-do Plex after updating to UnRaid 6.  My question is, what do I do with the Plex folders in the cache drive?  Do I just delete these?


Keep them, because these can be re-used in the new set up (will save you to redo all information collection)


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I've got a quick question.  I'm currently using Version 5.0.5, and I am using Plex Plugin + cache drive.  I want to start completely fresh and re-do Plex after updating to UnRaid 6.  My question is, what do I do with the Plex folders in the cache drive?  Do I just delete these?


Keep them, because these can be re-used in the new set up (will save you to redo all information collection)


Thank you sir.

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  • 1 month later...

Are there any caveats for upgrading from 5.06 to 6.1?  (I wasn't comfortable upgrading to a version ending in [glow=red,2,300].0[/glow] .....but I will be taking the plunge in upgrading to 6[glow=red,2,300].1[/glow])


Or are the 6.0 instructions still valid as-is?  (My plan: store my existing flash drive and format/use a secondary (also-licensed) flash drive, copying over only the relevant config settings per the wiki instructions)

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Are there any caveats for upgrading from 5.06 to 6.1?  (I wasn't comfortable upgrading to a version ending in [glow=red,2,300].0[/glow] .....but I will be taking the plunge in upgrading to 6[glow=red,2,300].1[/glow])


Or are the 6.0 instructions still valid as-is?  (My plan: store my existing flash drive and format/use a secondary (also-licensed) flash drive, copying over only the relevant config settings per the wiki instructions)

6.01 is the current stable release. 6.1 is still working through some issues.
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My personal recommendation is to use 6.01.  It is stable and should be used for any production server. 


6.1 is currently beta software and, from what I am reading, it has far more serious issues than any of the beta issues for 6.0!  It is best used for test bed servers by people who enjoy helping to ring the bugs out of software.  You also have be be willing to install each new beta release.  Stopping the update process in the middle of the a beta program will leave you in no man's land if you have an issue a couple of months down the road.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

So I've upgraded to 6.1.3. My server is up and the array is online.


I'm noticing a few omissions:

  • make - the makefile utility isn't installed
  • screen - also isn't installed


I'd like to use screen to run preclear from the command line. Is there a reason that I don't need screen anymore? It's running in a live terminal session, but I recognize that it could fail at any time.


I tried installing it as an extra, but I'm now getting an "screen: error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory."  I'm not sure how to install the so. Can you help?


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So I've upgraded to 6.1.3. My server is up and the array is online.


I'm noticing a few omissions:

  • make - the makefile utility isn't installed
  • screen - also isn't installed


I'd like to use screen to run preclear from the command line. Is there a reason that I don't need screen anymore? It's running in a live terminal session, but I recognize that it could fail at any time.


I tried installing it as an extra, but I'm now getting an "screen: error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory."  I'm not sure how to install the so. Can you help?

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So I've upgraded to 6.1.3. My server is up and the array is online.


I'm noticing a few omissions:

  • make - the makefile utility isn't installed
  • screen - also isn't installed


I'd like to use screen to run preclear from the command line. Is there a reason that I don't need screen anymore? It's running in a live terminal session, but I recognize that it could fail at any time.


I tried installing it as an extra, but I'm now getting an "screen: error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory."  I'm not sure how to install the so. Can you help?



See here:




BTW, this is included in the WIKI for upgrading from version 5 to version 6. 



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