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6 hours ago, aptalca said:


Huh, you're right. I still get an error when listing (./preclear_disk.sh: line 236: strings: command not found) but the actual preclear works




Looks like the strings command is missing - I'll ask if it can be added to Nerd Pack


Found a solution to the error, and another line that is incorrect.  Issue the following to fix these errors:


sed -i -e  "s|strings|strings-BSD|" -e "s|\/root\/mdcmd|\/usr\/local\/sbin\/mdcmd|" preclear_disk.sh


Edited by sureguy
Solution for strings error
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I just clicked the Apps tab and my server crashed. It just looked like it was taking a long time, and after a few minutes I just hit F5 and it instantly worked, with a server uptime of 1 minute. It can't be a coincidence - I literally only clicked the Apps tab. Nothing more. And then, crash. Reboot.


I'm not sure where to go for logs on what actually happened.


Any ideas?


As for my server: I'm at 6.4.0. I think everything is up to date.

Edited by thany
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That's the thing. It won't happen again just by doing the same thing.
Can you think of *any* reason whatsoever why it might crash the server? Maybe I can diagnose it from that angle.
*If* it was indeed CA that crashed your server, then it's only ever happened for you.

CA is arguably the most stable and bug free of any plugin for unRaid.

Far far more likely that you have bad memory, power supply, etc and that it was a coincidence.
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anyone know why I'd be missing the "Get more results from Docker Hub" if an app is missing?  I'm working on a Grafana dashboard, and in searching the apps section for hddtemp, I'm supposed to see  a whale with get more results, but I don't.
Go to CA settings in top right and enable dockerHub search results
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On 2/4/2018 at 8:39 PM, dlandon said:

I have my Zoneminder Docker installed and after I made a change to the template I'm trying to update the template with the default values, but CA is presenting the already installed template.


On 2/4/2018 at 10:20 PM, dlandon said:

It is updated.  On my test server with no docker installed, I get the new template.


On 2/4/2018 at 10:41 PM, dlandon said:

Old template already filled in with default values.

Here's what happened.  The first server saw that there was an update to the appfeed, and proceded to download it, but the appfeed server gave it a cached version.  Your test server also saw the update to the appfeed, but the appfeed server didn't give it a cached version.


Provisions are now in place that if CA recognizes that it's been given a cached version of the appfeed when an update is available, it will on the next load (and subsequent loads) try again to get the appfeed (and keep trying with every load of the tab to get it until its received the updated version).  (I just caught the appfeed server telling me an update was available, but it decided to cache the old appfeed for ~45 minutes).  Previous behaviour would be that CA wouldn't try again to grab the feed because as far as it was concerned, it did get the latest version.

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7 hours ago, Squid said:



Here's what happened.  The first server saw that there was an update to the appfeed, and proceded to download it, but the appfeed server gave it a cached version.  Your test server also saw the update to the appfeed, but the appfeed server didn't give it a cached version.


Provisions are now in place that if CA recognizes that it's been given a cached version of the appfeed when an update is available, it will on the next load (and subsequent loads) try again to get the appfeed (and keep trying with every load of the tab to get it until its received the updated version).  (I just caught the appfeed server telling me an update was available, but it decided to cache the old appfeed for ~45 minutes).  Previous behaviour would be that CA wouldn't try again to grab the feed because as far as it was concerned, it did get the latest version.

Wow, that's way over my head, but glad you were able to catch it.

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Apologies if this is off-topic, but I can't find a general CA support thread. I've installed several CA plugins in unRAID 6.3.2 (e.g. Backup 2, Fix Common Problems)  but can't find CA User Scripts. Searching just brings up two scripts: MineOS node and mineos node. I've trawled through lots of forum posts with no success. Can someone point me to the right place to install this please? It sounds like a really useful plugin! My CA plugin is up to date (2018.03.02).



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I've been looking for the answer to an issue with no luck, so I guess its time to ask.


A few days ago, during a docker install using CA, my internet went down.  I didn't realize it at first until I saw that the screen wasn't updating install progress.  I gave things way longer than necessary to actually complete or fail, but the screen never updated, and I ended up going to a new tab, then back to apps (once my internet was back.)


Just to make sure things were clean I used cleanup appdata and sure enough, there was an 'orphan' there.  I removed it and assumed all was ready to try again.  Unfortunately, ever since then, something has gone sideways.  Doing docker installs does work, but the screen doesn't update properly, though eventually screen updates do occur.  It can take 2 to 3 minutes before anything appears on screen (showing completed layers, and layers in progress) at which point there are again no updates for a few minutes.  Its frustrating when it seems that a tiny layer is just NOT downloading.  I have been forcing myself to just walk away and not look at the screen until the docker install is done, and the screen shows that it is so.  


I have rebooted, cleaned up appdata (as mentioned) and even used the programmers prayer (finger crossing) but am unsure how to get screen updates working as they should again.   (hmm, though it just popped in to my head it might be a good idea to reboot my windows box too.. Perhaps its on my side, rather than server side. Will try that next)  


Any and all suggestions welcome, and I'll post an update here if I get it working (or if I don't)  Oh, and I have a second unraid that I fired up and it does properly update the screen during docker installs, so there is that.  


EDIT: Nope, restarting my machine had no affect.   Doing an install now, and still waiting for the initial screen update. 

Edited by sturgismike
Additional Information
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1 hour ago, sturgismike said:

I've been looking for the answer to an issue with no luck, so I guess its time to ask.


A few days ago, during a docker install using CA, my internet went down.  I didn't realize it at first until I saw that the screen wasn't updating install progress.  I gave things way longer than necessary to actually complete or fail, but the screen never updated, and I ended up going to a new tab, then back to apps (once my internet was back.)


Just to make sure things were clean I used cleanup appdata and sure enough, there was an 'orphan' there.  I removed it and assumed all was ready to try again.  Unfortunately, ever since then, something has gone sideways.  Doing docker installs does work, but the screen doesn't update properly, though eventually screen updates do occur.  It can take 2 to 3 minutes before anything appears on screen (showing completed layers, and layers in progress) at which point there are again no updates for a few minutes.  Its frustrating when it seems that a tiny layer is just NOT downloading.  I have been forcing myself to just walk away and not look at the screen until the docker install is done, and the screen shows that it is so.  


I have rebooted, cleaned up appdata (as mentioned) and even used the programmers prayer (finger crossing) but am unsure how to get screen updates working as they should again.   (hmm, though it just popped in to my head it might be a good idea to reboot my windows box too.. Perhaps its on my side, rather than server side. Will try that next)  


Any and all suggestions welcome, and I'll post an update here if I get it working (or if I don't)  Oh, and I have a second unraid that I fired up and it does properly update the screen during docker installs, so there is that.  


EDIT: Nope, restarting my machine had no affect.   Doing an install now, and still waiting for the initial screen update. 

post your diagnostics showing this.

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First diagnostic is during a docker add.



As i'm typing this, the screen still shows this..



The screen has now updated once so I've added another diagnostic post update.


Its currently stuck and non-updating at the following screen.




Updates do seem to be coming a bit faster since the server and windows reboot, but its not even remotely comparable to what it was before this started happening.

(it has updated once more now, no need to add another pic, you get the gist.   Once its done I'll post a final diagnostic.)   I have a feeling that I've shot myself in the foot some way, I just don't know how.  


Still downloading (slow connection, around 4Mbps at the best of times.) 


Ok, done, and noticed that the last 4 digits of the first two diagnistics are the same.  If this is a time tag, does it indicate nothing changed at all in the diags, or that it was less than a minute since the last one? (did I mention its running a little better?)


I'm also wondering, I moved all my drives from the onboard controller to a flashed h310, and had a message that trim couldn't be done (I've since disabled the trim schedule while I decide what to do) Is it possible something got corrupted on the ssd that could be causing this?  (Its the only other thing I can think of that happened around the same time)    Thanks for looking into this!




tower-diagnostics-20180309-1014 (2).zip


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6 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

H310 doens't support trim on most SSDs, move them to the onboard SATA ports.

I figured that is what I'd need to do. Hate to move my cache drive to a sata II port, but I'll probably still be better off.  (I don't have much using the cache as it is and write directly to the array for the most part, so not that big a loss actually)  

Thanks much for the tip, and confirmation.  

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