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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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The continuing evolution of CA now has a completely revamped UI thanks to @Mex's (UI designer extraordinaire) mock ups and incessant insistence on perfection.  (Along with an expanded crew of alpha / beta testers) - This was a group effort by everyone involved 😁


Actual change log is far far too long to itemize, but the new UI is far easier to use and navigate around. 


This new UI matches the design of unRaid 6.7's redesigned dashboard, but CA still remains compatible with unRaid versions 6.4+


Updated screen shots can be seen in the OP


Edited by Squid
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4 hours ago, plasmite said:

I did place the file above in /config/plugins/community.applications

file has to be named applicationFeed.json when putting it there.  But, I don't think it'll get that far to read it, as the awesomeplete section is running.


Things to try.


Different browser

on the flash drive, rename (temporarily) the folder /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user to something else

Bypass / remove the pfsense box to see if that is it.


Failing that, do this

rm -rf /tmp/community.applications

The load the Apps tab

After two minutes when it fails, post the output of

ls -ail /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles

and probably upload this file to me

cp /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates.json /boot/templates.json


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4 hours ago, plasmite said:

Turns out the page hangs only when the template for my Synclounge install is present (which I have not used in some time but keep around). I have uploaded it here. I don't see anything unusual about it, but perhaps it might be useful on your end.

No clue.  There is nothing wrong with the template, and it works on my system.  Perhaps there was something else going on with the docker subsystem that was being hidden from view.  Either way, glad you've got it going.

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3 hours ago, eek said:

For those who won't have seen it now the new look and feel as part of 6.7 is a great improvement.

One (very minor) suggestion would be to start paging at 24 apps rather than 25 as you currently end up with a lone app at the bottom of the screen.

All depends upon the size of the browser, the zoom of the browser, the font-size dynamix is set to. 


Not a real biggie to get it to always stop at a complete line, but the complication arises if you say resize your browser which changes the math.  Now, what page are you on?  Do you start displaying the apps based upon assuming you were looking at the top of the page, or were you looking at the bottom.


All in all, easier to give it a set number (25 on computers, 10 on mobile devices).The 25 though admittedly is a hold-over from the previous GUI where 5 across did fit on my screen (when running 1920), but it's a nice round number that didn't bother me in the least

Edited by Squid
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Great updates as always.


I like the new icon style and shapes, but intensely dislike the lack of color. I know you're just following trends set by MS, Apple, & Google in their interfaces, but color is so vital to humans in recognizing things. Looking at my Settings | User Utilities section now is just one big sea of blue on a black (dark theme) background. It takes much more effort to look at each icon to see if it's the one I want, instead of just being able to find a color pattern. I guarantee you that ControlR and Unbalance are now the first things I see when I look at that screen simply because they're red and green (respectively) in an otherwise monochrome blur. FIP and Stats Settings are the next things I see - even though they're primarily blue, they're at least different shades of blue. Heck, I find ControlR on my phone screen because of the red circles even though my home screen page is full of different colored icons scattered everywhere (even though Android deems it necessary to put an ugly white circle behind them).


Again, I get that you're following the herd, but when the herd is headed toward a cliff...


Based on the comments, I'm going to guess that when I install 6.7, all the icons will be monochrome. For that reason alone, this will be one upgrade I'm not looking forward to.


Just my 3 cents worth (gotta account for inflation)... 


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8 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

Again, I get that you're following the herd, but when the herd is headed toward a cliff...


lol.  Once 6.7 started down the pipe I also complained about that.  Personally, I didn't see how a modern UI is nothing but a retro look to monochrome / lowres monitors.  That being said, I'm also the first to admit that I have no idea what a UI should actually look like.  Personally, since my primary server is running 6.7 and the backup is running 6.6, I find the 6.6 one looks absolutely terrible compared to the 6.7.  (And controlR / cachedirs looks completely out of place)


8 minutes ago, FreeMan said:

FIP and Stats Settings are the next things I see - even though they're primarily blue, they're at least different shades of blue.

They're only blue because you're not running 6.7  After you upgrade, they'll be white like everything else.


Realistically though, the proper place for these kind of complaints is in the 6.7 thread or the feature requests thread.  As you've said, I'm simply following the herd / conforming to the design of the UI as a whole.

Edited by Squid
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1 minute ago, Squid said:

Personally, I didn't see how a modern UI is nothing but a retro look to monochrome / lowres monitors. 

I agree 100%!


I think this whole design trend was started by some 24-year-old millennial who never had to look at a monochrome green or amber display where everything was just one color. It's especially hard for those whose eyesight isn't quite what it used to be.

2 minutes ago, Squid said:

After you upgrade, they'll be white like everything else.

UGH! Even worse. My server has been as stable as can be under 6.6.6 (despite the implications of its version number). Unless there are significant security issues, maybe I'll just stay here...


4 minutes ago, Squid said:

the proper place for these kind of complaints is in the 6.7 thread

To save time, I'll just copy/pasta my thoughts there.  ;)


Again - I really appreciate the incredible amount of effort you put into developing this and the weekly, if not daily, effort that goes into maintaining it. I saw your comment in the OP about this being the best maintained app on the planet, and I am not going to disagree with you on that! Also, I'm glad to know I'm not the only curmudgeon around who thinks that not every one of the latest trends is a good idea.

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Just now, FreeMan said:

Also, I'm glad to know I'm not the only curmudgeon around who thinks that not every one of the latest trends is a good idea.


7 minutes ago, Squid said:

Personally, I didn't see

Don't misunderstand me.  My opinion did change after using 6.7.  Even forgetting the far far better dashboard, the entire setting's menu is cleaner and nicer to work with.  But, feel free to post accordingly.  Everyone's opinion counts.

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34 minutes ago, Squid said:


Don't misunderstand me.  My opinion did change after using 6.7.  Even forgetting the far far better dashboard, the entire setting's menu is cleaner and nicer to work with.  But, feel free to post accordingly.  Everyone's opinion counts.

I've rolled through SpaceInvader One's review video and I do really like the new dashboard. The monochrome look there isn't horrible, but my opinion on removing all color from icons still stands.


I've posted on the rc3 thread, as I presume nobody's looking at the rc1 or 2 threads any more.


OK, rant off. I've said my piece and I'm probably the lone voice. There are much more important issues in the world, so I'll go find a different windmill at which to tilt.


Thanks for listening!

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Just now, FreeMan said:

I've rolled through SpaceInvader One's review video and I do really like the new dashboard. The monochrome look there isn't horrible, but my opinion on removing all color from icons still stands.


I've posted on the rc3 thread, as I presume nobody's looking at the rc1 or 2 threads any more.


OK, rant off. I've said my piece and I'm probably the lone voice. There are much more important issues in the world, so I'll go find a different windmill at which to tilt.


Thanks for listening!

I don't disagree with you about the lack of colour, but I just don't feel strongly enough about it to voice my opinion.   I spend relatively little time in the webui each day, so I'm not going to lose any sleep about it.

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Just now, CHBMB said:

lack of colour

*technically* 2 of the icons do have color - the pin icon changes color accordingly, and the exclamation mark icon changes color from white to orange to red depending upon what extra info I'm trying to convey to the user that isn't in the description.

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3 minutes ago, Squid said:

*technically* 2 of the icons do have color - the pin icon changes color accordingly, and the exclamation mark icon changes color from white to orange to red depending upon what extra info I'm trying to convey to the user that isn't in the description.

I wasn't referring specifically to CA, rather the shift of icons to monochrome.  I understand and agree with your approach to tie in with the overall design of the OS, Hell I even used a FA icon for Unraid Nvidia.

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Hi, sorry I'm really frustrated with this plugin. It took quite a while to install and now seems to be working but nothing will install! It sits there for ages and then says network failure! I'm starting to regret installing Unraid and wish I'd stuck with Ubuntu, I just thought this would be a nice fast system. I have just rebuilt it as my old motherboard failed and now have a gigabyte Z390 UD with Intel i7 8700K and 16GB ram, so should be fast enough? Is there some setting I've missed? Hoping someone can help? Thanks, Tim

Edited by MothyTim
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