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[REPO] LinuxServer.io Docker Repo

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6 minutes ago, Nebur692 said:

How do I install your version? When I look for the app in unraid it does not appear.

CHBMB is a member of linuxserver.io, and he didn't say "we have our own version", he said "they have their own version". Not sure exactly who he meant by "they", but you can use Community Applications to help install dockers on docker hub that aren't specifically supported by unRAID forum members. Just go to Settings - Community Applications - General Settings and Enable Docker Hub Searching.

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7 hours ago, trurl said:

‎CHBMB es miembro de linuxserver.io, y no dijo "tenemos nuestra propia versión", dijo "tienen su propia versión". No está seguro exactamente quién refería por "ellos", pero usted puede usar aplicaciones de la comunidad para ayudar a instalar dockers en eje de anclaje que específicamente no son compatibles por unRAID miembros del foro. Basta con ir a ajustes - aplicaciones comunitarias - configuración General y permitir anclaje eje busca. ‎

OK, I will try.


6 hours ago, CHBMB said:

Unifi have their own version.

Unifi is to control the range of Unifi products.

UNMS is to control the range of products EdgeRouter (ER-X/ER-X-SFP/EP-R6/ER-8/ERPro-8/EP-R8/ERLite-3/ERPoe-5/UF-OLT).


I thought that LinuxServer.io would make the docker just as they have done with the Unifi docker.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/16/2016 at 4:11 AM, CHBMB said:


There were sporadic reports that it may cause Plex database corruption, so we pulled it.  If these turn out to be false then we can look at it again, but we couldn't take the chance given the potential severity.  I'm not aware of any other apps that are similar, but I admit I haven't looked too hard (not looked at all)


Supposedly, the corruption issue has now been fixed.  Any chance of getting the PlexEmail container added back?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It appears that you have abandoned the ownCloud docker completely.  It is still marked as beta and is not listed in the first posting as a supported docker.  I know you are pushing NextCloud as the latest and greatest, but I am committed to ownCloud and use it in my daily business.  I like the docker you've built, because it includes mariadb and do not want to invest the time to convert to NextCloud.


Is there any plan to support the ownCloud docker?  I would be happy to create a separate support thread if @sparklyballs would care to refresh the docker and mark it out of beta.  If there is no interest in that, I will fork the ownCloud docker and create my own.  I prefer not to do this, but I need this docker to work and be supported.  I do not want to convert to NextCloud.  For me this is business and not just playing around with a cloud server for personal use.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I realized I had made a request for the Flood Docker to be made, and when I looked over your repository, it shows that it is in process but not released to the public.


Is this due to 1) Flood not quite being in a released state or 2) that the docker is not working correctly yet?

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12 minutes ago, Nyghthawk said:

I realized I had made a request for the Flood Docker to be made, and when I looked over your repository, it shows that it is in process but not released to the public.


Is this due to 1) Flood not quite being in a released state or 2) that the docker is not working correctly yet?


Both I believe

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4 minutes ago, CHBMB said:


Both I believe


Thanks for the quick reply, i was hoping it was more due to 1) than 2).....


any way to kind of install it anyways to test?


I really just want to see how the front-end handles 40-50k torrent files. 

Edited by Nyghthawk
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  • 4 months later...
On 8/10/2015 at 12:32 PM, linuxserver.io said:



What is LinuxServer.io?


Well, it started out life as IronicBadger's personal blog (blog.ktz.me) and then morphed into a community based site with articles about how to do things on a Linux Server aimed at the home user. Since then, lonix, j0nnymoe and IronicBadger have migrated back to unRAID and converted our existing Docker's to truly platform agnostic whilst supporting unRAID.


Now, we're just a group a chaps who hangout in IRC (@freenode.net #linuxserver.io). We're looking for contributors to various projects including Docker containers, Aesir and authors for posts and content on the main blog itself. We also have our own forums at http://www.linuxserver.io if you want to take a peak. The idea is, if we can get a group of people passionate about Docker all pulling in the same direction, amazing things can and will happen. More the merrier!


Our Containers


Please click on the program for the appropriate support thread.  However if you are not running Unraid as your host please go to the linuxserver.io forums for support.










HTPC Manager (Hellowlol)


















Plex Media Server

















Tiny Tiny RSS





Our Members


















Thanks to everyone that has helped via thread's & the IRC Channel.


Hey is you or some other maybe interested in converting a server manager to unraid?


Like https://linuxgsm.com/


as far as i know there is no support for game servers at the moment in unraid... which would be very very handy... 


There is already a docker:



Just needs to be converted to unraid (the automatic one doesnt work...) :)

Edited by nuhll
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  • 2 months later...
On 8/10/2018 at 10:21 AM, nuhll said:


Hey is you or some other maybe interested in converting a server manager to unraid?


Like https://linuxgsm.com/


as far as i know there is no support for game servers at the moment in unraid... which would be very very handy... 


There is already a docker:



Just needs to be converted to unraid (the automatic one doesnt work...) :)

Have you managed to install LinuxGSM to docker? I was able to install csgoserver, but can't start it. I got an error like: 


server@Tower:/mnt/cache/appdata/linuxgsm$ ./csgoserver start
[ FAIL ] Starting csgoserver: Executable was not found:
 * /mnt/cache/appdata/linuxgsm/serverfiles/srcds_run

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Going through and doing some reviews of my system after updating from 6.9.2 to 6.10.3, and I'm noticing that my linuxserver containers seemingly come from multiple repositories now: linuxserver, lscr.io, & ghcr.io. Looking in CA, any of the ones that aren't from lscr.io aren't recognized as being installed.

Is there any explanation on what's going on? Should I remove and re-install them all so they're all from the lscr.io repository?

IMO, the linuxserver repository is the more desired one as all those have an easy to read format of linuxserver/<container>. The other 2 get truncated when looking at them in Unraid as the names are too long (ie. "ghcr.io/linuxse...rseerr").

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A number of months ago (years?), linuxserver switched from being hosted on dockerHub to ghcr to ultimately lscr for various reasons.


They're all identical, but when searching for apps in CA (or browsing), they will not show as being already installed, because your original installations are of an app which is effectively not within CA anymore (the dockerHub version)


They will however show up within installed apps properly.


You really want to use the lscr one as that is the preferred.  dockerHub (what you're referring to as linuxserver) still works and is identical to lscr, but may at some point in the distant future disappear

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The template for some of the linuxserver.io containers is missing a URL for the icon (pyload-ng, paperless-ng, and now also changedetection.io, for example), while many others, like bookstack have the correct icon. 
I have solved this by having icons available on my own nginx instance, and adding that URL in the container settings. But this gets overwritten on every update, so it's a pain to keep right.


Can we add valid icon URL to the templates? (I looked for the template on github to make a pull request, but couldn't find it).

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