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  • 1 month later...

After updating to Unraid 6.2, I started getting issues with slow performance w/local MusicBrainz (and slow in general), as well as random resets.  I haven't traced it down yet.

Today I deleted my headphones & musicbrainz dockers, deleted the headphones config directory & re-set up both dockers (using the same /config directory for MusicBrainz so as to not re-download the database).

I'm still having the same issues.  So far, it has added ~20 artists & reset 3 times.  I'm doing a 'save changes and scan' from the manage page to get the library rebuilt. 

Any ideas where to go next?  The logs die whenever headphones resets, so I can't really see what is going on. 


Also forgot  - it has downloaded albums via torrent (sent to transmission) but then does't automatcally post-process (tag/move/add to library) when the torrent completes (as it did for 6+ months prior to these issues).

If I force post process, it works about 1/2 the time.  It will get partially through & then reset.  Eventually, I can run all through, but it is a pain in the ass.


ETA:  Found this in the UnRAID log, 2 seconds before the 1st Headphones log entries:

Oct 27 15:24:26 Tower kernel: python[24511]: segfault at 2ba4f3daaff8 ip 00002ba4ebea557f sp 00002ba4f3dab000 error 6 in libpython2.7.so.1.0[2ba4ebe43000+341000]

Looks like this is repeatable as I see the same issue at other points in time, but I have no idea what is happening.

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I've been getting the same issue with Headphones and segfaults in the unraid log


Oct 30 09:32:21 Tower emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin checkall

Oct 30 09:39:57 Tower kernel: python[15506]: segfault at 2ac8a18a7ff8 ip 00002ac899915d9b sp 00002ac8a18a8000 error 6 in libpython2.7.so.1.0[2ac8998a6000+341000]

Oct 30 09:40:07 Tower kernel: python[31001]: segfault at 2b68096f0ff8 ip 00002b68017e2d9b sp 00002b68096f1000 error 6 in libpython2.7.so.1.0[2b6801773000+341000]


I suspected it was due to database differences as i'd been running a different headphones docker and upgraded to linuxserver's docker and kept my config directory which worked fine.  I'm not really sure on the time frame that this has been happening but i suspect it's been since 6.2


Today i deleted my headphones database and attempted to rebuild but i'm getting the same behaviour.

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is this what you are looking for?


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Headphones" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8181:8181/tcp -v "/mnt/user/Music/":"/music":rw -v "/mnt/cache/downloads/complete/music/":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/headphones/":"/config":rw linuxserver/headphones


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is this what you are looking for?


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Headphones" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Australia/Sydney" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8181:8181/tcp -v "/mnt/user/Music/":"/music":rw -v "/mnt/cache/downloads/complete/music/":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/headphones/":"/config":rw linuxserver/headphones



Yep, that's the one.

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OK, guys I'm not familiar with headphones or musicbrainz at all...


How do you configure headphones to use musicbrainz, if someone could give me a walkthrough of their setup so I can reproduce issues here that would be great.




-go to 'advanced settings' in settings and you'll see Musicbrainz in the bottom right corner

- choose 'custom' for Musicbrainz Mirror and inter IP and port

- I'm not sure what the 'sleep interval' setting does so I leave at '1'



I have a Headphones indexer account which comes with a musicbrainz server they provide.  Between my self-hosted and theirs, the speed difference isn't noticable and they are both slow - maybe the local one is a little bit faster.

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OK, guys I'm not familiar with headphones or musicbrainz at all...


How do you configure headphones to use musicbrainz, if someone could give me a walkthrough of their setup so I can reproduce issues here that would be great.




-go to 'advanced settings' in settings and you'll see Musicbrainz in the bottom right corner

- choose 'custom' for Musicbrainz Mirror and inter IP and port

- I'm not sure what the 'sleep interval' setting does so I leave at '1'



I have a Headphones indexer account which comes with a musicbrainz server they provide.  Between my self-hosted and theirs, the speed difference isn't noticable and they are both slow - maybe the local one is a little bit faster.




Also, took a look at your confix.txt


deluge_done_directory = \downloads\Import\Music


Shouldn't that be


deluge_done_directory =/downloads/Import/Music

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I've isolated the python segfaults to the headphones container.  Leave the server alone for 3 days - no segfaults.  Open the headphones webUI & refresh an artist, segfault immediately & headphones restarts (clears log).

It seems as long as I don't DO anything with headphones, it's fine.  Kinda defeats the purpose though....


My issues began just after 6.2 was released, but before I updated. I had something happen to my server & the array was offline/webUI unresponsive - I'd been away for a week & there was at least 1 power event, so who knows.  I rebooted, let it run a parity check & got everything back to somewhat normal, except for headphones.  So I did what every smart computer person does when something doesn't work - UPDATE  :)


I've deleted the headphones container & started from scratch, same behavior (but that was before I noticed the segfaults)

If I get time, I will delete docker.img & start over, but that won't be for a few days.

If all else fails, I'll nuke & pave the server - it's a secondary for holding/downloading music & off-site backup at my office.....

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I think I've isolated the python segfaults to the headphones container.  Leave the server alone for 3 days - no segfaults.  Open the headphones webUI & refresh an artist, segfault immediately & headphones restarts (clears log).

It seems as long as I don't DO anything with headphones, it's fine.  Kinda defeats the purpose though....


My issues began just after 6.2 was released, but before I updated. I had something happen to my server & the array was offline/webUI unresponsive - I'd been away for a week & there was at least 1 power event, so who knows.  I rebooted, let it run a parity check & got everything back to somewhat normal, except for headphones.  So I did what every smart computer person does when something doesn't work - UPDATE  :)


I've deleted the headphones container & started from scratch, same behavior (but that was before I noticed the segfaults)

If I get time, I will delete docker.img & start over, but that won't be for a few days.

If all else fails, I'll nuke & pave the server - it's a secondary for holding/downloading music & off-site backup at my office.....


I'm not seeing the same behaviour on V6.3 RC3 fwiw.  Can you post yor docker run command and I'll try that just in case there's something different.  How to in my sig.

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I think I've isolated the python segfaults to the headphones container.  Leave the server alone for 3 days - no segfaults.  Open the headphones webUI & refresh an artist, segfault immediately & headphones restarts (clears log).

It seems as long as I don't DO anything with headphones, it's fine.  Kinda defeats the purpose though....


My issues began just after 6.2 was released, but before I updated. I had something happen to my server & the array was offline/webUI unresponsive - I'd been away for a week & there was at least 1 power event, so who knows.  I rebooted, let it run a parity check & got everything back to somewhat normal, except for headphones.  So I did what every smart computer person does when something doesn't work - UPDATE  :)


I've deleted the headphones container & started from scratch, same behavior (but that was before I noticed the segfaults)

If I get time, I will delete docker.img & start over, but that won't be for a few days.

If all else fails, I'll nuke & pave the server - it's a secondary for holding/downloading music & off-site backup at my office.....


I'm not seeing the same behaviour on V6.3 RC3 fwiw.  Can you post yor docker run command and I'll try that just in case there's something different.  How to in my sig.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Headphones" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8181:8181/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/Download":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/user/Music":"/music":rw -v "/mnt/user/appdata/Headphones":"/config":rw linuxserver/headphones


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I think I've isolated the python segfaults to the headphones container.  Leave the server alone for 3 days - no segfaults.  Open the headphones webUI & refresh an artist, segfault immediately & headphones restarts (clears log).

It seems as long as I don't DO anything with headphones, it's fine.  Kinda defeats the purpose though....


My issues began just after 6.2 was released, but before I updated. I had something happen to my server & the array was offline/webUI unresponsive - I'd been away for a week & there was at least 1 power event, so who knows.  I rebooted, let it run a parity check & got everything back to somewhat normal, except for headphones.  So I did what every smart computer person does when something doesn't work - UPDATE  :)


I've deleted the headphones container & started from scratch, same behavior (but that was before I noticed the segfaults)

If I get time, I will delete docker.img & start over, but that won't be for a few days.

If all else fails, I'll nuke & pave the server - it's a secondary for holding/downloading music & off-site backup at my office.....


I'm not seeing the same behaviour on V6.3 RC3 fwiw.  Can you post yor docker run command and I'll try that just in case there's something different.  How to in my sig.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="Headphones" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8181:8181/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/Download":"/downloads":rw -v "/mnt/user/Music":"/music":rw -v "/mnt/user/appdata/Headphones":"/config":rw linuxserver/headphones



Thanks, using that setup I still couldn't reproduce the segfaults.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there anything more we can do to trouble shoot this? It's still a regular occurrence for me.  Although saying that I'm still getting new albums downloaded so I guess it's not a terrible problem.


Do you suggest we move to the latest beta?  I was holding out for latest stable but it seems to be taking awhile

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Is there anything more we can do to trouble shoot this? It's still a regular occurrence for me.  Although saying that I'm still getting new albums downloaded so I guess it's not a terrible problem.


Do you suggest we move to the latest beta?  I was holding out for latest stable but it seems to be taking awhile


The last "stable" release was only a month ago and the develop branch is only 10 commits ahead anyway.  I've not been able to reproduce it so I can't think of any other way to troubleshoot unless you can link it to an event.

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I've not been able to reproduce it so I can't think of any other way to troubleshoot unless you can link it to an event.

Possibly the same issue that started happening for me when the daapd docker was rebased several months ago. I think ld-musl-x86_64.so.1has an issue sometimes running under alpine.


To reproduce it, you have to have an existing file that it doesn't like. It seems to run fine with only a few mp3 files to scan, as soon as you point it to a full library, it has issues. I haven't figured out what triggers it exactly, but I suspect it's either the total number of files or a specific file type like an album cover image or archive or something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Getting an issue with this docker when Force Post Processing certain albums...


Attempt to retrieve information from MusicBrainz for release group "7e141ee8-0c40-4f98-b2f5-94e546b53bdb" failed (caused by: HTTP Error 404: Not Found)


Seems to work with most of them, just the odd one now and again, any ideas?

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Getting an issue with this docker when Force Post Processing certain albums...


Attempt to retrieve information from MusicBrainz for release group "7e141ee8-0c40-4f98-b2f5-94e546b53bdb" failed (caused by: HTTP Error 404: Not Found)


Seems to work with most of them, just the odd one now and again, any ideas?


Looks like a MusicBrainz issue to me.

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I had to manually add the variables for download and music folder mappings, might need to be added to the template ?

Being fairly green on unRAID and linux it took me a couple attempts before I realised I could map the folders myself in lieu of somewhere to do so in the template.


All a learning experience :)



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This is really a question about headphones itself and not the docker. There doesn't really seem to be a homepage or forum for it so I thought I'd ask the users here. Is there a way to set it up to just download anything free leech? I didn't see one and I doubt there is but I just thought I'd ask.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I need help with my post processing on Headphones.


It downloads fine but when I attempt to post process all i get out of the log is


2017-02-18 19:47:52	INFO	Found no folders to process. Aborting.
2017-02-18 19:47:52	INFO	Force checking download folder for completed downloads


Attached is a photo of my setup


Docker setup


/downloads            /mnt/cache/Downloads/Complete/music/

/music                  /mnt/user/Music/

/config                  /mnt/user/appdata/headphones


I am sure with a fresh pair of eyes my mistake will stand out.

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I am using Headphones with NZBGet. What path should be set for the destination directory so downloads are automatically moved after downloaded with NZBGet? Currently, I have it set as /mnt/cache/Docker/nzbget/downloads/ in Headphones and in the Docker container path but files don't seem to move.


Thank you!

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