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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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It's suppose to work with Sonarr and there are setup instructions on the github page.


But I don't know how those instructions apply in an unRAID context. It also requires PIP Package installation and FFMPEG and FFPROBE binaries and I don't know how or where they should be installed in unRAID.


I don't think you should try to get it installed as you don't know anything on how and where to put it.

Of course you could make a container for it if you want to learn  :)


There are already two containers of this on the dockerhub, so you could install it on unraid through CA.

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I don't think you should try to get it installed as you don't know anything on how and where to put it.

Of course you could make a container for it if you want to learn  :)


There are already two containers of this on the dockerhub, so you could install it on unraid through CA.


I'd be overly ambitious if I tried!


Which two containers are you referring to? The one I've found is Bjonness406-convert2mkv.

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I don't think you should try to get it installed as you don't know anything on how and where to put it.

Of course you could make a container for it if you want to learn  :)


There are already two containers of this on the dockerhub, so you could install it on unraid through CA.


I'd be overly ambitious if I tried!



Which two containers are you referring to? The one I've found is Bjonness406-convert2mkv.



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Thank you! I didn't know to search there and didn't know to get CA to search Docker Hub.


I found the docker and installed it, seems to do the conversion job except I can't get it to leave the new file where it was found. I've PMed the developer.


Thanks again!


Did you set the output_directory or leave it as the help tells.


output_directory = you may specify an alternate output directory. Leave blank to use the same directory that the source file is in. All processing will be done in this location. (Do not use for 'Automatically Add to iTunes' folder, iTunes will add prematurely, use move_to)

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Thanks for jumping in!


Where did you see the help? The docker pages are pretty bare, I didn't see any help or readme.


I'm using https://hub.docker.com/r/bakes82/docker-sickbeard-mp4/ .


When installing the docker, I tried to leave the directories blank but the interface wouldn't let me.




I found the info on the github page you linked earlier....


You need to fill in at least the /incoming path. How are you going to get the container to process your files otherwise?

If you only want the /incoming volume, just remove the /storage one.

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I found the info on the github page you linked earlier....


You need to fill in at least the /incoming path. How are you going to get the container to process your files otherwise?

If you only want the /incoming volume, just remove the /storage one.


Sorry I was looking on the docker hub page, just went back to the github page and saw what you were referring to.


I tried filling in the /incoming path and leaving the storage path blank but it wouldn't let me apply the setting:




Should I use some kinda notation in the /storage path to indicate current director since the page won't let me leave it blank?


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If you only want the /incoming volume, just remove the /storage one.


I tried removing the /storage path completely but I don't think that worked. I still have an MKV file.


You push the remove button behind the storage volume to remove it.

If you still have the source file present, you didn't configure the software correctly. I don't use this, so you'll have to figure this out yourself by reading the info on the github page.

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Yeah I meant I clicked on "Remove" and removed that setting completely but it still didn't work.


No worries I appreciate everyone's contribution to helping me with this, especially when it's kinda off-topic.


Thank you for your assistance, it was more than I expected!

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Yeah I meant I clicked on "Remove" and removed that setting completely but it still didn't work.


No worries I appreciate everyone's contribution to helping me with this, especially when it's kinda off-topic.


Thank you for your assistance, it was more than I expected!


It's not about the volume mappings, but the config file. You need to change the settings in the config file in the /config mapping you have. Push the advanced settings and you should see the path.

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It's not about the volume mappings, but the config file. You need to change the settings in the config file in the /config mapping you have. Push the advanced settings and you should see the path.


Ah, got it! Thanks for your patience, I'll look into that!

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Is it possible to run mono with the debug switch in this container?


I am having an issue with sonarr and the devs on their forum say the stack trace logs are pretty much useless without mono in debug mode.


EDIT: In fact while I am here I may as well ask the community about my issue as well. I am having issues with certain shows/episodes/possibly NZBs being added to NZBGet from Sonarr while others work with no issue.

I have made no changes to either my Sonarr or NZBGet setup in weeks and this issue just started happening yesterday afternoon.I have verified that Sonarr can connect to NZBGet by using the "test" button in the download client page of the Sonarr settings. I restarted UnRAID as well on the off chance that something was hung up in the system.


Here is a pastebin of my sonarr log from yesterday: http://pastebin.com/xyJN8jnQ

and here is a link to my thread over on the sonarr forums if it helps at all: https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/request-failed-failed-to-add-nzb/11596


The error message that stands out to me and would explain why the NZB fails to add is: [v2.0.0.4230] System.IO.IOException:

"Error writing request ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: The socket has been shut down"


But if the connection between Sonarr and NZBGet was closed then why do other shows and even other episodes from the same show work fine?


to modify the startup settings for sonarr , exec into the container

docker exec -it <container-name> bash


and modify the file



Ok, I am completely new to messing around with mono and editing stuff in Docker containers so bear with me.

This is what is in the run file: XDG_CONFIG_HOME="/config/xdg" exec /sbin/setuser abc mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe -nobrowser -data=/config


so would I just append the debug switch here?

XDG_CONFIG_HOME="/config/xdg" exec /sbin/setuser abc mono --debug /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe -nobrowser -data=/config


Or just put it at the end of the line?

XDG_CONFIG_HOME="/config/xdg" exec /sbin/setuser abc mono /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe -nobrowser -data=/config --debug


Is it possible to get a little more detail on adding the --debug to mono?  I've never used docker exec so I'm looking for some detailed steps on how to enable and disable this option.  Something broke when I updated the docker to v2.0.0.4374 of Sonarr.  I did reach out for help in the Sonarr forum as well which is why I'm trying to figure out debug mode for mono.




EDIT:  Still interested in how to add the --debug attribute to mono but I did resolve my issue. Somehow my media share got set to cache only and wouldn't allow Sonarr to move the files.

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Hi. I'm getting a locked up webgui and no access to my array.


I use the following linuxserver dockers








Sonarr is the only one I can't connect to when this happens so I wondered if this was causing my problem.


I have a thread here with my diagnostics



Any help would be appreciated



Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


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Hi. I'm getting a locked up webgui and no access to my array.


I use the following linuxserver dockers








Sonarr is the only one I can't connect to when this happens so I wondered if this was causing my problem.


I have a thread here with my diagnostics



Any help would be appreciated



Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


I have the same issue but can't see anything in the log.

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You haven't described the error you're getting, neither here nor on the sonarr forum, merely posted a screenshot of a log file.  Without context it's kind of meaningless.


A fresh pull is working for me, as is another old install.


I've said it to other people in the past,  docker faq.  If we can't reproduce something, then we can't fix it.


It's also better to copy/paste logs as described in the sonarr forum as it makes scrolling through longer ones and searching for previous issues much easier.


(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
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You haven't described the error you're getting, neither here nor on the sonarr forum, merely posted a screenshot of a log file.  Without context it's kind of meaningless.


A fresh pull is working for me, as is another old install.


I've said it to other people in the past,  docker faq.  If we can't reproduce something, then we can't fix it.


It's also better to copy/paste logs as described in the sonarr forum as it makes scrolling through longer ones and searching for previous issues much easier.


(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)


sorry, I added my logs from sonarr.txt to the forum topic.

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But we still don't know what the problem is, what you've done before that or how you've got it setup.  Is this a fresh pull?  Old container? When did it stop working? 


We're 99.99% sure this is a config issue rather than an issue with Sonarr, Unraid or Docker. 


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