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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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Hi, hoping to get some assistance with Sonarr.

Since the upgrade to 3.0 Sonarr has stopped working I use Jacket, Sonarr and DelugeVPN and Airvpn

I had in the settings area for Proxy, checked. Then https, hostname and port filled out, then bypass proxy for local addresses. 

This worked fine until version 3.


In reading posts above, I applied the preview tag. However, Sonarr still didn't work. So I uncheck the Proxy box and restarted and Sonarr now works. 


How do I get my proxy to work? Is what I had configured no longer a viable option and I have to find a diff solution?


Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, spall said:

@DigitalDivide  If you're running Sonarr's proxy through DelugeVPN, try telling your proxy to ignore the IP of your download client.





Didn't work. I assume for ip of download client, that would be deluge vpn and the ip is what I see on the docker tab for deluge. I tried with and without the port but didn't work. As soon as I uncheck Use Proxy it works.

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7 hours ago, DigitalDivide said:

Hi, hoping to get some assistance with Sonarr.

Since the upgrade to 3.0 Sonarr has stopped working I use Jacket, Sonarr and DelugeVPN and Airvpn

I had in the settings area for Proxy, checked. Then https, hostname and port filled out, then bypass proxy for local addresses. 

This worked fine until version 3.


In reading posts above, I applied the preview tag. However, Sonarr still didn't work. So I uncheck the Proxy box and restarted and Sonarr now works. 


How do I get my proxy to work? Is what I had configured no longer a viable option and I have to find a diff solution?


Thanks in advance.

I'm getting the same issue.

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@DigitalDivide I may have made an assumption to what your problem is. Is DelugeVPN your proxy? Are you running the other containers through that?  


In my case, I'm using Binhex's PrivoxyVPN to achieve this. After some changes that were made recently to fix some IP leakage, I had to set Sonarr (when using a proxy) to ignore the address of my download client (in my case NZBGet).  


If you're just using Sonarr with torrents, I'm assuming Jacket is in the path as your Indexer and Deluge is your download client. I'm not sure if what I'm saying will help. I am not set up like that.. but fiddling with that ignore field seems to be helping various people.


Did this _actually_ just start with Sonarr v3? Is there a chance you didn't notice there was an issue (based on how often you're grabbing TV shows, how often you update your containers, and how often you look at the Sonarr UI) prior to this? My problem reared its head the last week of Feb.


@turnipisum Are you also just using Deluge and Jacket with Sonarr?


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I was grabbing shows daily right up until the upgrade to V3. I had upgraded the containers the day before and was able to download.  Sonarr stopped working (still using version 2) when V3 was released. Then read about the preview tag for version 3 and so tried that.  Still didn't working until I disabled the proxy.



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@DigitalDivide Privoxy is a web proxy. I use Binhex's PrivoxyVPN container as an https proxy. So my stuff like Sonarr, etc use the IP:port of that container for proxy stuff.


So in my case, and what I was hoping would work for you, I had to tell Sonarr to ignore the address of my downloader (NZBGet in my case) after a recent update to some of the VPN stuff to account for an IP leakage issue.


You mentioned DelugeVPN..  which makes me think you might be using Binhex's DelugeVPN container. If that's the case, you inherited some of the same changes to address that bug. This is why I asked if the problem actually showed up with Sonarr v3 or just seemed like it might have.


If that's the case (Binhex's DelugeVPN is your proxy), you might try telling Sonarr to ignore the IP address of your Jacket container. If you're using something else as your proxy, I'm not sure what would have changed just moving to v3.  You might otherwise verify that the IP address/creds of your proxy didn't change somehow. You could try pointing your web browser to your proxy to see if you actually have connections passing through it.


I'm not sure what else to suggest, so hopefully someone else can chime in here if we're stalled trying to solve your issue.



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⚠️ PSA ⚠️ Sonarr randomly deleted my files without warning!


Luckily there was nothing in that folder I needed, but I discovered that somehow after the v3 upgrade that "Recycling Bin Cleanup" was somehow enabled, and it was pointing right at my completed downloads folder. So check your setups if you didn't have that setting enabled before to see if it's turned itself on. Or perhaps it's a new v3 feature that's accidentally destructive? 😕

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You are correct. I am using Binhex's DelugeVPN, with Sonarr and Jacket. I have Delugevpn setup to use my airvpn account. 


I'm not sure how to point my browser to the proxy as I'm not sure what exactly that IP is. Which IP should I be using? 


Problem is I just configure my stuff and use it and don't really poke around here....until something goes wrong and then at that point so much has changed I can never really figure everything all out.  

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On 3/9/2021 at 7:19 AM, Jetracer said:

So to upgrade our containers should we switch to 



or just 



Current I'm still on linuxserver/sonarr:preview


Edit just noticed the line lsio dosent have a stable release yet.


Did you get this figured out?  If I switch to linuxserver/sonarr:latest or linuxserver/sonarr, It loses all of my settings.  I am running the preview like you as well.

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@DigitalDivide if you're running your proxy through DelugeVPN, then use the IP you have in Sonarr for your proxy in your web browser. Each browser is set up differently, and I use Firefox. In Firefox it's Tools->Options->Network Settings->Manual Proxy Configuration. You'd have to look up how for another browser.


The point here is to see if your proxy is actually working.  So I'd Google "what is my IP" before and after you enable the proxy in your browser. If they're different (and, really, if you can get anywhere after you enable it) then you know the proxy is working. If it's not working, then that's likely the source of your problem.


I'm honestly surprised that telling Sonarr to ignore the IP address of your Jacket (which looks to be isn't doing the trick for you.


Also, you don't really need to install PrivoxyVPN like I have if you're routing through DelugeVPN. I believe Binhex's DelugeVPN has Privoxy in the container already.  If you look in your log file you posted you'll see Privoxy mentioned in there. You might consider posting in the support thread for DelugeVPN, since the problem you're having seems to be related to passing through that. Maybe Binhex will have some ideas.

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Ok, now this is weird. I was playing around again this morning and tried putting in the ip of deluge for the bypass...for the 20th time...and now it works...I have no idea why lol BUT I'll take it.


Thanks for the assistance. Very much appreciated!


EDIT: One question. The IP I am using for the bypass is what you listed above but it's the same ip for deluge, radar, sonarr. The only difference is the port. Do I have that correct? 

Edited by DigitalDivide
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12 hours ago, cardo said:

Did you get this figured out?  If I switch to linuxserver/sonarr:latest or linuxserver/sonarr, It loses all of my settings.  I am running the preview like you as well.


I switched to linuxserver/sonarr:develop and retained my v3 settings from the preview tag I was using earlier.


This information didn't seem accurate to me...




...because, at least on my unRaid server, latest still installed a v2 build.

Edited by theradiostar
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2 minutes ago, theradiostar said:


I switched to linuxserver/sonarr:develop and retained my v3 settings from the preview tag I was using earlier.


This information didn't seem accurate to me...




...because, at least on my unRaid server, latest still installed a v2 build.

Excellent, thanks!  That worked for me as well.

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