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New Emby Docker

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9 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

I am sorry to hear about this but it is not an unRAID issue. You should have backups of your data for situations like this, you cannot blame unRAID. Sure it would be nice if unRAID had snapshot capability but you are aware it does not, so you can't rely on it. I have close to 10,000 movies in my collection and I have them on two different servers and backed up to a third that I keep offline. I realize not everyone can afford to to do this, but if your data is important to you, then you have to think about a backup strategy. Perhaps it is also time to look at Plex unless you don't like it, I have been using it for years without issues.

I was not writing to complain about unRaid, just saying it would be nice for them to have a solution of some sort as other systems do.  I just wanted to post this here as this version of DOCKER was just released not to long ago and I wanted to be sure people knew about this MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR Bug.


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I am sure users here appreciate you making them aware of the bug so they don't suffer a similar loss of data. We, as a community are simply trying to help by pointing out that backups are something that can save you from situations like this. unRAID has plenty of amazing features that you can choose to implement, I use the recycle bin on all my servers in case I accidentally delete something, it may have helped you but it may not have. If you want some advice on creating a backup strategy I would be more than willing to help you, I am an IT professional in my day job.

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11 minutes ago, strike said:

I'm sorry this happened to you, but what you're saying is simply not true. Unraid can perfectly recover deleted files IF you have the recycle bin plugin installed and running. Also, unraid does have snapshot capability, you just have to use BTRFS, then you can snapshot all you want.


And if you're a regular user of this forum you should have seen users mention over and over again that Unraid IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR BACKUPS.


Now, that being said you might be lucky and MAYBE can recover your files. MAYBE... Several users have accidentally deleted files and been able to recover them using UFS explorer: https://www.ufsexplorer.com/ this is probably your best bet.

From my understanding of the Recycle Bin, it is only if deleted via samba.  I don't think it would apply in this case unless the Dockers use Simba locally. 


BTRFS is also not the default and was advised to use new formatting.  So that was all switched over.   


But again, as I mentioned, this was a notice of the issue.  I have used unraid a long time, never needed to worry much for the items I need to be sure I have, are backed up off site.  It is just amazing to me that something as large as Emby did not find this bug and it would delete main directories when it should be replacing/updating files.    

Edited by David Bott
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3 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

I use the recycle bin on all my servers

But does that help you if a docker removes a file though the file system via over samba? 


As mentioned, I have been a user for a long time. (I founded AVSForum and thus have been with UnRiad from the start.)  Happy with unraid.  Have backup off site for the "important" stuff. Thus was a notice of an issue with just me saying I wish I had a way.  :)


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So it looks like Emby 4.0.2 was released today? I am always cautious of upgrading anything to the latest version. First, I ask myself, is anything broken with the version I am using? Second, if so, does the new version fix it. If the answer to #1 is no, then I look to see if there is a compelling reason to upgrade and if not, I wait to see if there are bugs. You sometimes pay the price for being the guinea pig who adopts the latest version and you can wind up doing this at your own peril. I never update my dockers right away, and in the past have done so to have the upgrade go sideways. My advice would be to wait next time and see if others have issues first.

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While offsite backups are recommended and great, some of us have too much data to afford backing it up offsite using traditional means. I have three copies of my data onsite, and one offsite, so having a backup onsite is not a bad idea either, you can use a spare computer that may be lying around and some drives, that is about all it takes.

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27 minutes ago, BRiT said:

You could take precautions as listed in the malware prevention topics, especially the "chattr +i" command.

Now that is a very interesting idea to safeguard from a bug/or otherwise related delete!!!  THANKS!  Now need to go see how to all apply the setting after it is moved into place!

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1 hour ago, David Bott said:

But does that help you if a docker removes a file though the file system via over samba? 


Man that sucks!  🙁 I use the recycle bin and from what I can tell, any media that I delete in EMBY does not go in the bin.... so +1 for some kind of data loss prevention feature to be built in to future releases of unRAID.

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Again, sorry to see such bugs affect anyone. 


The good parts of the discussion starts on page 5 of this thread, with some trying normal file and directory permissions before trying the immutable attribute (chattr +i). I have all my movies/shows/videos set as +i but leave the metadata info and pictures from scrapers left as modifiable since they can easily be recreated.



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44 minutes ago, tjb_altf4 said:

I like the immutable attribute solution, but a bandaid is to pass media shares to the docker as read-only instead of r/w.

This will have some limitations, but is a quick solution to implement to secure data.


Is it possible to setup a container so that files can only be added or changed, but not deleted/destroyed? I think windows has that option through its permissions interface.


IMHO, as far as Emby goes, the devs ought to just remove the media KILL switch and one can use Krusader or samba if they want to delete something.

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8 minutes ago, Joseph said:

IMHO, as far as Emby goes, the devs ought to just remove the media KILL switch and one can use Krusader or samba if they want to delete something.

That's the whole point...It was not suppose to delete anything, only update.  I asked it to update all the metadata and it went though and removed everything. BAM! I wanted to post here as a heads up because my fear also was that someone have it set to run full refreshes on a timer or something to get current new art. (No idea if it would be the same script...but still...a major heads up.)  


I was shocked to say the least and reported it to them and it was confirmed that, yeah, they mucked up they apologized for the "Disruption". Nothing more they could do. It sucks...but thats about it.  Yes, I know I do not have a secondary backup for movies or tv, I understand what unraid is, I was very upset at the time as you all may guess. :)  I lost 17TB of data.  At least now I have 21TB left I guess and don't need to buy a new drive. (I am trying to make myself feel better, can you tell? :) ) 


We live now, last 5 years, full time in a motor coach. So while it would be nice to have two servers, don't have the physical space. :)  But I do have off site backups of the important files and videos and photos and business stuff.  Seeing we use three JetPacks for data (Two AT&T, One Verizon, all unlimited set up as a Bonded VPN for speed.) Data wise, really can't afford to download a movie or TV show and then upload a backup to crashplan. It's just a lot of use. 


OH....They said... "It is already resolved for the next release so that it will not happen again."... can't wait for the new Docker!  (What gets me is Luke never posted a single notice, not even in the 4.0.2 release announcement, as to NOT RUN AN UPDATE on the data!) 


But thank you everyone for the suggestions.  I hope this may have saved someone at least. 

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7 minutes ago, David Bott said:

OH....They said... "It is already resolved for the next release so that it will not happen again."... 

I agree with every point you've made. The right thing for EMBY to do is to push a warning out to the EMBY dashboard to let everyone know.


A peripheral thought is I would hope the devs for unRAID would give its community full notice if something this egregious was ever discovered on an unRAID stable release. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a new Emby user but an experienced Unraid user.  I had a similar 'delete' incident as described but was far more lucky than David Bott.  I only lost 100 movies before realizing what was happening and (as calmly as I could) stopped the docker before more damage could be done.  It all happened in about 10 seconds I'd say.  I stupidly used the 'Delete Media' option in the Emby docker on a single movie.  I just happened to have a Windows Explorer  open and watched a bunch of movie folders start disappearing.  Evidently there is/was a bug there too and/or it's the same one (hopefully fixed).  This happened to me a couple of days ago.  I know I'll never use that particular mechanism ever again to delete a movie either way :)  So this is all very timely discussion for me as well.

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This is the thread that I posted about it on Emby...They just locked it with 19K views in 10 days and the thread was blowing up.  It seems others were affected and it also came out that they new about this IN BETA yet still released it!!!!




The last thing posted in the thread before they locked it was...


The hot fix is now available, anyone concerned you can update now.

If you want to see better delete handling please comment in the following feature request:


The current idea is to have a confirmation prompt listing the files that will be deleted. 

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3 hours ago, David Bott said:

The hot fix is now available, anyone concerned you can update now.

So speaking of updating, I started reading from the first post for a few pages and know there has been some if not much previous discussion on this.


I see 'Version is now available' on the dashboard but when I use the Unraid Docker Containers page 'Check for Updates' I don't see an update available. 


When I run 'force update' it runs  (emby/embyserver:latest) and finishes successfully but the Emby dashboard still tells me I'm running and that is available. 


What am I missing?

Edited by dabl
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7 hours ago, dabl said:

So speaking of updating, I started reading from the first post for a few pages and know there has been some if not much previous discussion on this.


I see 'Version is now available' on the dashboard but when I use the Unraid Docker Containers page 'Check for Updates' I don't see an update available. 


When I run 'force update' it runs  (emby/embyserver:latest) and finishes successfully but the Emby dashboard still tells me I'm running and that is available. 


What am I missing?

Nothing - the latest tag hasn't been updated yet. https://hub.docker.com/r/emby/embyserver/tags

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So the Emby devs acknowledge a major bug present in and earlier causing multiple people to lose data, issue a 'hot fix' then don't update the docker until they feel like it?  


Obviously I meanwhile turned off delete for all Emby users in my docker but.....


I have yet to post my story over there.  I have all the logs etc. 


I deleted a single .mkv using the Emby 'Delete Media' function using a freshly installed Emby docker and lost 100 movies in seconds.


Most of the stories/replies in the Emby forums about the issue seem to imply that the problem is limited only to DVD images and/or previous installs upgraded to later versions.  Not so at least in my limited experience.

Edited by dabl
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how did you have your media stored? Emby needs each movie in its own folder from my experience. If for example you have all your MKV’s in one directory and you delete a movie via the emby menu it will delete the parent directory including the rest of the mkv’s in that folder. I found that out the hard way 2 years ago. Lucky I had back ups on my second server.

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On 3/13/2019 at 4:12 PM, Lebowski said:

how did you have your media stored? Emby needs each movie in its own folder from my experience. If for example you have all your MKV’s in one directory and you delete a movie via the emby menu it will delete the parent directory including the rest of the mkv’s in that folder. I found that out the hard way 2 years ago. Lucky I had back ups on my second server.

All my movies are in separate folders.

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TLDR:  I've been a Kodi (local, synchronized databases), Plex (remote) user for my media for almost a decade until recently when most of my devices are now Fire TV Sticks (4k) because Netflix gets a high usage.  Plex has been used for local media on the sticks for some reason.  Finally loaded Kodi to a stick and then read about Emby maintaining the library rather than using the Kodi-Headless docker or running a Kodi VM again.  Didn't know anything about Emby until reading about it today.  Curious as to why people use Emby, what it has replaced, and how it integrates into their media setup.




I have always seen Emby in the app section, but never looked through it's uses until very recently.


I was a long time Kodi user for close to a decade.  My set up until recently was all Kodi devices throughout the house with a synchronized database.  One of the clients was a VM which was on 24/7, so library updates were pushed to this device.  I had issues in the past with the Kodi Headless Docker not updating movies because of a scraping issue, so directing to the VM was a fine solution.


In the past year, with the increase in Netflix usage and the accumulation of a few FireTV (4k) sticks, 95% of media is being consumed through Netflix/Plex.  I cut the cord with FiOS TV completely and sold my HDHR.  No long recording through MythTV was another reason my Kodi usage was no longer a high priority.


With that said, I had some time today so I looked into side loading Kodi onto the Fire Stick.  I was toying around with the headless Kodi docker again since I no longer use the Kodi VM, and read a post about how the Linuxserver.io guys were mostly on Emby these days as it related to Kodi.  Wasn't sure what that meant so I dug a bit further and it appears people use Emby as the backend server that gets updated with media.  This data can be pulled with the Emby/Kodi add on, and run natively on Kodi clients.  Seems useful.


So now I'm juggling between a Emby backend where I'm only using it to monitor my library, Kodi front ends to display my media library, and Plex for people when outside of the household to connect to the library.


Mostly curious here, but what are the primary use purposes people have for Emby as it relates to Kodi and Plex?  I know this is certainly a use case dependent thing, but have there been any types of prevailing opinions on the most efficient ways of handling media libraries running to many clients locally and remotely?



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