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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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Just got my setup done with protonvpn and figured I'd share in case it'll help someone in the future.

These are effectively modified from the ones posted by a reddit user here to be compatible with this docker container and unraid.

I have the 2 scripts in a folder on the docker container and I'm calling them with the User Scripts plugin due to a lack of embedded cron functionality in the arch docker images.

First script is called proton-get-port.sh and runs the while true loop to keep the port forwarded:

#if pgrep -f proton-get-port.sh >/dev/null; then
#    echo "Script is already running, doing nothing."
#    exit 1
#edit -  this doesn't work.  It always detects itself on startup.  See below for inbuilt functionality of this.

natpmpc -a 1 0 udp 60 -g # Ask for UDP port forwarding
natpmpc -a 1 0 tcp 60 -g | grep -oP 'Mapped public port \K\d+' > /data/protonvpn-port

echo "Port written to protonvpn-port file"
cat /data/protonvpn-port

while true ; do date ; date > /data/timecheck ; natpmpc -a 1 0 udp 60 -g && natpmpc -a 1 0 tcp 60 -g || { echo -e "ERROR with natpmpc command \a" ; break ; } ; sleep 45 ; done

Second is for updating deluge manually.  Be sure to replace the username and password for deluge from below:

port=`cat /data/protonvpn-port` # retrieve the port from the file

echo "Port found in file :"
echo $port

deluge-console "connect USERNAME USERPASSWORD; config -s random_port false; config -s listen_ports ($port, $port)" & # Update deluge's incoming port in the background

I then use User Scripts to call them.  I run the proton-get-port.sh every hour and the deluge one every 6 hours, but modify to your liking.  The if statement in the proton script will prevent you from double instancing it.

User Scripts calls

docker exec -i <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> sh ./data/proton-get-port.sh


docker exec <DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID> sh ./data/deluge-port.sh


Edited by elitexero
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I recently changed the host path of my docker container and also changed in the deluge settings where the files that get downloaded go to, and now Deluge won't work for any new files. i have heard that changing the folders will do that.

History - i have been using Deluge alongside Radarr, and was getting a lot of alerts about it being an issue that my download client was sending to a root folder, so I switched it to a non root folder. Now it won't download. Also seeing in Radarr now that the I am missing a root folder. 

What is the best set up to have? 

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 3.30.06 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 3.30.23 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 3.31.05 PM.png

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On 12/9/2023 at 3:06 AM, elitexero said:

Just got my setup done with protonvpn and figured I'd share in case it'll help someone in the future.

i hate to say this, but all that work is already included in the image!, you simple set 'VPN_PROV' to 'protonvpn', ensure that 'STRICT_PORT_FORWARD' is set to ;yes' and it will configure the port forwarding for you including configuring deluge, no need to do this yourself.

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57 minutes ago, binhex said:

i hate to say this, but all that work is already included in the image!, you simple set 'VPN_PROV' to 'protonvpn', ensure that 'STRICT_PORT_FORWARD' is set to ;yes' and it will configure the port forwarding for you including configuring deluge, no need to do this yourself.

Well ... that's great news since my script's detection doesn't seem to work and always detects itself on start :)  Thanks for the heads up.

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For some reason, both my Deluge containers, can't use the WebUI.
The log is not mentioning any issues, and the torrents already there is doing what they're supposed to do. I just can't access the log.
Eventually it just says "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT".
The log says this after a reboot:

Created by...
___.   .__       .__
\_ |__ |__| ____ |  |__   ____ ___  ___
 | __ \|  |/    \|  |  \_/ __ \\  \/  /
 | \_\ \  |   |  \   Y  \  ___/ >    <
 |___  /__|___|  /___|  /\___  >__/\_ \
     \/        \/     \/     \/      \/

2023-12-13 17:16:43.658084 [info] Host is running unRAID
2023-12-13 17:16:43.691177 [info] System information Linux 6a669ace8ec6 6.1.64-Unraid #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Nov 29 12:48:16 PST 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2023-12-13 17:16:43.726146 [info] PUID defined as '99'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.758051 [info] PGID defined as '100'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.802147 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.824328 [info] Permissions already set for '/config'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.875761 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
2023-12-13 17:16:43.913966 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.932768 [info] VPN_CLIENT defined as 'openvpn'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.955579 [info] VPN_PROV defined as 'custom'
2023-12-13 17:16:43.985538 [info] OpenVPN config file (ovpn extension) is located at /config/openvpn/openvpn.ovpn
2023-12-13 17:16:44.079947 [info] VPN remote server(s) defined as ',,,'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.101374 [info] VPN remote port(s) defined as '1196,1196,1196,'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.120319 [info] VPN remote protcol(s) defined as 'udp,udp,udp,'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.151406 [info] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE defined as 'tun0'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.181770 [info] VPN_OPTIONS not defined (via -e VPN_OPTIONS)
2023-12-13 17:16:44.308130 [info] LAN_NETWORK defined as ''
2023-12-13 17:16:44.331466 [info] NAME_SERVERS defined as ',,,,,'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.360927 [info] VPN_USER defined as 'XYZ'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.387747 [info] VPN_PASS defined as 'XYZ'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.417443 [info] ENABLE_PRIVOXY defined as 'no'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.453599 [info] VPN_INPUT_PORTS not defined (via -e VPN_INPUT_PORTS), skipping allow for custom incoming ports
2023-12-13 17:16:44.478771 [info] VPN_OUTPUT_PORTS not defined (via -e VPN_OUTPUT_PORTS), skipping allow for custom outgoing ports
2023-12-13 17:16:44.499734 [info] DELUGE_DAEMON_LOG_LEVEL defined as 'info'
2023-12-13 17:16:44.525102 [info] DELUGE_WEB_LOG_LEVEL defined as 'info'

I've tried waiting a bit for an update or something, but nothing yet.

I've tried:
Reboot the container.
Rebooting the server.
Looking in the logs for any errors.
Another browser.
Incognito in another browser.

I can't find the issue.

Any ideas?

Edited by Nanobug
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23 minutes ago, Nanobug said:

Sorry for the late reply.
Here's the log, I removed the account namesupervisord.log from the VPN since it's Mullvad.
I don't see any other information that needs to be removed.

your issue is that you have specified an ip address for the container which then causes the container ip and your lan range to clash, set it back to bridge mode and you will be able to access the web ui.

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29 minutes ago, binhex said:

your issue is that you have specified an ip address for the container which then causes the container ip and your lan range to clash, set it back to bridge mode and you will be able to access the web ui.

It worked before with Bridge mode, and the other container that uses a specific IP address, has the same issue, that worked before.

I changed it now, and I have the same issue.
I've attached a new log.


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3 minutes ago, Nanobug said:

It worked before with Bridge mode, and the other container that uses a specific IP address, has the same issue, that worked before.

I changed it now, and I have the same issue.
I've attached a new log.


ok nothing showing any errors in that log, if you cant reach the web ui then try another browser to ensure its not plugin blocking, or better yet a different device, you are accessing this from inside your lan, not via vpn right?

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15 minutes ago, binhex said:

ok nothing showing any errors in that log, if you cant reach the web ui then try another browser to ensure its not plugin blocking, or better yet a different device, you are accessing this from inside your lan, not via vpn right?

Deluge is running on the network.
My desktop is on, and I do have a router to the network.
But I've tried the following on my desktop:
Vivaldi (normal and incognito)
Google Chrome (normal and incognito)

Windows Sandbox (on my Desktop):
Microsoft Edge (normal and incognito)
Firefox (normal and private/incognito)


A VM on the network:
Microsoft Edge (normal and incognito)


I'm only running adblockers on my desktop.
I can see on the sites that I'm seeding, so it's all working, I just can't go on the WebUI.

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2 minutes ago, Nanobug said:

My desktop is on

that is probably your issue then, from your log:-
LAN_NETWORK defined as ''


you need to add in your other vlan if you want to access it from another network, change LAN_NETWORK to:-,

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9 minutes ago, binhex said:

that is probably your issue then, from your log:-
LAN_NETWORK defined as ''


you need to add in your other vlan if you want to access it from another network, change LAN_NETWORK to:-,

Damn... That worked.

How come it worked before, but out of a sudden, it stopped working?
Haven't touched that setting in a year or two.

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1 minute ago, Nanobug said:

Damn... That worked.

How come it worked before, but out of a sudden, it stopped working?
Haven't touched that setting in a year or two.

no idea dude, but the code in this area has literally not changed in years!, maybe the machine you are using to access the web ui has changed vlan?, if you were in then it would work.

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2 minutes ago, binhex said:

no idea dude, but the code in this area has literally not changed in years!, maybe the machine you are using to access the web ui has changed vlan?, if you were in then it would work.

It didn't work when I used a device on either.
But now it does.

I don't get it...

But thanks a lot, and keep up the good work! :D

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to make sure because of potential ip leakages. I would like to ask for a little guidance + also to not get paranoid. Thank you 👍



- I have FastestVPN with a dedicated IP + the option for port forwarding

- In my VPN dashboard I can configure port forwarding and download afterwards a openvpn config file




- Is port 58846 the right one to set for port forwarding @my vpn when using the default docker settings?

- Do I just put the openvpn file in the config folder and follow the how2 setup or do I have to put in the port number 58846 somewhere else + since I have no PIA should I enable or disable STRICT_PORT_FORWARD?





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Hi All... I have just migrated my setup from a remote seedbox to using a local UnRAID server in a UK data centre.


I am not convinced I am getting the correct speed using the great Binhex - DelugeVPN docker. 


My connection is around 500Mb/s up and down (confirmed using SpeedTest Tracker)...




My DelugeVPN download speed seems to be 10Mb/s-30Mb/s which is not as good as I would expect to see but my real issue is the upload speed seems very slow. I have seen it get to about 18-20Mb/s - but this was only for a few seconds and then it drops to a few kb/s...




I am using PIA VPN and have tried to find a list of endpoints which support port forwarding, but this doesnt seem to exist anymore and on their website it says using the desktop client settings to request end points which support port forwarding and if you try to connect to one which doesnt support port-forwarding it will warn you. So, as far as I know, Netherlands and France both support port-forwarding. So when I installed DelugeVPN, I copied the corresponding OVPN file, PEM file and Security Certificate for Netherlands to /appdata/binhex-delugevpn/openvpn folder. I tested the public IP from the container using


curl ifconfig.io


This proved the public IP corresponded to an IP address in The Netherlands.


When I realised that the speed was so slow, I carried out the same tests using the openvpn files for France and get the same results.


So, next step I tried was setting Container Variable VPN_ENABLED to 'no'. I checked that the docker's public IP was my actual IP and the DelugeVPN speeds remain really slow.


Am I missing something, or can someone offer some help in working out why the slow speeds?


I am sure that this should perform better than this so appreciate any help.



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9 hours ago, SliMat said:

I am using PIA VPN and have tried to find a list of endpoints which support port forwarding, but this doesnt seem to exist anymore and on their website

its visible in the /config/supervisord.log file, check there for a long list of endpoints.


also check Q6 for suggestions on how to improve speed:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md

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3 hours ago, binhex said:

some of the possible causes in that faq are not vpn related, check them out.


Thanks - I am just working my way through the list and wanted to check my calculations... and the terminology in the FAQ you linked to. It says...



Upload rate set too high/unlimited - failure to correctly define your upload speed will mean your connection will be choked, resulting in low download speeds, the solution to this is to define your upload rate as about 3/4 of your theoretical maximum upload rate (keeping in mind this is defined in Bytes (big B) NOT bits (small b).


So, working on 1 Mbit/s = 125 KiB/s, so 500 Mbit/s connection speed = 62500 KiB/s - so would I be right in setting the "Maximum Download Speed (KiB/s)" and "Maximum Upload Speed (KiB/s)" in the Deluge preferences to 46875 (75% maximum). I'm just checking I havent got bits & bytes muddled up anywhere ;-)

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5 minutes ago, SliMat said:


Thanks - I am just working my way through the list and wanted to check my calculations... and the terminology in the FAQ you linked to. It says...



So, working on 1 Mbit/s = 125 KiB/s, so 500 Mbit/s connection speed = 62500 KiB/s - so would I be right in setting the "Maximum Download Speed (KiB/s)" and "Maximum Upload Speed (KiB/s)" in the Deluge preferences to 46875 (75% maximum). I'm just checking I havent got bits & bytes muddled up anywhere ;-)


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