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Hello! I am trying to upgrade my nextcloud versions and keep getting this error after typing


docker exec -it nextcloud occ upgrade


I get this error:


root@Skynet:~# docker exec -it nextcloud occ upgrade
Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Set log level to debug
Updating database schema
An unhandled exception has been thrown:
Error: Class 'Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types' not found in /config/www/nextcloud/core/Migrations/Version21000Date20210309185126.php:49
Stack trace:
#0 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/MigrationService.php(478): OC\Core\Migrations\Version21000Date20210309185126->changeSchema()
#1 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/DB/MigrationService.php(414): OC\DB\MigrationService->executeStep()
#2 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Updater.php(298): OC\DB\MigrationService->migrate()
#3 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Updater.php(244): OC\Updater->doCoreUpgrade()
#4 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Updater.php(131): OC\Updater->doUpgrade()
#5 /config/www/nextcloud/core/Command/Upgrade.php(257): OC\Updater->upgrade()
#6 /config/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(255): OC\Core\Command\Upgrade->execute()
#7 /config/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/symfony/console/Application.php(915): Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run()
#8 /config/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/symfony/console/Application.php(272): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand()
#9 /config/www/nextcloud/3rdparty/symfony/console/Application.php(148): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun()
#10 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Console/Application.php(214): Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run()
#11 /config/www/nextcloud/console.php(99): OC\Console\Application->run()
#12 /config/www/nextcloud/occ(11): require_once('/config/www/nex...')
#13 {main}root@Skynet:~# 


I am not really sure what's going on. My nextcloud instance is kind of stuck in this limbo now and I can't find anyone with an issue similar to mine. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi! I was using onlyoffice for a while now and was going to check out the Nexcloud Office App now with Collabora-CODE Server. I installed a Collabora-CODE server as a seperate docker this morning, downloaded Nextcloud Office App and everything went absolutely fine. Then i updated the nextcloud docker from an early October 22 version to the current latest build.


Now when I try to edit a document, the nexcloud office try load a file for some 10 seconds or so and then throw the error "failed to load nextcloud office please try again later". I tried to delete and reinstall nextcloud office which didn't help. The Collabora Docker WebUI is reachable and working fine. Settings Page of Nextcloud office confirm that the server is reachable.


Has anyone an idea how to troubleshoot this error? Can't find anything office related in my nextcloud.log

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13 hours ago, fired said:

Hi! I was using onlyoffice for a while now and was going to check out the Nexcloud Office App now with Collabora-CODE Server. I installed a Collabora-CODE server as a seperate docker this morning, downloaded Nextcloud Office App and everything went absolutely fine. Then i updated the nextcloud docker from an early October 22 version to the current latest build.


Now when I try to edit a document, the nexcloud office try load a file for some 10 seconds or so and then throw the error "failed to load nextcloud office please try again later". I tried to delete and reinstall nextcloud office which didn't help. The Collabora Docker WebUI is reachable and working fine. Settings Page of Nextcloud office confirm that the server is reachable.


Has anyone an idea how to troubleshoot this error? Can't find anything office related in my nextcloud.log


Found a very simple solution: Just had to wait a few hours. Didn't change anything but everything is running now as expected. I think it might have been a timeout issue with the remote proxy after SWAG container update?

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So i'm really lost on this one. Googling and searching this topic isn't helping me because i can not find anything regarding the only output of the log: "ifelse: fatal: unable to spawn importas: No error information", and nothing more happens. MariaDB seems to run fine and i already tried to reinstall the Dockercontainer with the same options i had before just with a fresh downloaded Image. From running fine to this in just one night. I'm really question if this whole Nextcloud thing is the right thing for me. Every time an automatic update etc. happens i'm stuck again with problems. But this time i can't help myself because i can't even google the error message. 

I really need help here i think.

EDIT: Okay, just for the Rest of the World: I'm dumb! But at least i found out that A.: It is not that good to change the docker.img to a docker directory. It works but kinda problematic and B.: That the docker directory was the problem. Switched back to a docker.img and after adding all containers again everything is running as normal. Was so convinced that a docker dir is working fine for weeks now. But i kinda got the point in whats all about the hassle with this. So if this is a producitve system with important data just use normal docker.img it will safe you from big headaches.

Edited by screwbox
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On 3/14/2022 at 11:43 AM, yousefmansy1 said:

Hello I'm pretty new to unraid.

I've setup nextcloud and everything is working. There is a plugin for nextcloud called MediaDC which requires python 3.6.8 or higher.
It seems like its capable of installing this dependency on its own but it returns result_code: 127 when it runs.

Basically, how would you add this dependency to an existing docker container?

Hi, was there any solution to this? When I console in to try and manually sudo install, the sudo command is not found.




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Having a problem with Nextcloud TOTP. When the app is enabled I get the log error in the attached txt file and cannot open the Security tab in when in the setting. I get the error shown in the attached .png. When I attempt to disable or remove the TOTP app I get a message in the log in screen stating my two factor authorization app cannot be found. I have searched thru the forums but haven't found anything like this yet. 


Thanks in advance for your time.



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On 11/23/2022 at 2:06 PM, gwl said:

I've setup nextcloud and everything is working. There is a plugin for nextcloud called MediaDC which requires python 3.6.8 or higher.
It seems like its capable of installing this dependency on its own but it returns result_code: 127 when it runs.


On 11/23/2022 at 2:06 PM, gwl said:

Hi, was there any solution to this? When I console in to try and manually sudo install, the sudo command is not found.




A longshot, but there is an unraid app called nerdtools.  Python might be in there.  Just switch it on to load it.

Edited by Jessie
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On 11/19/2022 at 8:40 AM, allinvain said:

Thanks for this.  I accidentally upgraded nextcloud docker and found myself in the same boat. 


I changed repository to 24.0.5 and got error
"This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 7.3.  You are currently running 7.4.26." 
Which is kind of progress lol.  


I tried changing the 24.0.5 to earlier versions but couldn't find any that worked.  I looked at linuxserver.io/nextcloud web page too for a list of versions but couldn't find anything there either.  Do you have any thoughts on what I can try next?

You could maybe try the command line update process. The issue is I'm not sure if that would work either if nextcloud php files expect to see PHP 7.3 or lower. 

Rule 1.  Always upgrade nextcloud via the app before upgrading the docker.

Else use krusader and go to the nextcloud folder.  There will be backup folder in there.  Select the most recent or the one before that and copy it in the corresponding position in appdata.  Rename the old nextcloud folder to nextcloudbad.  Rename the copied folder to nextcloud. Restart nextcloud. If lucky you will boot back to the previous version.  Login and start the upgrade again.  Then upgrade the docker.


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On 11/6/2022 at 1:08 AM, blaine07 said:

I am almost afraid to ask...


Is there anyone on 25.0.1 without issue and doing good?

I have one machine on 25. The only notable issue initially was the password app not working.

The solution was to set the upgrade flag to beta but dont update nextcloud. This made the beta version of password available for download. Switched back to stable after I got it. Problem solved.

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Hi All, 

I have been looking around, but can't find a topic about this...

I have been using my nextcloud for about 2 years now, without any issues, until someone wanted to download some files >2GB and got a timeout. I always updated the docker of Nextcloud (and the others), but never realized I could update nextcloud itself from the settings, so I just updated a bunch of times from version 21.0.1 I think and am currently on 25.0.1 (talk about an upgrade) ;-).


So all went well and as far as I can tell, the files and everything is still there. I had an error about mailbox not being connected, but that is sorted now. However, I have a list of warnings and can't seem to find a post about these issues or how to solve them :

Missing index "fs_size" in table "oc_filecache".

Missing index "fs_id_storage_size" in table "oc_filecache".

Missing index "fs_storage_path_prefix" in table "oc_filecache".

Missing index "properties_pathonly_index" in table "oc_properties".

Missing index "job_lastcheck_reserved" in table "oc_jobs".

Missing index "direct_edit_timestamp" in table "oc_direct_edit".

Missing index "preferences_app_key" in table "oc_preferences".


I was hoping that in doing this update, the download error (Gateway error), might be fixed too?

As almost everyone, I followed the installation of SpaceInvaderOne for initial setup and have mariadb, Swag and duckdns dockers running and all are up-to-date (I usually keep my dockers up-to-date when a new version comes out).


Any help will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks a lot,



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20 hours ago, Kilrah said:

Thanks a lot for that, but the link you provided only has a few examples of things one might do, but it doesn't have anything to do with the errors I see...?

Also looked up this article: https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/admin_manual/configuration_server/occ_command.html 

But I don't even have a clue where to start.

From your article, I input the "$ sudo -u www-data php occ db:add-missing-columns" to test in Unraid webterminal, but I get "command not found".  I am handy with computers and stuff, but this kind of thing is not my cup of tea, it would be handy if it was written where I actually have to go and input which commands?


Do I have to change something in the Nextcloud docker settings?

Or is it in Nextcloud webui itself in the settings?

Or is it in unraid?

Or is it in a folder of nextcloud on unraid?


Any help is greatly appreciated, as this is a little out of my comfort zone.

Thanks, DrBobke

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On 11/20/2022 at 8:58 AM, fired said:

Hi! I was using onlyoffice for a while now and was going to check out the Nexcloud Office App now with Collabora-CODE Server. I installed a Collabora-CODE server as a seperate docker this morning, downloaded Nextcloud Office App and everything went absolutely fine. Then i updated the nextcloud docker from an early October 22 version to the current latest build.


Now when I try to edit a document, the nexcloud office try load a file for some 10 seconds or so and then throw the error "failed to load nextcloud office please try again later". I tried to delete and reinstall nextcloud office which didn't help. The Collabora Docker WebUI is reachable and working fine. Settings Page of Nextcloud office confirm that the server is reachable.


Has anyone an idea how to troubleshoot this error? Can't find anything office related in my nextcloud.log

Try uninstalling the nextcloud office app and reinstall.  Then goto settings and make it refind the path.

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On 11/5/2022 at 6:58 AM, mrdavvv said:

Hello guys!


Im having a lot of trouble with the syncing of big archives in Nextcloud. It seems like its a common problem, but i have tried a lot of proposed solutions in the web, with no avail.



Unraid 6.11.1

Nextcloud Server: Latest LSIO Docker V25, Maria DB LSIO Container.

Nextcloud Client: Latest APPImage 3.6.1 (Kubuntu Linux 20.04)



  • Nextcloud client in desktop gives the error " 413 Request entity too large", in all my files bigger than around 500MB.
  • Web client / Android with no issues.

Attempted Solutions:

nano /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/nginx/nginx.conf

# Original: 
    client_max_body_size 0;

#Test 1:
    client_max_body_size 16G;

#Test 2:
    client_max_body_size 16G;
    client_body_buffer_size 400m;


nano nano /mnt/user/appdata/nextcloud/php/php-local.ini

post_max_size = 10G
upload_max_filesize = 10G
post_max_size = 10G
max_input_time = 3600
max_execution_time = 3600
memory_limit = 1024M




Restarting the docker service between al the testing.


appreciate any help!

If you are using the client, there is a checkbox in settings which restricts to 500mb. You need to uncheck it.

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23 hours ago, Kilrah said:

The '$' isn't part of the command


Thanks a lot, but the others don't work either



I know I read smth about the user www-data that that is the admin user or smth like that, but how can I log into that? All docker settings are set correctly as far as I'm aware...


Edited by DrBobke
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22 hours ago, Jessie said:

If you are using the client, there is a checkbox in settings which restricts to 500mb. You need to uncheck it.


It was already unchecked, I also don't have any restrictions on Download or upload. Any other ideas?

* I know this is not on my topic, but I had the same issues, updating everything in search of a solution made me get these other issues...


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