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[Plugin] CA Appdata Backup / Restore v2


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On 1/12/2021 at 3:36 AM, Gunny said:

The Exclude Folders option does not seem to be working for me.  I'm trying to exclude some subfolders in one of my docker container's appdata area (Plex for reference).  I've tried both absolute paths and relative paths.

Plex-Media-Server/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/ ,Plex-Media-Server/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/ ,Plex-Media-Server/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/


/mnt/cache/appdata/Plex-Media-Server/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/ ,/mnt/cache/appdata/Plex-Media-Server/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/ ,/mnt/cache/appdata/Plex-Media-Server/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/


I’m having a near identical issue, did you ever sort this? I cannot work out how the exclude system works.

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On 3/23/2021 at 12:00 AM, Dimtar said:

I’m having a near identical issue, did you ever sort this? I cannot work out how the exclude system works.

My Excluded Folders entry is this, working fine:


/mnt/cache/.appdata/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/,/mnt/cache/.appdata/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/


Obviously change the "/mnt/cache/.appdata" part to wherever you keep yours.

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Hi, require some assistance as I am a dumbass and recently formatted both my cache drive due to when I start the array, it says they were not a mountable drive partition. I did run the backup/ restore 3 times the day before and they all were successful. However now that I've formatted and when I tried restoring the app data, it shows this and exit, tried unzipping it via window's winrar however also got roughly the same thing that the zip is corrupted and this happens on all 3 backups that I have. Is there any way I could get it properly working?


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Quick question, is there any way to do a selective restore? Typically I have an issue with just one docker app and I end up just manually opening backup file, extracting, and replacing the app folder.


If not, would it be possible to add this? Maybe have the plugin compress each app folder individually and then combine them into one zip.

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So its advised not to use this anymore for a flash backup.... but how exactly does one restore all the docker images without a flash backup?  Arent all the Docker templates stored on the flash drive?

Also, just to confirm, even if you had a flash backup, with all your unraid templates, You would still need to manually reinstall/rerun all those templates and this app does not actually backup any docker container files correct?  Like for example, I edit a couple files in my jellyfins docker container, to customize the app.......but thats not backed up is it?  Just the jellyfin app data folder is backed up, and if I had the template backed up and re-added the jellyfin docker from my template, its just gonna pull fresh files from the repository and my modified container files will be lost right?

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14 hours ago, 007craft said:

So its advised not to use this anymore for a flash backup.... but how exactly does one restore all the docker images without a flash backup?  Arent all the Docker templates stored on the flash drive?

It's recommended to use the unraid.net plugin to handle the flash backup (even if you don't use the remote access features)

14 hours ago, 007craft said:

You would still need to manually reinstall/rerun all those templates and this app does not actually backup any docker container files correct?  Like for example, I edit a couple files in my jellyfins docker container, to customize the app.......but thats not backed up is it? 

All the templates are stored on the flashdrive and are included in the backup.


Depends what you're doing to customize the container.  If you're actually changing files within the container (ie: docker exec...), then yes that's not backed up and if you ever update the container you will have to re-apply those changes.  If you are making the changes within the /config (appdata) path, then that is backed up via the appdata backup portion of the plugin.

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On 3/22/2021 at 2:53 PM, likesboc said:

hi, i'm facing the problem that some dockers do not turn on again after the backup. every monday morning, after my sunday night backup,  i see that "binhex-jacket" and "binhexx-radarr" are turned off. how can i find out what is causing this? thanks!


I'm having the same problem but with pihole/pihole container. Does anyone found a solution?


I have 11 containers running and only have problems with that one.

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On 3/31/2021 at 12:59 PM, bobbintb said:

Quick question, is there any way to do a selective restore? Typically I have an issue with just one docker app and I end up just manually opening backup file, extracting, and replacing the app folder.


If not, would it be possible to add this? Maybe have the plugin compress each app folder individually and then combine them into one zip.

I would love to see this added as well. 

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On 3/22/2021 at 6:53 PM, likesboc said:

hi, i'm facing the problem that some dockers do not turn on again after the backup. every monday morning, after my sunday night backup,  i see that "binhex-jacket" and "binhexx-radarr" are turned off. how can i find out what is causing this? thanks!

Having the same issue here. Backup is stuck on "Verifying" since i did update to UNRAID 6.9.2.

Had to start my containers manually, backup is still stuck...

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On 4/4/2021 at 5:43 AM, shiftylilbastrd said:

Is it possible to backup multiple source locations?

I have a dedicated ssd for my Plex appdata and the appdata for everything else on the cache and want to back up both. 

I tried separating the locations with a comma but that doesn't seem to work.

I have exactly the same setup. Would love to know how to backup both.

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4 hours ago, maikash said:

I have exactly the same setup. Would love to know how to backup both.

If you setup multiple pools, you can have some appdata on one pool and other appdata on another pool. The specific containers would map a path to appdata on a pool instead of appdata user share. Then you could backup appdata user share and it would get appdata from all pools.

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8 minutes ago, trurl said:

If you setup multiple pools, you can have some appdata on one pool and other appdata on another pool. The specific containers would map a path to appdata on a pool instead of appdata user share. Then you could backup appdata user share and it would get appdata from all pools.

I already have two pools. There’s a Plex share set to use cache2 only and then another share for all other appdata and set to cache1 only. 

Are you saying instead of mapping to /user/Plex use /disks/cache2?

I would still need to be able to map two paths to back up both. 

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21 hours ago, shiftylilbastrd said:


This seems like the path to an Unassigned Device. I mean multiple pools as provided by Unraid 6.9+


Since all pools are part of user shares, you can just backup the user share path to appdata and get all appdata from all pools.

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48 minutes ago, trurl said:

This seems like the path to an Unassigned Device. I mean multiple pools as provided by Unraid 6.9+


Since all pools are part of user shares, you can just backup the user share path to appdata and get all appdata from all pools.

See my current setup in attached pics

Plex appdata on one pool, everything else on the other. Can only specify one source for backup. 


Two pools of one drive each

If I only use one share for all appdata I can only specify one pool to send it to

One pool of two drives 

All appdata is distributed between the two drives


Neither case allows me to dedicate one drive to Plex only. If I’m wrong please help me understand what I’m missing here. 





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2 hours ago, shiftylilbastrd said:

Plex appdata on one pool, everything else on the other. Can only specify one source for backup. 


According to your screenshots, appdata and Plex share are both using the docker pool. You have another pool named cache which is not being used for this.


What I was suggesting is more like what you said you were doing, which is using one pool for plex appdata, and using the other pool for other appdata.


You could put plex appdata on docker pool, and other appdata on cache pool.


plex appdata would be at /mnt/docker/appdata, other appdata would be at /mnt/cache/appdata.


All appdata would be at /mnt/user/appdata, and you could backup all of it using that path.

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On 4/13/2021 at 2:52 AM, trurl said:

If you setup multiple pools, you can have some appdata on one pool and other appdata on another pool. The specific containers would map a path to appdata on a pool instead of appdata user share. Then you could backup appdata user share and it would get appdata from all pools.

I have 3 different pools. "Cache" Pool is being used for all other appdata but Plex. Second Pool device is for downloads only. 3rd is for Plex. 3rd one only holds Plex appdata, nothing else. Trouble is when you go to CA backup app it doesnt give you the option to set up 2 different backups. Unless i am missing something. 


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On 4/13/2021 at 8:28 PM, trurl said:



According to your screenshots, appdata and Plex share are both using the docker pool. You have another pool named cache which is not being used for this.


What I was suggesting is more like what you said you were doing, which is using one pool for plex appdata, and using the other pool for other appdata.


You could put plex appdata on docker pool, and other appdata on cache pool.


plex appdata would be at /mnt/docker/appdata, other appdata would be at /mnt/cache/appdata.


All appdata would be at /mnt/user/appdata, and you could backup all of it using that path.

Ya got me. I was getting ahead of myself. My setup is actually going to resemble the one Maikash a couple posts down I just haven't got the drive for the Plex pool installed yet.

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