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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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50 minutes ago, ich777 said:

In other words, leave everything as it is and you should be good to go and the container will do the work for you. :)

It looks like everything worked fine. I just get stuck at the password entry screen for the server.


The password screen displays, I can type in the password, but pressing the ENTER key does nothing and there is no OK button to click. I'm googling for answers but if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, feel free to chime in.  

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Also please make sure to read the Unraid blog there is actually a really nice tutorial how to set up the container. :)

You can also read the second recommended post on the top of this thread.


Hi @ich777


I was having trouble getting through the password screen so I read the Blog guide again. Originally I had ignored the Network setting of br0 and the static IP. Everything worked except the password screen.


I stopped the docker, changes the network to br0, added the server internal IP (this should probably be the external IP?), and restarted the docker. But now it won't start the docker at all. I get a 403 error.


I've never used the br0 network option before. So I have uninstalled the docker and removed the valheim folder from the appdata share.


Should I reinstall and go back to the default network setting?    


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1 hour ago, kennelfort said:

It looks like everything worked fine. I just get stuck at the password entry screen for the server.

I don't understand completely...

You mean in game? There has to be an okay button, do you have a screenshot from that? Do you made sure that the password in the template for Valheim is at least 6 characters long?


55 minutes ago, kennelfort said:

Originally I had ignored the Network setting of br0 and the static IP.

You don't have to do that, I also don't run it in br0 mode.


55 minutes ago, kennelfort said:

Should I reinstall and go back to the default network setting?    

Yes I would recommend doing that, have you also read the second recommended post on top of this thread?

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16 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I don't understand completely...

You mean in game? There has to be an okay button, do you have a screenshot from that?




It's weird right? Anyway, I got a response from reddit that said you have to use the main ENTER key and if you use the NUMPAD ENTER first, the focus leaves the password field and then the main ENTER key doesn't work any more. 


I will re-install and let you know how it works. 

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2 minutes ago, kennelfort said:

It's weird right? Anyway, I got a response from reddit that said you have to use the main ENTER key and if you use the NUMPAD ENTER first, the focus leaves the password field and then the main ENTER key doesn't work any more. 

Can you try to run the game fullscreen, enter does nothing in Valheim after you've enter the password.


Something seems wrong with the rendering, have you set any scaling within Windows?

Please try to run it in Fullscreen mode.

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

Can you try to run the game fullscreen, enter does nothing in Valheim after you've enter the password.


Something seems wrong with the rendering, have you set any scaling within Windows?

Please try to run it in Fullscreen mode.

Sorry. That screenshot is not my own. I googled it. But it is exactly what I see. I tried it with both fullscreen and windowed and the password screen is exactly the same.

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9 minutes ago, kennelfort said:

Sorry. That screenshot is not my own. I googled it. But it is exactly what I see. I tried it with both fullscreen and windowed and the password screen is exactly the same.

But this seems like an issue of the game itself and there is nothing I can do about that, eventually make a short post om tge Valheim Forum/Discord/Steam Community Hub.


@kennelfort Forget what I've wrote above, you have to press the REAL ENTER key (and not the one on the NUM PAD) twice, tried it now on my server and this works (haven't played the game a while).

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:


@kennelfort Forget what I've wrote above, you have to press the REAL ENTER key (and not the one on the NUM PAD) twice, tried it now on my server and this works (haven't played the game a while).



Hooray!!! Success!!!


Here's what I did:

I had a little trouble deleting my Valheim folder from APPDATA but I got it done via the Unraid console (I am not a UNIX guy 🙂 so I had to look up the commands.)

Then I installed again and, with the clean install, I copied my single player world files into the "worlds" directory for the docker.


I left the docker template mostly the same. I only added these things:

     GAME_PARAMS = -console so I can use the manual save feature (this is not work, FYI)

     Server Name = [my server name]

     World Name = [my world name]

     Automatically Update Game = false

     Backups to keep = 12


That's all I changed.


I immediately saw the server in the Steam Servers list.

I launched from Steam and - within Valheim - went to the Join Community tab.

I hit Refresh for the server list and waited for all 9000+ servers to load.

Then I used the filter to find mine, but it didn't appear in the list.

I tried this multiple times but after 30 minutes the server still didn't appear in Valheim's list.

So I clicked Join IP, entered the IP address and port, and hit ENTER.

It joined right away and displayed that weird password screen (the one without any buttons).

I entered the password, pressed the REAL ENTER key (not that fake key on the NUMPAD).


Boom! I'm in!  I'm so happy we can play together or separately now. 


Thanks, @ich777 for another stellar solution.




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3 minutes ago, kennelfort said:

GAME_PARAMS = -console so I can use the manual save feature (this is not work, FYI)

This parameter has to be added on the client side (on your desktop where you actually play the game Click) not on the server side, this can't work on the server, also to take advantage of this you have to add your user as an admin in the 'adminlist.txt' (Click) and restart the server after you added it (you find the file here: ../appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/adminlist.txt).


5 minutes ago, kennelfort said:

I tried this multiple times but after 30 minutes the server still didn't appear in Valheim's list.

This is a little bit weird and also I can't do anything about is, the best solution would be to join from the Steam Server list or you enter the IP manually.

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15 minutes ago, ich777 said:

This parameter has to be added on the client side (on your desktop where you actually play the game Click) not on the server side, this can't work on the server, also to take advantage of this you have to add your user as an admin in the 'adminlist.txt' (Click) and restart the server after you added it (you find the file here: ../appdata/valheim/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/adminlist.txt).


This is a little bit weird and also I can't do anything about is, the best solution would be to join from the Steam Server list or you enter the IP manually.

That's okay. No problem at all. Thanks again for all you do. 

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19 hours ago, ich777 said:

Have you installed a Cache drive, if yes can you please tell me to what you appdata is set in the Share section in terms of "Use Cache" is it set to "Yes"?


If it is looping something is very wrong.

  1. Please try these steps one more time:
  2. Delete the container
  3. Delete the folder that lives in your appdata folder for Valheim
  4. Make sure that in your appdata folder the directory "valheim" is really deleted
  5. Pull a fresh copy from the CA App

I have installed a nvme cache drive and the use cache setting is set to yes. I deleted the container and all associated folders. i got a fresh install and i am having the same issue.

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hi folks, not a lot of love for the ENiGMA-BBS container here but I'm hoping that someone can help me get her up and running.

spin up container ok (all default settings), access login screen via syncterm ok but when i goto add user the container crashes and restarts.

pulled the following error from the bbs.log (not the container log)

"name":"ENiGMA½ BBS","hostname":"aa9b9bf1fc6d","pid":764,"level":30,"msg":"FTN BSO Scanner/Tosser starting up","time":"2021-06-03T02:26:39.197Z","v":0}
{"name":"ENiGMA½ BBS","hostname":"aa9b9bf1fc6d","pid":764,"level":40,"scannerTossers.ftn_bso.nodes":false,"messageNetworks.ftn.areas":false,"msg":"Missing one or more required configuration blocks","time":"2021-06-03T02:26:39.198Z","v":0}


a bit of google foo tells me i need to setup scannerTosser but I'm having a very hard time here, i just wanna get that nostalgia hit, anyone able to help me?

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On 3/30/2021 at 12:32 PM, ich777 said:

I don't understand completely. The Steam server version and the Epic client version are compatible and you can play on the Steam server version with the Epic client version there is only a startup command that you have to add in the template and you are able to connect, but I can't remember what command this is, search in his thread for Epic and you will find it.


EDIT: Here is the flag that you have to add at the Extra Game Parameters:



hi, i try this and it does not work, i cannot connect via my epic game :(

i join the game using the console command open IP:27015.

the server is fresh install, dont think it has any mod.

did i miss anything?



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2 hours ago, Unjollypirate said:

I have installed a nvme cache drive and the use cache setting is set to yes. I deleted the container and all associated folders. i got a fresh install and i am having the same issue.

Please set the Use Cache setting to "Prefer" or "Only".

This is the main reason why it doesn't work!

Your appdata folder should always live on the Cache drive amd not on the Array for snapy and fast Docker containers and also to not stress the Array too much.


1 hour ago, timbo72 said:

a bit of google foo tells me i need to setup scannerTosser but I'm having a very hard time here, i just wanna get that nostalgia hit, anyone able to help me?

I will look into this ASAP and report back, haven't used the BBS container in a long time...

  • Thanks 1
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16 minutes ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

hi, i try this and it does not work, i cannot connect via my epic game :(

How did you tey to connect?

You have to search for unofficial servers amd I also recommend to conmecting directly via the IP.

I have reports from when you add this that it works.


Have you got the log output?

@Cyd are you familiar with the Epoc version of the game?

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39 minutes ago, ich777 said:

How did you tey to connect?

You have to search for unofficial servers amd I also recommend to conmecting directly via the IP.

I have reports from when you add this that it works.


Have you got the log output?

@Cyd are you familiar with the Epoc version of the game?


i cannot find my server in unofficial servers, i try connect via 'open IP:PORT' also not working, i just need it to work  :( any mean of connect also can.


this is the server log.


Edited by Ong Hui Hoong
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55 minutes ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

i cannot find my server in unofficial servers, i try connect via 'open IP:PORT' also not working, i just need it to work  :( any mean of connect also can.

What port did you try to connect to?

I can only tell you that you have to connect through port 27015 if you are using Steam.

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55 minutes ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

ya im using port 27015 also.

Have you already tried port 7777?


Have you also tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser?


46 minutes ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

i think i found the fix,

Can you explain to me why this should fix your problem?

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1 hour ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

i purchase the game from steam, i cannot connect also, this is odd... @_@

Something with your setup is wrong I think, I now tried it and downloaded a fresh copy from the CA App, I can just see it fine from the Steam Server Browser:





...and also can connect to it and play on it.

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45 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Have you already tried port 7777?


Have you also tried to connect through the Steam Server Browser?


Can you explain to me why this should fix your problem?


it havent, becos i have this link of warning log, i search the forum,


seem like it need the "libsdl2-2.0 libsdl2-2.0-0:i386"

but i donno where to run this, i try to run on the docker console, cannot.


and yes i try 7777 it say authentication error thing, using steam server also cannot.


i think the "Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found" is the issue, the server was not fully up yet.

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43 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Something with your setup is wrong I think, I now tried it and downloaded a fresh copy from the CA App, I can just see it fine from the Steam Server Browser:





...and also can connect to it and play on it.

do you have this "Warning: failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found" in your log?

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5 hours ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

hi, i try this and it does not work, i cannot connect via my epic game :(

i join the game using the console command open IP:27015.

the server is fresh install, dont think it has any mod.

did i miss anything?




@ich777 this is my setting page, did i set something wrong? im my steam server i also can c, but just when connect it have error

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