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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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I have many Servers From you all working Perfect. and now i have a Project Zomboid Server with one issiu.

Like i written in the Subject i have everything Forworded corectly and the Game is still writhing that i may have performance issius due to the missing Port.

Maybe you can help me with that would be nice. Have a great Day and Thank you for all your servers.

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2 minutes ago, FabioAmberger said:

Forworded corectly and the Game is still writhing that i may have performance issius due to the missing Port.

A bit more information would be good, did you change anything to the config or in the template?


Which ports did you forward exactly with which protocol?

Screenshots would be also nice from the template and the error.

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1 hour ago, nikkinrob said:

@ich777Iv helped other people get a linux version running. A big help to this was adding -oldconsole to the startup parameters, this makes it use the old server console instead of the new version that seems to resolve a lot of linux related issues with starting a server in linux with wine.

Doesn't work currently and crashes all the time.

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Hi ich777, thank you for providing these containers for unraid, I have been running 7d2d for a while now. But I'm struggling to manipulate the server settings for CS2.

I can connect and 1 bot joins on the other side, but I can't define mapcycle, bot amount etc. My game Params are:
-dedicated -dev +rcon_connected_clients true +rcon_password [redacted] +map cs_office +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -usercon +maxplayers 8 +bot_quota 8 +bot_difficulty 2 +bot_quota_mode "fill" rcon +sv_setsteamaccount [redacted]

But it feels like only the +map is actually being applied. (in the above example I'm not using a mapcycle, because it doesn't seem to work)

Neither can I use the server.cfg located here: /serverdata/serverfiles/game/csgo/cfg (on the host /mnt/user/appdata/CS2DS/game/csgo/cfg).

And last I don't know how to pass server console commands to the server from the container console.

I must be daft, but can you help me out?

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3 hours ago, SuHwak said:

And last I don't know how to pass server console commands to the server from the container console.

This is not possible, you have to use RCON or the ingame console.


3 hours ago, SuHwak said:

But it feels like only the +map is actually being applied. (in the above example I'm not using a mapcycle, because it doesn't seem to work)

There is not much documentation out there yet for CS2, even the official Wiki has not much to give.


I haven't tried to modify a dedicated server or pass over parameters, maybe someone else can help with that, sorry.


But if I have time (what I don't will happen soon in the near future) I will let you know about my findings.

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On 10/28/2023 at 8:54 PM, FabioAmberger said:

I have many Servers From you all working Perfect. and now i have a Project Zomboid Server with one issiu.

Like i written in the Subject i have everything Forworded corectly and the Game is still writhing that i may have performance issius due to the missing Port.

Maybe you can help me with that would be nice. Have a great Day and Thank you for all your servers.


Hey I have that too, but I asked the developer that seems to be normal for servers that don't pass Steam authentication.


The port 16261 is for Direct Connect.

The port 16262 is only for STEAM relay.

If you do not set the check mark in the server browser for "Steam relay" then you use the port 16261 and have no problems.

But if you check "Steam relay" you use the port 16262 and it is not released because something is wrong with the Steam authentication.


So just do not use the "Steam relay" then all goes without problems and you also have no disadvantages.


PS: Ingame Info message is "Server has part 16262 Closed. Performance may be severely affected"

Edited by Taiwendo
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Somebody did spend the time and put in work to get it working with proton. The new update(the manager addition) to the repo is a bit funky, because of the build requirement and overall behaviour but modifying the Dockerfile and some of the scripts works fine and does work well unraids docker. (should work well with compose but im not using it so i have no clue)


Overall the older version from October 30th works better with how you would expect a container to run.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Then use the container from this repo, I won‘t release a container that is funky. 😂

I've been using a modified version of it, which is almost at the state to be as the SE ones of yours, since I run both servers with the same management. Proton is impressive and just wanted to mention it here in case the windoof version is all we get as server files. Who knows what we could do if we had access to the Linux files, we might just host more than 1 server, spooky.

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1 hour ago, Mainfrezzer said:

I've been using a modified version of it



1 hour ago, Mainfrezzer said:

Proton is impressive and just wanted to mention it here in case the windoof version is all we get as server files.

If they don't release a Linux version from the dedicated server and it won't work with WINE there will be no container from my side. ;)


1 hour ago, Mainfrezzer said:

Who knows what we could do if we had access to the Linux files, we might just host more than 1 server, spooky.

You already can host more than one server since they made it available through anonymous login.

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Hey ich777,


I saw that you got Icarus working and that gave me some impetus to finally get off my Windows VM that I had running alongside my Docker containers. The only other thing I needed to move off was Swords 'n Magic and Stuff which is another UE game, so I was able to create a working version easily basing it off your Icarus branch. It's available here: 




I can PR it in if you want to make a branch for it if you're interested. All you should need is to move the Unraid template and image files to your docker-templates repo; I think I left everything else alone. Oh, and if you want to host the docker image in your own Docker repo and change that in the template to fully take ownership, that's cool too. 

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59 minutes ago, Jamxx said:

The only other thing I needed to move off was Swords 'n Magic and Stuff which is another UE game, so I was able to create a working version easily basing it off your Icarus branch.

Nice work.

Just a question from my side, are you sure that you need dotnet45 and vcredist2019? This is one of the few containers where I need to use additional runtimes to make it work.


1 hour ago, Jamxx said:

I can PR it in if you want to make a branch for it if you're interested. All you should need is to move the Unraid template and image files to your docker-templates repo; I think I left everything else alone. Oh, and if you want to host the docker image in your own Docker repo and change that in the template to fully take ownership, that's cool too. 

Sorry but I've decided that I no longer accept additional requests (even if it's with a PR like in this case) because I now almost have 200 containers/plugins to maintain in the CA App.


However you can contact @Squid if you want to release the container through your repository.

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22 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Nice work.

Just a question from my side, are you sure that you need dotnet45 and vcredist2019? This is one of the few containers where I need to use additional runtimes to make it work.


Sorry but I've decided that I no longer accept additional requests (even if it's with a PR like in this case) because I now almost have 200 containers/plugins to maintain in the CA App.


However you can contact @Squid if you want to release the container through your repository.


Nah, I didn't mess with the runtimes to be honest with you. I'm sure there could be some simplification with more testing. 


No worries, just wanted to throw it out there if you were interested. I'll give Squid a shout at some point, I also have another server to throw up there in case anyone else wants it for Goldeneye Source. 


Again, thank you for all the work that you do to make our lives better with Unraid!

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On 11/1/2023 at 3:55 PM, Mainfrezzer said:

Somebody did spend the time and put in work to get it working with proton. The new update(the manager addition) to the repo is a bit funky, because of the build requirement and overall behaviour but modifying the Dockerfile and some of the scripts works fine and does work well unraids docker. (should work well with compose but im not using it so i have no clue)


Overall the older version from October 30th works better with how you would expect a container to run.

Thanks this worked fine.

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This is regarding the valheim game server, I am getting weird errors and not sure where else to look.  The error I get when I docker logs -f <container name> is this over and over again before crashing.

Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync.
The out of sync library is: /serverdata/serverfiles/unstripped_corlib/mscorlib.dll

When you update one from git you need to update, compile and install
the other too.
Do not report this as a bug unless you're sure you have updated correctly:
you probably have a broken mono install.
If you see other errors or faults after this message they are probably related
and you need to fix your mono install first.

This ONLY occurs if I set valheimplus to true.  Ever.  I tested this by blowing the game away, setting only bepinex to true and it worked fine.  Then blew that away, tested bepinex and valheimplus to true and it failed properly, saying only one could run.  Then I blew it away and tried just velheimplus which caused that error.  If I then went it and set that to blank, and bepinex to true, it would fail with this same error.  I don't *believe* this a you (as in ich777) thing, but if anyone can help me figure this out I would be grateful.
Update: not sure if it helps, but I got it working again.  I blew away the container, then restarted it with only bepinex true.  Once it started up and was all built, I stopped the container, replaced the bepinex folder on the server with the one (working) on my pc. I also restored my world instead of the generic one and then started the container.  Everything is working fine now.

Edited by elheffe
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9 minutes ago, elheffe said:

This is regarding the valheim game server, I am getting weird errors and not sure where else to look.  The error I get when I docker logs -f <container name> is this over and over again before crashing.

Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync.
The out of sync library is: /serverdata/serverfiles/unstripped_corlib/mscorlib.dll

When you update one from git you need to update, compile and install
the other too.
Do not report this as a bug unless you're sure you have updated correctly:
you probably have a broken mono install.
If you see other errors or faults after this message they are probably related
and you need to fix your mono install first.

This ONLY occurs if I set valheimplus to true.  Ever.  I tested this by blowing the game away, setting only bepinex to true and it worked fine.  Then blew that away, tested bepinex and valheimplus to true and it failed properly, saying only one could run.  Then I blew it away and tried just velheimplus which caused that error.  If I then went it and set that to blank, and bepinex to true, it would fail with this same error.  I don't *believe* this a you (as in ich777) thing, but if anyone can help me figure this out I would be grateful.

delete the 'unstripped_corlib' directory.

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14 hours ago, ich777 said:

So this basically means that I could add a check for that folder and remove it if its found when V+ is enabled, correct?

If BepinEx is enabled, the unstripped_corlib directory should be removed. V+ requires BepInEx, so if this is the only mod you're supporting, then I suppose yes, you can trigger off of v+ being enabled. 

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12 hours ago, TheBrian said:

V+ requires BepInEx, so if this is the only mod you're supporting, then I suppose yes

I'm supporting both but you can't enable both at the same time, I will add a check if BepInEx is enabled so that this folder will be removed.


Wait but you are saying that BepInEx doesn't need the folder but the user reported that he experienced this with V+

On 11/7/2023 at 11:38 PM, elheffe said:

This ONLY occurs if I set valheimplus to true.  Ever.  I tested this by blowing the game away, setting only bepinex to true and it worked fine.  Then blew that away, tested bepinex and valheimplus to true and it failed properly, saying only one could run.  Then I blew it away and tried just velheimplus which caused that error.


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