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[Support] Josh.5 Docker Templates

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I've had lancache-bundle running on my unraid server in the past without issue. Same server, same router. Just installed it again and it only works if I connect to it directly by configuring my PC's IPv4 settings, but not if I configure my router to point to the docker (which used to work in the past). It sounds as though a few people are having issues so I thought I'd share as much information as I could to see if we can get to the bottom of some of them.


Here's my working 1 PC setup (not ideal)



Docker config in Unraid



Docker config continued



IPv4 DNS settings on my PC



Router DNS Config (I know this isn't pointing to my lancache docker image at - this is the less than ideal non-router setup)



Initial download speeds from steam



Plenty of stuff in my new lancache share



Re-download speeds that prove the cache is functioning correctly


Now if I change the router config to point to the lancache docker image as the DNS it doesn't work and nothing on my netwrk can resolve DNS addresses...



Router pointing to lancache docker image



Windows told to resolve DNS automatically (leave it to the router)



Unresolved DNS


So why is it that if I point my PC directly to the docker image it works, but if I leave my PC to automatically resolve, and point the router to the docker image, it does not work?


Any ideas folks?

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@MajorTomG Is it possible that your router would try to connect to the DNS using the WAN connection on your router?

You could try running another DNS server (pihole or something like that) and point your router to that and see if it will resolve... If it will not resolve either, than I think your router will use the WAN port for DNS lookups. In that case you can setup LanCache to use your router as source DNS and point your systems to the LanCache IP.

Maybe it's possible to change it in the DNS settings of your router so it will hand out the LanCache IP as the DNS server to you DHCP clients.

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having issues using the lancache


i finding my computers accessing the internet is much slower then when i using  where its bang fast

i also like to know for Epic Games   how do you have endless caching?  default is like 152 days for caching  how do you set caching for different days 

like Epic, Battle net, Steam  =  Endless..    anythng else can be 152 days


as it takes me 6 months to redownload  Epic games on my account on my current internet speed 24/7 going drives me nuts so i dont want it erasing it..  and my epic games takes up 3TB of data  on my gaming drive..  do i need least 3TB  for lancache..  


as i frustrated how Epic Launcher works for verifying games.. and the trick work around doesnt work


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys,


for people with issues with lancache...

I did some research on the original Lancache website and they mention Lancache does not like when certain ports are shared with Lancache e.g.53,80 and 443. This is likely the issue here when running on Unraid assuming you run other containers using any of these ports.


A workaround is to create a VM e.g. ubuntu and install Lancache on that VM. Within that VM Lancache has exclusive access to these ports.

I am currently checking this myself and it looks promising!! My issues went away but still testing more.

A video guide here:


a written guide here:



I am happy with this and still testing! Also within the lancache folder you can do a "nano .env" and you can see most of the parameters from the Unraid Lancache docker settings. Change them exactly like you had it before.


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On 7/3/2021 at 9:03 AM, xPliZit_xs said:

Hey Guys,


for people with issues with lancache...

I did some research on the original Lancache website and they mention Lancache does not like when certain ports are shared with Lancache e.g.53,80 and 443. This is likely the issue here when running on Unraid assuming you run other containers using any of these ports.


A workaround is to create a VM e.g. ubuntu and install Lancache on that VM. Within that VM Lancache has exclusive access to these ports.

I am currently checking this myself and it looks promising!! My issues went away but still testing more.

A video guide here:


a written guide here:



I am happy with this and still testing! Also within the lancache folder you can do a "nano .env" and you can see most of the parameters from the Unraid Lancache docker settings. Change them exactly like you had it before.


In my experience the VM solution is slower, besides I have this configured to use its own IP so there shouldn't be any port conflicts. This worked before the most recent update.

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21 hours ago, arch1mede said:

In my experience the VM solution is slower, besides I have this configured to use its own IP so there shouldn't be any port conflicts. This worked before the most recent update.

I actually figured out the issue, unknown to me, md1 was spitting out xfs errors even though the main page/dashboard showed everything green. As it happens, the lancache-bundle docker has a user setting that pointed to md1 which was really not accessible so wouldn't start. Rebooted the unraid box resolved the issue but not really happy with that solution as I shouldn't have needed to reboot it. As a result, md1 had a xfs error on it so I had to run a parity check on the whole array to resolve the issue, I may still have to put the array into maintenance mode and do a repair but thought id share how this was resolved.

Edited by arch1mede
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19 hours ago, jonathanm said:

The green status indicators means the drive hasn't returned any write errors. Nothing to do with the validity of any filesystem on the drive.

Yes I realize that but not sure how I am supposed to know there is an issue if I have to check multiple places.

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14 minutes ago, arch1mede said:

Yes I realize that but not sure how I am supposed to know there is an issue if I have to check multiple places.

Only major issues when the drive is unmountable or disabled (two separate issues with two separate indicators) show up on the main GUI. File system corruption minor enough that the drive still mounts don't show up there currently.


I'm probably going to submit a feature request, it may or may not ever get any attention.

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2 hours ago, jonathanm said:

Only major issues when the drive is unmountable or disabled (two separate issues with two separate indicators) show up on the main GUI. File system corruption minor enough that the drive still mounts don't show up there currently.


I'm probably going to submit a feature request, it may or may not ever get any attention.

For me md1 was mounting but showing up like: d?????????????? so it would have been good to know that there was an issue with the mount point.

Edited by arch1mede
Added more verbiage for clarity
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

is it possible to run 2 lancaches..  or least offer 2 IP address with 2 DNS's

i run VPN and WAN (bypass VPN)    and when i use  it leaks DNS resolutions whatever you call it.

and if i set to  it buggers up my WAN connections as the Resolver doesnt always like the WAN stuff..  like amazon com


it be nice if possible (DNS)  ------> (UPSTREAM DNS)    for (VPN Clients) (DNS) --------> (UPSTREAM DNS)            for (WAN Clients)

this way can use the same lancache but point to 2 different DNS's  for resolving issues

and if not possible in 1.. 

be nice if you could run 2 Lancaches..  but the 2nd one would point to the same lancache as the first one this way..it can share and not need to 2 duplicate everything

Edited by comet424
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  • 2 weeks later...

so i found the add container option in docker  and i was able to recreate a 2nd lancache,,  i just renamed it and changed IP address.. i have it still pointing to the same lancache..  will  both work together ok  without issue or it wont?

1 is for game caching and windows update For Non VPN clients

2. is for windows update for VPN Clients

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  • 2 weeks later...

so i having issues setting this up right


i have 2 Lan caches  running on my server


so my unraid is   and dns is


now lan cahce  (no vpn)  i se to   upstream

now lancache 2 (vpn users)  i set it to upstream


and they both point to the same directory


but it doesnt like to work  i reboot my pfsense  router..    i think  the  uses  as its dns from unraid


i tried in pfsense to tell it  would use dns  and  would use


but it just doesnt work right..  how u get it lancache to read it


i set the upstream for lan cache no vpn    and  for the lancache vpn users...  


but doesnt 100% work right


i think both lancaches  use the DNS  of tower(unraid)  and i dont want that


also i tried

cache ip     bind dns ip  bind dns ip


but doenst work right 

Edited by comet424
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For those of you running on PiHole, there is a way to be able to use it to be able to use LANCACHE while not having to mess up your setup.


In my case, I have certain devices allowed to bypass PiHole (was driving my GF nuts). To change my routers DNS settings to LANCACHE and then have the upstream DNS sent to PiHole would not have worked for me because then everything would have been the same IP/MAC address which would not work for my lists. This was not a possible solution for me.


What I ended up having to do was to compile the lists into a dnsmasq format. Luckily, there was already a solution to this located here. Even better, its an official solution!


I tried it on Windows but I ran in to errors while compiling the list so I did end up having to run it on the RaspberryPi that is running PiHole. 


1. SSH in to your RPi


2. Copy the repository using "git clone https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains.git"


3. Change to the folder that the config file is in: "cd ./cache-domains/scripts/"


4. Change the configuration to your standards. "cp config.example.json config.json && sudo nano config.json" 

For me, I kept it simple and made everything the same IP (I am not sure what the benefit of splitting them up is...)

	"ips": {
		"generic":	"LANCACHE IP HERE (keep the quotes)"
	"cache_domains": {
		"default": 	"generic"

If you want to set up different IPs for each service or multiple IPs for a single service, have a look at the example file on how to do that.


5. Save the config file by hitting "ctrl+x" then "y" and then "enter".


6.0. If you do not have jq installed, you need to install it: "sudo apt-get install jq -y"

6.1. Run the dnsmasq script to generate the appropriate files: "bash create-dnsmasq.sh"


7. Copy the generated files into the PiHole dnsmasq directory: "sudo cp ./output/dnsmasq/*.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/"


8. Restart the pihole-FTL service: "sudo service pihole-FTL restart"


And that should be it!


One note to doing this is that you need to change your upstream DNS to something other than PiHole otherwise you will be creating an infinite loop (aka things will not download). I changed mine to

Edited by LTM
Clarification of upstream DNS
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys,

i hope i didnt miss a post with the exact problem that i got.


I've anstalled the Lancache-Bundle but it didnt not work corret for me.

In the beginnin i thought about a DNS problem but i could "fix" it yesterday, oor not :/...


I set everything as recomended and watched 2 Videos about the configuration of Lancache-Bundle.

Everytime i try to download something, it wouldnt be stored in the cache share.



data: /Storage/lancache/

Location to store the cached files


did not work


Unraid (xfs)-Sahre

data: /mnt/user/lancache/

Location to store the cached files


did not work either


The directorys and subdirectorys are there (CONFIGHASH, cache and subfolders), but Steam, Epic or Micrososft do not start with the downloads.

But, when i remove the data path from the container, it works and i can dow- and redownload stuff from the cache,

unfortunately this fills up the docker image massively.


What am I doing wrong, why can I not write to the shares or why does it not download as long as I am using an "external" share?


Thanks in advance

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  • 4 weeks later...

So after learning about lancache i decided to install it. I got it installed and working but it only partially works. I installed Portal as a test but after uninstalling it and then redownloading i get excellent speeds until i have about 1.5gb downloaded then it seems like it switched to downloading from steam as the speed drops to wan speeds. I have it on its own separate ip address to avoid port conflicts. 


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Just added Lancache to my server and it seems to be working, but for some reason my Borgmatic container is no longer able to resolve the name for my remote BorgBase Repository.

Remote: ssh: Could not resolve hostname *****.repo.borgbase.com: Name does not resolve


I've got my router configured to give my PiHole container as the network DNS server, and PiHole has Lancace configured as its upstream resolver. (Both PiHole and Lancache are on a custom br0 network with separate IPs).

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  • 2 months later...

has anyone experience  the lan cache folder the size is not increasing after 2.16TB of cache  data


i using 2  lancache  dockers pointing to the same directory.. 1 for vpn users 1 for non vpn users


i also noticing for a month  or over  lancache has stopped at 2.16tb   in krusader  it shows up at 1.9tb  

but its not longer caching its running  says its writting but its not getting bigger and i also sed the cache days to 6000d  so it wont need ot ever delete.. as i use it to cache  Epic Games for easier re install later


but is it limited to 2.16tb?

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  • 2 months later...

I have have been using Lancache for quite awhile now and it's been working great for me. I even have it running through Pihole and that is working well as well. I am having one issue that I wanted to check on though. My initial download speeds are terrible. Typically less than 30mbps. My server has a 10G NIC to my main switch and  I have 1gbps line speed. Disabling lancache, I can typically run in the 700+ mbps range. The lancache documentation says to add a second IP to your docker container but I have been unable to find any documentation on how to do that within Unraid. If someone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

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On 4/22/2020 at 7:45 AM, FrozenGamer said:

(it seemed to work on epic and steam i think, but my steam on one pc behaves strangely, i can't see the library - it flashes on once in a while but its a black screen otherwise.  I can access it if i go to "Big Screen" to test and it appears to be downloading games from lancache.) 



I'm seeing the following errors in my log for lancache  -do i have something setup wrong?



# Upstream Configuration
proxy_next_upstream error timeout http_404;




# Allow the use of state entries
proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;




# Including /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/10_generic.conf

server {
listen 80 reuseport;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;



Here is my docker command - root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='lancache-bundle' --net='br0' --ip='' -e TZ="America/Anchorage" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'LANCACHE_IP'='' -e 'DNS_BIND_IP'='' -e 'CACHE_MEM_SIZE'='500m' -e 'CACHE_DISK_SIZE'='2000g' -e 'CACHE_MAX_AGE'='150d' -e 'UDP_PORT_53'='53' -e 'UPSTREAM_DNS'='' -e 'USE_GENERIC_CACHE'='true' -e 'DISABLE_ARENANET'='' -e 'DISABLE_BLIZZARD'='' -e 'DISABLE_CITYOFHEROES'='' -e 'DISABLE_DAYBREAK'='' -e 'DISABLE_EPICGAMES'='' -e 'DISABLE_FRONTIER'='' -e 'DISABLE_HIREZ'='' -e 'DISABLE_NEVERWINTER'='' -e 'DISABLE_NEXUSMODS'='' -e 'DISABLE_NINTENDO'='' -e 'DISABLE_ORIGIN'='' -e 'DISABLE_RENEGADEX'='' -e 'DISABLE_RIOT'='' -e 'DISABLE_ROCKSTAR'='' -e 'DISABLE_SONY'='' -e 'DISABLE_STEAM'='' -e 'DISABLE_TESO'='' -e 'DISABLE_TWITCH'='' -e 'DISABLE_UPLAY'='' -e 'DISABLE_WARFRAME'='' -e 'DISABLE_WARGAMING'='' -e 'DISABLE_WSUS'='' -e 'DISABLE_XBOXLIVE'='' -v '/mnt/user/lancache':'/data/cache':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/lancache-bundle/log/named':'/var/log/named':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/lancache-bundle/log/nginx':'/var/log/nginx':'rw' 'josh5/lancache-bundle:latest' 


The command finished successfully!




Going for a long shot here, but did you ever figure out what caused this? Running into the exact same issue here!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello all


I have just installed this and it seems to be working fine with Steam, XBox Live, but I have one question and problem.


Question: With WSUS In the acces.log I'm getting a lot where there is a "MISS" does this mean anything?


[wsus] / - - - [02/May/2022:23:44:36 +0200] "GET /d/msdownload/update/others/2022/05/36721787_77f10687b94b9715d3cb74277d1656426030b21d.cab HTTP/1.1" 200 10703 "-" "Windows-Update-Agent/10.0.10011.16384 Client-Protocol/2.60" "MISS" "download.windowsupdate.com" "-"


The Problem: I'm trying to Install Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but the way Microsoft have decided to do installation wia Steam is weird. First you Install MFS2020 from Steam some what. Steam Downloads about 900MB this i can see works with Lancache, then you start MFS2020 from Steam and is prompted with the rest of the installation of over 130GB+ which it downloads from Microsoft, but this does not work. I have sent the last 5 Hours researching and figuring this out, but I don't know what to do now. Can anyone help me?


PS: While MFS2020 is downloading from Microsoft there is nothing new in any of the logs, the same for the Minecraft Launcher! Have done "Docker Stats" in the Console and there is nothing going on with the Lancache-Bundle when MFS2020 or Minecraft Launcher is Downloading.



Edited by DrFeelgood
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  • 1 month later...

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