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Getting these errors. Any assistance appreciated!


error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc006 size 8
error unknown xrdp_sec_process_mcs_data tag 0xc00a size 8


[2021-05-06 01:41:49] [Connection 1] Closing connection with error: Error: WS was inactive for too long
at ClientConnection.checkActivity (/gclient/node_modules/guacamole-lite/lib/ClientConnection.js:154:24)
at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7)
[2021-05-06 01:41:49] [Connection 1] Closing guacd connection
[2021-05-06 01:41:49] [Connection 1] Client connection closed
guacd[471]: ERROR: User is not responding.
guacd[471]: INFO: User "@67cad8ea-6fbe-4a86-8f46-76cb382ba7f2" disconnected (0 users remain)
guacd[471]: INFO: Last user of connection "$a113b59b-38e5-4d9b-9c3f-c9452019642f" disconnected
guacd[471]: INFO: Internal RDP client disconnected
guacd[384]: INFO: Connection "$a113b59b-38e5-4d9b-9c3f-c9452019642f" removed.
rdpClientConRecv: g_sck_recv failed(returned 0)
rdpClientConDisconnect: clientCon removed from dev list
rdpClientConRecvMsg: error
rdpClientConCheck: rdpClientConGotData failed

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8 hours ago, bidmead said:

My Calibre Docker's WebUI now announces itself as "Guacamole Client". I think with previous versions it called itself "Calibre". What can I do to change this?




I am seeing the same thing.  Cannot log into calibre.

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12 hours ago, saarg said:

Did you check the log?


yes.  two errors:


[2021-05-10 14:24:40] [Connection 1] Closing connection with error: Error: WS was inactive for too long




guacd[489]: ERROR: User is not responding.


Not sure what to make of it.

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On 4/20/2021 at 10:26 AM, gsd2012 said:

Well I guess the update fixed it all..working now.


I'm thinking this hasn't actually been fixed yet? Or maybe something weird with the version for synology nases?

I did a regular update like I've done many times, and it's stuck in the wizard-on-restart-lose-all-settings cycle.

This is from inspecting both my container and image:


"build_version": "Linuxserver.io version:- v5.17.0-ls113 Build-date:- 2021-04-30T03:12:56+00:00",


So is this actually supposed to be fixed in that version or not? Do I need to do something to tweak my persistent /config or something?


Update: got it to work by changing the environment variable for HOME to be /config instead of /root.



Edited by bside
added update with fix
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Hi all


I am having an irritating issue since the change to the newer Guacamole.  Everything is working, but each time the docker restarts, Calibre (and therefore the content server) isn't running until I have logged in once.  With the previous Guacamole, the content server would start instantly and be permanently available.


Is there any way to get the old behaviour back?  As I said, it's by no means catastrophic...but forgetting to log in and then trying to download a book to my phone when I am not at home is annoying to say the least lol.



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Maybe my brain needs some caffein right now... Usually, I connect to Calibre Docker through Firefox but recently, I've installed TightVNC so, I'm trying to connect to Calibre with it, and it's not working (Unraid_IP:Calibre_Guacamole_Port). No error message from TightVNC, nothing. Is it doable? And if so, how?


Thank you very much for any help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/18/2021 at 1:27 AM, PureLoneWolf said:

I am having an irritating issue since the change to the newer Guacamole.  Everything is working, but each time the docker restarts, Calibre (and therefore the content server) isn't running until I have logged in once.  With the previous Guacamole, the content server would start instantly and be permanently available.


@PureLoneWolf I was able to fix this with @thomas's suggestion to turn off guac auth like so:

On 5/23/2021 at 4:09 PM, formless63 said:

Solution is to add a new Variable called DISABLE_AUTH and set the value TRUE. I also deleted the 2 GUAC parameters. Read morehttps://guacamole.apache.org/doc/0.9.6/gug/configuring-guacamole.html


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19 hours ago, erfly7 said:

How do I install this docker with an existing Calibre Library?


You'll export everything from your existing caliber instance and import it into this once it's installed. That's what I did to get my wife's library over from her laptop. I'll dump out in multiple files (depending on how large the library is) and you can them ingest them all.

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Tried following Spaceinvaders guide but is way to different and uses some calibre container that no longer exists,   can't seem to get this container working, install and can access gui but no way to find or import library. And does /config/Calibre Library point to one I created? or is in it appdata folder?

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On 5/9/2021 at 7:37 AM, bidmead said:

My Calibre Docker's WebUI now announces itself as "Guacamole Client". I think with previous versions it called itself "Calibre". What can I do to change this?





This was annoying me too!


I fixed this by adding a custom linuxserver.io script that fixes the HTML template file whenever the container starts up.

  1. Create a directory called custom-cont-init.d inside of your app cache, eg: /mnt/cache/appdata/calibre/custom-cont-init.d
  2. Create a script file: fix-title.sh
    export TITLE="calibre"
    export VERSION=`grep "CALIBRE_VERSION = \"[0-9]" /opt/calibre/resources/viewer.js | cut -d '"' -f2`
    sed -i -e "s/\(<title>\).*\(<\/title>\)/<title>${TITLE} ${VERSION}<\/title>/g" /gclient/rdp.ejs
  3. chmod 755 on the script file
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Hello All

If you are like me you like everything to use dark mode/theme.
To enable/force Calibre to use dark mode you need to add a variable to this docker.


Here is the explanation for the variable from Calibre website.
CALIBRE_USE_DARK_PALETTE - set it to 1 to have calibre use dark colors and 0 for normal colors (ignored on macOS). On Windows 10 in the absence of this variable, the Windows system preference for dark colors is used.

See Image for how I defined the variable.


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On 4/19/2021 at 1:13 PM, gsd2012 said:

Ok after some tinkering I figured out the problem. I had it pointed right but when you first create the initial library look for the directory label "books" which is the root of my share /mtn/user/media/ebooks/ it will then find the original Calibre database and pull everything in. All is good now!!! 

Thank you for posting this.


I have been sitting here for a few hours, trying to figure this out! My calibre can now see my existing library, and is importing, author by author.


On that note, I have just got readarr installed, and working. It has settings to link to calibre. How would I go about linking them, when I tried what it said, it didn't work. Because at the moment, readarr sends completed books to /mnt/user/media/eBooks/books/ and into each author's subfolder. So to put into calibre, I currently have to manually do each folder for each author. Would like them to be linked, or even have it see changes automatically.

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16 hours ago, WorldTeacher said:

I think I somehow managed to minimize the Calibre UI, and can't find a way to maximize it again.

Is there a way to make the UI appear again? All I can see is a black screen...


Doesn't look that this application forum page is often checked by developers / powerusers .. I had the same problem as you and didn't find a solution. I had to restart the docker.

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On 7/8/2021 at 5:27 AM, ptchernegovski said:

On that note, I have just got readarr installed, and working.


Hello @ptchernegovski,


Trying to get Readarr setup and I am almost there except for the "Root Folder" when adding a new (my first) author.

Any chance you would be willing to share your config for this?

I think I have SABnzbd setup correctly; I can probably puzzle that out on my own if I run into a problem there.

I just do not understand what Readarr is looking for with the whole Root Folder thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Hey @TechMed


Attached is my setup for "Root Folder" in readarr. It is the location where your books are stored, as you set it in the docker settings when installing. I have attached my settings too.


So you will be looking for the "/books" as your path.


For indexers, and download clients, you can hit the "test" button when adding them, to test the connection works with settings you have installed.


Any problems, feel free to DM me, and I will help with what I can.

readarr settings.PNG


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