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Unraid Forum 100K Giveaway

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There is a lot I like about unraid. Something most recently is the fact it's really allowed me to hone my technical skills which has translated quite well in my job. Started working in Azure and VM's, Docker's, SQL DB's, all sorts of things were already very familiar to me because of the time I spent tinkering with my 2 unraid boxes.


What i want to see in 2020? either Server to Server native backup/sync or Snapshots

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I love that Unraid has a legit ecosystem built around it that I didn't even know about 2 years ago, and that it "just works" with all the hardware I've (carefully) thrown at it so far.


In 2020, I'd like to see continued development of remote access either via the new built-in VPN or a la Plex style for remote admin, mobile apps, etc.

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I like the simplicity and flexibility Unraid provides for mundane tasks without compromising the ability to dive into the details for advanced setup requirements. Perfect for the hobbiest and IT pro alike.


For 2020, I really would like some updated documentation. The forums are great ... but distilling all this knowledge into a curated user guide would be stellar! I know the wiki exists ... but it's a far cry from the information in the forum and other places around the internet (reddit, YouTube, etc.). And the forums are great, but tracking down little details, pages into a thread, while screening out the non-important posts mid-stream is cumbersome. It would be really nice if the wiki was overhauled and maintained with the best information Limetech and the community has to offer.


Thanks for the hard work Limetech!


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I love the flexibility. The ability to use any drive size, do add or remove whenever, to extend with plugins and docker containers, and so on.


A feature I'd love is high availability, mentioned above. Basically when a docker container is down (as defined by a custom rule), restart it.


Another great feature would be multiple cache pools.

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The one thing i like the most about Unraid is versatility and ease of use. I've for long been a user in dire need of storage but i've never wanted to use raid due to the nature of how unreliable and expensive it is. Just the fact that in unraid you can start out with 2-3 drives and then slowly add to your pool as you go is amazing.


Focus on stability and security is my main focus, my data is extremely worth to me. I would also like to see multiple arrays.



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