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[Support] knex666 - Nextcloud

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Which "external storage" app do I have to install to mount unraid shares? There are 4 apps:


1. external storage backend for dropbox: Server version 19.0 or lower is required.

2. external storage support for Google Drive: Server version 16.0 or lower is required.

3. external storage: OneDrive: Server version 21.0 or lower is required.

4. external storage: Swarm:

Es ist ein Fehler bei der Anfrage aufgetreten. Es kann nicht fortgefahren werden.
Client error: `GET https://github.com/MetaProvide/nextcloud-swarm-plugin/releases/download/v0.4.1/files_external_ethswarm.tar.gz` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response: Not Found

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I'm new to NextCloud but having setup OC in my system I decided to try it out. I created a docker this afternoon, a custom share for data folder and MariaDB. I got to the setup page however I keep getting the following error:


Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report. More details can be found in the server log.


I restarted the docker and checked the logs, however I only get: - - [19/Apr/2024:14:45:51 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 702 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0" - - [19/Apr/2024:14:46:28 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 702 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0"


I can share the config.php in part if it would help, however I wanted to know if there is something else I should be looking at as to why this error keeps popping up?


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dlandon, don't get me wrong I have all respects for the work you do for OCC docker releases. I still have that docker running in my system. However I find it plain in terms of features. I wanted to checkout NC, I have it running now and it is different.

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Hi, I got a problem with my Nextcloud not functioning at all, with the issue i am having i get this [look on 452 png] now about that I am trying to figure out whatever problem it is do with php being old or Apache just malfunctioned on it own, it's taking me while to try and fix this problem but sadly i can't, i just dont know what to do at this point,

Screenshot (452).png

Screenshot (453).png

log from nextcloud.txt

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Hi, new user here so sorry if this is a dumb question. The issue Im having is that I cannot upload beyond the default file size (512m think) and I was looking to figure out how to solve this and I found you need to increase the max_stream_size to a suitable value in the php.ini file. The problem is that I cannot find the php.ini file anywhere in unraid. I have a bone stock configuration apart from maraidb as my database. I have been using it fine for the last month but ive now needed to upload some larger files and im stuck. Thanks in advance.1846265465_Screenshot2024-04-23at23_58_38.thumb.png.0ad2c374fa79ea0abfd779c25df4cf97.png

1245435389_Screenshot2024-04-23at23_59_33.thumb.png.356bda0b6ac6183cccf33b7530b6f9f3.pngScreenshot 2024-04-23 at 23.59.33.png

Edited by Sebastiansuisse
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I followed along with SpaceInvaderOne's tutorial on setting up Nextcloud, and I'm pretty sure I copied along perfectly. But I'm still getting a 502 Bad Gateway error when entering "nextcloud.[mydomain.co.uk]" into my browser.


Can someone take a look at these screenshots and spot any mistakes I've made? I'm stumped.


P.S. You will notice I have two nextcloud.subdomain.conf files (nextcloud.subdomain.conf AND nextcloud.subdomain.conf.sample). Do I need to delete the sample version?


Edited by icarus69
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4 hours ago, zero_neverload said:

Hi, is it possible to install / include the PDlib PHP extension?


My Nextcloud cant config my Face Recognision




I think its the best choice, if the Creator of the Docker include this.

Since this Template is using the official docker you have to adress this to the nc developers. 

you could go for a post run script and install it or you can ask @Kilrah to add it to his fork.



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On 4/24/2024 at 12:00 AM, Sebastiansuisse said:

Hi, new user here so sorry if this is a dumb question. The issue Im having is that I cannot upload beyond the default file size (512m think) and I was looking to figure out how to solve this and I found you need to increase the max_stream_size to a suitable value in the php.ini file. The problem is that I cannot find the php.ini file anywhere in unraid. I have a bone stock configuration apart from maraidb as my database. I have been using it fine for the last month but ive now needed to upload some larger files and im stuck. Thanks in advance.1846265465_Screenshot2024-04-23at23_58_38.thumb.png.0ad2c374fa79ea0abfd779c25df4cf97.png

1245435389_Screenshot2024-04-23at23_59_33.thumb.png.356bda0b6ac6183cccf33b7530b6f9f3.pngScreenshot 2024-04-23 at 23.59.33.png

give this a try and add the parameter


and set it to a bigger size

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Hey Guys,


I'm getting an error "chmod(): Operation not permitted at /var/www/html/lib/private/Log/File.php#86" in my log lately.

There are two issues I'm observing:

  1. Attachements to E-Mails aren't being uploaded (sometimes)
  2. when the container gets an update, I have to edit the template and click save, so that it completely reruns all commands.

Any Ideas what's going on?


Extra Parameters:

--user 99:100 --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0

Post Arguments:

&& docker exec -u 0 nextcloud_prod /bin/sh -c 'echo "umask 000" >> /etc/apache2/envvars' && docker exec -u 0 nextcloud_prod /bin/bash -c "apt update && apt install -y libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra ffmpeg imagemagick ghostscript" && docker network connect redis nextcloud_prod && docker network connect mariadb nextcloud_prod


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16 minutes ago, geromme said:



habe nextcloud aktualisiert, nun komme ich aus dem Wartemodus nicht mehr raus.



Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

gibt es Log Einträge die helfen können, alternativ einfach in der Config wieder zurück stellen.


Bitte Fragen auf Englisch stellen, damit alle etwas davon haben.




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On 4/25/2024 at 8:44 PM, Autchirion said:

Hey Guys,


I'm getting an error "chmod(): Operation not permitted at /var/www/html/lib/private/Log/File.php#86" in my log lately.

There are two issues I'm observing:

  1. Attachements to E-Mails aren't being uploaded (sometimes)
  2. when the container gets an update, I have to edit the template and click save, so that it completely reruns all commands.

Any Ideas what's going on?


Extra Parameters:

--user 99:100 --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0

Post Arguments:

&& docker exec -u 0 nextcloud_prod /bin/sh -c 'echo "umask 000" >> /etc/apache2/envvars' && docker exec -u 0 nextcloud_prod /bin/bash -c "apt update && apt install -y libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra ffmpeg imagemagick ghostscript" && docker network connect redis nextcloud_prod && docker network connect mariadb nextcloud_prod


Maybe because of all the changes you re better of with @Kilrah Image .

exec into the Container and set the user right.



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knex666, könntest Du etwas genauer schreiben, wie ich das mit der config machen muss? 

Bin da etwas überfordert.



knex666, could you write a little more precisely how I have to do this with the config? 

I'm a bit overwhelmed.

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On 4/27/2024 at 8:37 PM, geromme said:

knex666, könntest Du etwas genauer schreiben, wie ich das mit der config machen muss? 

Bin da etwas überfordert.



knex666, could you write a little more precisely how I have to do this with the config? 

I'm a bit overwhelmed.



maintenance' => false

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6 minutes ago, Kabal74656 said:


Liebe Unraid gemeinde ich habe seit neustem das Problem mit Unraid und Nextcloud,

seit einem Update ist Nextcloud im Wartungsmodus im Terminal habe ich folgenden Befehl schon ausprobiert,

docker exec -it nextcloud occ maintenance:mode --off

Allerdings spuckt Unraid mir eine Fehlermeldung aus 

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "occ": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

Da ich neu bei und mit Unraid bin, bin ich gerade etwas überfordert, 

In der config Unraid habe ich versucht den Maintrance Modus auch auszuschalten dann funktioniert Nextcloud ebenfalls nicht, siehe Bild 2

vielleicht kann mir ja hier einer helfen.1267203709_Screenshot2024-04-29113038.thumb.png.e9af0e835885a21500e9b548c2349b48.png



Screenshot 2024-04-29 113431.png

was sagt das log file?

 Das wäre interessant.

maintenance muss auf false.


lass das lieber auf englisch klären, das ist sonst unfair.



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Hallo zusammen,

ich hab probleme mit dem login in meiner Nextcloud.

Wenn ich auf der login Page Benutzer und PW eingebe und auf Login klicke, werde ich direkt wieder auf die Anmeldeseite redirected. Im log tauchen folgende 2 zeilen dabei auf:

2a00:6020:4899:3300:c9f1:bd40:2da1:15db - - [29/Apr/2024:20:46:32 +0200] "POST /login HTTP/1.1" 303 2099 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0"
2a00:6020:4899:3300:c9f1:bd40:2da1:15db - - [29/Apr/2024:20:46:38 +0200] "GET /login?redirect_url=/apps/dashboard/&direct=1&user=HerbertH HTTP/1.1" 200 10429 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0"


Der Fix ist dann 1-3 Tage warten oder manchmal funktioniert ein anderer Browser.

Das problem tritt nicht immer auf sondern nur manchmal. Zwischendurch komm ich problemlos rein.


Wenn ich eingeloggt bin (gestern z.b. eingeloggt) und heute neu geöffnet passiert auch zwischendurch, dass ich nicht auf die Login Page redirected werde, sondern stadessen eine Meldung oben rechts sehe das ich nicht eingeloggt bin und erst wenn ich versuche eine Datei zu öffnen die er nicht im cache hat werde ich dann auf die Login Page geleitet (bekomm den fehler gerade nicht nachgestellt, sonst würde ich ein screenshot davon teilen)


Weiß jemand was ich bei der einrichtung falsch gemacht hab?

Ich benutze nextcloud-multimedia mit NginxProxyManager und cloudflare.


Falls das hier schon behandelt wurde und ich es nicht gefunden habe nehm ichauch gerne Tipps dazu, wie ich die 25 Seiten Thread zu diesem Docker gut durchsuchen kann ohne jede Seite einzelnd zu lesen.

Vielen Dank an alle schonmal im vorraus🙏!



Hello everyone,

I have problems with the login in my Nextcloud.

When I enter user and PW on the login page and click on login, I am redirected directly to the login page. The following 2 lines appear in the log:

2a00:6020:4899:3300:c9f1:bd40:2da1:15db - - [29/Apr/2024:20:46:32 +0200] "POST /login HTTP/1.1" 303 2099 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0"
2a00:6020:4899:3300:c9f1:bd40:2da1:15db - - [29/Apr/2024:20:46:38 +0200] "GET /login?redirect_url=/apps/dashboard/&direct=1&user=HerbertH HTTP/1.1" 200 10429 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:125.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/125.0"

The fix is to wait 1-3 days or sometimes another browser works.

The problem does not always occur, but only sometimes. In between I can get in without any problems.


If I am 'logged in' (logged in yesterday but token should be expired by now) and open it again today, I can normally browse my files and I am not redirected to the login page, but see a message in the top right corner that I am not logged in and only when I try to open a file that it does not have in cache (or at least I think this is when it happens) I am then redirected to the login page (I can't recreate the error right now, otherwise I would share a screenshot of it).


Does anyone know what I did wrong with the setup?

I'm using nextcloud-multimedia with NginxProxyManager and cloudflare.


If this has already been covered here and I haven't found it, I'd also like tips on how to search the 25 page thread on this Docker without reading each page individually.

Many thanks to everyone in advance🙏!

Edited by Herbert Horst
Write problem in english
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I just followed along with SpaceInvaderOne's tutorial on setting up a share from Unraid to be read within Nextcloud. And I can now see my Music folder from Unraid in Nextcloud.


I have the Nextcloud desktop client installed on my MacBook. Next, I want to be able to access this Music folder from my MacOS Finder window. For some reason though, these are the only files I can see in the Nextcloud location.




Am I missing something? Any help very much appreciated.


Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 12.49.49.jpg

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1 hour ago, icarus69 said:

For some reason though, these are the only files I can see in the Nextcloud location.

Firstly it seems to be still scanning the contents, secondly you may need to go into the client app settings and select it manually for syncing if it's large.

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