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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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21 minutes ago, Squid said:

The whole point behind the update banner (which you can easily dismiss for UD if you like) is to let the user know that there is an update available to the plugin whenever you are on the plugin's page.  This is handled outside of the "check for updates" settings, and no notifications are ever sent out by the banner appearing.


This is because as a general rule, the only versions of any random plugin that are actually supported is the latest version.  Otherwise, the first thing on any support question for any plugin the author is immediately going to state "Update the plugin".


If you do decide to dismiss the banner, then the next update to the plugin will trigger another banner to appear.  This is by design.


Problem is it triggers when I access the GUI, which is the main page.  Unraid core does not do this when there is an update unless you click the appropriate controls to do a manual or automatic check on a schedule.  I don't see why plugins cannot be the same.  The notification settings (under settings) have plugin update check turned off so why not have all plugins honor that setting?

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I just noticed this issue after the 2 most recent UD updates.  I access my webui through a local nginx proxy that lets me use http:// servername . domain . com to access my unraid instead of http://ip_address:port.  The issue is, when accessed via the proxied name, UD does not load.  I see the update image on loop indefinitely.  Accessing directly via IP/Port works fine.  Any ideas?



edit:  OK, figured it out, turns out to use the domain based address, I needed to undet Settings->Management Access, set Local TLD to match the subdomain.domain.com I was using, that fixed the UD load, as well as my terminals that had been acting up.

Edited by Vilhjalmr
Found Solution, sharing
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On 4/20/2022 at 12:53 PM, dlandon said:

I would require another table to manage and there is limited space on the UI for another switch to enable/disable the passed through section.


Right now I don't see enough need for this feature.  It is somewhat of a corner case.


Fair enough. Two thoughts though... I don't specifically need a switch to disable viewing of the disks that are Passed Through, so maybe just move disks that are set to PASSED to the table. I.E. when you set a disk to Passed Through it moves to the table instead of appearing in the main UD section. The other option would be a way to sort the disks so that all disks that are set to Passed Through are grouped together. Here's a screenshot to show you how messy it can get... and my OCD is constantly reminding me of this, so any ideas/implementation would be appreciated!



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Fair enough. Two thoughts though... I don't specifically need a switch to disable viewing of the disks that are Passed Through, so maybe just move disks that are set to PASSED to the table. I.E. when you set a disk to Passed Through it moves to the table instead of appearing in the main UD section.

You have to understand that table management in UD is a total bear, because of the way Unraid is designed and the constant refresh of the UD page to keep information current.


I'm not comfortable with any ideas I've come up with yet.  I'm also hesitant to do changes to respond to one user's request.  I want features to be applicable to all users.


That being said, I'll ponder it a bit and see if I can come up with something that might work.


Edit: I do see a way you can organize the passed through disks together.  Give each disk an alias name like: Pass1, Pass2, Pass3, etc and all the Pass... names will be grouped together on the UD page.

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23 hours ago, Squid said:

You can create a feature request if you like as @dlandon suggested, but it is unobtrusive (but noticeable), dismissible, and doesn't generate any other notifications unless you're in the page (and UD shares real-estate with Main)


Not sure if this falls under a feature request though  There is already a system in place on unRAID to handle plugin updates on a schedule or manually.  Seems the issue is more the plugin authors or perhaps the unRAID team are not enforcing plugin protocols.

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Since my last update to the plugin (Not sure what I was on before, i have a unassigned device show up called:




Not sure where it came from or what it is. 


Can you make a way to hide unassigned drives so they no longer show in the list. (Maybe a "hidden" toggle at the top by the other toggles, to show or hide devices and a checkbox on the Drive line when hidden is not active, when active it hides the checklboxs and drives that are checked

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5 hours ago, almulder said:

Since my last update to the plugin (Not sure what I was on before, i have a unassigned device show up called:




Not sure where it came from or what it is. 


Can you make a way to hide unassigned drives so they no longer show in the list. (Maybe a "hidden" toggle at the top by the other toggles, to show or hide devices and a checkbox on the Drive line when hidden is not active, when active it hides the checklboxs and drives that are checked

Remove the device from your server and it won't show as an unassigned device.

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hi i like to know..  what it means the no array icon for my unassigned device.. i usually mount and unmount the drive to be removable. so i can transfer my sisters files..  now  i wanted to unmount from my server.. and it shows that array icon what does it mean?



server been up 2 weeks... but the hard drive only been plugged in a week 


the last several warnings showing

 and i currently running 

2022.04.20  UD

Apr 22 10:12:48 Tardis unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 1298
Apr 22 10:26:46 Tardis unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: rmdir(/mnt/disks/Music Drive 2): Directory not empty in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 1447
Apr 22 10:27:46 Tardis kernel: sd 12:0:8:0: [sdk] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=0x00
Apr 22 10:27:52 Tardis kernel: sd 12:0:9:0: [sdl] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=0x00
Apr 23 14:58:57 Tardis unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 1298
Apr 23 14:58:59 Tardis unassigned.devices: Mount warning: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing. .
Apr 23 15:00:41 Tardis unassigned.devices: Mount warning: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). The file system wasn't safely closed on Windows. Fixing. .
Apr 23 15:07:34 Tardis unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: rmdir(/mnt/disks/Music Drive 2): Directory not empty in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 1447
Apr 23 15:27:58 Tardis kernel: sd 13:0:0:0: [sdk] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=0x00
Apr 23 15:28:05 Tardis kernel: sd 14:0:0:0: [sdl] Synchronize Cache(10) failed: Result: hostbyte=0x01 driverbyte=0x00
Apr 26 22:09:19 Tardis wsdd[5751]: udp_send: Failed to send udp packet with No such device
Apr 26 22:09:19 Tardis wsdd[5751]: udp_send: Failed to send udp packet with No such device
Apr 26 22:09:19 Tardis wsdd[5751]: udp_send: Failed to send udp packet with No such device
Apr 26 22:09:19 Tardis wsdd[5751]: udp_send: Failed to send udp packet with No such device
Apr 26 22:09:19 Tardis wsdd[5751]: Failed to send bye with No such device




Edited by comet424
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For whatever reason i cannot get the backup script to work not matter how i go about it. The latest format of the drive has left me with the attached. I cannot Mount or unmount at all. I have restarted the server and tossed the drive back in fresh. It does this on a fresh reboot so i have no idea what i messed up. I realize i have been at this for too long but is there anything i can do to get this working. I need to get this over to a friends house tomorrow and i feel like i hit a road block. When i put the HDD in UD sees the drive but nothing from the script actually happens. I have attached the latest script in a TXT file to this. I am using a direct SATA connection through a Hot Swap Bay to the motherboard. What am i missing? anyone at all, i am at my wits end.


Backup Script.txt

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37 minutes ago, sentein said:

What am i missing? anyone at all, i am at my wits end.

How did you format the disk?  There is a partition, but no file system.  Until you get a mountable file system, your script will not work because it is only executed when the disk mounts.  The disk will not mount without a valid file system.

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24 minutes ago, Kydonakis said:

Can someone please explain the following image? This disk was in a windows desktop before mounting it to unraid. Where is this *-part1 coming from? Can or should I remove it somehow?



Windows creates a small recovery partition and that's probably what you see with part1.  Just leave it and ignore it.

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58 minutes ago, dlandon said:

How did you format the disk?  There is a partition, but no file system.  Until you get a mountable file system, your script will not work because it is only executed when the disk mounts.  The disk will not mount without a valid file system.

I gparted the entire hdd to NTFS in linux mint. I will try it again. Maybe i need to delete the partition table as well and start from scratch. When i formatted the disk in a windows machine the only option i had was to format it into xfs or the other supported file system. Other than the file system does the script look like it should work?

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4 hours ago, dlandon said:

How did you format the disk?  There is a partition, but no file system.  Until you get a mountable file system, your script will not work because it is only executed when the disk mounts.  The disk will not mount without a valid file system.

I used Gparted on a linux mint system to format the drive to NTFS. Just did it again and it mounts properly into Linux Mint but throws an error for no file system still.

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I don't know if it's a bug but I can't delete partitions. In the video is a short example of my problem.


The syslog says the following:

May  1 09:42:06 TheTwist unassigned.devices: Removing all partitions from disk '/dev/sdc'.
May  1 09:42:59 TheTwist unassigned.devices: Removing all partitions from disk '/dev/sdc'.
May  1 09:43:09 TheTwist unassigned.devices: Removing all partitions from disk '/dev/sdc'.
May  1 09:43:21 TheTwist unassigned.devices: Removing partition '1' from disk '/dev/sdc'.
May  1 09:43:21 TheTwist unassigned.devices: Remove partition failed: 'Error: /dev/sdc: unrecognised disk label '.
May  1 09:43:28 TheTwist unassigned.devices: Removing all partitions from disk '/dev/sdc'.


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8 hours ago, sentein said:

I used Gparted on a linux mint system to format the drive to NTFS. Just did it again and it mounts properly into Linux Mint but throws an error for no file system still.

Your best bet is to format it on a Windows computer.

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3 hours ago, Thorsten said:

I don't know if it's a bug but I can't delete partitions.

UD sometimes can't delete partitions or the entire disk.  Try this:

  • Click on the blank mount point for the partition amd enter a mount point name.  This will apply a disk label.
  • Take the disk to a Windows computer and remove the disk partition with Windows.
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