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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Been reading through pages of this stuff...


Noob to Unraid here. 6.7.0. I want to mount my Windows ReFS drive on my Unraid server to copy over my media folders, etc. I see it in the Unassigned Devices list, but when I click on Mount, it thinks for a second, and then shows Mount again rather than Unmount, so it seems like it isn't successfully doing it.


Help would be appreciated. Let me know if any logs or whatever would be helpful.

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1 hour ago, tknx said:

Been reading through pages of this stuff...


Noob to Unraid here. 6.7.0. I want to mount my Windows ReFS drive on my Unraid server to copy over my media folders, etc. I see it in the Unassigned Devices list, but when I click on Mount, it thinks for a second, and then shows Mount again rather than Unmount, so it seems like it isn't successfully doing it.


Help would be appreciated. Let me know if any logs or whatever would be helpful.

I do not think that Unassigned Devices supports drives that are in ReFS format.

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I know the topic has been discussed many times here but I read all posts about this and cannot find anything useful to solve my problem.


On top of my array, I'm using 2 unassigned drives, one is a spare drive, unmounted, the other one is mounted and shared over the network (SMB).

Both drives are identical (Western Digital 8TB WD80EFZX).


Now my issue is that I would like so spin down both of these drives when they are not used.

The spare one is spinning down normally.

The second one (mounted and shared) does not spin down.

My questions are:

- is that the standard behaviour ?

- if I check the power management setting on the drive using

hdparm -I /dev/sdg |grep level

I get the following:

     Advanced power management level: 164


Where does this 164 value comes from  ? Unassigned devices is supposed to set this value to 180 (180 * 5s = 30 minutes)


I checked this value on the other drive (the spare drive), and it's configured the same to 164


- Last info, if I use

hdparm -y /dev/sdg

then the drive spins down properly and remains in sleep mode until I access it over SMB.



So I don't get why the hell the drive does not go to sleep on its own when unused ?

Can I change that ?


Thank you for your help



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On 1/6/2019 at 9:31 PM, wsume99 said:

The all are of the following type:

rsync: chown "/mnt/disks/EasyStore_4/2005/12-25-2005/.12-25-05(2).JPG.nkTWa8" failed: Operation not permitted (1)



On 1/6/2019 at 11:40 PM, johnnie.black said:

That's likely the best way, you can also keep -a and just add the --no-perms flag, e.g.: rsync -av --no-perms etc

  • Why do the permissions problems happen when trying to copy to /mnt/disks/Drive_Name?
  • I see it in Midnight Commander and rsync
  • I've formatted the external hard drive via the U.D. plugin to exFAT (I need macOS read/write compatibility) and I have these errors
  • I could simply attach the HDD to my computer and transfer through SMB, but it's slower in doing so. Plus, macOS's merge function in the Finder isn't straight forward
    • The same goes if I mount the HDD to the Unraid server via U.D. and then transfer the files from the macOS VM via SMB = slow
  • Seems to happen when the functions are trying to create the base folders on the external HDD at the drive's root level


Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 10.34.52.png

Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 12.07.54.png

Edited by Zer0Nin3r
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Well, exFAT as far as I know doesn't support permissions.  My first guess (and some small memory of having done similar years ago) is this is part of why.  Though in that case the files did copy and the error was informational.  I can't tell with your rsync logs, but certainly MC doesn't seem to be informational.


rsync does have an option to skip permissions.  I think it's --no-owner --no-group and / or --no-permissions.  Or using archive (a) with rsync, maybe don't use that as that explicitly copies permissions.


I can confirm it doesn't happy on my UD drives, though all of those are either XFS or BTRFS.


Edit: If it really becomes a problem, you could just copy to the network share within unraid.   Internal unraid network copies are 10Gb so not too bad.  The share would get around the permissions problem I think.

Edited by Marshalleq
Additional thought.
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1 hour ago, Gee1 said:

Having problems with UD and TVHEADEND and spuned down HDDs. HDD dont spin up when im trying to watch a TV Record. Kodi hangs and i have to restart it. If the HDD is already running the record plays sucessfully

Everything hangs when a disk is spinning up - that's to be expected. A disk refusing to spin up doesn't sound like a UD problem. My HDD spins up fine when accessed.

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Whenever an smb mounted share goes offline, the server webgui refuses to load resulting in a 504 gateway timeout. Even when the server smb share returns to online status. This occurs on all 3 of my servers. 


Is this a timeout issue that can be fixed? It's quite annoying to have to reboot the server to regain access to the web gui.

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10 hours ago, 1812 said:

Whenever an smb mounted share goes offline, the server webgui refuses to load resulting in a 504 gateway timeout. Even when the server smb share returns to online status. This occurs on all 3 of my servers. 


Is this a timeout issue that can be fixed? It's quite annoying to have to reboot the server to regain access to the web gui.

Post your diagnostics when this happens.

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1 hour ago, 1812 said:

 will do. I've currently got 2 servers giving the error making them unaccessible. but one is preclearing a 10tb disk. the other has ssh disabled... so I'll have to replicate the situation on the non-preclearing server tomorrow (after enabling ssh)

I think i might have something similar going on but I could never figure out what was making it happen.  A lot of mornings I am finding that I lose access to the Web GUI with a 504 error right before I do a backup.  I can still access with SSH and my files are still shared but I can't reboot or even post diagnostics.  I have to do a reboot with the power button and then it has to do a parity check which is not fun.   I have had it happen the past 2 nights but it has seemed to be going on for a month and has happened a couple of times.  

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2 hours ago, dlandon said:

Post your diagnostics when this happens.


this server wouldn't respond in CLI to diagnostics command but I was able to get the syslog to copy to the flash.... it's something I guess. you'll see that a few minutes after the network connection times out, nginx tanks. I'll try to get something off the other, but it has ssh disabled and with no webGUI, not sure what I can do (thought I do have access to the flash drive via share)



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8 hours ago, 1812 said:


this server wouldn't respond in CLI to diagnostics command but I was able to get the syslog to copy to the flash.... it's something I guess. you'll see that a few minutes after the network connection times out, nginx tanks. I'll try to get something off the other, but it has ssh disabled and with no webGUI, not sure what I can do (thought I do have access to the flash drive via share)


syslog.txt 178.33 kB · 0 downloads

Remove the preclear plugin:

Jun 27 01:03:27 Twins rc.diskinfo[5826]: SIGHUP received, forcing refresh of disks info.
Jun 27 01:03:29 Twins rc.diskinfo[5826]: SIGHUP received, forcing refresh of disks info.

Disk controller/cable problem?

Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2.00: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x4010000 action 0xe frozen
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2.00: irq_stat 0x00400040, connection status changed
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2: SError: { PHYRdyChg DevExch }
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2.00: failed command: WRITE DMA EXT
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2.00: cmd 35/00:08:68:76:38/00:00:3a:00:00/e0 tag 16 dma 4096 out
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel:         res 50/00:00:00:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/a0 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error)
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2.00: status: { DRDY }
Jun 27 10:00:02 Twins kernel: ata2: hard resetting link
Jun 27 10:00:12 Twins kernel: ata2: softreset failed (1st FIS failed)
Jun 27 10:00:12 Twins kernel: ata2: hard resetting link
Jun 27 10:00:13 Twins kernel: ata2: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
Jun 27 10:00:13 Twins kernel: ata2.00: configured for UDMA/133
Jun 27 10:00:13 Twins kernel: ata2: EH complete

Work on keeping the remote server on-line:

Jun 27 07:30:04 Twins kernel: CIFS VFS: Server Brahms1 has not responded in 120 seconds. Reconnecting...

This may be a remote server or network problem.

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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

Remove the preclear plugin:



1 hour ago, dlandon said:

Disk controller/cable problem?

brand new disk but possibly an older cable, but thats why it's preclearing, to check it out since its new. it'll get a full smart self test next. and maybe another run through preclear. this disk is going in another server, but getting tested on this one first due to space issues.


1 hour ago, dlandon said:

Work on keeping the remote server on-line:


server went offline for an unRaid os update. those things tend to happen. my network otherwise is pretty rock solid and stable.


1 hour ago, dlandon said:

 This may be a remote server or network problem.


It is not directly a problem with the remote server or network, but rather, how UD handles remote mounted shares that go offline. It occurs across all 3 of my installs,  when a mounted smb share goes offline (not randomly, typically are offline when I'm doing an unRaid os update, or hardware swap).



its a reproducible error/problem caused only by interaction with UD, as demonstrated below, carried on just now on a fresh boot:


I have server A connected via smb to server B (both running unRaid)




I stopped the array on server B, imitating an os update/reboot.

Server A, still has the remote share mounted in UD from Server B on my local network

Server A tries  to find server B but can't




After timing out, the gui section for mounting remote shares disappears  (as indicated by the moving graphic which stops moving and shows only the disks inside the server.




At the same time, the nginx upstream timeout occurs in the logs (watching live updates via tail)

Jun 28 07:23:00 Twins nginx: 2019/06/28 07:23:00 [error] 5371#5371: *1961 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client: fe80::c48:f133:39ab:5f21, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "twins.local", referrer: "http://twins.local/Main"



There is no way to unmount missing share in the webgui now

it returns "resource busy" in CLI, additionally, forcing it off does not work either

Clicking on any tab other than main, the webgui is still functional for a short time and runs without error.

Returning Server B back online (that hosts the remote share) still results in web gui loading icon. when it times out, UD displays disks in that server as before, no remote shares or section where that option is normally preset is visible. 


after multiple refreshes of main tab, web gui can crash (and often does for me)

even when having the ability to shut down via web gui, UD hangs the shutdown


(following not included in saved syslog, but taken from tail monitoring)

Jun 28 07:45:27 Twins emhttpd: shcmd (151): /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop            
Jun 28 07:45:28 Twins root: stopping dockerd ...                                
Jun 28 07:45:29 Twins root: waiting for docker to die ...                       
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins avahi-daemon[5316]: Interface docker0.IPv4 no longer relev
ant for mDNS.                                                                   
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins avahi-daemon[5316]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interf
ace docker0.IPv4 with address                                       
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins avahi-daemon[5316]: Withdrawing address record for 172.17.
0.1 on docker0.                                                                 
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins emhttpd: shcmd (152): umount /var/lib/docker              
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmounting All Devices...             
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'ST10000NM0086-2AA101
_ZA20WW7C', mountpoint 'ST10000NM0086-2AA101' is not mounted and cannot
 be unmounted...                                                                
Jun 28 07:45:32 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmounting disk 'Samsung_SSD_840_EVO_2
Jun 28 07:45:32 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmounting '/dev/sdb1'...             
Jun 28 07:45:32 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmount cmd: /bin/umount '/dev/sdb1' 2
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: Status of all loop devices                          
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: /dev/loop1: [2049]:4 (/boot/bzfirmware)             
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: /dev/loop0: [2049]:3 (/boot/bzmodules)              
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: Active pids left on /mnt/*                          


I believe the active pid is UD related at this point, considering the server otherwise shuts down normally when the remote share is constant.




Attempted retrieval of diagnostics from the web gui resulted in no zip download occurring. syslog is here minus the shutdown section shown above: syslognew.txt



I really appreciate your time and assistance on this




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On 6/19/2019 at 4:47 PM, awilderaid said:

Hi all, this is a followup to my original post here of UD "dropping out" and showing 0B with my mellanox connectx-2 NICs. It's continued over the past few weeks intermittently. I've attached diagnostics from 3 occasions, the most recent being today, each set being downloaded a minute or so after Emby (or Plex) started stuttering and UD showed 0B.

highgarden-diagnostics-20190612-0152.zip 66.41 kB · 1 download highgarden-diagnostics-20190612-0703.zip 65.17 kB · 1 download highgarden-diagnostics-20190619-1529.zip 74.72 kB · 2 downloads

Has anyone been able to figure this out? I've tried a different NIC, a different cable, and moved the PCI slot the NICs are in on both servers and made no progress. Is there a way to monitor Samba or spit out some logs for it to see if that's maybe crashing and causing the issue? 

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18 hours ago, awilderaid said:

Has anyone been able to figure this out? I've tried a different NIC, a different cable, and moved the PCI slot the NICs are in on both servers and made no progress. Is there a way to monitor Samba or spit out some logs for it to see if that's maybe crashing and causing the issue? 

UD uses the 'df' command to get the mounted devices size information.  'df' has a nasty habit of hanging indefinitely if a device is off-line.  Because of all the issues with 'hangs' on remote mounted devices, I have set a timeout of 1 second on the 'df' command.  After 1 second, the 'df' command fails and the size is set to 0B.


It may be that the timeout is too short.  I have to balance the timeout to be long enough to get the information in normal operation vs. having UD appear to hang when the 'df' command is taking too long.


Post your diagnostics.

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3 hours ago, perhansen said:

Perhaps this has been brought up before. I haven't read through all the posts, sorry for that.

Is there a reason why utilization of unassigned disks isn't shown on the dashboard page?

You need to post this as an feature request.  The UD plugin doesn't have any control over the dashboard page.

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22 hours ago, 1812 said:



brand new disk but possibly an older cable, but thats why it's preclearing, to check it out since its new. it'll get a full smart self test next. and maybe another run through preclear. this disk is going in another server, but getting tested on this one first due to space issues.


server went offline for an unRaid os update. those things tend to happen. my network otherwise is pretty rock solid and stable.



It is not directly a problem with the remote server or network, but rather, how UD handles remote mounted shares that go offline. It occurs across all 3 of my installs,  when a mounted smb share goes offline (not randomly, typically are offline when I'm doing an unRaid os update, or hardware swap).



its a reproducible error/problem caused only by interaction with UD, as demonstrated below, carried on just now on a fresh boot:


I have server A connected via smb to server B (both running unRaid)




I stopped the array on server B, imitating an os update/reboot.

Server A, still has the remote share mounted in UD from Server B on my local network

Server A tries  to find server B but can't




After timing out, the gui section for mounting remote shares disappears  (as indicated by the moving graphic which stops moving and shows only the disks inside the server.




At the same time, the nginx upstream timeout occurs in the logs (watching live updates via tail)

Jun 28 07:23:00 Twins nginx: 2019/06/28 07:23:00 [error] 5371#5371: *1961 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client: fe80::c48:f133:39ab:5f21, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "twins.local", referrer: "http://twins.local/Main"



There is no way to unmount missing share in the webgui now

it returns "resource busy" in CLI, additionally, forcing it off does not work either

Clicking on any tab other than main, the webgui is still functional for a short time and runs without error.

Returning Server B back online (that hosts the remote share) still results in web gui loading icon. when it times out, UD displays disks in that server as before, no remote shares or section where that option is normally preset is visible. 


after multiple refreshes of main tab, web gui can crash (and often does for me)

even when having the ability to shut down via web gui, UD hangs the shutdown


(following not included in saved syslog, but taken from tail monitoring)

Jun 28 07:45:27 Twins emhttpd: shcmd (151): /etc/rc.d/rc.docker stop            
Jun 28 07:45:28 Twins root: stopping dockerd ...                                
Jun 28 07:45:29 Twins root: waiting for docker to die ...                       
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins avahi-daemon[5316]: Interface docker0.IPv4 no longer relev
ant for mDNS.                                                                   
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins avahi-daemon[5316]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interf
ace docker0.IPv4 with address                                       
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins avahi-daemon[5316]: Withdrawing address record for 172.17.
0.1 on docker0.                                                                 
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins emhttpd: shcmd (152): umount /var/lib/docker              
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmounting All Devices...             
Jun 28 07:45:30 Twins unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'ST10000NM0086-2AA101
_ZA20WW7C', mountpoint 'ST10000NM0086-2AA101' is not mounted and cannot
 be unmounted...                                                                
Jun 28 07:45:32 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmounting disk 'Samsung_SSD_840_EVO_2
Jun 28 07:45:32 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmounting '/dev/sdb1'...             
Jun 28 07:45:32 Twins unassigned.devices: Unmount cmd: /bin/umount '/dev/sdb1' 2
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: Status of all loop devices                          
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: /dev/loop1: [2049]:4 (/boot/bzfirmware)             
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: /dev/loop0: [2049]:3 (/boot/bzmodules)              
Jun 28 07:46:44 Twins root: Active pids left on /mnt/*                          


I believe the active pid is UD related at this point, considering the server otherwise shuts down normally when the remote share is constant.




Attempted retrieval of diagnostics from the web gui resulted in no zip download occurring. syslog is here minus the shutdown section shown above: syslognew.txt



I really appreciate your time and assistance on this




I have spent a lot of time on the UD plugin to keep it from appearing to 'hang'.  The issue comes from some commands UD uses to get the mounted devices information.  Remote mounted devices using CIFS mounts are particularly messy because of the 'df' command used to get remote mounted devices information and the way servers going off-line are handled.  I've set timeouts on all commands that I can to keep UD from hanging, but there may be more that needs to be done.  I can't reproduce the problem with the setup I have, so it is very difficult to fix the issues you are seeing because it is probably related to your particular setup.


You can't unmount a remote mounted share when it goes off-line because CIFS reports the mount as busy.  Unless UD does a forced unmount, the device won't unmount.  It is not a good idea for UD to do a forced unmount, because the device could actually be busy.


My suggestion is to unmount any remote mounted shares before you take the remote server off-line.


Also, any of you having any issues with UD, please remove the preclear plugin and reboot your server.  The preclear plugin is partially integrated with UD (that's why you can see preclear information in UD), and there is a background preclear task that collects device information that may have some issues.  I don't have the time or desire to troubleshoot preclear.  There has been a lot of discussion about the need to preclear disks.  It really isn't necessary and the preclearing has been a source of problems.  I know all you preclear fanatics will want to start a debate about it, but for troubleshooting these issues, please get it out of the way.


Post your diagnostics from normal operation.

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19 hours ago, awilderaid said:

Has anyone been able to figure this out? I've tried a different NIC, a different cable, and moved the PCI slot the NICs are in on both servers and made no progress. Is there a way to monitor Samba or spit out some logs for it to see if that's maybe crashing and causing the issue? 

Go to a command line and type this command and post the output:

/usr/bin/timeout 1 /bin/df


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8 hours ago, dlandon said:

I have spent a lot of time on the UD plugin to keep it from appearing to 'hang'.  The issue comes from some commands UD uses to get the mounted devices information.  Remote mounted devices using CIFS mounts are particularly messy because of the 'df' command used to get remote mounted devices information and the way servers going off-line are handled.  I've set timeouts on all commands that I can to keep UD from hanging, but there may be more that needs to be done.  I can't reproduce the problem with the setup I have, so it is very difficult to fix the issues you are seeing because it is probably related to your particular setup.


You can't unmount a remote mounted share when it goes off-line because CIFS reports the mount as busy.  Unless UD does a forced unmount, the device won't unmount.  It is not a good idea for UD to do a forced unmount, because the device could actually be busy.


My suggestion is to unmount any remote mounted shares before you take the remote server off-line.


Also, any of you having any issues with UD, please remove the preclear plugin and reboot your server.  The preclear plugin is partially integrated with UD (that's why you can see preclear information in UD), and there is a background preclear task that collects device information that may have some issues.  I don't have the time or desire to troubleshoot preclear.  There has been a lot of discussion about the need to preclear disks.  It really isn't necessary and the preclearing has been a source of problems.  I know all you preclear fanatics will want to start a debate about it, but for troubleshooting these issues, please get it out of the way.


Post your diagnostics from normal operation.

I'll see what happens using NFS later today for comparison.
NFS publicly mounted share going offline resulted in both servers responding without throwing errors or locking up. when the NFS shares returned online, they also continued on like nothing had happened.


let me know if there is any other info you need or methods to try.


much appreciated!



Edited by 1812
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