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[Deprecated] Linuxserver.io - Scrutiny

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/25/2021 at 12:06 PM, viola2572 said:

how do I refresh it?????? as it is showing me data from drives a day old, I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it, still old data.

I know it does it one a day, but when you have been changing drives, you want a refresh button, please 

Also it is seeing my WD SAS 3tb and 4tb drives as seagate Parity 2ST4000NM0023_Z1Z0C3DW - 4 TB (sdo)32 C1,216,397163,6080Disk 1ST33000650SS_Z293MTCQ - 3 TB (sdc)25





Same. I replaced a drive and reran the command line command, restarted the docker, etc, but still has the old data.

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  • 1 month later...

When I run the command - scrutiny-collector-metrics run - I get the following errors see below.  The data is showing up in the web portal, but I'm wondering why those errors are showing.


INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl --info -j /dev/sdd  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Generating WWN                                type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl --info -j /dev/sde  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Generating WWN                                type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl --info -j /dev/sdf  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Generating WWN                                type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl --info -j -d nvme /dev/nvme0  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Using WWN Fallback                            type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl --info -j /dev/sdb  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Generating WWN                                type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl --info -j /dev/sdc  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Generating WWN                                type=metrics
INFO[0000] Sending detected devices to API, for filtering & validation  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Collecting smartctl results for sdd           type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl -x -j /dev/sdd    type=metrics
ERRO[0000] smartctl returned an error code (4) while processing sdd  type=metrics
ERRO[0000] smartctl detected a checksum error            type=metrics
INFO[0000] Publishing smartctl results for 0x5000c5006e098b8f  type=metrics
INFO[0000] Collecting smartctl results for sde           type=metrics
INFO[0000] Executing command: smartctl -x -j /dev/sde    type=metrics
ERRO[0001] smartctl returned an error code (4) while processing sde  type=metrics
ERRO[0001] smartctl detected a checksum error            type=metrics
INFO[0001] Publishing smartctl results for 0x50014ee20a4ab910  type=metrics
INFO[0001] Collecting smartctl results for sdf           type=metrics
INFO[0001] Executing command: smartctl -x -j /dev/sdf    type=metrics
ERRO[0001] smartctl returned an error code (68) while processing sdf  type=metrics
ERRO[0001] smartctl detected a checksum error            type=metrics
INFO[0001] Publishing smartctl results for 0x50014ee25f9a29db  type=metrics
INFO[0001] Collecting smartctl results for nvme0         type=metrics
INFO[0001] Executing command: smartctl -x -j -d nvme /dev/nvme0  type=metrics
INFO[0001] Publishing smartctl results for 7fbc071205d900060942  type=metrics
INFO[0001] Collecting smartctl results for sdb           type=metrics
INFO[0001] Executing command: smartctl -x -j /dev/sdb    type=metrics
INFO[0003] Publishing smartctl results for 0x5000c50066215c45  type=metrics
INFO[0003] Collecting smartctl results for sdc           type=metrics
INFO[0003] Executing command: smartctl -x -j /dev/sdc    type=metrics
INFO[0004] Publishing smartctl results for 0x5000c500c8f1320e  type=metrics
INFO[0004] Main: Completed                               type=metrics


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I need help deciphering what these attributes mean in scrutiny. I purchased two Seagate EXOS 8TB hard drives and one (my parity drive) shows failed Read Error Rate. Is this a comparison of data between my drive and Backblaze or is this actually failing? My smart reports all say PASSED. Given that this is my parity drive I would like to know before something really bad happens. 

Screen Shot 2021-04-27 at 11.09.13 AM.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

The main page shows everything to look good: everything is green and says passed. I have to actually open each one to see any signs of problems -- such as a failed Reallocated Sectors Count. Is that expected behavior?  Seems like those failures and warnings should be out in front.

Screenshot 2021-05-29 13.47.21.png

Screenshot 2021-05-29 13.55.04.png

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


I have a problem with my scrutiny in docker, it recognizes my seagate disks and my nvme  and  WD disk.but the S.M.M.A.RT is failed for this last (WD) Has anyone already had this problem or has a solution. I am not unraid but with a synology (dsm) but I don't think that's a problem.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all. Following up on a previous post re Scrutiny. How do you get it to show all the drives in the array? Mine only shows three, though one popped up after a week or so of running. My config has /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/nvme1n1, and /dev/nvme2n1 in the template but when I start the UI /dev/sdb, /dev/sdh, and /dev/sdi are displayed.


Is there another config somewhere I have to change to have it show all 11 drives?

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On 11/24/2021 at 11:32 AM, darrenyorston said:

Hello all. Following up on a previous post re Scrutiny. How do you get it to show all the drives in the array? Mine only shows three, though one popped up after a week or so of running. My config has /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/nvme1n1, and /dev/nvme2n1 in the template but when I start the UI /dev/sdb, /dev/sdh, and /dev/sdi are displayed.


Is there another config somewhere I have to change to have it show all 11 drives?

I ended up solving the issue of drives not chowing up. I edited the scrutiny.yaml file in appdata. There is a field called "disks:" I added all my drives and they showed up straight away in the UI. I dont know why but editing the drives in the docker template makes no difference to. The UI always shows what's in the .yaml file.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 10/27/2020 at 11:11 AM, AnalogJ said:


Currently there's no way to delete old drives. It's on my to-do list.

It's not updating powered on data for your new drives? By default the collector runs once a day, so after 24h you should see a change to that number. If it doesn't can you open an issue on the Github (with logs)?




Has the ability to remove old drives been added yet or am I missing it?

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  • 2 months later...

The newest release 4.1 and 4.0 added influxdb among other changes and the container template on the community applications page needs to be updated accordingly. You can change the repository field to "lscr.io/linuxserver/scrutiny:8e34ef8d-ls35" until it gets updated.

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On 5/10/2022 at 5:54 AM, EML said:

The newest release 4.1 and 4.0 added influxdb among other changes and the container template on the community applications page needs to be updated accordingly. You can change the repository field to "lscr.io/linuxserver/scrutiny:8e34ef8d-ls35" until it gets updated.


Thanks, that fixed things for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/24/2021 at 2:12 PM, ashman70 said:

Just installed this and when I try to run the command  scrutiny-collector-metrics run in the Scrutiny console I get:


command not found


Am I doing something wrong?

Did you figure this one out? I have tried switching from Bash to Shell and either way it doesn't like the command.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've installed this app because Hotio scrutiny is not supported anymore. Only now everytime I start this dockerI need to manually put in: 

scrutiny-collector-metrics run

Otherwise it won't start.


With Hotios version this was not needed. It would start automatically. Is it possible to also possible for this docker to automatically start without putting in the command? 

Edited by de Techneut
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  • linuxserver.io changed the title to [Deprecated] Linuxserver.io - Scrutiny
On 6/8/2022 at 10:17 AM, de Techneut said:

I've installed this app because Hotio scrutiny is not supported anymore. Only now everytime I start this dockerI need to manually put in: 

scrutiny-collector-metrics run

Otherwise it won't start.

With Hotios version this was not needed. It would start automatically. Is it possible to also possible for this docker to automatically start without putting in the command? 


Just a heads up, looks like the linux server image is deprecated as well now. From the github page:


This image is deprecated. We will not offer support for this image and it will not be updated. We recommend the official images: https://github.com/AnalogJ/scrutiny#docker


The AnalogJ image is available through CA, using that without any problems

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