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[SUPPORT] AMP (Application Management Panel) - CorneliousJD Repo

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So I just lost my satisfactory save because apparently it stores the save file in "/home/amp/.config" rather than "/home/amp/.ampdata", which by default is not mapped by the template, so updating the container wiped that.

Edited by Leondre
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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone have issues setting up a minecraft java server? I keep getting connection refused no matter what. It's driving me crazy. Everything appears to be setup properly. If i use another docker container with just a backend minecraft server i can connect to that server using the same exact settings i am using in AMP with zero issues.. If i then remove that server, then try to set it up in AMP i cannot connect.. So i know its not something simple like a firewall problem.. Any advice on whatelse to check? I've spent hours trying to figure this out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm trying to run sons of the forest and amp is telling me to install the game as a container. 


I went into amp config settings and changed running instances to dockers. 

It says no docker files installed. 


So I ran `bash <(wget -qO- getamp.sh) installDocker` in unraid console and I get back - docker already installed. 


Any help on this?

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Trying to completely reinstall AMP after running into some issues with my old container and I can't seem to delete a single leftover folder no matter what I do. Tried removing it with Krusader with root, from terminal, from Windows and nothing will let me delete it as something keeps instantly generating a log folder even though the AMP docker is completely removed. Also tried removing it with docker completely disabled without any luck. I've been banging my head against this for two days so any help or ideas is appreciated.

Screenshot 2023-09-02 212838.png

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On 8/28/2023 at 6:20 PM, ToastedPirate said:

I'm trying to run sons of the forest and amp is telling me to install the game as a container. 

You could install LXC and then install AMP in there then it would be possible to install Docker.

It is not possible what you are trying to run Docker in Docker, at least not that easy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/26/2023 at 11:15 AM, Tommy90 said:

Hello, semi noob here,


I managed to set up a server with MC all okay however i'm trying to get Gmod going but it keeps failing 

"Application State: Unable to run"


Hi @Tommy90,


have you been able to solve that issue? I'm having this issue with Counter Strike Source Dedicated Server.


At the Cubecoders Forum is a ticket for that, with Source Dedicated Server. Since this ain't a container supported by Cubecoders, we shouldn't capture this thread tho.


@CorneliousJD can you help us?


AMP Log:


[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : Starting AMP version (Decadeus), built 07/09/2023 18:02
[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : Running in a Docker environment.
[12:16:23] [Logger Warning]       : Current time zone is set to CET - It is recommended you switch to UTC+0 to avoid time-zone related issues
[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : OS: Linux / x86_64
[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU 0000 @ 1.70GHz (10C/20T)
[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : RAM: 32004MB
[12:16:23] [Logger Info]          : AMP Instance ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[12:16:24] [Logger Info]          : Loaded srcdsModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Metrics publishing is enabled at udp://localhost:12820.
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded WebRequestPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded LocalFileBackupPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded CommonCorePlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : srcdsModule requests dependency steamcmdplugin...
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded steamcmdplugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : srcdsModule requests dependency RCONPlugin...
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Loaded RCONPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[12:16:25] [Logger Info]          : Licence Present: AMP Professional Edition
[12:16:26] [Logger Notice]        : Using keypair with fingerprint xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[12:16:26] [Logger Info]          : SFTP Server started on
[12:16:26] [Webserver Info]       : Websockets are enabled.
[12:16:26] [Logger Info]          : Webserver started on
[12:16:26] [Logger Info]          : RouterTimer@10Hz with 2 jobs started
[12:16:26] [Core Info]            : Checking for AMP updates...
[12:16:26] [Logger Info]          : Startup mode is UpdateAndStart.
Redirecting stderr to '/home/amp/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
Logging directory: '/home/amp/Steam/logs'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[12:16:27] [Core Info]            : AMP is up to date.
[----] Verifying installation...
[12:16:29] [Logger:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[12:16:30] [Logger:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication failure for user admin from - TokenRejected
[12:16:30] [Logger:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[12:16:30] [Logger:Anonymous Activity] : Authentication failure for user admin from - TokenRejected
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1694466999
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
force_install_dir 232330
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
app_update 232330 validate
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.00 (0 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 7.74 (177854216 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 18.61 (427438477 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 30.19 (693391039 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 41.24 (947248460 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 52.57 (1207672961 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 63.90 (1467851526 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 74.02 (1700378410 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 83.24 (1912136209 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 94.71 (2175539221 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 99.27 (2280451140 / 2297127618)
 Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 99.61 (2288169242 / 2297127618)
Success! App '232330' fully installed.
[12:17:03] [steamcmdplugin Info]  : SteamCMD Update successful
[12:17:06] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 1/5 times...
[12:17:09] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 2/5 times...
[12:17:12] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 3/5 times...
[12:17:15] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 4/5 times...
[12:17:18] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 5/5 times...
[12:17:21] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 6/5 times...
[12:17:21] [Logger Warning]       : Server failed to start 5 times, not restarting.
[12:17:55] [Logger Activity]      : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[12:17:55] [Core Activity]        : Authentication success
[12:23:58] [Logger Activity]      : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[12:23:59] [Core Activity]        : Authentication success
[12:25:28] [Logger:admin Activity] : Adding interval trigger 'Every Monday at 04:42'
[12:25:39] [Logger Activity]      : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[12:25:39] [Core Activity]        : Authentication success
[12:25:44] [API:admin Activity]   : Starting the application.
[12:25:47] [Logger:admin Warning] : Server failed to start 7/5 times...
[12:25:47] [Logger:admin Warning] : Server failed to start 5 times, not restarting.





Application State: Unable to run



Thanks for help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, BennyD said:

Can we just get you to completely drop this project so that the actual Dev for AMP will maintain this?

WILL they? They don't supply a docker container. 


Why would they maintain a third party container?... this doesn't make sense. 


I also didn't develop this container, I simply made the template to run it on unRAID.


I cannot assist everyone with issues they face with AMP.

I have a full life outside of this container.


The container itself runs. AMP runs. I host servers with it. It works. It is not beginner friendly, but it works.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/28/2023 at 5:28 PM, 3dee said:

Application State: Unable to run


I was able to solve the issue.


It looks like srcds (or AMP) doesn’t like it’s files being written to fuse.shfs, but btrfs is fine. Using paths like /mnt/user/sharename is always shfs / fuse.shfs.


So basically all you need to do is change the appdata path (Container Path: /home/amp/.ampdata) from /mnt/user/appdata/amp/ to the actual appdata disk path. In my case, all the appdata is on a cache pool named "nvme_pool". My new path is /mnt/nvme_pool/appdata/amp/ and the srcds server starts up fine now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I've used AMP in the past on an old Ubuntu machine and it worked great. So now that I've got my unraid server up and running, I figured I'd continue to use it on here. However, I'm trying to create a Gmod server. I've left all of the server settings default, it's downloaded everything correctly from what I can see, however when I click start I just get "Unable to Run", there's nothing in the console, nothing in the logs other than saying it's failed. Any idea what might be causing this?

I've tried chanigng the location of appdata from /mnt/user.... to /mnt/cache as I'd seen that elsewhere, but that didn't fix it. 

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I am setting up Conan Exiles and it says that it should be run in a docker container on the setup page. The only problem is when i have it set to run in a container I get this error " The user running AMP (amp) must also be a member of the 'docker' group.". What is the solution for this? Over an hour of googling and still no answer. Please help. 

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Incase anyone is having issues with Satisfactory after updating to version 8, its an issue with Amp. looks like they changed the file name of the linux server binary.




Actions taken to resolve so far:

Edited GenericModule.kvp and made the following change:



App.ExecutableWin=1690800\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Server-Win64-Shipping.exe App.ExecutableLinux=1690800/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UE4Server-Linux-Shipping



App.ExecutableWin=1690800\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealServer-Win64-Shipping.exe App.ExecutableLinux=1690800/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealServer-Linux-Shipping

And verified that UnrealServer-Linux-Shipping exists at the given path.



Edited by thenameisbam
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  • 4 weeks later...


Recently had to rebuild my docker image. When reinstalling AMP i ran into problems with JAVA showing up as missing and giving the following errors:

  • AMP couldn’t find Java, check that it’s installed
  • Process configuration failed. AMP couldn’t find Java, check that it’s installed
  • ‘java’ is not installed, or not available in PATH. Please make sure Java is installed on your system. If you have just installed Java then you will need to restart AMP.

This issue seems to be with the latest v22 of the docker image. Downgrading back to V21 fixed this for me. More info on this can be found at https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/startup-issue-with-minecraft-java-not-installed-after-reinstall-of-amp/7878

Thought i would post this for anyone else having this issue and not finding anything via google searches. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having issues starting up Minecraft Bedrock Edition instance in AMP.


For context the Minecraft Java Edition instance in AMP and the binhex-minecraftbedrockserver docker start correctly.


The error from AMP Console is:



/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/Minecraft01/./Minecraft/bedrock_server: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


The libraries definitely exist in default Unraid found at /usr/lib64.


Is any one able to assist or point me in the right direction?


Thanks :)


Edit 1: Sounds like it could be this: https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/startup-issue-with-minecraft-minecraft-bedrock-instance-wont-start-after-update/7683/14


Edit 2: I suspect something is wrong with the latest release. I've manually configured to use version 1.20.4 from Official and it's started first go, however it's not Bedrock so no good.


Edit 3: Decided to use binhex container and give up on AMP.

Edited by scytherbladez
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On 12/28/2023 at 9:15 PM, scytherbladez said:

I'm having issues starting up Minecraft Bedrock Edition instance in AMP.


For context the Minecraft Java Edition instance in AMP and the binhex-minecraftbedrockserver docker start correctly.


The error from AMP Console is:



The libraries definitely exist in default Unraid found at /usr/lib64.


Is any one able to assist or point me in the right direction?


Thanks :)


Edit 1: Sounds like it could be this: https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/startup-issue-with-minecraft-minecraft-bedrock-instance-wont-start-after-update/7683/14


Edit 2: I suspect something is wrong with the latest release. I've manually configured to use version 1.20.4 from Official and it's started first go, however it's not Bedrock so no good.


Edit 3: Decided to use binhex container and give up on AMP.


So I have a bit of an update here, andnit might be a bit frustrating as it seems related to the core container's update to the latest Debian environment. 


this is documented in a few places, such as: https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/startup-issue-with-application-deployment-minecraft-bedrock-server-wont-start/7931 , with a solution available here:




Microsoft released a Server update file. I downloaded the files directly from minecraft.com and placed the files for bedrock-server- With the new files, I was able to start my server without error.


I haven't tested this myself, but I've seen a few folks confirming that it works and will report back when I have something going.


Edit: This didn't work.  It appears to require a clean-slate instance, per https://github.com/MitchTalmadge/AMP-dockerized/issues/184#issuecomment-1872246867


Edit 2: Combined with a restart of the AMP container (which automatically updates the containers to the latest revision), this seemed to work and allowed me to switch to the development branch; This worked, though there seems to be a bug with AMP 2.4.7 which is requiring containers to be "Managed in New Tab" to access.  I also noticed that full server telemetry was disabled.

Edited by Sanfam
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Hi. first of all thanks for making amp work in Unraid. Lifesaver.


Saw this post on the amp forum. trying to implement it so the backups dont need to be on the cache, but i think im missing something. 

Ive addet the path in edit and done what in the guide. but it doesent seam to work for me. any ideas?





Ensure the new backup location has the same ownership as the instance (such as the amp user on Linux). You should also have separate sub-directories for each instance, so that backups don’t mix. This will be explained further below. This guide uses /media/backups as an example, your actual location can vary.

For New Instances

In ADS navigate to Configuration->New Instance Defaults

Add the following:

Key - LocalFileBackupPlugin.Storage.StorePath

Value - /media/backups/{InstanceName}/ - This will place the backups in their own subfolder based on the instance name.

If using Docker containers add the following:

Key - FileManagerPlugin.FileManager.AdditionalVirtualDirectories

Value - {"/media/backups":"/media/backups"} - Typically, these will be the same value on both sides, but for more info: The left side is the path on the host, the right side is the path in the container.

For Existing Instances

Stop the instance

In ADS File Manager/SFTP edit LocalFileBackupPlugin.kvp in the instance’s directory

Change the location for Storage.StorePath to the new location /media/backups/{InstanceName}/. This will place the backups in its own subfolder based on the instance name.

If using Docker containers do steps 4 and 5:

Edit FileManagerPlugin.kvp in the same directory

Change the FileManager.AdditionalVirtualDirectories to {"/media/backups":"/media/backups"} and Save.

Start the instance in ADS


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Anyone know how to reset the folder permissions for AMP? I can't get my Satisfactory server to start and getting this error:


[05:15:39] [Core Error]           : PlatformException
[05:15:39] [Core Error]           : [0] (PlatformException) : ApplicationName='/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/SatisfactoryServer01/satisfactory/1690800/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealServer-Linux-Shipping', CommandLine='FactoryGame -log -unattended -MultiHome= ?listen -Port=7777 -BeaconPort=15000 -ServerQueryPort=15777 ', CurrentDirectory='/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/SatisfactoryServer01/satisfactory/1690800', Native error= Access denied
[05:15:39] [Core Error]           :   at Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess (Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo) 
  at Diagnostics.Process.Start () 
  at ModuleShared.AMPProcess.Start () 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) ModuleShared.AMPProcess.Start()
  at GenericModule.GenericApp.DoAppStartup (Boolean IsUpdating) 
  at GenericModule.GenericApp.Start () 


I ran the Docker Safe New Perms tool the other day in Unraid which I think may have wiped whatever permissions AMP had to the game folders. Odd thing is my Minecraft server instance is starting up just fine and I can browse in the File Manager to all the Satisfactory folders.

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13 hours ago, MacGyver33 said:

Anyone know how to reset the folder permissions for AMP? I can't get my Satisfactory server to start and getting this error:


[05:15:39] [Core Error]           : PlatformException
[05:15:39] [Core Error]           : [0] (PlatformException) : ApplicationName='/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/SatisfactoryServer01/satisfactory/1690800/Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealServer-Linux-Shipping', CommandLine='FactoryGame -log -unattended -MultiHome= ?listen -Port=7777 -BeaconPort=15000 -ServerQueryPort=15777 ', CurrentDirectory='/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/SatisfactoryServer01/satisfactory/1690800', Native error= Access denied
[05:15:39] [Core Error]           :   at Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess (Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo) 
  at Diagnostics.Process.Start () 
  at ModuleShared.AMPProcess.Start () 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) ModuleShared.AMPProcess.Start()
  at GenericModule.GenericApp.DoAppStartup (Boolean IsUpdating) 
  at GenericModule.GenericApp.Start () 


I ran the Docker Safe New Perms tool the other day in Unraid which I think may have wiped whatever permissions AMP had to the game folders. Odd thing is my Minecraft server instance is starting up just fine and I can browse in the File Manager to all the Satisfactory folders.


Got it figured out: https://discourse.cubecoders.com/t/startup-issue-with-satisfactory-access-denied-when-starting-satisfactory/8447


Had to run the following as root:

ampinstmgr fixperms

Then drilled in to the folder with the executable and run 

chmod +x UnrealServer-Linux-Shipping

to reassign the executable permission

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I dunno if anyone is able to help with this but I was able to get my AMP Minecraft server online, but I cant seem to connect to it. It is this same Docker version, have a common dockernet between containers. I hit the host IP 192.x.x.x:25565 and get a failed connection. This is all internal network, no WAN connections being attempted yet.


Edited by DanMaan
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I've been working to setup AMP to run an instance of Rust on my Unraid server. I have spent the better part of 2 days trying to connect all the pieces to get everything to work. While researching how to do all this, I did not find any straightforward guides specific to my scenario: Unraid > AMP > Rust. Ultimately, I was able to take information from several other posts/websites/discord and get everything configured correctly. I am writing here in hopes that it can help some others save some time. By the looks of it, there is still some activity on this thread.


*disclaimer* - I have only tested on my local network so far. I am not currently port forwarding but can update the post when I have officially tested outside connections. After many hours of research and testing, I couldn't wait to share my progress with anyone that will listen lol


Before I get into the main configuration steps I took, I wanted to shout out the post from @dhood - Their post helped me figure out the final piece I was missing to get Rust working. TL;DR for the rest of this post - Follow dhood steps but replace Valheim with Rust (or possibly any other game?).

Just like dhood, I am new to docker and Unraid. I may not say things technically correct but I am hoping to be clear and concise. Here are the steps I took to get things working so far:


1 -Find AMP in the apps menu and select 'Install' to open the template editor for AMP


2 - Follow the steps to assign a MAC address in the template - https://forums.unraid.net/topic/98290-support-amp-application-management-panel-corneliousjd-repo/


In the 'Variables' section of Cornelious' post, it mentions "GAME PORT: Be sure to use the proper port, and edit the port to be TCP/UDP based on what the game uses!" - We will come back to this shortly. For now, I did not add any additional ports. (I mean you can, don't let me tell you what to do and when to do it... I digress)


3 - Add AMP License key (emailed to me after purchase)


4 - Confirm/Update Timezone (May not be necessary but I checked it anyway)


5 - Apply to install the container. It should take you to a screen that will show you the progress of download and installation. This part took ~5-10 minutes.


6 - In Unraid webUI, go to 'Dashboard' or 'Docker' to view the currently running containers. AMP container should show 'started'. For extra confirmation - Click the AMP icon and select 'Logs' to confirm AMP is started and running.


7 - Click the icon and select 'WebUI' to open a new tab. An AMP login/setup window should show up if everything is configured correctly so far. Follow the steps presented to initially setup AMP. I highly recommend to change the account password from the default.


At this point AMP itself is basically ready to go. The remaining steps are specific to Rust itself but these steps may be similar for other games.


I mentioned Game Ports earlier and said we would come back to that shortly. Well, here we are. Also, this may be where my technical knowledge is limited. If someone has a better or more accurate explanation, feel free to correct me but here is my understanding of how this works: In order for Unraid to work in conjunction with the AMP container, we will need to tell Unraid what ports AMP wants to use. AMP uses port 8080 for the webUI. AMP is also going to use the port for Rust - 28015. So how do we configure that? Well in the template for AMP of course. You know the one we already had open but closed earlier 'cause I don't know what I am doing... anyway...


1 - In Unraid, select either the 'dashboard' or 'docker' tab. Find the icon for AMP and select 'Stop'


2 - Select the AMP icon again and then 'edit' to open the template (again, jeeze why didn't I just do all this originally?!)


3 - At the bottom of the template window, select 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device'


4 - In the 'Add Configuration' window that pops up, add the following and then select 'Save':


Config type: Port

Name: whatever you want but probably something like 'Rust Game Port'

Container Port: 28015

Host Port: 28015

Default Port: 28015

Connection Type: UDP

Description: Why do you want to play Rust so bad? Don't you have better things to do?


5 - Select 'Apply' and 'Done' in the template window to save your changes. AMP should start automagically.


6 - Select 'Docker' at the top and confirm the 'Port Mappings' show both 8080 and 28015 next to the AMP container


7 - Open AMP WebUI and on the main page select 'Create Instance' icon


Now here is where things get a little tricky. You would think all you need to do is select 'Rust' from the application drop down, however, we are not going to do that. Why? you ask. Well, cause I said so... I mean, cause I did all the research so you don't have to!

(On a serious note, I actually joined the discord for CubeCoders and found the information I needed in the Support Archive for Rust under the pinned comment. I'll explain more below.)


Long story short (or long story longer. This post is actually getting quite ridiculous and I still want to play some Rust tonight. Get on with it, gosh!), the current Rust template provided by AMP does not work. But there is another template we can use created by a CubeCoder community member Greelan. We need to add Greelan's custom templates to AMP. I'll outline the steps but here are the steps in Github format lol - https://github.com/CubeCoders/AMP/wiki/Configuring-the-'Generic'-AMP-module#adding-custom-templates-to-amp


8 - Close out of the 'Create new instance' window if not done already. In the left pane, select 'Configuration > Instance Deployment'


9 - Under 'Configuration Repositories' select the 'Add' button and enter a new value - Greelan/AMPTemplates:dev


10 - Select 'Fetch Latest' after saving the new value to download the templates Greelan has created for AMP. Refresh the AMP webUI


11 - In the left pane, select 'back' then 'instances'. Finally, select 'Create Instance' (seriously, if you make me do something 2 times again....)


12 - From the application dropdown, be sure to select the correct Rust template. It should be labeled as 'Greelan/ Rust'. Give it a name. Select the 'After creation' choice and then 'Create Instance'


13 - There should be some notifications regarding the creation and installation of Rust in the lower right. The notifications disappear when they complete. Select the rust instance icon and then manage button on the right. You can then view the 'Console' from the left pane to see when all the initial setup is complete.


That SHOULD be all that is needed to get Rust working. I have dragged this comment out way farther than I initially intended. If I missed anything or something doesn't make sense, let me know, yell at me, or ignore everything and move on with your life. Rust isn't even that fun...


Also, I really apologize for the length of this. I honestly did not intend for this to be so long but I couldn't stop once I got started haha. If this comment should be posted elsewhere, I am happy to move it. Thanks for reading!



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On 7/15/2023 at 1:55 AM, Leondre said:

So I just lost my satisfactory save because apparently it stores the save file in "/home/amp/.config" rather than "/home/amp/.ampdata", which by default is not mapped by the template, so updating the container wiped that.

Late to the party but did you find a fix for this?

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On 11/3/2023 at 4:04 PM, zeedic said:

So when trying to Fetch the latest instance via Instance Deployment 'CubeCoders/AMPTemplates' no longer and return a 'git failed on repo CubeCoders/AMPTemplates with error code 1'

I am having the same issue. Did you find a fix for this?

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