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[SUPPORT] AMP (Application Management Panel) - CorneliousJD Repo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately the router at my apartment was recently replaced, and the port forwarding feature is locked behind some Comcast BS. Ive been trying to set up a Minecraft server using the PortMiner spigot plugin, but I was curious if I needed to open more ports on the docker container for it to work.

It uses UPnP to open the port on the router, but it seems to use a few different ports in the process.


Using configuration: org.fourthline.cling.DefaultUpnpServiceConfiguration
Creating Router: org.fourthline.cling.transport.RouterImpl
Creating wildcard socket (for receiving multicast datagrams) on port: 1900
Joining multicast group: /xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1900 on network interface: eth0
Created server (for receiving TCP streams) on: /xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:44443
Creating bound socket (for datagram input/output) on: /xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
<<< UPnP service started successfully
[PortMinerPlugin]: Opened port 25565


The ports on line 3 and 5 are different each time its started.


I can connect locally, which is never an issue, but everyone outside the network is getting a 'Connection Timed Out' failure.

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I don't know what I am doing wrong but I can not for the life of me create ANY game servers. I purchased a license. I have it added in the docker setup and inside AMP. I don't think its working though because my license is showing 0/5 activations.

Edited by xBiagi
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29 minutes ago, xBiagi said:

I don't know what I am doing wrong but I can not for the life of me create ANY game servers. I purchased a license. I have it added in the docker setup and inside AMP. I don't think its working though because my license is showing 0/5 activations.


Hey, I think its an issue with the new update to AMP that just happened today. I was working fine yesterday, updated today and now I have the same issue. I thought it was just me so I tried 3 browsers, and even blew up my AMP docker and deleted the app data, still same result.

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1 minute ago, kainu7 said:



Hey, I think its an issue with the new update to AMP that just happened today. I was working fine yesterday, updated today and now I have the same issue. I thought it was just me so I tried 3 browsers, and even blew up my AMP docker and deleted the app data, still same result.

Ha thats kind of good to know. I was like I did everything how it said to during setup lol

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9 minutes ago, kainu7 said:



Hey, I think its an issue with the new update to AMP that just happened today. I was working fine yesterday, updated today and now I have the same issue. I thought it was just me so I tried 3 browsers, and even blew up my AMP docker and deleted the app data, still same result.

 I am new to this but I noticed this on Dockerhub. Says the docker build is failing


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4 hours ago, kainu7 said:



Hey, I think its an issue with the new update to AMP that just happened today. I was working fine yesterday, updated today and now I have the same issue. I thought it was just me so I tried 3 browsers, and even blew up my AMP docker and deleted the app data, still same result.

I actually got it working by blowing away the whole appdata folder for AMP.

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31 minutes ago, GonjaT said:

any progress on the fix? I just ran into this today as well.



Thanks for the report!


I was able to re-produce it. It looks like CubeCoders released an update which caused this problem, then fixed it later in the day but kept it under the same version number. Because of this my build script had no way of knowing it needed to re-download the update. I've forced some new builds; please pull the image again and the fixed version will be applied on next boot. :) Let me know if this solves the problem. It did for me.

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1 minute ago, GonjaT said:

I use the "Latest" tag and its still not able to create new instances, I even removed container, image and appdata folder to do a fresh install. I still cant create any instances... not sure if I'm missing something or not.



Try clearing your browser cache. I remember that being a problem that they spoke about in the CubeCoders Discord. Let me know if that doesn't work

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reverse Proxy if anyone can help:

On local web I get the normal AMP screen:  https://psikotick.com/files/amp.png

With Reverse Proxy:  https://psikotick.com/files/ampbroken.png


Second, Larger Issue:

I cannot download a game.  I started a Minecraft Bedrock instance, set it up, click download/update, and nothing no popup, nada.  Can't click update or start, either.


I run AMP currently in an Ubuntu VM and was hoping to move on to the docker, but need to figure these out :(


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Dumb question, but what is the port forwarding configuration to set up in the router for this? Do I use the unraid box IP for the external, and the reserved network IP for the Local IP port forwarding info?


For example, would it be set up like this, with the AMP internal ip setting being set to eth0?

Local IP Address: (the unraid local ip)
Port: 25565
External (Internet) IP Address: 420.86.75.309 (The bridged docker ip)
Port: 25565
Protocol: TCP


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You can use whatever for the external one on the router, the side being reached from the internet. Thought it's not recommended to use the first 1023.

So you could use 30000 if you like. But if you'd set it up to use 25565, which sounds like MC, it needs to be that on the internal side. You could use 25565 on both sides.

Just remember if your users wants to connect, they need to use the external port.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I may be having a too tired moment, but I have got this installed, and able to login with the webui. I am trying to run minecraft on it. When I try to even set up a vanilla world, making no changes to the config, I get the error of "minecraft stopped within 5 seconds of starting", and saying due to java.

I didn't change much in the install, just added my own password, mac address, and my license.

Am I missing something simple?

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20 hours ago, ptchernegovski said:

I may be having a too tired moment, but I have got this installed, and able to login with the webui. I am trying to run minecraft on it. When I try to even set up a vanilla world, making no changes to the config, I get the error of "minecraft stopped within 5 seconds of starting", and saying due to java.

I didn't change much in the install, just added my own password, mac address, and my license.

Am I missing something simple?


I recently added Java 16 to this image so maybe something went wrong. Thanks for the report! I will investigate.

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21 hours ago, ptchernegovski said:

I may be having a too tired moment, but I have got this installed, and able to login with the webui. I am trying to run minecraft on it. When I try to even set up a vanilla world, making no changes to the config, I get the error of "minecraft stopped within 5 seconds of starting", and saying due to java.

I didn't change much in the install, just added my own password, mac address, and my license.

Am I missing something simple?


I just created a brand new install and immediately created and started a Minecraft server without problems. Can you check the console for errors and also check what the Java section is showing you? Also are you using a normal AMP key or an old McMyAdmin key out of curiosity? (If you don't know then it's probably a normal key) 







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1 hour ago, MitchTalmadge said:


I just created a brand new install and immediately created and started a Minecraft server without problems. Can you check the console for errors and also check what the Java section is showing you? Also are you using a normal AMP key or an old McMyAdmin key out of curiosity? (If you don't know then it's probably a normal key) 









So java is showing as 11 (openjdk)[system default].


I am using an AMP key.


Have attached the screenshot of what comes up.


Here is the console output:




Environment: authHost='https://authserver.mojang.com', accountsHost='https://api.mojang.com', sessionHost='https://sessionserver.mojang.com', servicesHost='https://api.minecraftservices.com', name='PROD'



Failed to start the minecraft server



java.lang.RuntimeException: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted

at cyg.<init>(SourceFile:98) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]

at cyg.a(SourceFile:105) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]

at net.minecraft.server.Main.main(SourceFile:117) [minecraft_server.jar:?]

Caused by: java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted

at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(UnixException.java:100) ~[?:?]

at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:111) ~[?:?]

at sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(UnixException.java:116) ~[?:?]

at sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.toRealPath(UnixPath.java:860) ~[?:?]

at cyg.<init>(SourceFile:96) ~[minecraft_server.jar:?]

... 2 more


Edited by ptchernegovski
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Have had a read back over the posts here again. Saw about changing permissions possibly in Krusader due to being denied access when go into the appdata from a Windows PC. I am being denied access when try that, but can't seem to change permissions from Krusader.
What would be the commands I need in command line to change it?

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1 hour ago, ptchernegovski said:

Have had a read back over the posts here again. Saw about changing permissions possibly in Krusader due to being denied access when go into the appdata from a Windows PC. I am being denied access when try that, but can't seem to change permissions from Krusader.
What would be the commands I need in command line to change it?

I don't know anything about Krusader but this line from your logs tells me Java doesn't have all the permissions it needs to run the server:


java.nio.file.FileSystemException: .: Operation not permitted


I'm not sure how it happened, maybe you're onto something with your Krusader research, but I would suggest restarting the Docker image/container. I have built in a startup script that fixes all file permissions on startup which may allow you to run the server.

Edited by MitchTalmadge
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