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6.12.0 Dashboard, how do I get it back to three columns?

Go to solution Solved by Dave001,

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I have the same problem.  Just updated to 6.12.0 and the same browser width that had 3 columns on 6.11.5 is now only 2 on 6.12.0.  I tried resetting the Dashboard and have even done clearing of my Chrome browsing data.  If I zoom the tab out to 90% instead of 100% then I get 3 columns back but that seems kind of stupid when I had 3 on 6.11.5 but only 2 on 6.12.0.

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Same issue for me but only on one particular laptop.  On two desktops on one other laptop, the GUI dashboard shows all three columns in 6.12.0.

  • Lenovo laptop with 1920x1080 display. Only two columns in dashboard regardless of browser used. Reset does nothing.  Clearing browser cache does nothing (except make me login to everything again). Three columns in 6.11.5
  • Lenovo laptop with 1920x1080 display. Three columns; all is well
  • Desktop connected to 1920x1080 monitor.  Three columns: all is well
  • Desktop connected to 3840x2160 monitor.  Three columns: all is well
Edited by Hoopster
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9 hours ago, Hoopster said:

Lenovo laptop with 1920x1080 display. Only two columns in dashboard regardless of browser used. Reset does nothing.  Clearing browser cache does nothing (except make me login to everything again). Three columns in 6.11.5

Is this one using 100% Windows scaling, or at least not higher then the other ones?






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1 hour ago, Frank1940 said:

Where is this 'Management Tools'?  A screen shot would be nice if it is on the Dashboard...

As long as the lock icon on the right is locked (green), the wrench icon will not show up.



When you unlock the icon (click on it and it turns red), the wrench icon (Content Management) then shows up in the dashboard.


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I figured mine out... I'm using Fancy Zones to split my 32" monitor into four zones... All the same width (Half the screen (4K so 1920 each)) but varying heights.


I generally have my homelab window in the top left and have dropped to 2 columns in 6.12.


I played with it and set the border (Space around zones) to -4 (Had it at -3 before) and viola, 3 columns.




pfSense has the option of defining the number of columns for the dashboard. That would be helpful here.


Now if only the Docker and VM folders app worked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem here. I'm on a 4K monitor at 27 inches, which is set to 200% in the display settings. I think there's plenty of space for an extra column:




But I actually have to zoom *out* to below 100% in the browser, in order to get three columns. If we're being given a custom layout, the number of columns should also be custom.


What concerns me is two things:


1) How could custom rearranging possibly work if the number of columns is not fixed. Where do things go from a column that is no longer allowed to be visible?

2) Regardless of the number of columns, why is the default layout not to fill up the available columns equally? It doesn't feel right that my left column (again, default layout!) is four times longer than the right column.

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Hi everyone,


I have a question regarding the new possibility to unlock the items on the amin dashboard in order to sort them. This is a nice new feature but when there's a new release of the software, the dashboard is back to standard after the reboot and all the changes have to be done again.

Is there any possibility to keep the changes even after a software upgrade ?


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I find that Chromium/Chrome/Edge will render the dashboard in three columns at 100% zoom if the browser window is sized with a width of 1902 pixels or more.

That works with the Windows Scaling set greater that 100% as well.

Font size as specified on Settings, Display Settings has no effect on the column configuration.

Developing for all of the varieties of display configurations, operating systems and browsers is no small feat.


I commend the Unraid developers for their excellent work making the dashboard display as flexible and comfortable as it is.  It is truly more functional that I need.



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  • 1 month later...
On 7/3/2023 at 8:00 AM, sage2050 said:

I've been complaining about this and asking for customization option since the first rc. I get 3 columns on a 27" monitors and only 2 on a 24", both at 1080p resolution. Just let the users decide how many columns they want.


I agree, I split an ultrawide into 3 zones so my browser windows are less than 1920 wide, and I had 3 columns before and it looked and worked GREAT, and I'd really, REALLY like that same functionality back.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Now that I finally updated due to CA deprecating anything below 6.12, I thought I was going crazy trying to figure out how to get my dashboard to show 3 columns.  It's annoying but thankfully nothing else is "wrong" with the update.  I tried the browser data reset but it's still not fixing it.  Will keep an eye on this until someone figures it out or a future update automatically does the trick.

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