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VirtualBox Plugin for unRAID v5 and v6


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The plugin itself is still not compatible.i will be working on it.



It seems there is a problem saving the configuration settings using the method I chose (using external PHP file).

Something has change in unRAID 6.

I will have to look into it.


If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.

I am a hobbiest programmer.


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The plugin itself is still not compatible.i will be working on it.



It seems there is a problem saving the configuration settings using the method I chose (using external PHP file).

Something has change in unRAID 6.

I will have to look into it.


If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.

I am a hobbiest programmer.


You can not have a .page and .php file with the same base name. They must be combined in a single file or you must change the basenames.

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The plugin itself is still not compatible.i will be working on it.



It seems there is a problem saving the configuration settings using the method I chose (using external PHP file).

Something has change in unRAID 6.

I will have to look into it.


If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.

I am a hobbiest programmer.



The plugin itself is still not compatible.i will be working on it.



It seems there is a problem saving the configuration settings using the method I chose (using external PHP file).

Something has change in unRAID 6.

I will have to look into it.


If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.

I am a hobbiest programmer.


They changed the post actions. You need something like this for your form.

<form name="domain_settings" method="POST" action="/update.php" target="progressFrame">
	<input type="hidden" name="#file" value="<?=$domain_cfgfile;?>" />

That is from the settings page of my kvm plugin.


For plugin structure I took how gfjardim originally did docker.  I remove all the file declarations from the plg file and host them on github (rc.script, png, php page files, etc).  In the plg file the whole repository is downloaded in a tarball then extracted to emhttp.  No need to declare files or images. You can check out my apache, deluge or depreciated virtman plugin in my github.

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I have installed VirtualBox for the first time, and am trying to access it after installing the packages through the plugin successfully.


I have update the IP address to match my unraid server, but when I go to then I get the following error:


This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:vbox="http://www.virtualbox.org/">


<SOAP-ENV:Fault SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">


<faultstring>HTTP GET method not implemented</faultstring>




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I found out I need to install SimpleFeatures webserver, and phpVirtualBox.


I am trying to isntall SimpleFeatures webserver, I installed the plg file, but when I go to the GUI, see the following warning, and the status is stopped:


Warning: parse_ini_file(/var/local/emhttp/simpleFeatures.web.server.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/simpleFeatures.webServer/WEBsettings.php on line 11

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Almost none of the new plugins that I have installed for virtualbox are surviving a server re-boot except for Virtualbox plugin and Virtualbox Guest additions.


When I reboot, I lose Virtualbox install, and Virtualbox Extensions install, I lose Dynamix Webgui, Dynamix plugin control, and Dynamix web server.


All of the plg files are located in my flash drive under config/plugins, so I thought these would re-install every boot?


The weird thing is that while I do not see anything for dynamix in the menu or services, I still get the screen/GUI enhancements from Dynamix webGUI......  but there is no Web Server under Services for me to configure.



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Almost none of the new plugins that I have installed for virtualbox are surviving a server re-boot except for Virtualbox plugin and Virtualbox Guest additions.


When I reboot, I lose Virtualbox install, and Virtualbox Extensions install, I lose Dynamix Webgui, Dynamix plugin control, and Dynamix web server.


All of the plg files are located in my flash drive under config/plugins, so I thought these would re-install every boot?


The weird thing is that while I do not see anything for dynamix in the menu or services, I still get the screen/GUI enhancements from Dynamix webGUI......  but there is no Web Server under Services for me to configure.

You have probably installed Dynamix incorrectly. Only the webgui should be in the plugins folder. All other components belong in config/plugins. The webgui must install first or the other installs will fail. Things in config/plugins install after things in plugins. If this is not the problem, then post a syslog.
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I thought I had it correct, only Dynamix WebGUI is in my plugins folder, the rest is in config/plugins.


Sounds like I need to start from scratch with Dynamix, I will remove all the entries from plugins and config/plugins.


Can you tell me the proper steps to install, my goal is to have the Dynamix web server installed to support my virtualbox implementation.



I found instructions at https://github.com/bergware/dynamix for installation, this should resolve it, thanks!

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Dynamix is now surviving my server reboots, but my web server status is stopped, and I am getting an error in the web server log:


PHP Warning:  Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/extensions/gd.so' - libfreetype.so.6:  cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on Line 0


My web root directory is set the directory on my cache drive where phpVirtualBox is unzipped to.  I have renamed my webserver config file to config.php already, and in config.php I have set var $location = '' which is the ipaddress of my unraid server with the port specified in my VirtualBox plugin. 


I have also edited the dynamix.php.cfg to remove the ';' from extension=soap.so to enable soap.


What could be causing the web server log error?


Also, what should my vboxwebsrv HOST IP be set to in virtualbox plugin?  I have it set to my unraid IP address right now instead of the default

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I use cache drive.

Just make sure the location on the cache drive is cache only so it will not be moved.


Using an array data drive will slow the VM because any change (write) by the VM to the operating system will involve the parity drive.



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Hi all, I have been running this plugin for a while, and it's been great. I have hit some hardware issues and so I am giving my unraid box a bit of a spring clean. I am considering jumping to v6, as I have been sitting at v5.05 for a long time.


Question... what options are there for a webserver with v6? I am asking in this thread because the only reason I have ever bothered installing a webserver plugin was so as to run php virtualbox. It is ages since I did this, but I seem to recall that it was basically essential for setting up a vbox machine. What are those of you running v6 + virtualbox using for the webserver component? Or, if you are not using a webserver, what is the webless process for the initial setup of a virtual machine?



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Hi all, I have been running this plugin for a while, and it's been great. I have hit some hardware issues and so I am giving my unraid box a bit of a spring clean. I am considering jumping to v6, as I have been sitting at v5.05 for a long time.


Question... what options are there for a webserver with v6? I am asking in this thread because the only reason I have ever bothered installing a webserver plugin was so as to run php virtualbox. It is ages since I did this, but I seem to recall that it was basically essential for setting up a vbox machine. What are those of you running v6 + virtualbox using for the webserver component? Or, if you are not using a webserver, what is the webless process for the initial setup of a virtual machine?



There's a plugin for apache web server here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.msg310774.msg#310774.  For unRAID 6 there are also dockers for apps and kvm and xen for virtual machines.

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