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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Wow, awk is pretty impressive :)  I took a look at this file on my server:



And tweaked it slightly to pull data from impitool:


ipmitool sdr| awk -F \| 'BEGIN{cpu="-";mb="-";fan="-"}{if(/^CPU Temp/) cpu=$2*1; else if (/^MB Temp/) mb=$2*1; else if (/FRNT_FAN1/) fan=$2*1} END {print cpu,mb,fan}'


The only bummer is I don't see a way to redefine FRNT_FAN to "Array Fan" in ipmitool, so I had to hard code FRNT_FAN in the awk command.  That could complicate making this into a generic IPMI solution.


Also, do you have your stuff in github?  I found this, but it is a bit old:



I just wanted to add some more information related to this. Here are the readings from my Tyan 5512 based system:



# ipmitool sdr
CPU DTS value    | 28 degrees C      | ok
CPU below tmax   | 66 degrees C      | ok
PCI Area         | 25 degrees C      | ok
SAS Case         | 48 degrees C      | ok
CPU MOS Area     | 24 degrees C      | ok
Ambient          | disabled          | ns
DIMMA0           | 22 degrees C      | ok
DIMMA1           | disabled          | ns
DIMMB0           | 23 degrees C      | ok
DIMMB1           | disabled          | ns
CPU Vcore        | 1.07 Volts        | ok
3.3V             | 3.29 Volts        | ok
5V               | 5.09 Volts        | ok
12V              | 12.19 Volts       | ok
VBAT             | 3.36 Volts        | ok
Sys.1(CPU)       | 1980 RPM          | ok
Sys.2(Front 1)   | no reading        | ns
Sys.3(Front 2)   | no reading        | ns
Sys.4(Rear 1)    | no reading        | ns
Sys.5(Rear 2)    | no reading        | ns
Sys.6            | no reading        | ns
Sys.7            | no reading        | ns
Sys.8            | no reading        | ns
Sys.9            | no reading        | ns
Sys.10           | no reading        | ns
PSU1 Present     | Not Readable      | ns
PSU2 Present     | Not Readable      | ns


And Sensors output to compare against, where I reconfigured the labels of the coretemp values so they would show up on the dashboard.

# sensors
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1:        +27.8 C  (crit = +95.0 C)
temp2:        +29.8 C  (crit = +95.0 C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
MB Temp:      +28.0 C  (high = +74.0 C, crit = +94.0 C)
Core 0:       +24.0 C  (high = +74.0 C, crit = +94.0 C)
Core 1:       +25.0 C  (high = +74.0 C, crit = +94.0 C)
CPU Temp:     +26.0 C  (high = +74.0 C, crit = +94.0 C)
Core 3:       +23.0 C  (high = +74.0 C, crit = +94.0 C)


 #ipmitool sdr| awk -F \| 'BEGIN{cpu="-";mb="-";fan="-"}{if(/^CPU DTS value/) cpu=$2*1; else if (/^CPU MOS Area/) mb=$2*1; else if (/Sys.1\(CPU\)/) fan=$2*1} END {print cpu,mb,fan}'
28 24 1980

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I'm looking to get Dynamix on unRAID 6, but have no idea where to start and have search everywhere for an answer.  Can someone point me in the right direction?


Dynamix UI is built in to the latest available unRAID v6. You do not need to do anything.

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Auto Fan script is also not working for me. Shows PWM Controller as none, detect buttons do nothing.


I have an X8SIL-F supermicro motherboard.


ls -la `dirname $(find /sys/devices -iname "fan*_input")`



ls -la `dirname $(find /sys/devices -iname "pwm[0-9]")`



Have attached output of the above commands


Thanks. I've patched this a while ago, just waiting bonienl to release the update.


I will release a update soon.


Soon is not that soon. 

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I would like to request a few things, hopefully before v6 goes final, but whenever you have time.


When viewing a support post, saw there was a need for a SMART report, and went looking, found nice options for viewing various SMART report sections but no way to download a complete SMART report.  I imagine it's already on your to-do list, but a button to download it would be nice, listed with the other SMART options.  I suggest a file to download named "smart_modelname_timestamp.txt", zipping is not necessary.  (A file name without any spaces *may* be a little more trouble free for the newest users.)


I went looking for a way to download the syslog and finally found it at the bottom of the Tools/syslog.  May I please request that the button be moved to the very top, immediately visible to any user?  It is nicely implemented, saves a "syslog.zip" locally, containing a "syslog.txt" with DOS friendly line endings, easy for users to attach and easy for helpers to analyze.  The only improvement I could suggest is adding a timestamp to the "syslog.txt" file name, eg. "syslog_20150331.txt".


My biggest request though is an enhanced download for troubleshooting purposes, a zipped file containing the syslog, a SMART report for EVERY drive that it can see (in or out of the array), and possibly other diagnostic and log files.  Name it something like "servername_timestamp.zip", and add it to the Tools buttons, as something like "Download Diagnostics" or "Troubleshooting".  In addition to the syslog and all SMART reports, I would like to see (when you have time to consider it) a text file included (name it "Main.txt"?) that is a text version of the Main screen, containing the same complete layout of all drives and their numbers and status indicators.  Include all columns but the View column, and use 3 letter codes for the ball colors (Red, Blu, Grn, Gry, Yel, Ong, etc).  By the way, it would be nice to be able to call for the generation of this report from the command line, on those rare occasions when network access is lost, but you still have a working console.


Edit: just realized this may not be the right place for this post. Sorry. Will move it where you suggest.

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Hi guys,

I am just testing the balance-rr feature at a customer and got that working with amazing speed!

An observation I did is that the Dashboard shows 75-76% cpu usage, but the stats plugin shows 5-7%, plus the network in stats only shows 400Mbit but the clients computers did receive data with between 100MB-120MB speeds. (Full gigabit speed)

Before I did enable the balance-rr the measurements looked good, could this be a bug in the dashboard or the stats plugin maybe?





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With the release of unRAID v6-beta12 are now a number of optional Dynamix plugins available as well.


The method to install an optional plugin is from the Plugin page in the WebGui and use the tab Install Pugin. The URLs of the optional plugins as mentioned below can be copied and pasted in the install box.


Note that you can not mix V5 and V6 Dynamix plugins, these are not compatible. Do not install plugins by copying the PLG files directly into the plugins folder.

Active Streams    - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.active.streams.plg

Cache Dirs        - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.cache.dirs.plg

S3 Sleep          - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.s3.sleep.plg

System Info      - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.info.plg

System Stats      - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.stats.plg

System Temp      - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.temp.plg

System AutoFan    - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.autofan.plg

So what about the other plugins ?


Both Disk Health and Email Notifications are already integrated in v6b12. These won't be available as separate plugins.


The DNS server and Web server plugins should in the future be offered as a Docker image, to stay inline with the guidelines of Limetech.


Hope you enjoy all the new versions and their improvements.


I need some help these wont install and I believe I have remnants of V5 stuff in my plugins folders I have been running V6 14B for awhile and it works fine other than trying to get plugins or docker stuff running which I cannot get either or working.


Basically I am an all stock setup and want to straighten out my plugins folder to stock can someone point me in the right direction of what files and folders need to be in the boot/config/plugins so when i start over / delete stuff I can still get to the web gui / dynamix in 14B and install a plugin..


thanks for your help in advance


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You might want to read this thread:




Many people are recommending, reformatting your Flash Drive and starting over.  Otherwise, you (Yourself-- all alone) will have to figure out exactly what what is currently on your Flash drive and what has to be removed.  In my opinion, most people will be better off, figuring out what they want (and need) on their system and install those packages again if necessary.  Plus, most of the version 5 stuff just plain doesn't work right on ver 6!

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You might want to read this thread:




Many people are recommending, reformatting your Flash Drive and starting over.  Otherwise, you (Yourself-- all alone) will have to figure out exactly what what is currently on your Flash drive and what has to be removed.  In my opinion, most people will be better off, figuring out what they want (and need) on their system and install those packages again if necessary.  Plus, most of the version 5 stuff just plain doesn't work right on ver 6!


Hi Frank - I know whats on the flash drive and what files are in every folder on the drive....


My question is this -

1. Can I delete all of the items in the Plugins folder or will it hurt Dynamix for V6 B14 (which is built into V6 B14)

2. Then i SHOULD be able to install plugins and get Dockers working etc - In theory!

3.  I looked at your guide and # 4 says - 4.  Now copy the contents of the 'config' directory from your back up of version 5 that you made earlier to the  version 6 Flash Drive.  (You will have to grant permission to overwrite some of the files that are on the Flash drive!) Delete the 'plugins' and 'SimpleFeatures' folders if they exist. 

4. Do i delete the plugins folder or whats in the plugins folder?- I believe just whats in the plugins folder - Again just dont want to hurt Dynamix thats built into V6B14 (Question 1) then i will not be able to see the server from my Win7 machine...




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You might want to read this thread:




Many people are recommending, reformatting your Flash Drive and starting over.  Otherwise, you (Yourself-- all alone) will have to figure out exactly what what is currently on your Flash drive and what has to be removed.  In my opinion, most people will be better off, figuring out what they want (and need) on their system and install those packages again if necessary.  Plus, most of the version 5 stuff just plain doesn't work right on ver 6!


Hi Frank - I know whats on the flash drive and what files are in every folder on the drive....


My question is this -

1. Can I delete all of the items in the Plugins folder or will it hurt Dynamix for V6 B14 (which is built into V6 B14)

2. Then i SHOULD be able to install plugins and get Dockers working etc - In theory!

3.  I looked at your guide and # 4 says - 4.  Now copy the contents of the 'config' directory from your back up of version 5 that you made earlier to the  version 6 Flash Drive.  (You will have to grant permission to overwrite some of the files that are on the Flash drive!) Delete the 'plugins' and 'SimpleFeatures' folders if they exist. 

4. Do i delete the plugins folder or whats in the plugins folder?- I believe just whats in the plugins folder - Again just dont want to hurt Dynamix thats built into V6B14 (Question 1) then i will not be able to see the server from my Win7 machine...





Assuming you have a VIRGIN ver 6 'config' folder, the only things that I copied over were the files in the root of the 'config' folder and the 'shares' folder.  When I boot up the Flash drive, all of the basic server services were running with proper server name, IP address, user shares, all SMB and NFS settings.  Everything!  What wasn't there were some of the functions that had been added by the plugins that I had installed.  Many of those are available in the two links in steps 8 and 9.  Many other functions that used to be provided by plugins are now provided by Docker containers.  (I don't (and have never) used any of these types of plugins so I had no need to install any Docker containers at this point.)


In retrospect, I believe I will go back and revise the instructions to more fully explain exactly what I did.  I was attempting to follow closely what Limetech had proposed and I can now see where that is going to present a problem! 



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You might want to read this thread:




Many people are recommending, reformatting your Flash Drive and starting over.  Otherwise, you (Yourself-- all alone) will have to figure out exactly what what is currently on your Flash drive and what has to be removed.  In my opinion, most people will be better off, figuring out what they want (and need) on their system and install those packages again if necessary.  Plus, most of the version 5 stuff just plain doesn't work right on ver 6!


Hi Frank - I know whats on the flash drive and what files are in every folder on the drive....


My question is this -

1. Can I delete all of the items in the Plugins folder or will it hurt Dynamix for V6 B14 (which is built into V6 B14)

2. Then i SHOULD be able to install plugins and get Dockers working etc - In theory!

3.  I looked at your guide and # 4 says - 4.  Now copy the contents of the 'config' directory from your back up of version 5 that you made earlier to the  version 6 Flash Drive.  (You will have to grant permission to overwrite some of the files that are on the Flash drive!) Delete the 'plugins' and 'SimpleFeatures' folders if they exist. 

4. Do i delete the plugins folder or whats in the plugins folder?- I believe just whats in the plugins folder - Again just dont want to hurt Dynamix thats built into V6B14 (Question 1) then i will not be able to see the server from my Win7 machine...





Assuming you have a VIRGIN ver 6 'config' folder, the only things that I copied over were the files in the root of the 'config' folder and the 'shares' folder.  When I boot up the Flash drive, all of the basic server services were running with proper server name, IP address, user shares, all SMB and NFS settings.  Everything!  What wasn't there were some of the functions that had been added by the plugins that I had installed.  Many of those are available in the two links in steps 8 and 9.  Many other functions that used to be provided by plugins are now provided by Docker containers.  (I don't (and have never) used any of these types of plugins so I had no need to install any Docker containers at this point.)


In retrospect, I believe I will go back and revise the instructions to more fully explain exactly what I did.  I was attempting to follow closely what Limetech had proposed and I can now see where that is going to present a problem!


Frank its not Virgin - I came from 4.7 Pro - 5.xx and Now 6 B14, So I have included a couple screen shots of my flash drive...


1. Inside the config folder

2. Inside the config/plugins folder


I would like to start over so i can get some plugins or dockers working but dont want to delete something in the plugins folder that might keep me from accessing the server from my windows pc..



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Frank its not Virgin - I came from 4.7 Pro - 5.xx and Now 6 B14, So I have included a couple screen shots of my flash drive...


1. Inside the config folder

2. Inside the config/plugins folder


I would like to start over so i can get some plugins or dockers working but dont want to delete something in the plugins folder that might keep me from accessing the server from my windows pc..


First thing, did you make a backup of your Flash drive BEFORE you installed ver 6b14b?  A backup will allow to recover anything that you MIGHT need for ver 6.  But it is highly unlikely, you will need anything from ver 4.7 or ver 5.0.X plugins folder in ver 6!  Most of those plugins either don't work or cause problems when used with ver 6!


Second thing, if your answer was "No", make the backup NOW.


Third thing, Ver 6 appears to the outside world exactly the same as ver 5.0.X. as far as access goes (I don't know about ver 4.7 as I never used it).  If you copy over the config files and 'shares' folder, everything will appear normal on your PC.  As I stated in the thread, the basic setup that had to be set up when you first install unRAID back when you first started with unRAID (Server name, password, IP address determination method, etc.) are all in those files.  Even your share share settings should be working.


Fourth thing, IF you should happen to have a problem.  you can always reformat the Flash again, restore that BACKUP that you were told to make and you will be right back to where you were before you reformatted your Flash drive to install ver 6.


Fifth thing, I see an 'ssh' folder in your 'config' folder.  I know what ssh is but I have never seen the need for it so I am totally unfamiliar with its implementation requirements and software that has to be installed to run it. You will have to look elsewhere for an answer to questions about ssh if it absolutely necessary that it be installed whenever your server is on line.



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Frank its not Virgin - I came from 4.7 Pro - 5.xx and Now 6 B14, So I have included a couple screen shots of my flash drive...


1. Inside the config folder

2. Inside the config/plugins folder


I would like to start over so i can get some plugins or dockers working but dont want to delete something in the plugins folder that might keep me from accessing the server from my windows pc..


First thing, did you make a backup of your Flash drive BEFORE you installed ver 6b14b?  A backup will allow to recover anything that you MIGHT need for ver 6.  But it is highly unlikely, you will need anything from ver 4.7 or ver 5.0.X plugins folder in ver 6!  Most of those plugins either don't work or cause problems when used with ver 6!


Second thing, if your answer was "No", make the backup NOW.


Third thing, Ver 6 appears to the outside world exactly the same as ver 5.0.X. as far as access goes (I don't know about ver 4.7 as I never used it).  If you copy over the config files and 'shares' folder, everything will appear normal on your PC.  As I stated in the thread, the basic setup that had to be set up when you first install unRAID back when you first started with unRAID (Server name, password, IP address determination method, etc.) are all in those files.  Even your share share settings should be working.


Fourth thing, IF you should happen to have a problem.  you can always reformat the Flash again, restore that BACKUP that you were told to make and you will be right back to where you were before you reformatted your Flash drive to install ver 6.


Fifth thing, I see an 'ssh' folder in your 'config' folder.  I know what ssh is but I have never seen the need for it so I am totally unfamiliar with its implementation requirements and software that has to be installed to run it. You will have to look elsewhere for an answer to questions about ssh if it absolutely necessary that it be installed whenever your server is on line.


Frank I made a backup on every upgrade because of paranoia while upgrading, Made another one last night and tried a test


1. backed up flash drive

2. reformatted flash drive

3. copied over all from the backup

4. Deleted all the plugins in the plugin folder

5. run the make bootable

6. install flash drive and boot up server


Boots fine and all parity etc shares all fine, went to the flash drive and it added the dynamix folder per V6 B14 uses it now.. went to install one the plugins and it still will not install...  I have included a screen shot of whats happening.... could it be that the server DNS settings are wrong?  see the screen shot its like it downloads i guess ... I click done and nothing , I check the plugins nothing in there for the required plugin, I click the update button 1- 2 times nothing happens... 


I am confused.... :-\


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Frank its not Virgin - I came from 4.7 Pro - 5.xx and Now 6 B14, So I have included a couple screen shots of my flash drive...


1. Inside the config folder

2. Inside the config/plugins folder


I would like to start over so i can get some plugins or dockers working but dont want to delete something in the plugins folder that might keep me from accessing the server from my windows pc..


First thing, did you make a backup of your Flash drive BEFORE you installed ver 6b14b?  A backup will allow to recover anything that you MIGHT need for ver 6.  But it is highly unlikely, you will need anything from ver 4.7 or ver 5.0.X plugins folder in ver 6!  Most of those plugins either don't work or cause problems when used with ver 6!


Second thing, if your answer was "No", make the backup NOW.


Third thing, Ver 6 appears to the outside world exactly the same as ver 5.0.X. as far as access goes (I don't know about ver 4.7 as I never used it).  If you copy over the config files and 'shares' folder, everything will appear normal on your PC.  As I stated in the thread, the basic setup that had to be set up when you first install unRAID back when you first started with unRAID (Server name, password, IP address determination method, etc.) are all in those files.  Even your share share settings should be working.


Fourth thing, IF you should happen to have a problem.  you can always reformat the Flash again, restore that BACKUP that you were told to make and you will be right back to where you were before you reformatted your Flash drive to install ver 6.


Fifth thing, I see an 'ssh' folder in your 'config' folder.  I know what ssh is but I have never seen the need for it so I am totally unfamiliar with its implementation requirements and software that has to be installed to run it. You will have to look elsewhere for an answer to questions about ssh if it absolutely necessary that it be installed whenever your server is on line.


Frank I made a backup on every upgrade because of paranoia while upgrading, Made another one last night and tried a test


1. backed up flash drive

2. reformatted flash drive

3. copied over all from the backup

4. Deleted all the plugins in the plugin folder

5. run the make bootable

6. install flash drive and boot up server


Boots fine and all parity etc shares all fine, went to the flash drive and it added the dynamix folder per V6 B14 uses it now.. went to install one the plugins and it still will not install...  I have included a screen shot of whats happening.... could it be that the server DNS settings are wrong?  see the screen shot its like it downloads i guess ... I click done and nothing , I check the plugins nothing in there for the required plugin, I click the update button 1- 2 times nothing happens... 


I am confused.... :-\


I am as well.  In your step three.  What did you copy over?  I have suggested to you two or three times, exactly what to copy from the config folder.  You should definitely not be copying any other folders outside of the 'config' folder. 


You evidently have used S3 sleep in the past.  I doubt if an earlier version plugin will work for ver 6.  If you have any pieces left of S3 sleep left from ver 5, it could well prevent the Dynamix of S3 for ver 6 from installing. 


The big problem that many people are going to have is that in earlier version of unRAID there were several places that plugins could be  installed from.  Tracking them where things are is not something that is easy to do from afar.  That is why is the recommendation to install ver 6 to a newly formatted Flash drive by copying the files to that Flash drive from the download of the zipped file download for ver 6.  The instructions then recommend copying as few files as possible to get the server running in its basic NAS function.


You may well have some other issue.  But until you have the only the base OS installed, you are going find that most people will be unable to assist you. 


Can you install any other plugins?  Or is your problem limited to the S3 plugin?  I also know that some plugins take quite some time to download and install.  But I seem to recall that the 'Done' button didn't pop-up until after everything has completed.  Perhaps, bonienl will take a quick look at your screen shots and make  some comment...

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The screenshot ends with a failure in wget (download failed). Check that your internet connection is working properly (DNS and IP settings).


As a piece of information, I had to turn off the "Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically:" (on the 'NetworkSettings' page) at some point in the distant past and enter The IP addresses for a couple of IP addresses of DNS servers.  (Probably because I have set Static IP addresses for both my servers.)  You could easily use the Google DNS servers:


The Google Public DNS IP addresses (IPv4) are as follows:


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The screenshot ends with a failure in wget (download failed). Check that your internet connection is working properly (DNS and IP settings).


I looked at screenshot of the display and there is not evident to me (or the OP) that anything had failed.  Could you look at modifying the 'Install Plugin' app to indicate an "install failure" if any installation should failed for any reason?  If you could provide the reason that could be an even a better solution...

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