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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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When you toggle the setting Fan control function between enabled and disabled, it should start/stop autofan at the same time.


That doesn't appear to work for me.  Toggling the function to disabled changes the status to 'Stopped' (with an appropriate syslog entry), but toggling back to enabled does nothing.


After toggling to 'enabled' in the webgui:

root@Tower:~# ps -eaf | grep autofan
root      8483  9726  0 17:56 pts/0    00:00:00 grep autofan
root@Tower:~# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/scripts/rc.autofan start
autofan started
root@Tower:~# ps -eaf | grep autofan
root      8948     1  0 17:57 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/scripts/autofan -c /sys/devices/platform/nct6775.2608/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm2 -f /sys/devices/platform/nct6775.2608/hwmon/hwmon2/fan2_input -l 65 -t 36 -T 42 -m 1
root      9020  9726  0 17:57 pts/0    00:00:00 grep autofan

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you toggle the setting Fan control function between enabled and disabled, it should start/stop autofan at the same time.


I am having this issue as well.


I tried digging into the code also, but I literally just built my first unraid build a day ago and not familiar with it yet.


On the side note is there a tutorial/getting started guide for unraid plugin devs? or at least something that describes the structure of plugins?

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I just installed the AutoFan plugin. I think I didn't have such good luck with it previously, but need something to monitor or keep an eye on my CPU fan's RPM. Strangely I woke up this morning with the system power off. I never power it off. So I powered it back on and the bios message on the console was CPU FAN ERROR or something. I think I have the bios monitoring my fans, so if they dip too low the board itself will perform a shutdown. I'll have to see if this can monitor my CPU fan. If it can and works, then I'll turn off the bios monitor. Don't want them conflicting with one another. Or just remove AutoFan plugin and let the motherboard's built-in monitoring do it's job. It doesn't need software to work.


EDIT: The AutoFan settings page does indicate STOPPED. But when I view my dashboard I see a couple fans there and their RPM's are moving up and down. After a reboot, it will indicate RUNNING, but when changing settings on the WebGUI it won't read "RUNNING" again. I also don't see all the PWM fans in my system. I've tried "detecting" on all that's there but doesn't seem to like what I have maybe. Starting to install too many plugins. Can't tell what is native or has been added. I'm sure lots of users have a lot more, I have 16 plugins.

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... Can't tell what is native or has been added. I'm sure lots of users have a lot more, I have 16 plugins.

The Plugins page says "built-in" in the last column for "native" plugins. There are only 2. Added plugins have a checkbox that enables a remove button.


Darn. I always miss the obvious. I just noticed the Dynamax webgui plugin says "no update" and all the others say "Up-to-date". Is that for a reason?

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Hi bonienl,


i have a "big" problem with the Sleep-Plugin. I installed "System-Button" and now my Sleep-Settings are not working anymore.

When i send the machine to sleep, it goes to sleep and after 3sek, it came back and all Disks are running.

I deinstalled the System-Button Plugin, but sleep is no longer working  :-[

It seems i have to reinstall the whole unraid or is there any suggestion, what i can do before i reinstall?

I need help for this please!



EDIT: I found a Folder called "plugins-uninstalled" and removed it.

I removed also "all other" Dynamix Plugins and reinstalled it again.

After some reboots, the server is now working again - strange behavior  :o

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Just installed the system temp and system stats plugins. The latter works fine but the sensors one doesn't work.


I click detect, it gets 'coretemp jc42', hit save. Options for sensors come up - select my CPU temp and MB temp (both showing temps) - hit save and then the sensor selection goes blank!


I get an error 'Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 4: undeclared bus ID referenced' over and over in the console.


X10SLL-F Supermicro.


I'll try the method listed a few pages back later, but whatever this issue is needs to be fixed for ease of use!

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Just installed the system temp and system stats plugins. The latter works fine but the sensors one doesn't work.


I click detect, it gets 'coretemp jc42', hit save. Options for sensors come up - select my CPU temp and MB temp (both showing temps) - hit save and then the sensor selection goes blank!


I get an error 'Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 4: undeclared bus ID referenced' over and over in the console.


X10SLL-F Supermicro.


I'll try the method listed a few pages back later, but whatever this issue is needs to be fixed for ease of use!


It does work for most, so there must be something unusual about your board.  You can help him by providing the contents of that sensors.conf, and do a sensors-detect and provide its recommendations.  Try to download the latest sensors detect script.

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Just installed the system temp and system stats plugins. The latter works fine but the sensors one doesn't work.


I click detect, it gets 'coretemp jc42', hit save. Options for sensors come up - select my CPU temp and MB temp (both showing temps) - hit save and then the sensor selection goes blank!


I get an error 'Error: File /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf, line 4: undeclared bus ID referenced' over and over in the console.


X10SLL-F Supermicro.


I'll try the method listed a few pages back later, but whatever this issue is needs to be fixed for ease of use!


You only need to press save once, to store the driver information (names are displayed in the box).


After selecting the sensors, press Apply and all should work.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just installed the plug in Cachedirs from the plug-in's page and the option does show up now in the settings area. But why does it not show up in installed plug-in's area in case I ever wanted to remove it from the GUI permanently? Once the plug-in is installed shouldn't it show up in the list of installed plug-in's? How would I uninstall this feature easily if I decide I don't even want it in my install? Thank you...

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