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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Since we're sort of on the subject of the Dynamix webUI instead of any of these other plugins, is there anything that can be done about the "adblocker" problem that has spawned so many threads recently? This has never been a problem for me since I have always had my server whitelisted, but it seems to be a new problem for many so I don't think it has always been this way.

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Since we're sort of on the subject of the Dynamix webUI instead of any of these other plugins, is there anything that can be done about the "adblocker" problem that has spawned so many threads recently? This has never been a problem for me since I have always had my server whitelisted, but it seems to be a new problem for many so I don't think it has always been this way.

IIRC, the html naming of the tables changed on 6.1.6 which caused all of this.  I'm actually rather surprised that 6.1.7 didn't fix it (if I'm recalling correctly)
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Just updated to the new webgui and with the unassigned devices plugin installed, the webgui created the default unassigned devices page so there is now the default one and the unassigned devices plugin page.  I had to uninstall the unassigned devices plugin and reinstall to clean it up.


Any suggestions on how we can make this update work cleaner?


For me it broke two other plugins but both were fixed by uninstalling them and then reinstalling. They were the Dynamix SSD Trim plugin, which disappeared from the Settings - Scheduler page, and the Dynamix Local Master plugin, which added the following error message to the syslog every minute:


Jan 23 20:08:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null
Jan 23 20:09:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null
Jan 23 20:10:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null


Thanks for the headsup. Don't have an SSD but had to re-install Local Master.

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Since we're sort of on the subject of the Dynamix webUI instead of any of these other plugins, is there anything that can be done about the "adblocker" problem that has spawned so many threads recently? This has never been a problem for me since I have always had my server whitelisted, but it seems to be a new problem for many so I don't think it has always been this way.

It seems to be an issue that could be dealt with one of two ways. 1st, change the web coding that is triggering the adblocker (not likely, or it probably would have already been done) or 2nd, code a "please disable your adblocker" message if one is detected.
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Since we're sort of on the subject of the Dynamix webUI instead of any of these other plugins, is there anything that can be done about the "adblocker" problem that has spawned so many threads recently? This has never been a problem for me since I have always had my server whitelisted, but it seems to be a new problem for many so I don't think it has always been this way.

It seems to be an issue that could be dealt with one of two ways. 1st, change the web coding that is triggering the adblocker (not likely, or it probably would have already been done) or 2nd, code a "please disable your adblocker" message if one is detected.


The non-display of the user shares is the most obvious example where adblockers interfere, but there are other examples too. The Dockers log not showing content, the system log not appearing, and perhaps more but people don't realize (yet). A lot of content is dynamically fetched in the background using AJAX, this is a very different approach from the 'static' pages in earlier unRAID versions and it is impossible to tell upfront whether it works with any adblocker out there (e.g. I am using AdMuncher but NEVER had the issue of the non-display of user shares).


Adblockers sometimes do interfere with web sites, this here is no exception. In short to guarantee a good working GUI it needs to be whitelisted when adblockers are used.


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I've created an adblocker detection and put a warning when found active.

Great idea, but can I suggest that you change the message slightly to say that the unRAID server should be whitelisted rather than the specific page?


Also if feedback suggests this is working well maybe it should be made a popup so it is more 'in-your-face and harder to ignore?

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I've created an adblocker detection and put a warning when found active.

Great idea, but can I suggest that you change the message slightly to say that the unRAID server should be whitelisted rather than the specific page?


Also if feedback suggests this is working well maybe it should be made a popup so it is more 'in-your-face and harder to ignore?


I changed the text to Adblocker detected. Please whitelist this unRAID server. Better?


People can choose to ignore the warning, which stays visible all the time, but when it is a popup it will be very irritating.


There is no 100% guarantee that all adblockers are detected. The detection works by placing some "bait" on the page and check its removal, not every adblocker will take that.


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Just updated to the new webgui and with the unassigned devices plugin installed, the webgui created the default unassigned devices page so there is now the default one and the unassigned devices plugin page.  I had to uninstall the unassigned devices plugin and reinstall to clean it up.


Any suggestions on how we can make this update work cleaner?


For me it broke two other plugins but both were fixed by uninstalling them and then reinstalling. They were the Dynamix SSD Trim plugin, which disappeared from the Settings - Scheduler page, and the Dynamix Local Master plugin, which added the following error message to the syslog every minute:


Jan 23 20:08:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null
Jan 23 20:09:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null
Jan 23 20:10:01 Lapulapu crond[1493]: exit status 127 from user root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null


Thanks for the headsup. Don't have an SSD but had to re-install Local Master.


It looks as though the issue is cron related. My Dynamix File Integrity plugin didn't run its automatic check this morning. I've just reset the schedule for two minutes into the future and waited but it still didn't run. Another re-install needed, I suppose.


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Try a later version of sensors-detect.  The website looks like its completely defunct, but you can get the latest version here:




Awesome, that helped. thanks.


Some of my sensors seem to be reporting 127 degrees C, but it seems like that may be a common issue from googling around on sensors that may not exist or something along those lines.



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Dynamix Local Master: I've got a strange display issue on the plugins page. See attached picture. Chrome inspect shows: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (File not found). The image does show correctly at the top of the page.


working fine in mine (v2015.12.30). Try deleting cache?

That's not the current version of the plugin. There is a new one 2016.01.24. I have the same issue with the icon on the Plugins page. Don't know if it also affects where that icon gets displayed elsewhere in the UI since my router is my Local Master.
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Dynamix Local Master: I've got a strange display issue on the plugins page. See attached picture. Chrome inspect shows: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (File not found). The image does show correctly at the top of the page.


working fine in mine (v2015.12.30). Try deleting cache?

That's not the current version of the plugin. There is a new one 2016.01.24. I have the same issue with the icon on the Plugins page. Don't know if it also affects where that icon gets displayed elsewhere in the UI since my router is my Local Master.


Now updated to latest and icon is displayed for me. Source: http://tower/webGui/icons/localmaster.png


One odd thing, update altered my settings for "Monitor local master election" disabling it.

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One odd thing, update altered my settings for "Monitor local master election" disabling it.


Same here. It works properly now that I've enabled it again though.


I had the a problem with the pplugin not desplaying the



Monitor local master election:  
Current elected master:  

Settings lines in the "Setting"  "SMB"  "Workgroup tab.


uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin fixed that issue.  But the icon is still not showing up in the Plugin page. 

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uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin fixed that issue.  But the icon is still not showing up in the Plugin page.


It seems that the location of the little icon has changed. Previously it was




but now it's




and the change is causing a 404 File not found error on the Installed plugins tab of the Plugins page, though it is being displayed correctly to the left of Server in the top right corner.


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Hi all,


I am having a GUI issue with S3 Sleep. I am running UNRAID 6.1.7 and S3 Sleep 2015.12.14.


The unconditional sleep button that is usually on the "Main" tab of the GUI does not seem to exist. The Sleep Setting are on the "Settings" tab, but there is no unconditional sleep button on the "Main" tab.


Anyone else having this issue? My guess is that there is some conflict with the 6.1.7 update?

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Found 'bug' in s3sleep plugin - all my  systems won't shutdown with this plugin.


change s3_sleep script



system_down() {
  log "Shutdown system now"
# Perform a 'clean' powerdown



[b]  /usr/local/sbin/powerdown[/b]
exit 0



And auto-shutdown is worked :)




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The "Local Master" plugin has some problems.


First I did a normal update, but I didn't saw any icon in the "plugins/installed plugins" page.


I removed and reinstalled it, but it still doesn't want to display the icon in the "plugins/installed plugins" page.


When I want to see the icon (afbeelding bekijken) I get "" and "404 File not found".


Look at the .png file to see what I mean...





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Should I be using the fstrim plugin at all?


If you have an SSD drives as your Cache drive or multiple drives within a btrfs Cache Pool then I think it is a good idea.


Generally speaking an SSD drive has a spec'd limited number of writes (which of course will vary depending on the model and manufacturer) before they are expected to "wear out". One might argue that in a typical use case that the drive will be obsolete and replaced long before you EVER hit that number (as they are now so high) but hey ho, IMHO there is nothing wrong with a bit of preventative maintenance (especially when there is an unRAID plugin you can schedule to do it for you ;))


From what I have read there is some argument that it is not required due to the built in garbage collection that is built into the FW of modern drives (coupled with the idea of the unlikeliness of a typical user ever getting close to the maximum write threshold) BUT IMHO there seems to be a stronger argument that these garbage collection functions don't cut it and using TRIM on SSD's is advised and is really considered your first line of defence in prolonging the life of your SSD. I think TRIM essentially tells the SSD drive which blocks are no longer "being used" and can be internally erased. Which it then does. Little is it considered a problem anymore I believe that I don't even think I know of any nix OS that TRIM's SSD's by default despite how easy it would be to do so.


I am not sure how much you know but SSD drives write their data in blocks. AFAIK this means that lets say a block of x bits is written. To change one of the bits within that block, the whole block has to be written again not just the bit that has changed. So technically (and I am sure we could do the math) AFAIK that for each write (which as I point out from the OS POV might just be 1 bit residing within a block) the actual wear on the drive is equivalent to the size of the block where that 1 bit is contained not just the 1 bit that has itself changed. **


**Sorry to those who will no doubt pick up on what is a poor use of terminology here. Just trying to explain the principal as I understand it.


I found a snippet on wikipedia which explains what TRIM is better than I did above:


TRIM is a "command [that] allows an operating system to inform a solid-state drive (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer considered in use and can be wiped internally." In general, TRIM is the first line of defense in keeping your SSD alive. There is, of course, no sense in trying to enable TRIM if your hard disk does not support it.


Note that at the time of writing the plugin ONLY works on cache devices and not on any SSD that you might have in your Array (this is not officially supported ATM AFAIK) or if you have them mounted outside the Array (via the Unassigned Devces Plugin). If you have btrfs pool of SSD's the plugin will execute the command for the number of drives in the pool.


So, to answer your question, if you're using an SSD as your Cache drive or multiple drives within a btrfs Cache Pool and your SSD's support TRIM (and I have not seen a modern SSD that doesn't) YES - use the plugin which will schedule the running of fstrim at intervals that suit you. I run it once a day (as I know do others) at the end of each day at 11PM when the Server is unlikely to be used and prior to the Mover running and shooting everything over to the protected array  :)


P.S. Now I have finished I feel I seem to have got carried away and perhaps you already know all of this but if anything it helped me underpin my own knowledge to write this (assuming of course I am right). If not I guess there is a pending edit removing this for some text which says something along the lines "Post removed. Note to self Daniel, don't post while drinking red wine!  :)"

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Isn't it true that one reason for executing fstrim on an SSD is because before a block can be rewritten after the data is no longer required it has to be first erased, a process that is comparatively slow? If that's the case and you write to your cache sufficiently frequently to warrant a daily trim, wouldn't it be better to schedule the trim for after the mover has done its job, when there's the maximum number of blocks that need trimming?

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