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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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The S3 sleep plugin doesn't seem to work for me anymore.  I am guessing this is from the removal of powerdown from my system?


At first there was high network activity reported which is puzzling since there shouldn't have been any so I am not sure where that is reported from.  I turned off wait for network activity to be idle and now it tries to shutdown but nothing happens it looks like:


Just repeats this over and over:

Thu Sep 22 02:24:03 EDT 2016: Extra delay period running: 1 minute(s)

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Extra delay period running: 0 minute(s)

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Check TCP/SSH/TTY/IP activity

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Communication state is idle

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Shutdown system now

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: System woken-up. Reset timers

Thu Sep 22 02:26:03 EDT 2016: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Thu Sep 22 02:26:03 EDT 2016: Extra delay period running: 15 minute(s)

Thu Sep 22 02:27:03 EDT 2016: All monitored HDDs are spun down


I am using a shutdown not sleep as my MB doesn't support sleep


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The S3 sleep plugin doesn't seem to work for me anymore.  I am guessing this is from the removal of powerdown from my system?


At first there was high network activity reported which is puzzling since there shouldn't have been any so I am not sure where that is reported from.  I turned off wait for network activity to be idle and now it tries to shutdown but nothing happens it looks like:


Just repeats this over and over:

Thu Sep 22 02:24:03 EDT 2016: Extra delay period running: 1 minute(s)

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Extra delay period running: 0 minute(s)

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Check TCP/SSH/TTY/IP activity

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Communication state is idle

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: Shutdown system now

Thu Sep 22 02:25:03 EDT 2016: System woken-up. Reset timers

Thu Sep 22 02:26:03 EDT 2016: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Thu Sep 22 02:26:03 EDT 2016: Extra delay period running: 15 minute(s)

Thu Sep 22 02:27:03 EDT 2016: All monitored HDDs are spun down


I am using a shutdown not sleep as my MB doesn't support sleep


Have you changed the emhttp port from the default of 80?  Also, the builtin powerdown path is /usr/local/sbin/powerdown.

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I'm also using the S3 sleep plugin, prior to 6.2 it was working well. Upgraded my AMD FX based server and now notice sleeping the server is fine, no issues, but on wake (WOL) the GUI becomes inaccessible. Not sure if this is related to the plugin or not, any thoughts?


I do have network access once awake but see nothing in the log.

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I'm using bleeding edge Dynamix and when I look at the SystemProfile -> Ethernet I am seeing 5 occurrences of the bond0 information.  It appears to be 5 copies of the same information.


I have 4 VLANs and I suspect that the bond0 information is showing for the br0, br.1, br.2, br.3, and br.4.

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Having an issue with Network Settings on Dynamix bleeding edge.


I start with IP address assignment and Default gateway both set to automatic.


I change the IP address assignment to static and the IP address assignment and Default gateway both change to static.


I apply the settings and both are set to static.


I change the IP address assignment to automatic and the Default gateway stays at static.  I change it to automatic and apply the changes and it's fine.


I think the gateway should follow the IP address assignment when changed and not stay in a previous setting.


Kind of a minor issue, but if the gateway is not set right, Dockers will show needing an update because they can't phone home and other things will be a problem because unRAID can't reach the internet.

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It has been a while since I looked into the "autofan" plugin.


When time permits I see what I can do (maybe it is as easy as you suggest) or perhaps gfjardim may jump in, a great deal of work came from him!

... I have had a look myself and did some tests, so I will post a modified autofan script.

What it does is:

- detecting the SSD drives in the system

- exclude the SSD drives from the highest-temp-calculation

You might want to add an on-off-switch to allow the user to enable/disable this part.

Tested on my own system and it worked fine; however, I use 'SSD' to identify SSD-drives within the /dev/disk/by-id hive - and I am not sure, if this will work for all brands (works with sandisk SSD fine here).

I also tested, that the script works, if there is multiple SSDs in the system - they would all get excluded (if they can be detected propertly).


If the detection is not reliable enough, an alternative implementation would be to set the $ssds variable manually in the config, letting the user select the devices to exclude.

Hi bonienl, I know you're busy with latest GUI update implementation, just wanted to ask, if this could get either more testing or updated (maybe with an option) to the repo. Works fine for me, so I am personally fine with it, just have to overwrite it whenever I boot.

@johnnie.black, as you were interested too, would you like to test it? Simply rename attached file of OP to autofan and copy it into /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/scripts and restart the tool (e.g. update a setting in the GUI will restart it using the updated script).

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Since the upgrade to 6.2 stable (few days ago) my media server is not shutting down anymore automatically.

Manually shutting down and WOL'ing is fine.

The log says, something like:


All drives spundown.

Shutting down system.

System woken up. Resetting timers


Repeat ...


It seems to me the shutdown or powerdown script is not found / executed.

Please help, as the server is normally off, except when consuming content from it: movies, series, music.

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Thanks to Dynamix for (updating) the plugin - with the 2016.09.24 update at least the powerdown script is being executed, so shutdown works again.


However, even before this update (but since moving to Unraid 6.2 stable) it was / is not detecting the HDD's spinning. Even immediately after spinning up all drives, it says the all monitored drives are spun down.


The system checks all drives, except for the cache SSD's.

As you know the minimum time before spinning down is 15 minutes. So after spinning up it should at least take 15 minutes for them to spin down.



Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: killing s3_sleep process 18257

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: command-args=-C 2 -a -c -m 15 -e eth0 -N 0 -D 2

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: action mode=shutdown

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: check disks status=yes

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: check network activity=no

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: check active devices=no

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: check local login=no

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: check remote login=no


Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: version=3.0.4


Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: included disks=sdb sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk sdl sdm

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: excluded disks=sda sdc sdd

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: s3_sleep process ID 18509 started, To terminate it, type: s3_sleep -q

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Sep 25 12:13:34 Stacker s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 15 minute(s)

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker emhttp: Spinning up all drives...

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker emhttp: shcmd (370): /usr/sbin/hdparm -S0 /dev/sdc &> /dev/null


Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (56): spinup 0

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (57): spinup 1

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (58): spinup 2

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (59): spinup 3

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (60): spinup 4

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (61): spinup 5

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (62): spinup 6

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (63): spinup 7

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (64): spinup 8

Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker kernel: mdcmd (65): spinup 9


Sep 25 12:13:46 Stacker emhttp: shcmd (371): /usr/sbin/hdparm -S0 /dev/sdd &> /dev/null

Sep 25 12:14:34 Stacker s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Sep 25 12:14:34 Stacker s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 14 minute(s)

Sep 25 12:15:35 Stacker s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Sep 25 12:15:35 Stacker s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 13 minute(s)

Sep 25 12:16:35 Stacker s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Sep 25 12:16:35 Stacker s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 12 minute(s)

Sep 25 12:17:35 Stacker s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Sep 25 12:17:35 Stacker s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 11 minute(s)

Sep 25 12:18:35 Stacker s3_sleep: All monitored HDDs are spun down

Sep 25 12:18:35 Stacker s3_sleep: Extra delay period running: 10 minute(s)


Would you please have a look. Thanks.

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@johnnie.black, as you were interested too, would you like to test it? Simply rename attached file of OP to autofan and copy it into /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.autofan/scripts and restart the tool (e.g. update a setting in the GUI will restart it using the updated script).


I upgraded my board and unfortunately autofan doesn't work anymore, so can't test.

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System Buttons


On my Elite TV Server its display behaviour is fine, however on my Stacker Media Server its behavious is odd, meaning that the buttons are located below the main menu bar, with a white background on certain Tab(-Subtabs).


Both using Windows explorer and both with Tabbed Views.


This happens on the Tab(-Subtab): Dashboard, Shares-User Shares, Settings, Plugins-Installed Plugins, Apps-Installed Apps, Stats-Disk Stats and Tools.


It not a real problem; just annoying (to the nice layouts).



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Dynamix WebGui


On certain tabs the status bar at the bottom is not desiplayed correctly, where it is dropped out of view. This has been the case at least as of 6.1.9.


This happens on the Tabs: Main and VMs.


In itself not so important, except when stopping the array, it is impossible to follow what is going on, as part of the logging messages are invisible.


Would be nice if this could be fixed.

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Not 100% sure if this is a defect with Bleeding Edge or with the stock UI (not in the mood to diagnose it properly  ;) )


But, it appears that the dynamix webUI update available footer is not honoring the OS version checks.


I can manually edit /tmp/plugins/dynamix.plg, bump up the OS version AND the version tags , and I get the footer stating that an update is available for dynamix, when in fact I should not be seeing that.


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