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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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4 hours ago, Squid said:

Who decides what has value?  You?  Me?  If I decide what has value based upon my use cases there would be exactly 6 apps available in CA.

I remember last year when certain content creators were up in arms because CA was not the Wild West where anyone could submit anything and there was "too much control over CA exerted by a non-Limetech employee gatekeeper."


You just can't win can you? 


Something about not being able to please all the people all the time and having a thankless job. :)


I can find anything I need for unRAID in CA and it is good to have multiple options for certain containers.


Thanks for all you do to keep CA organized and useful.

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On 4/4/2022 at 11:10 AM, ijuarez said:

/mnt/cache/appdata was different from /mnt/user/appdata and that unraid somehow created the share even tho i told it that appdata was only on cache.

If /mnt/user/appdata was accessed when appdata wasn't cache-only, or cache wasn't mounted for some reason, then the files would be created on the array.


Changing a share to cache-only has no effect on existing files, and mover ignores cache-only shares.


Nothing can move open files, and appdata files are often open.


You can see how much of each disk each user share uses by clicking Compute... for the share on the User Shares page, or use the Compute All button.

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Hello, I am a newcomer to Unraid. My server ran wonderfully at first. But suddenly I also get this message:

Community Applications requires your server to have internet access. The most common cause of this failure is a failure to resolve DNS addresses. You can try and reset your modem and router to fix this issue, or set static DNS addresses (Settings - Network Settings) of and and try again.

Alternatively, there is also a chance that the server handling the application feed is temporarily down. See also this post for more information

Last JSON error Recorded: Syntax error.

I have already set the DNS server in my Fritzbox 7590 router to and Then I restarted everything. Unfortunately, this still does not help. Attached is my diagnostic file. Can you tell me what I can do? Or do I have to set up Unraid completely new?



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22 minutes ago, Boogie2005 said:

Hello, I am a newcomer to Unraid. My server ran wonderfully at first. But suddenly I also get this message:

Community Applications requires your server to have internet access. The most common cause of this failure is a failure to resolve DNS addresses. You can try and reset your modem and router to fix this issue, or set static DNS addresses (Settings - Network Settings) of and and try again.

Alternatively, there is also a chance that the server handling the application feed is temporarily down. See also this post for more information

Last JSON error Recorded: Syntax error.

I have already set the DNS server in my Fritzbox 7590 router to and Then I restarted everything. Unfortunately, this still does not help. Attached is my diagnostic file. Can you tell me what I can do? Or do I have to set up Unraid completely new?


home2008-diagnostics-20220413-1759.zip 91.01 kB · 0 downloads

I didn't see anything that would prevent you from getting to the internet.

can you open a terminal window and ping google or whatever.


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That doesn't look like it's getting through.  Should be more akin to 

PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from yyz12s08-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=117 time=14.7 ms

And to abort you hit CTRL-C and you should see

--- google.com ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.028/11.771/14.670/2.063 ms


This appears to be your router (or firewall) doing something.  If you don't get anywhere, create a new thread in General Support as this isn't strictly CA related

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1 minute ago, Boogie2005 said:

But the request never ends, runs endlessly.



The results that you posted show it's being "filtered"


Packet filtered is an ICMP response that indicates that the ping request was actively responded to with something other than icmp reply. Most likely cause is that the router, or some other router en-route rejected the request with icmp prohibited.


Your other option is to set static DNS addresses within Settings - Network Settings instead of the router. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 


receiving this error when trying to open the Apps tab


Ive enabled debugging but when I click on it, nothing happens, no zip file etc, its just a blank screen


What could be causing this?




Something really wrong went on during defaultSortOrder
Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

OS: 6.8.3 
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.4 Safari/605.1.15

<br /> <b>Warning</b>: require_once(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Translations.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>15</b><br /> <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Translations.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/emhttp') in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>15</b><br />

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7 minutes ago, Squid said:


6.8.3 is not supported by CA.  The lowest version of the OS it will use is 6.9.0  You should upgrade to 6.9.2



Any way of getting it to run on 6.8.3?


Had issues trying to upgrade and we think its the server IO board not working well with 6.9

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Today's update brings forth the basis for new features, namely an "Action Centre" (and yes that's spelled correctly, eh)




Anything that you have installed which is deprecated / blacklisted, or has an update available for it will appear here.  If there is nothing that meets the criteria, then Action Centre will not appear.

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21 hours ago, Squid said:

Today's update brings forth the basis for new features, namely an "Action Centre" (and yes that's spelled correctly, eh)

So about this new Action Centre... :) 

What exactly does it mean if an app is blacklisted?
For example the Collabora-CODE image is set as blacklisted with the reason it being a "Duplicated Template".
What does that mean?

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In that particular case, it's blacklisted because it is an exact duplicate of another template already (and still in) CA which means that it's no big deal


Let me play around with that scenario, as I never considered that anyone would ever have a blacklisted template actually installed.  But, there's other complications too -> CA never lets you install / reinstall a blacklisted app, so on previous apps it would never give you the option to reinstall it if need be.

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I did have another Collabora image installed previously (simply named Collabora) that complained for the same reason, it did have some problems recently that always required me to manually fix its container settings after an update, so I figured I might as well switch to the only other Collabora image CA showed me, Collabora-CODE. After disabling the old container, installing the new one based on the Collabora-CODE image and running it, I did try to remove the old container together with its image but it threw an error that the image was still in use and just removed the container, perhaps both images are based on the same docker image? Is that why it is marked for duplicated template?

But all in all I had no trouble switching to Collabora-CODE, despite it now being shown as blacklisted as well in the Action Centre.

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I consider a duplicate to be any 2 apps referring to the exact same dockerhub repository.  One or the other will get removed as there's no point in having them both in there to confuse users as to which to use since they're the same.


Try going back into Apps and see if it's still showing up now.  (If it is, try Apps again in a few more minutes -> you do have to reload the apps tab.  You can't simply stay in place)

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It was still flagging after a force reload in the browser.
Cleared cache and cookies and logged back in, the Action Centre still shows up with a warning sign, but clicking on it gives me a "No matching applications found" on the apps list and then boots me back to the Home screen, with the Action Centre now hidden. But everytime I switch tabs and return back to the Apps tab, it loads it with the Action Centre showing and blinking.

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