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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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Would it be possible to put a "Cancel" button on the updating apps window that shows when you first hit the Apps tab?


I'm on SLOW satellite internet, and occasionally I just click that tab by mistake, and I'm forced to watch the wheel spin for about a minute as punishment for my mistake  :-[

Can I get you to try something.  Download this to your flash drive https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2016.09.03d.txz


then from the console (or ssh)

rm -rf /tmp/community.applications
installpkg /boot/community.applications-2016.09.03d.txz

And then try hitting the apps page again.  Hopefully it will be significantly faster

Edit: changes released in 2016.09.04  Let me know if its better

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Hey Andy!!

I'm going to try and smile at that moniker, but truth be told I hate with a passion Andy.  Much prefer Andrew or Squid or even a$$hole

The Linuxserver.io znc container has been moved from the lsiodev repository to the main linuxserver repository. I only spotted today that it doesn't appear in CA any more.


A little birds tells me that there is some xml that needs to be updated to make it appear again!?



Nothing on my end ever needs to be done regarding updates to xml's.  The application feed (by Kode / hosted by lsio) handles everything automatically and is automatically updated every two hours.


If you happen to browse the categories looking for ZNC and its already installed, then you will not see it unless you either go to Installed Apps, or alternatively within the settings, you can turn off separating installed from not installed.


IE: I've checked, ZNC is indeed there and everything is working as is.


Sorry buddy ... no more abbreviations of your name! I should know better, I hate it with a passion when people call me Danny. Daniel or at a push Dan please!!


I've obviously misunderstood how the system works. When it was mentioned the "xml needs updating" I VERY wrongly assumed that this was a manual process and also that it was on your end. WRONG! Lol!


So I'll take this an opportunity to learn. Thanks for clarifying for me!!

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Check for an update in 5 minutes


Ah, you're back to the usual update schedule  ;)


If only unRaid could be on the Squid update schedule when it comes to bugs and security uodates.

CA has a couple of general rules:


#1 - The beta testers very rarely find anything wrong (nor do I when getting ready a release)

#2 - Make sure you're available immediately following a release for any inevitable bugs

#3 - Fix it (or work around it) immediately

#4 - Show stoppers (and the safari thing was a show stopper) get re-released immediately

#5 - Deal with the jokes about CA meaning Check Always, as when push comes to shove its one of the best supported and bug free plugins available. 


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Love the VM XML backup feature.  Great idea.


See.... it's not all negative.  ;)

I was originally planning on supporting danioj's VM backup script http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47986.0 but ultimately decided that while it does (at least according to the posts) work, it's not the proper way to make a backup of a VM, and decided to wait until LT integrates VM snapshots or the like into unRaid proper (its coming), and in the meantime, CA would still ultimately support that script via the custom stop and start commands in the backup settings.


That, and while I don't run VMs I do see a ton of people modifying their XMLs and since the XMLs are stored within a loopback image (probably on the cache drive), there really is no redundancy for all the messing around that it took for them to get everything working "just right"


The XMLs that I'm storing however are not a 100% exact copy.  They have been reformatted to utilize standard dos line endings so that should you ever need to restore them or investigate them any standard editor can be used to copy and paste the entries.


As is the same with the flash drive backup, any Restore operation will not include the xml's, but its a pretty simple operation to just add a VM (custom) and copy and paste the backup to a new VM.

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I have always went to the CA page via the CA icon on the plugins page. I now get the settings page. What methods do others use to get to CA? Or has a link broken/changed?

The Apps tab.  I changed the link on the Plugins Page to take you to the settings so as to be more consistent with how the other plugins work.  (and so that within CA proper, clicking Settings underneath CA (installed apps section) takes you to its settings and not itself
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Quick suggestion. The top right button is currently called "Update Applications". Instead of being ambiguous over what is actually being updated, why not call it "Update App List" or "Refresh App List" or something like that? Since your program does app backup and such, it's not a stretch to imagine the current button would literally update your installed applications.

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Would it be possible to put a "Cancel" button on the updating apps window that shows when you first hit the Apps tab?


I'm on SLOW satellite internet, and occasionally I just click that tab by mistake, and I'm forced to watch the wheel spin for about a minute as punishment for my mistake  :-[

Can I get you to try something.  Download this to your flash drive https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2016.09.03d.txz


then from the console (or ssh)

rm -rf /tmp/community.applications
installpkg /boot/community.applications-2016.09.03d.txz

And then try hitting the apps page again.  Hopefully it will be significantly faster

Edit: changes released in 2016.09.04  Let me know if its better


I saw the notification that Community Apps had been updated, so I tried opening it, and started counting.  I got to about 90 seconds, and the updating windows never went away.  I then realized it was running 9.3c (not 9.4), so I'll have to try again.


problem now is that it seems to have hung unRAID, so I'm still waiting, several minutes later, for it to release unRAID for me to work with.


Hopefully I don't need to reboot the server

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used Putty to shutdown -r now, and about 5 minutes later it finally rebooted.  I've updated to latest version of CA and it took 19 seconds for the dialog to go away.  I think this is an improvement, but I didn't really time the dialog before I reported last time, I just guessed at around 30 seconds.


I'm still running 6.1.9 if that matters.


Either way, it's not terrible, just an annoying reminder that my internet service sucks :(

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Quick suggestion. The top right button is currently called "Update Applications". Instead of being ambiguous over what is actually being updated, why not call it "Update App List" or "Refresh App List" or something like that? Since your program does app backup and such, it's not a stretch to imagine the current button would literally update your installed applications.

I've actually been thinking about hiding it altogether somehow (but still keeping it available) as there tends to be never a real reason to hit it)


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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Hi there,

I'm trying to modify the setting but I can't. I click on the apply button but nothing happens.

Everything was working before this version.

In case it helps, my system is doing a parity check after an unclean shutdown, I don't know it this could be.

What setting are you trying to change?  Seems to work perfectly for me when I vpn into the server


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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Hi there,

I'm trying to modify the settings but I can't. I click on the apply button but nothing happens.

Everything was working before this version.

In case it helps, my system is doing a parity check after an unclean shutdown, I don't know it this could be.

What setting are you trying to change?  Seems to work perfectly for me when I vpn into the server


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


Sorry Squid, I meant the backup setting. It saves nothing, 'Appdata Share', 'Save to disk #', etc. I click on 'Apply' but setting aren't saved.

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Hi there,

I'm trying to modify the settings but I can't. I click on the apply button but nothing happens.

Everything was working before this version.

In case it helps, my system is doing a parity check after an unclean shutdown, I don't know it this could be.

What setting are you trying to change?  Seems to work perfectly for me when I vpn into the server


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk


Sorry Squid, I meant the backup setting. It saves nothing, 'Appdata Share', 'Save to disk #', etc. I click on 'Apply' but setting aren't saved.

Post your diagnostics, but I'd hazard a guess that your flash drive is set to be readonly or something (Or you've got some "bread" errors in the logs).  Turn off the server and pop the flash into your computer and let it run its checks (chkdsk) against it.  Technically rebooting the server is also supposed to run these checks.
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I have the same issue as dheg on my system. I discovered the issue as I was going to blow my docker away due to the plex issue below.

I am correct in thinking that the restore tab should show the locations of the backups (previous ones) as that is blank too.


I've also lost access to my plea server. I did update to rc5 last night as well as apply the other plugin updates that came down.


I can't grab a diag file right now, will try and get it in the AM for you.

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I have the same issue as dheg on my system. I discovered the issue as I was going to blow my docker away due to the plex issue below.

I am correct in thinking that the restore tab should show the locations of the backups (previous ones) as that is blank too.


I've also lost access to my plea server. I did update to rc5 last night as well as apply the other plugin updates that came down.


I can't grab a diag file right now, will try and get it in the AM for you.

You guys are right.  Don't worry about the diags...
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One of the backup option fields isn't populating itself with a default value on the new settings.


Looks like all you have to do is select a value for Save Log To Flash and then everything should begin working.


I'll update tomorrow.


One of the problems with major rewrites is that you sometimes miss stuff  :'(


EDIT:  You also won't be able to set the days to keep backups, but that isn't the show stopper here, and can be set later

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More than once I have worked on some of my old code and went "why did I do it that way". After I break it by making it "better" then I remember why I did it that way.

I trust that the next time I decide to do a major rewrite, you'll be first in line to convince me to not do it...
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