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[Plugin] CA Fix Common Problems

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to install this plugin myself. kinda new to unsaid all together and having some issues with my transfers. i have found a few videos that show you going to he plugins page and simply "searching" for the plugins. but this is what i see on that page.




is that a feature that is only unlocked by the purchased version? 

or has it changed how you add plugins? 

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32 minutes ago, danz409 said:

I'm trying to install this plugin myself. kinda new to unsaid all together and having some issues with my transfers. i have found a few videos that show you going to he plugins page and simply "searching" for the plugins. but this is what i see on that page.




is that a feature that is only unlocked by the purchased version? 

or has it changed how you add plugins? 

You get everything for unraid by installing CA



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55 minutes ago, cybrnook said:

Community Applications


Think of it as the app store for unraid. It'll help you install plugins and Dockers with minimal input from your side. It automates the manual parts for you.

awsome. downloaded. found a couple of apps/plugins it wanted. installed SSD trim and i'm also going to try turbo write, hopefully that will fix my hitting a wall on transfer speeds. 2-3mbps is not acceptable. that's approaching 3 1/2 floppy territory. 

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Was Troubleshooting Mode removed? I'm not seeing where to activate it. Of course, I may have missed something!


edit: I did find a "mirror syslog to flash" option under Syslog Server, Did this replace troubleshooting mode? I think this will probobaly do what I need. I'm currently chasing random lockups/partial crashes where I lose network access and am having issues with it writing diagnostics to flash via console commands.


Edited by rodan5150
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  • 2 weeks later...

why doesn't the "exclude folders" work  when you run extended scan. I select several folders  click the exclude button it populates in the line.. and then when I click scan extended.. it goes right to scanning that folder on the array..  wanna skip it as it takes almost 24 hours to do extended scans and I know it has issues in that one folder but I wanna skip it for now


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ive done that and all it did was exit out of the to Settings page

but ill retry.. if doesn't work I gonna uninstall and reinstall  fix common plugin  and then hope it works then it also be nice if you could Cancel a Extended  Scan  that way you can start over 


I also posted in the main forum  I having issues that FIx common found..i wasn't sure if I was to post it here or there for the issues I found

Edited by comet424
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had to uninstall and reinstall the app...  that made it stick.. except  I guess when you install the app and goto it  it automatically scans all folders  so cant stop it  so I can skip that folder.. guess I gotta wait till tomorrow  now lol ugh.. need  a darn cancel  scan button lol

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@Squid do you happen to know what it means  root/root (/) 0     for the errors fix common problems app found..  I have tried 5 times in a row  Docker Safe Permissions and New Permissions   and still  gives me bunch of files I cant access it says  

and I tried to google but no one seems to have this issue


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24 minutes ago, comet424 said:

do you happen to know what it means  root/root (/) 0  

I need the context.  root/root as owner doesn't mean anything if the permissions still allow guest access (which is what unRaid's implementation means).

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not sure what you mean.. I did post in the general  8 hours ago i posted the file names...   it is guest..  as I don't have any secure folders I having issues if I do make a user other the root and use Secure for the folders windows gives me issues of not the right permissions..  so I have everything to guest and read and write...so im not 100% sure what you mean



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Enhancement Request: Check for non-reduntant btrfs cache pools.

I thought I was doing good making my cache redundant with a btrfs raid1 until one drive had a failure, and I couldn't mount the 2nd drive's file system. For those users that created their cache arrays in 6.7.X, this is an issue that most people are likely unaware of and would certainly cause data loss in what should be a protected event. It would be nice if this plugin would give users the heads up that something is wrong, why, and how to fix it.




Edited by JesterEE
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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I ran docker safe new permissions, and it's hanging on mnt/disk4/Backups share. mnt/disks 1-3/Backups ran fine. here's the syslog output


Jul  2 11:26:24 Kal-El emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/scripts/newperms.sh
Jul  2 11:41:19 Kal-El emhttpd: error: send_file, 151: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
Jul  2 11:41:19 Kal-El emhttpd: error: send_file, 151: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm

has anybody ever seen this "Broken pipe" update error before, or know what it means?


if it makes any difference, i had no problems running newperms in the terminal on my "Backups" share

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Hi, I've looked for an answer to this and I'm flooded with "whats the slave option", rather than specifically this, so apologies if I've missed it.

I've install QDirStat with a Read Only mount to /mnt/user, this is the only option for QDirStat so it can be the only thing Fix Common Problems is finding when it says: "Docker application QDirStat has volumes being passed that are mounted by Unassigned Devices, but they are not mounted with the slave option".

Thing is /mnt/user isn't an unassigned device, and it's mounted with the RO/Slave option. That is to say it wasn't when the error was first flagged up, because it's not an UD so I tried RO/Slave just in case and it's still showing after a retest.



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11 hours ago, Squid said:

Found it. That took some uncovering but it does appear it's using my appdata folder, it just buried it under advanced and then show more. Stand down, everybody, stand down. Thanks, I found it when reading the run command, just about to paste it - scratching my head like "Where, the hell, is it getting that from?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feature request:

After a while I changed the cache mode of some shares to "Prefer" or "Only". Much later I found out that the Mover does not move files that are used at the moment so some of the files that should be cached, were not.


I think it would be a good idea to let "Fix Common Problems" check if a share with such cache modes has still files left on the array. For example: I needed to disable VM/docker, invoke the mover and after that the corresponding files have been moved to the cache.

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The problem with that is that before mover runs, it is quite normal and expected for files to either be on the array or on the cache drive.  It's more something that mover should maybe explicitly log even if it's logging is disabled

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