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On 7/2/2021 at 11:48 PM, skois said:

I don't really remember where I saw it. But now I'm puzzled :D 
Did you upgraded to 6.4.10, and it works? 
Because I upgraded to 6.4.10 and looks like is totally broken :D (At least when trying to open a file within NC.


I did and it broke. In Nextcloud, setting, CODE, the server would show reachable. But when trying to open a document from within Nextcloud I would get a "Document Failed To Download Error". 


On 7/3/2021 at 9:53 AM, skois said: works fine and i can say have become faster!
About 6.4.10, i can't figure it out, but i made a post in their forums today, waiting for reply

*The post from the fix after was a ~5 months back :D


I am now on it seems to work but the Collabora log reports messages like this,


wsd-00007-00043 2021-07-05 17:5xxx67 [ websrv_poll ] WRN FileServerRequestHandler: File not found: Invalid URI request: [/loleaflet/0b3211b/undefined].| wsd/FileServer.cpp:487
sh: 1: /usr/bin/loolmount: Operation not permitted
frk-00039-00039 2021-07-05 17:xxxxxx27 [ forkit ] ERR Failed to unmount [/opt/lool/child-roots/MYVtxquZPEzEwk4h/tmp].| common/JailUtil.cpp:68
sh: 1: /usr/bin/loolmount: Operation not permitted
frk-00039-00039 2021-07-05 17:xxxxx9 [ forkit ] ERR Failed to unmount [/opt/lool/child-roots/MYVtxquZPEzEwk4h/lo].| common/JailUtil.cpp:68
sh: 1: /usr/bin/loolmount: Operation not permitted
frk-00039-00039 2021-07-05 17:5xxxxx945 [ forkit ] ERR Failed to unmount [/opt/lool/child-roots/MYVtxquZPEzEwk4h].| common/JailUtil.cpp:68even though I am able to open and edit a document in Nextcloud


even though I am able to open, edit, and save a document. 


P.S. I never really looked at the Collabora logs much before as it worked without issue before the last update that broke it. So I have no idea what the logs should look like.

Edited by elco1965
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Skois, I saw Nextcloud this morning had a update for Collabora Online. I don’t think updating that helps with our Collabora issue BUT I looked at change log


File permissions was the issue we were having when upgrading so perhaps this tidbit of info is relative to our issue upgrading Collabora past whatever version it was broke on?

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Skois, I saw Nextcloud this morning had a update for Collabora Online. I don’t think updating that helps with our Collabora issue BUT I looked at change log


File permissions was the issue we were having when upgrading so perhaps this tidbit of info is relative to our issue upgrading Collabora past whatever version it was broke on?
Tried again today with also, but still broken

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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After update I got this:


Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.


I have no idea how to hunt the problem.

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14 hours ago, jafi said:

After update I got this:


Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.


I have no idea how to hunt the problem.

Probably best start by providing info on the container - Have you been keeping nextcloud updated within the container? Nginx logs? nextcloud logs?

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8 hours ago, j0nnymoe said:

Probably best start by providing info on the container - Have you been keeping nextcloud updated within the container? Nginx logs? nextcloud logs?


Eventually I figured the problem: mariadb docker is disappeared.

Sorry for the spam.

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I've been having similar issues... for some reason, the docker image never updated from 19.0.3 automatically from the Unraid docker dashboard.  I just went through a process to update to 22.0.0... I'll explain below.


On 7/4/2021 at 2:16 PM, Richamc01 said:

Then I found your post and I tried the first command you mention and I get:

sudo: unknown user: abc
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin



I found that these issues were usually because I didn't give Nextcloud enough time to start.  Watch the logfile for the following line before trying to execute occ commands.

[cont-init.d] 01-envfile: exited 0.



On 7/4/2021 at 2:16 PM, Richamc01 said:

Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported. Update failed Maintenance mode is kept active Resetting log level


Didn't scour through all 199 pages of this support thread, but here was my solution...  it doesn't want to upgrade more than one major version at a time, so do just that... one major version at a time.  Basically, I followed the instructions in the stickied post, option 3, except for the version change indicated below:


##Turn on maintenance mode
docker exec -it nextcloud occ maintenance:mode --on

##Backup current nextcloud install
docker exec -it nextcloud mv /config/www/nextcloud /config/www/nextcloud-backup

##Update to latest v19 
docker exec -it nextcloud wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/latest-19.tar.bz2 -P /config
docker exec -it nextcloud tar -xvf /config/latest-19.tar.bz2 -C /config/www

##Copy across old config.php from backup
docker exec -it nextcloud cp /config/www/nextcloud-backup/config/config.php /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php

##Now Restart docker container
docker restart nextcloud

##Perform upgrade
docker exec -it nextcloud occ upgrade

##Turn off maintenance mode
docker exec -it nextcloud occ maintenance:mode --off

## Now Restart docker container
docker restart nextcloud


After updating, you should go into Nextcloud /settings/admin/overview page and address any security & setup warnings that are found before proceeding.


Then repeat the whole process except changing this step:

##Update to latest v20
docker exec -it nextcloud wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/latest-20.tar.bz2 -P /config
docker exec -it nextcloud tar -xvf /config/latest-20.tar.bz2 -C /config/www


address any warnings as above, Then repeat the whole process except changing this step:

##Update to latest v21 
docker exec -it nextcloud wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/latest-21.tar.bz2 -P /config
docker exec -it nextcloud tar -xvf /config/latest-21.tar.bz2 -C /config/www


address any warnings as above, then finally repeat with the steps as indicated in the sticky to get to v22:

##Grab newest nextcloud release and unpack it
docker exec -it nextcloud wget https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/latest.tar.bz2 -P /config
docker exec -it nextcloud tar -xvf /config/latest.tar.bz2 -C /config/www


Once everything is working, you can remove the downloads and backup folders:

##Remove  backup folder
docker exec -it nextcloud rm -rf /config/www/nextcloud-backup

##Remove ALL Nextcloud tar files
docker exec -it nextcloud rm /config/latest*.tar.bz2


Edited by sdub
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On 7/3/2021 at 12:53 PM, skois said: works fine and i can say have become faster!
About 6.4.10, i can't figure it out, but i made a post in their forums today, waiting for reply

*The post from the fix after was a ~5 months back :D

This problem must not be to common, or I suspect we would be hearing more about it. Hope we can figure it out, but I've run out of ideas...

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This problem must not be to common, or I suspect we would be hearing more about it. Hope we can figure it out, but I've run out of ideas... now gives different error. also not working.
I suspect something wrong with the reverse proxy, but not sure. Will have to dig some more tomorrow

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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I'm on Nextcloud version 20.0.10 and I no longer see the open updater in overview under administration.  I remember disabling a bunch of apps to try and improve performance.  Could that be related?  Is there a way for me to check and upgrade another way?  Thanks. 

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On 7/10/2021 at 12:56 AM, blaine07 said:

Thanks a ton for the continuing efforts! 🙂

Tried to bypass NginxProxyManager, and tried to connect to collabora directly, with self signed cert, and disabled cert verification from NC side.

On it does NOT work even like this.
but on it DOES work.

Something is going very wrong with these images. Collabora did some RE-UPLOADS of (and i think on also) and REMOVED
TBH, removing and overwriting images on a repository is a very very very bad tactic and can mess up with a lot of automated systems. 
If something goes wrong just issue a patch and create a new image. Imagine someone have updated to the broken image and they re-upload a working image, the poor guy will never see the update because the update check will tell him that he is up to date. And he will be struggling for no reason.

I hope OnlyOffice starts supporting Cell Locking/protection soon (it's been on their todo list since 2017..) so I can move there.

rant over..

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Something weird has happened today. I've installed nextcloud on 2 different unraid servers in the past, and while neither has been particularly fast, my latest install on a 3rd server is slower than ever. It was actually the fastest, at first. Let me explain..


The server in question has 2 cache pools, one consisting of 2 x 256 SSDs (named 'cache') and the other is 2x16GB optane nvmes (named syspool). Initially, I had appdata located on the syspool and docker.img was located on cache. This configuration was the fastest I've seen nextcloud perform. A side-by-side comparison to my other install showed that this one was faster (only by a second or two) but still, the most responsive I've ever seen the GUI.


I wanted to put the docker.img on the optane pool as well, thinking this might further improve performance. Rather than worry about trying to move things around (fresh server so no important data on it) I deleted the dockers/docker.img/appdata. Stopped docker service, and created a new docker.img on the optane pool. I then installed mariadb and nextcloud again, but this time performance was MUCH worse. Slower than my other servers by several seconds. Takes 2-3 seconds longer to switch from one page to another, and then a few more to actually load the content of the page (files/photos/dashboard/etc) 


I did more testing, deleting everything and starting fresh each time to ensure a clean slate. I tried using a directory instead of btrfs for the docker img, no change in speed. I put everything back to how it was initially (when it was running great) still no change. I don't understand how it could run so great at first, and now run like total crap. Ive seen people suggest redis/memcaching, but im not even concerned with file transfer performance right now, I just want the GUI to perform at least as good as my other servers do.

specs for this server are 2 x X5670 cpus and 24GB ram. 

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On 7/5/2021 at 4:16 AM, Richamc01 said:

I'm having major issues getting Nextcloud to update. I tried to update through the GUI and eventually had to restore my appdata from a backup as Nextcloud became inoperable. Now I'm trying through the CLI. Option 2 from the first page of this forum results in:

Step 6 is currently in process. Please call this command later.

 So, I tried Option 3 (manual upgrade using occ) when I run the perform upgrade step, I am presented with:

Nextcloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
Setting log level to debug
Turned on maintenance mode
Exception: Updates between multiple major versions and downgrades are unsupported.
Update failed
Maintenance mode is kept active
Resetting log level

Then I found your post and I tried the first command you mention and I get:

sudo: unknown user: abc
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

It seems way too complicated to update Nextcloud. Any idea what my options are now? 

Are you using unraid and the linuxserver.io docker? abc user is relevant to that. other setups use a different username which slips me atm.  It might be worth getting it out of maintenance mode. if abc doesn't work go to the config.php file and there will be a line for maintenance mode in there. set it to false or "0" then restart. It might give you the opportunity to have another go.

What version are you on? and what are you trying to update to?  One of the traps is to update the docker before you update nextcloud itself. Docker at some point updates to a later version of php which nextcloud can't handle if too old. I think this happened back around v15 to 17.  As a general rule, always update nextcloud first before updating the docker.


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On 7/15/2021 at 6:47 PM, 2Piececombo said:

Something weird has happened today. I've installed nextcloud on 2 different unraid servers in the past, and while neither has been particularly fast, my latest install on a 3rd server is slower than ever. It was actually the fastest, at first. Let me explain..


The server in question has 2 cache pools, one consisting of 2 x 256 SSDs (named 'cache') and the other is 2x16GB optane nvmes (named syspool). Initially, I had appdata located on the syspool and docker.img was located on cache. This configuration was the fastest I've seen nextcloud perform. A side-by-side comparison to my other install showed that this one was faster (only by a second or two) but still, the most responsive I've ever seen the GUI.


I wanted to put the docker.img on the optane pool as well, thinking this might further improve performance. Rather than worry about trying to move things around (fresh server so no important data on it) I deleted the dockers/docker.img/appdata. Stopped docker service, and created a new docker.img on the optane pool. I then installed mariadb and nextcloud again, but this time performance was MUCH worse. Slower than my other servers by several seconds. Takes 2-3 seconds longer to switch from one page to another, and then a few more to actually load the content of the page (files/photos/dashboard/etc) 


I did more testing, deleting everything and starting fresh each time to ensure a clean slate. I tried using a directory instead of btrfs for the docker img, no change in speed. I put everything back to how it was initially (when it was running great) still no change. I don't understand how it could run so great at first, and now run like total crap. Ive seen people suggest redis/memcaching, but im not even concerned with file transfer performance right now, I just want the GUI to perform at least as good as my other servers do.

specs for this server are 2 x X5670 cpus and 24GB ram. 

Try installing Bruteforce then go to settings and whitelist the gateway.  Else install a pfsense vm and move your router onto that. (Last option not a 5 minute job)


Edited by Jessie
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On 6/23/2021 at 12:56 AM, GitBoxer said:

I have, for months, been trying to upgrade from NC20 to NC21.  Whenever I give it another go, I always get stumped here:




This is what I see in the WebUI after I restart NC:




Something about OC_App.php.  I've looked everywhere for a solution to no avail.  Anybody have a solution?  Thanks in advanced!!

I put a post up on page 195.  Try that.


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On 7/12/2021 at 8:14 AM, skois said:

Tried to bypass NginxProxyManager, and tried to connect to collabora directly, with self signed cert, and disabled cert verification from NC side.

On it does NOT work even like this.
but on it DOES work.

Something is going very wrong with these images. Collabora did some RE-UPLOADS of (and i think on also) and REMOVED
TBH, removing and overwriting images on a repository is a very very very bad tactic and can mess up with a lot of automated systems. 
If something goes wrong just issue a patch and create a new image. Imagine someone have updated to the broken image and they re-upload a working image, the poor guy will never see the update because the update check will tell him that he is up to date. And he will be struggling for no reason.

I hope OnlyOffice starts supporting Cell Locking/protection soon (it's been on their todo list since 2017..) so I can move there.

rant over..

For anyone wondering.. Collabora stil haven't fixed this, there was some commits that MIGHT be related to this bug, but there is NOT any new images build yet so I can test.
Stick for for now :)

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Alright I have seemlying broken Nextcloud. My configuration was working a few weeks ago and this current update broke something. I'm just getting a "This page isn’t working" when trying to access the webpage, nor does the android app sync.


My setup is this:

Letsencript converted to SWAG docker.

mariadb docker.

nextcloud docker.


Is there a way to revert the docker to a previous version on unraid? I followed SpaceinvaderOne's tutorials for everything

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My Nextcloud environment expierenced the same thing after updating to the last version. (latest tag).

Latest tag is version 22.0


I've added the tag in the docker config, rebooted the server (docker was stuck in starting).

Repository: linuxserver/nextcloud:version-21.0.3



Removed the tag and updated again. It's working now

Edited by JdeJong
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9 hours ago, JdeJong said:

My Nextcloud environment expierenced the same thing after updating to the last version. (latest tag).

Latest tag is version 22.0


I've added the tag in the docker config, rebooted the server (docker was stuck in starting).

Repository: linuxserver/nextcloud:version-21.0.3



Removed the tag and updated again. It's working now


Neither version 21.0.3 or 22.0 fixed the issue, getting a ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED webpage error.


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