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So I was finally able to  fix this.


First, I pulled the correct version.php file from the git repo and put it in the www/nextcloud/ directory.  I had to set the ownership on it too.


Next I had to copy the /core directory from the download into the nextcloud directory and set the ownership on all of those files too.


With all permissions and ownerships set, the upgrade went though without a hitch.


Thanks to all for your invaluable help.  With a bit of digging and imagination, I was finally able to get Nextcloud up to the most current version and everything is running.


Thanks a ton!!

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16 hours ago, cat2devnull said:

Try upgrading from the command line.

Go into the console and type:

sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar
sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ upgrade
sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off


Nope... I get:

Update of code successful.

Should the "occ upgrade" command be executed? [Y/n] y
This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 8.0.<br/>You are currently running 8.1.16.


So the container update doesn't actually update Nextcloud? is that correct ?

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1 hour ago, Kilrah said:

That is correct and as mentioned just above you need to temporarily downgrade the container to be able to update nextcloud to a version recent enough before switching back to latest.

Ok... Making a little more sense now. Upgrade in process... Looks like I have to run it a few time... Nextcloud was on version 21 when I started.


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On 6/18/2022 at 3:23 PM, daniel329 said:

Hello all,

I'm unable to get this image running. I can get to the setup page of Nextcloud but after entering the info I get a 504 error and then redirected to the setup page. I have to manually clear the AppData for nextcloud each time because if I keep trying it tells me the user already exists. The logs have this repeating message:


Exception: Not installed in /config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php:282
Stack trace:
#0 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php(663): OC::checkInstalled()
#1 /config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php(1104): OC::init()
#2 /config/www/nextcloud/cron.php(43): require_once('/config/www/nex...')
#3 {main}


I've searched and haven't come up with any solutions. I did notice the download from Community Applications was quite slow but maybe the servers are just under load. Thanks!


Were you ever able to find a solution for this?

I'm having this exact issue on a fresh install.


It just repeats this over and over nonstop.


This is in the log:

{"reqId":"SAzLk3RXnQcdzjQmmAAF","level":3,"time":"2023-02-24T22:55:00+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"cron","method":"","url":"--","message":"Not installed","userAgent":"--","version":"","exception":{"Exception":"Exception","Message":"Not installed","Code":0,"Trace":[{"file":"/config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php","line":680,"function":"checkInstalled","class":"OC","type":"::"},{"file":"/config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php","line":1144,"function":"init","class":"OC","type":"::"},{"file":"/config/www/nextcloud/cron.php","line":43,"args":["/config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php"],"function":"require_once"}],"File":"/config/www/nextcloud/lib/base.php","Line":284,"CustomMessage":"--"}}


I'm using the most recent spaceinvaderone nextcloud install tutorial.

Setup MariaDB and my nextcloud share.

Then this is what happens when I try to start Nextcloud after installing it.

Google brings me to the quoted post above with no solution.


Found this too, but still no solution: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/first-time-nextcloud-user-unraid-setp/144861


Finally found this: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-nextcloud/issues/280


Apparently it's already "working". It just didn't report anything in the logs except errors. All I had to do was open the web UI to see it was working.


Edited by carnivorebrah
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On 2/23/2023 at 12:46 PM, dius said:

So I was finally able to  fix this.


First, I pulled the correct version.php file from the git repo and put it in the www/nextcloud/ directory.  I had to set the ownership on it too.


Next I had to copy the /core directory from the download into the nextcloud directory and set the ownership on all of those files too.


With all permissions and ownerships set, the upgrade went though without a hitch.


Thanks to all for your invaluable help.  With a bit of digging and imagination, I was finally able to get Nextcloud up to the most current version and everything is running.


Thanks a ton!!

So, I'm not super great navigating Github. Where would I got if I was looking for the version.php file for lscr.io/linuxserver/nextcloud:24.0.6-ls204 ?

Also what commands did you use to set the correct permissions?

Thank you in advance!

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Well this is awkward. Just updated to the latest version of the Nextcloud container, but now i'm getting this error in Unraid version: 6.11.5


This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 8.0.
You are currently running 8.1.16.


Anyone also noticed/experienced this? Guess i should go back to 25.0.3 instead of the current 25.0.4 version.


[edit]Ah, i see this is already been reported above[/edit]

Edited by Stiibun
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On 2/23/2023 at 12:46 PM, dius said:

So I was finally able to  fix this.


First, I pulled the correct version.php file from the git repo and put it in the www/nextcloud/ directory.  I had to set the ownership on it too.


Next I had to copy the /core directory from the download into the nextcloud directory and set the ownership on all of those files too.


With all permissions and ownerships set, the upgrade went though without a hitch.


Thanks to all for your invaluable help.  With a bit of digging and imagination, I was finally able to get Nextcloud up to the most current version and everything is running.


Thanks a ton!!


Do you mind providing a more dumbed down version of the instructions? I'm having the same problem, I updated and have this error. 


Where is the repository where you got the files?


What did you set the permissions to for those files?


Then what do you mean that you upgraded it? upgraded the container, or went into the app and upgraded? did you have to revert back to an older version of the container first?

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9 hours ago, Stiibun said:

Well this is awkward. Just updated to the latest version of the Nextcloud container, but now i'm getting this error in Unraid version: 6.11.5


This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 8.0.
You are currently running 8.1.16.


Anyone also noticed/experienced this? Guess i should go back to 25.0.3 instead of the current 25.0.4 version.


[edit]Ah, i see this is already been reported above[/edit]

This is what started me trying to figure out what was wrong.


I got some valuable help from a few folks on this forum.  Here are my notes:


Upgrading Nextcloud is best done through the command line. The Docker doesn't upgrade it.




In my case, I had to first downgrade my Nextcloud docker image until I found one that worked.  To do this, edit the Nextcloud Docker container template.




Change the repository line.




I changed mine to linuxserver/nextcloud:23.0.0 after a bit of digging.


I actually did this incrementally by trying an earlier version of Nextcloud until I found one that worked.


You can find the different versions (tags) here: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/nextcloud at the bottom of the page.


Use the following command line to upgrade:


sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar


This will run the updater and when finished it will ask if you want to run occ, answer yes.


When the occ is done it will ask if you want to stay in Maintenance mode. Answer no.


If the updater gets stuck anywhere, it will tell you what is wrong, whereas if you use the Web UI, it just hangs.


If you need to restart the updater, be sure to rename the updater updater-xxxxxx folder found in the /data folder. If you don't the update will not restart. I just used this command:


mv /data/updater-(fill in the rest of the file name here) /data-DELETEMEn-updater where n is a number for each time I had to do this - I think I ended up around 8 or 9.


If any files are missing, you may be able to pull them from the download folder in the updater-xxxxxx folder.


I was able to get a version of the version.php file from the Git repo here:




I clicked on the file name, and then selected the text and copied it.  I then went to the folder /config/www/nextcloud


Using nano, I created a version.php file (because mine was missing). I then pasted the content into the file, saved and exited from nano.  I was able to determine that my actual Nextcloud version was 23.0.0 when I first started the updater using the command line.  It was trying to update to version 23.0.12, so that told me I was on an earlier version so I downgraded to 23.0.0 (I knew that was a valid tag by checking the tags available (noted above).


Then I had to change the owner of the file with the following command:


chown abc:abc /config/www/nextcloud/version.php


This same command is used to change ownership of any files or folders you have to pull from the downloaded upgrade version if they are missing from your current installation. If you get any errors saying it couldn't find a file, try looking in the downloaded section (/data/updater-xxxxxxxx/download


When you copy them, make sure the folder they need to go to exisit.  In my case the whole folder was missing due to the upgrader already having deleted it (I think).  Anyway, I decided to create the missing folder and copy the entire content over, then I had to change the ownership on the folder and all of the files underneath - you can do this recursively with the chown command:


chown -r abc:abc /config/www/nextcloud/whatever folder name here/


This info may also help: https://techoverflow.net/2022/06/17/how-to-fix-nextcloud-step-is-currently-in-process-please-call-this-command-later/


To get the correct version of version.php, in the git repo, you can select the tag that matches the version you need.




The version.php file is at the top level of the repo, so it should be copied to /config/www/nextcloud.


I had to re-run the updater multiple times, fixing my mistakes - once it ran successfully, I just kept running it until it said there were no more updated. 


Then I went into the Nextcloud template again, and changed the repo line to linuxserver/nextcloud:latest.


I hope this helps get you back up and running. Please let me know if you run into anything that these instructions don't help with.  I will try help in any way I can.  I'm not the expert by any means, but I will try.




Edited by dius
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This is what started me trying to figure out what was wrong.


I got some valuable help from a few folks on this forum.  Here are my notes:


Upgrading Nextcloud is best done through the command line. The Docker doesn't upgrade it.




In my case, I had to first downgrade my Nextcloud docker image until I found one that worked.  To do this, edit the Nextcloud Docker container template.




Change the repository line.




I changed mine to linuxserver/nextcloud:23.0.0 after a bit of digging.


I actually did this incrementally by trying an earlier version of Nextcloud until I found one that worked.


You can find the different versions (tags) here: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/nextcloud at the bottom of the page.


Use the following command line to upgrade:


sudo -u abc php /config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar


This will run the updater and when finished it will ask if you want to run occ, answer yes.


When the occ is done it will ask if you want to stay in Maintenance mode. Answer no.


If the updater gets stuck anywhere, it will tell you what is wrong, whereas if you use the Web UI, it just hangs.


If you need to restart the updater, be sure to rename the updater updater-xxxxxx folder found in the /data folder. If you don't the update will not restart. I just used this command:


mv /data/updater-(fill in the rest of the file name here) /data-DELETEMEn-updater where n is a number for each time I had to do this - I think I ended up around 8 or 9.


If any files are missing, you may be able to pull them from the download folder in the updater-xxxxxx folder.


I was able to get a version of the version.php file from the Git repo here:




I clicked on the file name, and then selected the text and copied it.  I then went to the folder /config/www/nextcloud


Using nano, I created a version.php file (because mine was missing). I then pasted the content into the file, saved and exited from nano.  I was able to determine that my actual Nextcloud version was 23.0.0 when I first started the updater using the command line.  It was trying to update to version 23.0.12, so that told me I was on an earlier version so I downgraded to 23.0.0 (I knew that was a valid tag by checking the tags available (noted above).


Then I had to change the owner of the file with the following command:


chown abc:abc /config/www/nextcloud/version.php


This same command is used to change ownership of any files or folders you have to pull from the downloaded upgrade version if they are missing from your current installation. If you get any errors saying it couldn't find a file, try looking in the downloaded section (/data/updater-xxxxxxxx/download


When you copy them, make sure the folder they need to go to exisit.  In my case the whole folder was missing due to the upgrader already having deleted it (I think).  Anyway, I decided to create the missing folder and copy the entire content over, then I had to change the ownership on the folder and all of the files underneath - you can do this recursively with the chown command:


chown -r abc:abc /config/www/nextcloud/whatever folder name here/


This info may also help: https://techoverflow.net/2022/06/17/how-to-fix-nextcloud-step-is-currently-in-process-please-call-this-command-later/


To get the correct version of version.php, in the git repo, you can select the tag that matches the version you need.




The version.php file is at the top level of the repo, so it should be copied to /config/www/nextcloud.


I had to re-run the updater multiple times, fixing my mistakes - once it ran successfully, I just kept running it until it said there were no more updated. 


Then I went into the Nextcloud template again, and changed the repo line to linuxserver/nextcloud:latest.


I hope this helps get you back up and running. Please let me know if you run into anything that these instructions don't help with.  I will try help in any way I can.  I'm not the expert by any means, but I will try.




This worked for me!




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On 2/25/2023 at 1:59 AM, carnivorebrah said:

It just never ends with this thing.


Now I'm running into this bug: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/32003


Does anyone know where the openssl.conf file is they are saying to modify? I can't find it in anywhere in the nextcloud appdata folder.


I'm having the same issue. They just closed the topic on GitHub and I haven't found how to apply it to this docker container... If I find it I'll post it here but some help would be nice :)

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On 2/27/2023 at 1:01 PM, Heyian said:


I'm having the same issue. They just closed the topic on GitHub and I haven't found how to apply it to this docker container... If I find it I'll post it here but some help would be nice :)


I ended up just giving up on encryption, and disabled it completely. Didn't even install the end-to-end encryption or default encryption module apps.

Looks like it won't be fixed until NC 26, and I'm not waiting for it to just break again. It was too much of a pain to decrypt my old files and rebuild the instance numerous times trying to get it to work.

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So I'm running into a problem listed here before but the fixes look to be for older versions and not applicable to the current nextcloud docker app.  When trying to install face recognition - "The library pdlib is not available."  Does anyone have a current solution for this?

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On 2/28/2023 at 4:58 PM, carnivorebrah said:


I ended up just giving up on encryption, and disabled it completely. Didn't even install the end-to-end encryption or default encryption module apps.

Looks like it won't be fixed until NC 26, and I'm not waiting for it to just break again. It was too much of a pain to decrypt my old files and rebuild the instance numerous times trying to get it to work.

I really agree with you. I ended up making it to work though.


Simply edit your docker and change the repository for this : linuxserver/nextcloud:25.0.3-ls222

This version will work until v26.


This being said, I also disabled encryption, it wasn,t worth it since it's not really that much secure considering the keys reside next to the encrypted data.




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I've had a Nextcloud Docker instance running for over a year with no issues. I just upgraded to the latest Unraid (6.11.5), and updated my containers (I just clicked on the "update" link on the Docker page). Based on the info page I think it's now 25.0.4-ls225.


Now I try to access Nextcloud I get: "This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with > PHP 8.0. You are currently running 8.1.16."


Any ideas where I start to fix this? Is it in the container, is it Unraid, or where?  I thought containers were self contained and took care of dependencies.





I followed the instructions here. This fixed it for me:




Edited by malebron
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All of a sudden getting an internal server error, and the error log shows the following when trying to log in via the webUI:



2023/03/06 01:39:38 [error] 307#307: *8 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning:  Unknown: POST Content-Length of 245 bytes exceeds the limit of 200 bytes in Unknown on line 0" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "POST /login HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "xxx.duckdns.org"



I haven't made any networking changes or anything - ran the updater tonight without issue, still having this error.

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On 3/5/2023 at 2:49 AM, malebron said:




I followed the instructions here. This fixed it for me:




Thanks. The procedure on the link page works great. I had to run it 4-5 times to get to the latest version.
Along the way, if you found some errors or inadvertently say No to the occ upgrade, just re-run the "docker exec -it nextcloud updater.phar", it will resolve the problem by itself. The latest version as of now is 25.0.4.

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I got this fix to work. So annoying.  3 docker containers that was borked by updates in the last few months.  Now this is showing that updates are "not available".  So i have to run the manual script to get this to run updates in the future?

Edited by tvd1
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16 hours ago, tvd1 said:

I got this fix to work. So annoying.  3 docker containers that was borked by updates in the last few months.  Now this is showing that updates are "not available".  So i have to run the manual script to get this to run updates in the future?

There's a "Docker update patch" in the Apps tab you need to install.

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