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[SUPPORT] pihole for unRaid - Spants repo

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On 5/3/2019 at 6:58 AM, MyKroFt said:

does this docker have the tools to setup DOH?


Ex:  https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns-over-https/


I could add manually, but then changes would be lost anytime the docker container gets updated....





Looking on the PiHole docker site, they elected not to include it in PiHole as standard. I would suggest an easier way would be to use the Cloudflared docker container and point the dns output from PiHole to go there. Let me know if you need help.

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On 5/22/2019 at 11:25 AM, fluisterben said:

Can we have wildcard options for whitelist domains in there, please?
Either by regex, or simply adding domain.org and domain.com in some txt file etc.

(where *.domain.org *.domain.net would then be whitelisted, or removed from gravity.list after the blocklists have been imported, before reloading dnsmasq).


This is, in my opinion, severely lacking from pi-hole. whitelist.txt uses only exact name matches.

See also: https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/wildcard-and-regex-support-for-whitelisting/14538/3




I didnt write pihole - just the template so that unraid users could install it .... Can you ask the authors here:





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5 hours ago, zzgus said:

Is there any way to access pi-hole admin page from another location using open-vpn?
(Only can access pi-hole inside the same lan locally)



Yes - if you have openvpn installed, you can look at admin panel (I tested it). If you want to block advertisements whilst remote, you will need to look at routing all traffic over vpn and that your dns is pointing to pihole.

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6 minutes ago, spants said:

Yes - if you have openvpn installed, you can look at admin panel (I tested it). If you want to block advertisements whilst remote, you will need to look at routing all traffic over vpn and that your dns is pointing to pihole.

I'm unable to access pi-hole admin page.


As other user told me:


I had this issue when setting up pihole remotely yesterday. It was because I was unaware that my proxy in bridged mode cannot access a container on br0. As soon as I got home and connected from another machine it was working.

Is then, any way to be able to connect?

Or did I mess something in the configuration unraid <-> Pi-hole ?



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56 minutes ago, spants said:

apologies - you may be right if you only have one network adaptor..... I have two in my system.

My server also has 2 network adaptors but I only use one.

Would it be possible then to assign this second adaptor to pi-hole container? Do this work this way?



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I have started a new dorcker from scratch, same config than always and It doesn't work, I can't reach the web interface


Have been considered the latest changes?



Docker Pi-Hole v4.2.2

ServerIP no longer a required enviroment variable unless you run network 'host' mode! Feel free to remove it unless you need it to customize lighttpd

--cap-add NET_ADMIN no longer required unless using DHCP, leaving in examples for consistency

Docker Pi-Hole v4.1.1+

Starting with the v4.1.1 release your Pi-hole container may encounter issues starting the DNS service unless ran with the following setting:

--dns= --dns= The second server can be any DNS IP of your choosing, but the first dns must be

A WARNING stating "Misconfigured DNS in /etc/resolv.conf" may show in docker logs without this.

4.1 required --cap-add NET_ADMIN until 4.2.1-1

These are the raw docker run cli versions of the commands. We provide no official support for docker GUIs but the community forums may be able to help if you do not see a place for these settings. Remember, always consult your manual too!


Edited by L0rdRaiden
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I installed this docker for a couple minutes last night and just didn't seem to get it working correctly, but I jumped in fast and didn't do much research, so that's on me.  Having things run as a docker might be easier and more convenient but what I ended up doing was installing a Debian VM and installing pi-hole that way, and it seems to be working pretty good so far.


I wonder, though, if somewhere in the 25 pages of this thread has anyone asked about DNS fallback if Unraid/docker/pihole is down?  Is it just a matter of setting a secondary DNS server on your router if it can't communicate with pi-hole?


Now on to looking for something else to do with the server...... 


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6 hours ago, Energen said:

I installed this docker for a couple minutes last night and just didn't seem to get it working correctly, but I jumped in fast and didn't do much research, so that's on me.  Having things run as a docker might be easier and more convenient but what I ended up doing was installing a Debian VM and installing pi-hole that way, and it seems to be working pretty good so far.


I wonder, though, if somewhere in the 25 pages of this thread has anyone asked about DNS fallback if Unraid/docker/pihole is down?  Is it just a matter of setting a secondary DNS server on your router if it can't communicate with pi-hole?


Now on to looking for something else to do with the server...... 


Thats essentially what I have done.  My router uses pihole as the primary DNS, and secondary I have pointing to another one (quad9).  that way even if pihole is down, it should allow DNS to continue working.  Unraid of course is set to a static DNS, not getting it from the router so it works whether or not pihole is running.

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4 minutes ago, pcgirl said:

How did you get this into unraid docker?  I don't see it in Community Applications.

I took it from docker hub and configure it manually, if you copy my settings it will work

I don't know how to do the template to have it in unraid apps

Edited by L0rdRaiden
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